Cloverdale general meeting october 20

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club General G Meetiing Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal October 20, 2 2015

1. Call C to Order:

12::56 p.m.

Adjoournment: 11:19 p.m..

a. Meetin ng led by

Jessie Marshaall

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Uziel Ruiz

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Maggie Duraan

d. Quoru um Present


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. Minutes M – Min nutes were app proved as read d. 4. Treasurer’s T Rep port – The baalance on hand was $2877. 25 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness – a. Valley Fire projecti. Sent off- We W sent off over $2,676 to CNH Kiwaniis for the Valley Fire Emerrgency Fund. w. b. Dues- Have been raiised to $15 ass of tomorrow mostly c. Kiwanis Marathon- It was sunnyy and we woorked at aide stations on the course, m ng out water. handin d. Phone Book deliverries- The weath her was nice aand there are still more sign n-up sheets. W We’ve got a lo ot more to do o. e. See’s candy c sales- So ome money was w handed in.. More candyy was handed out. 6. New N Business – a. Event at the Senior Center- Will be this Fridayy evening from m 5:30-7:30 p p.m. nder Valley Film Festival- Is on Saturdaay and Sundaay, all day, w with shifts. Seee the b. Alexan sign-up p sheet. c. Kiwanis meeting atttendance- Thiis Thursday w will be out meeeting “take-ovver”. We’re dooing a a to raisse money for the Eliminatee Project. silent auction


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club


P- See sign-up sheet for spe cifics. Only a couple of members still h hoping d. Fundraaising for PTP to go to t Fall Rally need n to put in a shift. e. Fall Raally- Will be th his Saturday. We’ll be hollding a speciall planning meeeting at luncchtime on Weednesday. Alll people wantiing to go to F all Rally shou uld attend. f.

Shine Day- Is nextt Monday at lunch in Rooom 5. We’ll be doing H Halloween th hemed projectts together.

g. Hallow ween Party fo or the Elimin nate Project- Which will be next Frid day. There w will be committee meeting on Tuesday at a Starbucks att 4:30 p.m. h. Trick-o or-Treat for UNICEFU Wee are asking m members to ttake UNICEF F boxes with them when they t go out on o Halloween night, so theey can fundraaise for the Elliminate Projeect, as well ass collect candyy. 7. Adjournment A 1:19 p.m. Minutes Approved A by Club C Presiden nt


Minutes Approved A by Club C Secretaryy Minutes Approved A by Faculty F Adviso or

Attend dance Attendancce for this Clu ub meeting waas completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High Schoo ol Key Club

Rosee French

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