Cloverdale general meeting march 17

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Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal March 17, 2015

1. Call C to Order:

12::56 p.m.


a. Meetin ng led by

Alayna Loren nce

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Audrey Fetzeer

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Rose French

d. Quoru um Present


1: p.m m.

2. In ntroduction of o Guest Speakker – Julie Caarter talking abbout Save thee Rain 3. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 4. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 5. Treasurer’s T Rep port – Balance on hand waas $7,593.17 6. Committee C Reports – a. Memb bership Comm mittee- next Frriday at lunchttime. b. Dinner of Talents CommitteeC or flyer delivery- next Saturrday at 10 a.m m. i. Door-to-doo ng- Tuesday, March M 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the Library ii. Next meetin 7. Unfinished U Bu usiness – a. See’s candy c sales ou utside of Ray’s- all people arre signed up fo for each day. b. DCON N report- Magggie got distin nguished Secreetary. Liam goot Distinguish hed Treasurerr. Mrs. Cumm mins got Hall of Fame for advisors. Hellen got first pplace for Scraapbook. Magggie got first place p for Singgle Service Project. P It waas a really goood trip, and d all memberrs are encourraged to thinkk about going next year. c. Special Olympics reeport- No one was here too report for iit, although A Atziry and Caarmen went; and a they keptt score.


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club


N Business 8. New he Rain- Mrs. Carter handeed out zip locck baggies to pput change in nside of them.. They a. Save th will bee donated to Save the Raain. 15 dollarrs and you geet a wrist ban nd. Everyon ne was encourrage to help th he Builders Club C with this project. b. Board meeting- Alaayna will textt Board mem mbers. The m meeting will bbe at 3:00p.m m. on Sundayy at Starbuckss. c. Key Leeader- We’ll leave l on Frid day, March 277th.

More ddetails to be shared at thee next

meetin ng. d. Glow-IIn-The-Dark bowlingb We’lll meet at CH HS on March h 30that 4:15 p p.m. in the F Faculty parkin ng lot. Cost is $9. Can usee Key Club Buucks. Parent ddrivers are neeeded. 9. Adjournment A Minutes Approved A by Club C Presiden nt Minutes Approved A by Club C Secretaryy Minutes Approved A by Faculty F Adviso or

Attend dance Attendancce for this Clu ub meeting waas completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club

Maggie D Duran


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