Cloverdale general meeting november 24

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal Novembeer 24, 2015

1. Call C to Order:

12::55 p.m.

Adjoournment: 11: 15 p.m.

a. Meetin ng led by

Jessie Marshaall

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Atziry Rodrigguez

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Carmen Garrcia

d. Quoru um Present


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 4. Treasurer’s T Rep port – The baalance on hand was $2048. 78 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness – a. Foreign n Exchange students s from m China- We need signups for studentts to “house” them duringg the last weekk of January. b. Kiwanis Secret Santta Pals- The fo orm was passeed out for whaat members w would like to rreceive heir Kiwanis Secret S Santa Pals. P from th c. Kiwanis Bake Aucttion- Will be on the samee day as the Secret Santa Pal gift exch hange, which is December 10th. d. Kiwanis Crab Dinn ner- Members are needed, and we are rrecommendin ng that membbers to ork, and servee. invite a friend to wo 6. New N Business – a. Jefferso on School Parrent Night- Seee sign-up sheeet. b. X-mas Make-A-Wish h project- Will W be Decem mber 2nd; we will be buyying toys for three childreen. c. Lions Club C Toy Run n- Sunday December 6th, w we will serve foood from 11 aa.m. to 2 p.m.. Sign-up p sheet was paassed around..


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club


ntents of the kkits. Memberss d. “Finalss Survival Kitss”- Lillian brieefed the club aabout the con voiced approval of the t idea. 7. Adjournment: A 1:15 p.m. Minutes Approved A by Club C Presiden nt


Minutes Approved A by Club C Secretaryy Minutes Approved A by Faculty F Adviso or

Attend dance Attendancce for this Clu ub meeting waas completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club

Rosee French

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