The latest Grand Lodge Year Book is now available and can be purchased at ( product/year-book-2021/)
PGL Renfrewshire East Installations
Brethren, I’m very honoured to have been appointed as the next Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East and I would like to thank the brethren of the Province, for the trust they’ve placed in me. I’d like to take this early opportunity to share with you, the names of the brethren that have accepted my offer to be part of the next Commission. DPGM Bro Chris Kerr PM, Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning No 370 SPGM Bro Gavin Burt PM, Pollokshaws Royal Arch Lodge No 153 SPGM Bro Brian Shields PM, Lodge St John Busby No 458 SPGM Bro Scott Bogle PM, Lodge St Barchan No 156 PG Secretary Bro William McMahon PM, Lodge Kil Bryd No 1667 PG Chaplain Bro William Shirlaw PM, Lodge St Christopher No 1453 PG Chaplain Bro George Paul PM, Lodge Thistle and Crown No 1167 PG Chaplain Bro Ian Duncan PM, The St John’s Operative Lodge No 347 The Installation of myself and the Commissioned Office Bearers will take place on Saturday 19th February, 2022 in Lodge Prince of Wales No 426. Unfortunately, the numbers attending will be limited due to the size of the venue and the situation we find ourselves in with the pandemic.
Cross Keys November 2021