CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International March 1, 2016
1. Call to Order:
12:52 p.m.
Adjournment: 1:19 p.m.
a. Meeting led by
Jessie Marshall
b. Pledge of Allegiance
Alyssa Gaylor
c. Key Club Pledge
Carmen Garcia
d. Quorum Present
2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Minutes were approved as read. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Balance on hand was. $5,5882.35 5. Unfinished Businessa. Snack Zone Packs- If you have Snack Zone Packs, turn them in and get more. b. Nepal-A-Thon- We raised $70 from the overnight and will donate $200 total. 6. New Business a. Radio-A-Thon- Will be hosted by 92.9 radio station for the St. Jude’s Hospital. We are planning to fundraise in front of Ray’s; check sign-in sheet for specifics. b. DCON attendees meeting- If the members do not attend this meeting and plan to go to DCON there will be $15 added to your bill. c. Kiwanis DCM- Will be this Saturday, we need a good group of Key Clubbers to represent us. d. Member and Officer of the Month- Was awarded to Lillian Bearden for Officer of the Month. Yatzri Ruiz was given Member of the Month. e. Club website- Members who completed the form will be in a drawing for a free movie ticket. Alayna won. f.
Club newsletter- Is posted on the club website.
g. Next week’s meeting- We hope to meet in the gym and play volleyball.
Cloverdale High School Key Club
h. March calendar- Is also posted on the website, and will be sent home to parents. i.
Coats for Kids sorting project- we ran out of time to do this.
7. Adjournment: 1: 19 p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President
Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor
Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)
Cloverdale High School Key Club
Rose French