Booklet for the Kiwanis International Convention

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KK EE YY C L U B CLUB Single Service Project – Cloverdale High School/Division 32/Region 15/CNH Cloverdale High School, 509 N Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894 -1900

What have you done in the last 15 seconds? Take a bite of a sandwich? Sip a drink? Or even just breathe? What if I told you that every 15 seconds a child dies from a lack of clean water? Lack of access to clean water claims the lives of over 4 million people every year.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Saves children now and for the rest of their lives from water scarcity & water-borne illnesses • It costs only $15 to save a life • When clean water is available, there is a 94% improvement in education, and 96% improvement in health • 100% of the money raised is used to benefit those in need; administrative costs are paid by corporate sponsors •

The Cause

Support from Save the Rain Suggested Projects

Willing to visit your location and do presentations Willing to brainstorm and supply fundraising ideas Supply you with high quality items to sell, cost free They are prompt to respond when you contact them • Their website and Facebook sites provide useful information and ideas • • • •

Disneyland donation drawing/or other popular item for a donation drawing (Example: bed and breakfast stay) • Color Blast • Movie Night • Water Princess books •


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They are a necessity and are a more effective way of brainstorming ideas It is important that agendas are planned in advance It’s also important that minutes are taken and distributed afterwards The main decisions should be shared with general membership Committees are a good way to get tasks assigned and accomplished

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

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Organization • •


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K-Family Bonds Community Support

Budgets help with planning itemized costs, and provide an opportunity to figure out how they will be covered They are 100% necessary for planning a successful event They help you figure out what you need in terms of donations They keep you from over-spending

• Large scale projects are one of the best ways to strengthen bonds with all branches of the K-Family • They create stronger connections in those branches because of increased time spent together in planning and implementing activities • Be sure to plan together! •

Thinking Outside the Box

Plan what you need in advance so people can research and get what is needed for the event Role of chairperson is important for connecting with committee members and making sure the tasks get accomplished, and for getting members to attend meetings There are templates online to help organize projects If no template, make your own task list to make sure things are covered in meetings

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A variety of advertising techniques should be used o Posters, social media, newspaper, flyers, person-to person contact (like a table in front of a store), school marquis, community events, sports events, videos, etc. Business sponsorships where you need face-to-face interaction to explain the cause; and giving them something in return, is a smart move. Try to only do business sponsorships once-a-year Research ideas online The more people you have of multiple ages to brainstorm, the more ideas you have Time spent in committees is critical to people being able to come up with new and better ideas

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

This is the record that Save the Rain has maintained in areas where they’ve put in rain catchment systems. And, this is what we can expect for the children and families whom we help!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Committee agendas

When a club attempts a project of this size, committee meetings, (held to plan the details of activities), are an absolute necessity During the course of this past year, we held EIGHT committee meetings to help implement our project. Some of them were during the summer months, with students giving up their vacation time to attend!

Meeting Date June 20 July 18 July 25 August 9 August 29 September 3 October 22 December 3

Meeting Purpose Determine next fundraising project Begin planning a “Color Blast” Continue planning for the Color Blast Continue planning for the Color Blast Continue planning for the Color Blast Finalize plans for the Color Blast Critique the Color Blast & begin planning the Grease Movie Night Finalize plans for the Grease Movie Night

CloverdaleHigh HighSchool School––Save Savethe theRain Rain Cloverdale (Project Plans)

Here is what we offered: • Tickets to get into Disneyland o Park Hoppers o For 2 adults o For 2 days o Valued at $450

We took the cost of the tickets out of our general club funds, thereby donating the entire proceeds from the tickets sales into the Save the Rain cause!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Advertisement Techniques Used: • • • • • • •

Video Online Presence Flyers & Posters Articles for the Town Newspaper School Marquees Friday Night Live Events Football Game Handouts

We distributed a total of 30 posters in businesses around town. There were 1200 flyers distributed to the students in our schools. We advertised on 3 school marquees, and we put two articles in the local newspaper. We advertised at a school football game, and we put flyers on the Kiwanis table at a local Friday Night Live community event.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

These are rounded figures, but they show what various aspects of the event cost us. We had donations amounting to $372 from members in our Kiwanis Club; and those helped keep costs down. The single most expensive cost was for a permit. We had to pay the city $212 for use of the River Park Walk. The City Council had recently voted to eliminate charges to non-profit service organizations, but the City Hall charged us anyway, because this was an unusual site for an event, and they had to pay for city personnel to clean it up before our use.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

We went out into the community to visit 30 different businesses to see if they would sponsor the cause. We approached them asking for sponsorship of 3 children in Africa at a cost of $15 each. If they felt that was too steep, then we dropped it to either 1 or 2 children. We received an amazingly positive response. That might have been because we had information sheets and framed thank you certificates to hang in their stores.

Cloverdale High High School School –– Save Save the the Rain Rain Cloverdale (Project Implementation)

The amount the Key Club would have had to pay for this event would have been quite a bit more, if our Kiwanis had not donated as much as they did. Not only did they pay some of our bills, amounting to $420, but they donated things such as the appetizers, desserts and wine!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

This was a last-minute project devised by one of our more dedicated Kiwanis members. She contacted Scholastic Books and got them to agree to donate to us copies of a book called, “The Water Princess”. It’s about an African girl having to live her life with a water shortage. We then sold the books to our Kiwanis members; and ALL funds from the sales were donated to the Key Club Save the Rain cause. Kiwanis members were also given the opportunity to purchase copies of the books for the local elementary school! A K I W A N I S I N V O I C E

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Here is the breakdown on the funds brought in at each of the five fundraising activities held for the Disneyland Drawing in late April and early May

The Disneyland Donation Drawing brought in $1,126 in 28 short days!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Since all costs were covered by either donations or club funds, the income was also the profit for the event Color Blast Income Breakdown

$1280 $415 $185 $92 $50

Total Income from the Color Blast

$2022 (All income was donated to the cause)

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Ticket Sales $2735 Movie License $375

Advertising $110

Save the Rain Item Sales $425

Miscellaneous Costs $215

The Grease Movie Night raised $2460 Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

A dedicated Kiwanis member came up with this idea! She contacted Scholastic Books and got them to donate copies of the children’s book, “The Water Princess”. Then, she sold those books to the Kiwanis Club members at $5 each. She also connected with the local elementary school to get permission to donate the purchased books to the children at the school! So, Kiwanis members primarily purchased them as gifts for the elementary school. And, all proceeds from the sales were donated to our Save the Rain fundraiser.

Then there’s the add-on Water Princess Book Sales which pulled in an unexpected $230

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain


• Total amount raised by our activities (includes $2460 Kiwanis donation) = $5,938 • Donations from Builders Club = $550 • Donation from Key Club general funds = $512

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Chart Title 250

Hours Spent on Each Activity


• Disneyland Drawing – 27 • Color Blast – 236.5 • Grease Movie Night - 99




0 Disneyland Drawing

Color Blast

Grease Movie

We learned a few things by doing such a variety of activities: • Projects that have more hands-on tasks appeal to more members • Projects that have a variety of task choices are more likely to bring in greater member participation o Of course, these kinds of projects require more advance planning and a STRONG committee system!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

Throughout this past year there have been many ups and downs. We learned a lot about operating big projects. But through all the challenges we faced this year, we came through feeling like it was all worth it! In our time working with Save the Rain, we have gained many experiences and learned much. We think that most importantly, we saved and/or changed lives in positive ways. We also learned that as a club, we can tackle our next project head-on. This year wasn’t easy managing so much. The Color Blast was the most difficult of our projects to undertake. But we had the support of our Kiwanis family; and that helped a lot! So, it wasn’t “easy”, but “easy” is over-rated!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain

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