Cloverdale general meeting march 29

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International March 29, 2016

1. Call to Order:

12:51 p.m.

Adjournment: 1:12p.m.

a. Meeting led by

Jessie Marshall

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Carmen Garcia

c. Key Club Pledge

Lillian Bearden

d. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Minutes were dispensed with. 4. Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer’s Report was dispensed with. 5. Unfinished Businessa. Snack Zone Packs- Those who still owe should bring in the money next meeting. b. Officer training re-scheduled- After DCON. We will have the official date at next week’s meeting. c. Marci Collins fundraiser- We will have a final push on Wednesday, and put it into the bulletin. Canisters will be collected during 5th period on Thursday. d. DCONi. Money still owed- Those who owe money should go to the upcoming Kiwanis events to fundraise. ii. Packing list- Jessie made a packing list to ensure that no one forgets anything. iii. Transportation for softball members- Mr. Creager will drive them over on Friday. iv. Everyone should check their email messages as 3 important messages were sent out and need to be read. 6. New Business a. Kiwanis Scholarships- Those applying will get their Service Learning Logs from Mrs. C, and prepare for the interview, which will happen sometime in mid-April.


Cloverdale High School Key Club

b. Projects that members want to do this coming month are- March of Dimes, and a Valley Fire project. Another Kiwanis club is planting trees. We might try to join them. c. Board meeting- Today’s board meeting is cancelled. d. Flyer deliveries for Kiwanis Goodwill Drive- Will be held this Wednesday starting at 2:30 p.m. e. Kiwanis One Day- Will be held on April 16th and will be a cemetery clean-up from 9 a.m. until noon. 7. Adjournment: 1:12 p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President


Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High School Key Club

Rose French

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