KEY CLUB Little Bit of History About Us
Cloverdale High School is situated in a rural community in northern California, about 80 miles north of San Francisco, in the middle of what is considered wine country. In recent years the community has attracted more and more retirees because they are fascinated by the beauty of the surrounding countryside and they enjoy the close community spirit. There are approximately 400 students in the high school. The Cloverdale Kiwanis Club sponsors the high school Key Club. The Cloverdale Key Club held its first meeting in October of 2006. Since that time, the membership has varied from 22 to 59 paid members in any given year. Listed below are some of the club accomplishments from our most recent year: 2012-13 We had eight officers with five members applying to be an Executive Assistant. Eight seniors graduated with a Key Club medallion, having performed at least 15 hours in community service during the year. We had a Cali-Nev-Ha “Outstanding Website”, as well as a Facebook site for distributing information We donated the most money of any club in our division for the Pediatric Trauma Program at Fall Rally, donating $1,500. We earned an Early Bird patch for affiliating by November 1st We earned a UNICEF patch for our efforts in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program, donating $250.00. We earned a District Tree patch for turning our Monthly Report Forms in on time We earned a Diamond Level Distinguished Club patch for our over-all program of activities - only the top 1% of the clubs in the world received this award. One of our members was the Division 32 Lt. Governor and received the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding LTG Award. Our club Scrapbook won a Distinguished Medal and represented Cali-Nev-Ha in international competition, winning FIRST place in the world at international competition. One of our members applied for and received the District Distinguished Member of the Year Award. We received a Kiwanis Family patch for our banner. Two of our club officers won Distinguished Officer medals, and two won Outstanding Officer awards. We had a strong bond with our local Kiwanis Club, participating in several projects together. The most notable included: the Kiwanis Crab Dinner, the Kiwanis Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast, regular volunteer work at the Cloverdale Food Pantry, and the Kiwanis Marathon. We regularly attended Kiwanis meetings, including Kiwanis Board meetings. Our most notable service project of the year was “Save the Rain”. We worked closely with our Builders Club, our Kiwanis Club and others to fundraise enough money to allow for matching grants and a total of $40,000 used for the cause of brining water to villages in Tanzania, Africa. We helped sponsor a Builders Club at our local middle school.
All members in the club participated in a variety of service projects over the course of the 2012-13 Key Club school year. The total number of recorded hours spent in service was………………………………
2848! During this year, the Cloverdale Key Club did the following:
Raised enough money to help eliminate Maternal & Neo-natal Tetanus in order to save the lives of over 500 babies Donated $2,000 to Relay for Life Donated 175 hours in service to food banks and the local Food Pantry Cleaned up a coastline beach Spent 107 hours assisting at Jefferson School activities & events Spent 146 hours making dolls for hospitalized children Raised $1500 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program – for children hospitalized under emergency situations Spent 30 hours assisting at Senior Center activities Spent 101 hours working with the Special Day Class students at the high school Spent 91 hours assisting the Kiwanis with their marathon in order to raise money for books for children Spent 29 hours in assistance to the town’s Oktoberfest Raised $900 to give to the March of Dimes Raised $2000 to give to “Save the Rain” – to help children in Tanzania be able to attend school, instead of walk for water Delivered 1300 flyers on doorsteps for the town’s annual Turkey Round-Up Spent 115 hours assisting the Knights of Columbus with 3 of their events Spent 97 hours working in local day cares Spent 149 hours assisting the Kiwanis Club with their annual Crab Dinner Spent $200 and 49 hours on the town’s X-mas Make-A-Wish program Spent 22 hours assisting the Lions Club with a project Spent 45 hours assisting the Boys and Girls Club with several projects Spent 10 hours caroling at the convalescent hospital Spent 88 hours assisting with the town’s Cici Richardson fundraising efforts Spent 17 hours playing free.rice.com to donate rice to the United Nations Spent 9 hours in a project to benefit the Salvation Army Spent 16 hours assisting at the Citrus Fair murder mystery dinner Spent 46 hours assisting the Kiwanis in service around town on Kiwanis One Day
Many of our service projects for 2012-13 were fundraisers. The total amount of recorded money that our club spent in service was