Cloverdale general meeting may 5

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Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal May 5, 20 015

1. Call C to Order:

12::55 p.m.

a. Meetin ng led by

Adjoournment: 11: 21 p.m..

Alaynaa Lorence/Jesssie Marshall

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Maggie Duraan

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Paige Wasniaak

d. Quoru um Present


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 4. Treasurer’s T Rep port – Balance on hand waas $8502.85 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness – a. Dinner of Talents report- Done by b Sarah Rosee, and Bailey. There was a silent auction n, and ner served, ovverall a great success. s We think we willl have made about $2400 when a dinn the last of our sponssorships comee in. c sales in front of Ray’ss- See the sign n-in sheets. b. See’s candy c. Kiwanis Board meeeting report- Discussed D IC CON, holdingg a party for the administrration nt, the Dinnerr of Talents, and a reaching towards the E Eliminate goaal, as well as a lot of accoun other things. t 6. New N Business mily pizza partyy- Is Friday, May M 8th. We plaan to make personal pizza and bond witth our a. K-Fam Buildeers Clubbers. b. End-off-the-Year Awaards Nighti. Pot luck- is brought by Key K Clubbers pparents, and K Kiwanis membbers. ndees will do a silent auctioon. ii. ICON atten nvite family an nd show our families what we have ach hieved iii. Invites sentt home- To in this Key Clu ub year.


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club


c. Relay for f Life- 10 a.m m. to 10 p.m.. on Saturday,, May 30th i. Fundraisingg- We plan to fundraise at Ray’s, seee sign-up sh heets to see w which members will w be helping. 1. Bakke sale on Maay 13th- Treats from Key Clu ubbers. 2. Do onations in fro ont of Ray’s- A At various tim mes; see sign-up p sheets. d. Buildeers Club Awarrds Night- Maay 27th at 6:330 p.m. in th he Washingtoon School cafeeteria. We ho ope a lot of ou ur members will w attend. e. DCM at Snoopy’s icce rink- May 17 1 th; meet at 112:30 p.m. at CHS to traveel there. f.

This year’s ICON attendeesa Wiill be going too Indianapoliis and Chicaggo. Maggie, JJessie, and Liillian will be attending. a

g. Seniorr Center gardening projectt- This will bee something w we’ll do this ssummer. Wee took sign-up ps of Key Club bbers interestted in being in nvolved. Carm men is the ch hairperson. h. Paintin ng tables on campus c is ano other project ffor this summ mer. We tookk sign-ups. Baailey is in charrge. i.

Staff appreciation caard making prroject- We de cided to meett at lunchtimee next Mondaay.

A 1:21 p.m. 7. Adjournment Minutes Approved A by Club C Presiden nt Minutes Approved A by Club C Secretaryy Minutes Approved A by Faculty F Adviso or

Attend dance Attendancce for this Clu ub meeting waas completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club

Rosee French


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