Cloverdale general meeting january 26

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal January 26, 2016

1. Call C to Order:

12::52 p.m.

Adjoournment: 11:21 p.m.

a. Meetin ng led by

Maggie Duraan

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Maya Sancheez

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Alayna Loren nce

d. Quoru um Present


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 4. Treasurer’s T Rep port – Balance on hand waas. $8,833.72 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness a. Snack Zone Packs- Turn T in your money m and geet more boxess for fundraisiing! b. Award d applications work sessions- Those who are applying need to sign-up to compleete the applicaation. Most off them are du ue to Sue by th he 5th of Febrruary. Membeer of the Yearr has a Februaary 1st deadlin ne. c. New Member M Inducction- Jessica briefed b us aboout the event. Members staarted with ice breakeers, and then we w proceeded by handing oout the membber cards and certificates. W We finisheed with some “words of wissdom from th e Police Chieef, the Principal, the Kiwan nis Presideent and our Faculty F Adviso or”. d. Key Leeader- Those members m goin ng need to turrn in their appplications. e. Citrus Fair Parade- Yatziry Y briefed d us on how m members thatt will be atten nding will be aasking childreen to “walk th he plank”, an nd we’ll draggging a small w wagon that w will look like a ship wreck. We’ll be singging the “Piraates Life for M Me” song, andd have swords,, eye-patches, pirate hats, etc.


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club


REFB Day- Rose briefed us about members sorting oranges and organizing for deliveries of food boxes to families in need.. With over 40 Key Club members attending the day was a great success.

6. New Business a. Valentine’s Day sale- There will be three packets of what members will be able to buy. This Friday we will be assembling the sales packets to give out to our members. People will buy things to have them delivered during 5th period on Tuesday of that week. We will also have a table in front of the office to help with sales. b. Officer elections- Sarah Rose campaigned for Webmaster because she has had experience doing websites. Alyssa and Yatziry ran for Scrapbook Editor. They feel they are prepared for this job because they have been in Builders Club and want take memorable pictures to reflect on the year. Uziel was the candidate for Treasurer and will try not to make too many bank errors. Helen spoke for Secretary; she wants to do this because she wants to make this world a better place and would like to improve on recruitment. She would like to make the club more interactive. Audrey ran for Vice President because she wants to help out in the club and have it go smoothly. One of her main goals is to increase the bonding of the club. Carmen, another Vice President candidate, wants the job because she enjoys being in Key Club and wants the club to become more spirited. Another VP “wannabe”, Arianna, had some goals about being involved as much as possible, and believes she has what it takes to play an important role in Key Club. Jessica also campaigned for Vice President, so that she will be gaining experience to be able to be a future club president. Atziry and Rose talked about being Co-Presidents. Both have had great experiences in Key Club and hope to help our club and community. i. Bailey moved to accept the slate of new officers. Seconded. Passed. 7. Adjournment: 1:21p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President


Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by


Cloverdale High School Key Club

Rose French

(Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High School Key Club

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