CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International February 23, 2016
1. Call to Order:
12: 50 p.m.
Adjournment: 1:21 p.m.
a. Meeting led by
Rose French
b. Pledge of Allegiance
Alyssa Gaylor
c. Key Club Pledge
Helen Hernandez
d. Quorum Present
2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Minutes were dispensed with. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer’s Report was dispensed with. 5. Unfinished Business- None 6. New Business a. Friday’s Nepal-A-Thon- Members are to meet at CHS at 6 p.m. They should bring overnight “gear”; snacks, movies, books, and a swim suit, if they want to use the spa. They also need to bring $10 for the Nepal Earthquake Relief cause. b. Joint DCM with Division 8- Members need to be at CHS at 12:30 p.m. The DCM is in Sonoma at the high school. It starts at 2:00 and goes until 5:00 p.m. There will be a speaker to talk about organ donation and a service project to make sock items for hospitalized children. c. Shine Day- It’s happening on Monday, February 29th. Be in Room 5 at lunch time . We’re doing a fun St. Patrick’s Day craft project. d. Board meeting-. It’s next Monday night at 5:45 p.m. at Starbucks. e. “” – We moved to Room 1 to play “” as a service activity. 7. Adjournment: 1:22 p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President
Cloverdale High School Key Club
Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor
Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)
Cloverdale High School Key Club
Rose French