Cloverdale general meeting september 6

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International September 6, 2016

1. Call to Order:


Adjournment: 1:20 p.m.

a. Meeting led by

Rose French

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Jessica Aguirre

c. Key Club Pledge

Yatziri Ruiz

d. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – Minutes were approved as read. 4. Treasurer’s Report- The balance on hand was $ 2,291. 5. Unfinished Business a. Club membership forms- We reminded non-members to pay dues and turn in forms. b. Kiwanis meetings- On Thursdays, at 6:30 a.m. Attending this week are: Angelica Juarez and Jennifer Rojas. c. Shine Day- making dog toys in Room 7. i.

Get everyone to bring old t-shirts, need 10 people only to show up, so we don’t overwhelm their small class of students.

ii. Show up at 12:50 during lunch d. PTP fundraising in front of Ray’s- Lesly, Jennifer, Angelica at 3:30-5:30 shift on Friday afternoon. e. Senior Center Pancake Breakfast- September 10th in the morning. Need three shifts of students starting at 7:45 a.m. Go directly to the Senior Center. f.

Kiwanis DCM- September 17th, need $5 to pay registration fee. Meet at CHS at 8 a.m.

g. Region Training Conference- On September 24th, i. Dress up like a farmer to match the theme.


Cloverdale High School Key Club

ii. Need to bring $15 to pay for shirt and food. If you want to sell See’s candy bars in front of Ray’s over the next 2 weeks, you can fundraise that money. h. Havana Nights- dress nicely; (black bottoms and white tops), and it’s at the Citrus Fair in the evening on the 24th. 6. New Business a. Selling See’s candy bars- fundraise for Fall Rally, RTC etc. b. Division Leadership Team meeting- on September 12th at Round Table Pizza at the Montecito shopping center. c. Special Board meeting- On September 13th at Starbucks at 5:45 p.m. d. Mexican Independence Day & Bi-National Health Fair- on Saturday, September 17th. They need helpers from 8 a.m. to noon, (for set-up); and from 4:30 to 5:30, (for clean-up). e. Club calendar- Passed out on tables. Please take one and keep it handy. 7. Adjournment: 1:20 p.m. Minutes Approved by Club President Minutes Approved by Club Secretary Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)


Cloverdale High School Key Club

Helen Hernandez

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