CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal October 6, 6 2015
1. Call C to Order:
12::53 p.m.
Adjoournment: 11: 18 p.m..
a. Meetin ng led by
Paige Wasniaak
b. Pledgee of Allegiancee
Dru Tonkoviich
c. Key Cllub Pledge
Lillian Beardden
d. Quoru um Present
2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 4. Treasurer’s T Rep port – The baalance on hand was $3089.001 5. Committee C Report a. PTP CommitteeC We W decided to postpone thee Lap-A-Thon n for a more aappropriate tiime in the yeaar. 6. Unfinished U Bu usiness – a. Valley Fire projecti. Campus fundraiser- We are still workking on donaations for thee jars and upd dating far. the thermometer record;; and have raissed $286 so fa VS fundraiserr- Lexie’s mom m will providee baked good ds for a bake ssale to ii. Ray’s & CV be held on Wednesday, October O 14th, after school. berfest- Was a great successs, Key Clubbeers took care of a bubble booth and asssisted b. Oktob the Kiw wanis with the food booth.. c. Dues- This is the laast week to get g the reduceed cost for ddues! Alayna will be contacting d them to brin ng dues to nexxt week’s meetting. members to remind 7. New N Business – a. Jefferso on School Parent Night- Will W be at 5:455 tonight. Om mar, Jessica and Audrey R R. were signed up.
Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club
b. Kiwanis meeting atttendance- Alayyna and Paigee are signed up for this weeek. or-Treat for UNICEFU Will be on Hallow ween, members will collect money. c. Trick-o d. Fundraaising for PTP P- See sign-in sheet for speccifics for mem mbers to be in front of Ray’ss. e. Fall Rally- Requiress a $40 and a division t-sh hirt. Parent permission fforms must allso be compleeted. These will w be availab ble at the Mem mber Orientattion. f.
Awakee-A-Thon- Req quires a $25 donation d for PPTP and will be held this F Friday in Win ndsor. Meet at a CHS at 8 p.m. Dues mu ust be paid andd permission forms must bbe completed.
g. Benefiit Dinner for Stefani Wrigh ht- Saturday n night. Be at tthe Druids bu uilding at 4:300 p.m. We neeed half a dozeen members to t sign-up. h. Memb ber Orientation- Will be helld this Wedneesday at 5:30 p.m. in Room m 7. i.
Board meeting- Willl be held nextt Monday durring lunchtim me in Room 5..
Phone book deliverries- Will startt next week; n need parent drrivers to help. We will be going out staarting at 6:30 a.m. the morn ning after Hoomecoming, u unfortunately!
k. October calendar- Read R and discu ussed. A 1:18 p.m. 8. Adjournment Minutes Approved A by Club C Presiden nt
Minutes Approved A by Club C Secretaryy Minutes Approved A by Faculty F Adviso or
Attend dance Attendancce for this Clu ub meeting waas completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)
Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club
Rosee French