August newsletter

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Table of Contents 1

RTC/Car Show/REFB Day 2 Kiwanis Dinner/Phone Books/Round-Up 3-5 PTP/Fall Rally 6 Nickelodeon Day of Play 7 Kiwanis Family House/Food Pantry 8 Officer Spotlight 9 Need to Know Contacts 10-11 Activities Since the Last Newsletter 12 Honoring These Members 13 Facebook/Meetings 14 September calendar 15 Macy’s Shop for a Cause 16 Special Olympics 17 Car Show 18 Key Club Bucks 19 Oktoberfest 20 Superheroes of Service/More About RTC 21 Member Orientation 22 Dues

Volume 9, Issue 3

RTC Are you ready for “Superheroes of Service”? That’s the theme for our upcoming Region Training Conference; and it’s just around the corner. If you are a club officer, and you didn’t get your Officer Training last April, this is when you MUST do it. Or, if you are a regular or new member, and you just want to learn more about Key Club, this is also a great way to do that. We really are Superheroes who save kids from what could be fatal as well as treatable diseases; and/or we rescue them by supporting doctors to fix their accidental injuries. And, we do so much MORE. There will be a slight fee to attend this event. It includes being given the new division t-shirt. The cost to attend also includes a full meal, and some take-home materials from sessions. The price to go is $12. Our Kiwanis club will help sponsor members attending! “Superheroes of Service” will begin at 3:15 p.m. and run until 8:30. Some of the Cloverdale members will be speaking so come and support them in their presentations. The date to set aside is Saturday, September 19th.

Car Show and Bratwurst Booth

Had fun at the Redwood Empire Food Bank this past Saturday!

This will be an enormous fundraiser for Key Club. Most of our funds for Fall Rally could be covered by this one fundraiser. We really need members to participate, though, to make it a success. We will be serving Bratwurst sausage sandwiches, for the town’s Car Show on September 12th. The Chamber of Commerce has personally asked Key Club to handle this huge task. Our job will be to sell and serve the sandwiches, as well as non-alcoholic drinks! We’ll also be setting up and taking down the booth at the event. Members will be paid in Key Club Bucks* for their help on this day. Any member who works a 2-hour shift will receive $15 towards usage on trips like the upcoming Fall Rally. We’ll be taking sign-ups for shifts at our next club meeting. A big thank you to the Chamber of Commerce and Bear Republic, both involved in offering us this opportunity! * (Find out more about the Car Show on page 17 and about Key Club Bucks on page 18.)

Hello Cloverdale Key Clubbers! I wanted to take a minute to tell you about an upcoming event that might be of interest to you. As many of you know, our club is part of Division 32, and we have a Lieutenant Governor; this also applies to our sponsoring Kiwanis. However, our schedules for conventions and installations are not the same, and while we install our LTG after District Convention in the spring, our Kiwanians are welcoming their LTG on August 28th. Not only is timing different, but the process is as well, and it’s really quite interesting to see how the Kiwanians conduct business. Wise words are shared, food and beverages consumed, and memories are made. It’s a great bonding experience with our role models, plus they love to see us there! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! If you would like to go to this event, you’ll need to let President Jessie know by the end of our Tuesday Board meeting on August 25th. The cost is $25 for each person, and our Board will have to authorize spending money to pay your way there!

At our high school orientation this year, we had our very own table. Yes, it is nothing that new, since we have one at orientation every year, but I felt like this was one was a great hit! We had a slide show of everything we have done this Key Club year, (starting last March). We showed off our trophies we won at International Convention, and had many delicious cupcakes. Some of those cupcakes even spelled out Key Club. It was a great time being able to see new faces and encouraging new people to join our club! I hope you all stopped by and checked out the amazing booth we had this year.

Lesly and a stack of phone books delivered last year!

My mighty Key Clubbers, we have a major fundraiser coming up mid to late September, and that is, drum-roll please, phone book deliveries! We had a fun time last year driving around Healdsburg, running down streets, getting chased by dogs. It was a great time. I highly recommend doing this if you need to fundraise money for Fall Rally or DCON or any other event that you are looking forward to attending. Plan to set aside the last weekend of September for this project.

High School Round-Up Day: we rounded up members for Key Club

Fall Rally The most inspiring and emotional event in Key Club, in my opinion, is Fall Rally. It’s what gets people really hooked into Key Club. From screaming at the top of your lungs, doing cheers, to screaming at Zombies that jump out of the bushes, it is an amazing event! It takes place at Six Flags in Vallejo every year during their Fright Fest. At night the Zombies come out and play for a while. You can smell their makeup in the air, as you also hear Key Clubbers just like you and me doing our favorite cheers. Imagine this…… 4000 Key Clubbers in the park, all wearing their division t-shirts, so they are easily recognizable as being a part of this great organization! Everywhere you go you see groups of Key Clubbers. They come from all over northern California and some parts of Nevada. It’s really inspirational and gives you a bigger picture of Key Club. It lets you see that we are not the only club that does these ridiculous cheers; we’re not the only club with spirit to share. We even have battles with these other clubs to see who wins a “spirit stick”. It’s a pretty amazing experience that gives you a wider view of Key Club. What I’ve described here is the fun of the day…… there is the one-hour spirit rally and the rest of the day to enjoy the park. But, what’s even more important is the “WHY” of Fall Rally. What’s it all about? It’s about doing something good for hospitalized children. Before the rally, we fundraise for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). We bring the money we’ve spent months fundraising to the rally and turn it in. It’s used to “bid” on some of the Key Club leaders, and a fun auction, that’s all part of the rally. Traditionally, our club takes at least a $1000 for the PTP cause! If you want to go to Fall Rally, you’ll need to help us raise that money, (which we do by spending time in front of Ray’s asking for donations). If you want to go to Fall Rally, come to one of our meetings and sign-up for a 2-hour PTP fundraising shift. We’ll share more details about the event at several of our upcoming meetings. Registration for Fall Rally is due no later than our September 29th meeting. Cost to attend includes entry into the park for $32 and a division t-shirt for $13, due by September 29th. (You can also get a t-shirt by going to the Region Training Conference on September 19th. It is included in the registration cost). Worried about whether or not you can afford this??? Check out several of our upcoming administrative fundraisers that help you pull together the money you will need to go! We’re selling See’s candy bars; helping at the September 12th Car Show; delivering phone books in Healdsburg, and MORE!

Members last year rocking the Dino spirit at Fall Rally North

Hey Key Clubbers, guess what! New SERVICE project!!! This year our Cloverdale Key Club is interested in joining this event as a community-wide activity. The Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play is September 26th. It’s when Nickelodeon shuts down their channel from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to inspire kids across the nation to go out and be active. Employees of Nickelodeon even go around the country to help out different schools with their programs. They also help kids get out of their homes and have fun. In some larger cities, they bring all sorts of fun games and fun characters from popular children's TV shows, like the popular characters Spongebob and Patrick. This year we plan to participate. Stay tuned; come to our meetings, and find out more about the event we’re planning for that day. (See page 6 for an “ad” about the day.)

More…About Fall Rally

Money is due by September 29th lunchtime meeting. Can fundraise with several upcoming events

Things you should know include:    

You must have a 2015 Division 32 Key Club t-shirt. Cost is either “free” is you go to the September 19th Region Training Conference, or $15 to be paid by October 6th. You must fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause, with at least one 2-hour session in front of Ray’s or CVS asking for donations. You must have done at least 5 hours of club service activities before attending Fall Rally. You must have paid your Key Club dues of $10 before October 15th.

You can fundraise to pay almost all the costs of attending by doing a shift at the Cloverdale Car Show and another one distributing Phone Books!

Kiwanis Family House On the last Saturday of July, I went with other Key Clubbers representing several nearby schools, to the Kiwanis Family House, in Sacramento. This is such an inspiring place. It’s completely supported by the California, Nevada & Hawaii Kiwanis. Basically, if a family has a loved one who ends up in a nearby hospital, that family can stay in this “motel-like” place as they support their hospitalized family member. We went to actually do some volunteer work while there. The whole place functions because of Kiwanis family volunteers. They asked our group to clean up an outside garden area. It was a pretty good experience to hang out with Key Clubbers from other cities. I got to talk with them, as we worked, and learn about them and their passion for Key Club. We listened to K-Pop and grooved to that with some of those who were pulling weeds with me. Going to some of our Key Club events is really inspirational, but so are the people you meet there. After working, we took a tour around the Kiwanis Family House and learned many facts about it such as, it’s a lot like the Ronald McDonald house, but here they don’t have to pay if the family can’t afford it. The families can stay as long as they want. They can actually park an RV in the back and live in there. However, the Kiwanis Family House can only house families if their family member is being treated in the nearby UC Davis or Shriners Hospital. The reason for this is because the property on which the House is built is owned by those hospitals. I am so glad that I went to this event. I almost didn’t go, because I had to get out of bed earlier than I really wanted to… on a Saturday morning, even! But, it was definitely worth the effort. I was inspired by the place and by my fellow Key Clubbers. Oh, by the way, we also took money with us to give them. We had fundraised in front of Ray’s and we gave them $575 to help pay for the kinds of supplies that they are always giving away to the people who stay there. They give them food, toiletry items, etc. – By Jessie Marshall

Food Pantry We gave them $575 that we had fundraised

Trip to Kiwanis Family House

Working at the local Food Pantry really opened up my eyes to see more of the world around me. It was an amazing thing to help out with. As I gave people bags of much needed groceries, they said thank you and that I was an angel. Not only that, but even if people didn’t get a bag at this particular visit to the Pantry, they would always smile at me and say thank you, anyway. Some even commented and told me that I was doing a great thing. Even the smallest things can move people. It really gave me a good feeling in my stomach to know that I was making a difference for these individuals. Not only that, but I also got to bond with some of the Builders Clubbers in our middle school, who were there to help, too. It was exciting to see that they were just as inspired as I was. It was really an amazing service project and I can’t wait to help out again.

It’s very inspiring to help out at the Food Pantry!

Officer Spotlight Paige Wasniak

Jessie Marshall

Hiya Key Clubbers, I am Paige Wasniak. I am one the Vice President’s this 20152016 year and I am a senior. I am happy to help you through this wonderful upcoming year and I look forward to seeing all of your purple and yellow faces at evens like Fall Rally. This is my 4th year in Key Club and I am ready to have the best year yet! I am enthusiastic, daring and I lost my sanity a long time ago. I am going to be the chairperson of PTP and I hope that all of you join my committee and go to Fall Rally! See you at our first committee meeting!

A Message from our very own Lady President Heya, The loyal President here to spice things up…. It can get stressful starting a new year in high school, or maybe it’s your first year at CHS. Here is a helpful tip and that is to relax. Take about a half an hour and just relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out, until you hit this kind of calm and relaxing mood. Then think about the fun things you did over this summer with your friends or family. I recommend doing this. Not only are you in a better mood, but you’re relaxed and you’re ready to accomplish anything. Another helpful tip is just singing like a crazy person and dancing around the house. (This probably more a “girl” thing to do, than something a guy would choose to do!) To tell you the truth, that is very calming to me. Not only am I yelling and letting all my anger and frustration out; I am also dancing like a mad person and expressing myself. I recommend doing this alone, because you can get really weird stares if you’re caught. Be warned now. Trust me. It can get really awkward and embarrassing! Well that’s my advice to all my fellow Key Club members! The President of this crazy club, Jessie Marshall

Alayna Lorence

Hello my fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Alayna Lorence and I will be your treasurer this year! Some things you maybe don’t know about me is that I am a very loyal, caring, dedicated friend. I am pretty friendly and don’t mind answering any questions you might have for me. I love animals and hope to be able to start my path on becoming a large animal vet next year when I graduate. I have been in Key Club for three years; this is my fourth year. I have gone to three District Conventions and one International Convention. I have Key Club spirit, yes I do, I got spirit… how about you?

Your Cloverdale Key Club leaders of the 2015-2016 Key Club Year! Picture was taken at a summer Board meeting. Appointed positions are still open for Executive Assistants.

What’s an Executive Assistant? EAs are voting members of the club Board. They attend Board meetings and help make decisions about how to run the club. ANY MEMBER can be an Executive Assistant. Just fill out an application and turn it in at one of our meetings. The Board will then vote to approve your appointment.

Activities Since the Last Newsletter in mid-July

Members have been regularly attending Kiwanis meetings

We even conducted the program for one of the meetings@!

On the two Fridays before school started, we had students helping at the Food Pantry

We helped at the Redwood Empire Food Bank and attended a Division Council Meeting

As a Division 32 service project we decorated the bottoms of socks to make them non-slip for hospitalized children

We painted an outdoor table on campus

Several members presented to the School Board

Members fundraised for the Kiwanis Family House at Ray’s and then both Kiwanis and Key Clubbers from all over Division 32 went to Sacramento and helped clean up the garden area outside the building.

We put together a pretty awesome exhibit for the CHS RoundUp, and we attended the monthly Kiwanis Board meeting

We got our website ready for members to use!

Do you use Facebook? If you do, please go to the Cloverdale High School Key Club page and “Like” it. Even if you aren’t a “regular” for Facebook, it would help you keep updated on club events, because we try to post information on the site, almost daily! So, if you want to keep up with what’s happening in Key Club, help yourself out and connect with us through our Facebook page!

You’ll find pictures of members in action, and information about upcoming events

Meeting Details:

Gotta’ go to the meetings, because that’s where I can find the signup sheets and learn about the projects

Every Tuesday all year long Lunchtime Room 5 Snacks at EVERY meeting/meal on the first Tuesday of the month  Monthly calendar distributed the 1st meeting    

What’s Next?

There’s hardly a day that goes by this month when there isn’t SOMETHING happening for Key Club@!  Make sure to sign up for at least one session in front of Ray’s fundraising for PTP  There are quite a few committees to join… one for PTP; one for Fall Rally; one for Community Appreciation. They ALL meet at lunchtimes in Room 5.  Don’t forget the Member Orientation in the evening on September 23rd. It’s an ice cream social, and a chance to find out more about some of the things that make Key Club special.

Members who wish to help with this event on Saturday MUST be at CHS at 9 a.m. We’ll travel to Santa Rosa. We plan to help from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ONLY. Then, it will be time to come home. Bring money for purchasing lunch in the mall. A Division 32 project – other clubs will be there, too

Members wishing to help with this project on Saturday must be at CHS at 7 a.m. Plan to arrive back home at around 5 p.m. Bring money for lunch. We’re going to Napa! Other Division 32 clubs will be there.

Saturday, September 12th Located in the vacant lot next to Plank’s Set-up starting at 9 a.m. Members are asked to work in 2-hour shifts up until 4 p.m.  Members will be selling Bratwurst Sandwiches, and drinks and asking for donations in a tip jar for the Pediatric Trauma Program  Each 2-hour shift is worth $15 in Key Club Bucks.. (see page 18 for explanation of Key Club Bucks)    

What are Key Club Bucks? Certain events bring in money to the club….like the Car Show. We turn around and put that money into our “account”, and we label it as spendable on trips for those members who helped with the events. We also give “Key Club Bucks” to members who help our Kiwanis Club with projects. An example of a project that helps the Kiwanis Club, and brings in Key Club Bucks to an individual would be the upcoming Oktoberfest, being held on October 3rd. Events in the near future that will bring Key Club Bucks into a student’s account are:      

Kiwanis DCM in Ukiah on September 5th Kiwanis Board meeting on September 7th Cloverdale Car Show on September 12th Phone Book deliveries on September 26th & 27th + other days to be arranged Kiwanis Oktoberfest on October 3rd Kiwanis Marathon on October 18th

Trip to Fall Rally ………………………………………………………………….


Trip to District Convention …………………………………………………….


Trip to Key Leader ……………………………………………………………...


Trip to Africa …………………………………………………………………….


Trip to International Convention …………………………………………….


Local, fun events, like bowling, etc…………………………………………

$ ???

We also sell items to raise Key Club Bucks Anyone who wants to start selling See’s candy bars to begin earning Key Club Bucks, contact Alayna, the club treasurer. (See her e-mail & phone number on page 9. We’ll get some candy delivered to you THIS WEEK! You can sell them on campus!

Save the date of October 3rd to help with the Kiwanis Oktoberfest There will be a variety of ways to help with the Kiwanis Marathon on October 18th

Members with a minimum of 5 hours of service before September 19th will have their full way paid to this event!

What’s this I hear about dues? Do I really have to pay them?  Key Club International requires dues be paid for all active members.  Once the dues are paid, members are then eligible for Kiwanis insurance coverage on all events.  Dues are also used to help cover the costs of all activities beyond the local level.  Since we travel several times a month to activities outside Cloverdale, these dues actually become pretty important!  So how much are they? o Any member who pays dues before October 15th pays $10 for the entire year. After October 15th, the cost goes up to $15.  Dues can be paid at any time, although members wishing to attend the Region Training Conference, the upcoming Awake-A-Thon, (which you’ll find out about in next month’s newsletter), or Fall Rally MUST have paid dues before going to any of these events.

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