CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International March 15, 2016
1. Call to Order:
12:53 p.m.
Adjournment: 1:22 p.m.
a. Meeting led by
Jessie Marshall
b. Pledge of Allegiance
Ethon Sanchez
c. Key Club Pledge
Bailey Creager
d. Quorum Present
2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Minutes were approved as read. 4. Treasurer’s Report- Current balance is $7,665.65 5. Unfinished Businessa. Snack Zone Packs- Turned in money from sales. b. Division Banquet- Maggie told us about the event and what happened. She said it was a lot of fun. c. Marci Collins fundraiser- Our goal is to get $1 from every student. It was suggested that members approach their teachers to ask if they can mention it more often in their classes. d. Officer training outlines- The new deadline is ASAP. 6. New Business a. Thursday’s Kiwanis meeting- Newly elected officers need to attend! b. Easter Egg hunt- We are painting them today, and hiding and gathering them tomorrow during lunch. c. Mandatory DCON meeting- Is this Friday, it is mandatory. Be at CHS at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served. d. Car Wash being replaced by phone book deliveries- The Reveille has asked us to deliver their phone books here in Cloverdale, probably the first week of March. It’s a good service opportunity, and for anyone attend DCON and/or Key Leader, it’s a must!
Cloverdale High School Key Club
e. Bowling party- Is next Monday, and can use Kay Club Bucks to pay for the entry. Meet at CHS at 5:30 p.m. f.
Officer Training Day- Will be held on March 28th.
g. Board meeting- Will be on Tuesday, March 29th at Starbucks at 5:45 p.m. h. Easter Egg decorating- Is a service project that we’re doing today at the meeting. 7. Adjournment: 1:22 p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President
Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor
Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)
Cloverdale High School Key Club
Rose French