Cloverdale key club july 2015 newsletter #2

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CNH | Key Club Volume 10, Issue 3 | July 2015

What’s inside??? Calendar………………….…1

“There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.” -Nelson Mandela

Recent Events……………....2 Table Painting Project………………….…….3 Senior Center Garden Project………………………..4 Pediatric Trauma Program Fundraising………………….5 Mandela Day…………….…6 This Year’s Scrapbook Theme……………………...…7 Video Contest………………8 Children’s Miracle Network………….…….…9-10 Kiwanis Family House…………….…...…11-12 Welcome………….…..……13 Contacts……………………14

Individually, we are eagles and when we eagles team up with jaguars, panthers, crusaders and the like, we are dinos; when we dinos stomp and clap, we are part of something more, but when we buzz we are stronger than ever. We are CNH Bees!

Just like any other month, the Cloverdale Key Club has taken on a bunch of activities for August! We’ll be continuing the table painting project, and with school starting on the 19th, it’s important that we get everyone who’s available to help (see page 3 for more information)! Since we’re already talking about school, we have an opportunity for helping out with the CHS orientation. We’ll be hosting a work session on the 9th in order to make posters and discuss different ways to get people motivated to join Key Club. The actual Orientation takes place on the 13th. Also, for the last few Friday Night Lives, we’ll be fundraising for the Pediatric Trauma Program with a brand new project (see page 5 for details). In addition to the fundraising we do at FNL, we’ll have opportunities for members to fundraise for the project out in front of Ray’s. Even though it’s summer, don’t forget that as Key Clubbers we have obligations to our homes, schools, and communities!


We had three students attend International Convention this year. Jessie Marshall, Maggie Duran and Lillian Bearden represented Cloverdale all the way in Indianapolis, Indiana for one of the most incredible conventions of all time! Since this year is Kiwanis International’s 100th anniversary, the celebration was larger than life with all branches of the Kiwanis Family at ICON. There were joint sessions where everyone came together to listen to inspirational stories, understand Kiwanis history, and be the crazy awesome bunch of fun loving people we all are. Our three members brought back valuable information that will aid our club this next year. There were workshops on various service projects like CMN, Save the Rain, Giving Keys, and so many more. One Idea pulled from these workshops was to create “birthday bags” for hospitalized children. We’re thinking about putting a spin on this idea and working with our local Food Pantry to create birthday bags for children who are not fortunate enough to afford such luxuries. Other workshops had a focus on member recruitment and retention, how to make meetings more exciting, and even how to use the Key Club app! All three attendees can report one thing for sure; it was an amazing experience that will live in their memories forever. To hear about what they thought individually, you can check out the division newsletter that comes out later this month!

Our club was proud to bring home 3 awards this year! We received 1st place for the Single nd Service Project, 2 place for our scrapbook, and our club was named Diamond Distinguished once again!


On July 11th our club participated in a division-wide Beach Clean-Up day. At the event all of our members were armed with garbage bags, gloves and a motivation to clean. Our members bettered the experiences of not only future beach visitors, but also prevented further harm to the aquatic life around the area. After our successful time of cleaning, we set up a picnic and enjoyed the view of the clean beach and ocean, with the occasional sighting of sea lions. To further the whole beach experience, our division held a sand castle making contest. We ended this event-filled trip by, of course, picking up our own trash. Rose French

I am in charge of a summer project to decoratively paint at least one of the outdoor tables at Cloverdale High School, (we hope to do more tables, if we get enough members involved.) Also, we may continue this summer project into the first months of the new school year, as long as we’ve got members willing to work! The first thing to do is sand the tables. So far we have one table sanded. Our next step is to apply primer and then start painting. We held a committee meeting about what design to put on the table(s). It’s still under discussion. We could use help from ANY member who would like to show up. If we get enough members, then we can start on a second table. Our schedule for painting during the rest of July is as follows:  Tuesday, July 21st at 9 a.m.  Friday, July 24th at 9 a.m.  Tuesday, July 28th at 9 a.m.  Wednesday, July 29th at 9 a.m. Check the August calendar, on page 1 of this newsletter to see what dates in August we have set aside for our table painting project. If you wish to help us, please contact me at: 239-9958. You can either text or call. Bailey Creager

Here’s one of our most dedicated members, Audrey Fetzer, sanding a table that will feature one of our classy designs!


This summer we are starting a community garden at the Senior Center. Many Key Club members have indicated a willingness to water the plants, and spend part of their summer to make this project work. We have been delayed in the project, because we’ve been told to wait until the city gets a gate system put up, to enclose the area where we are putting the garden. Eventually, we’ll get the go ahead, and then we’ll plant. Meanwhile, we spent time preparing the soil. We are not sure what to plant, but this will be decided in our next meet up. We are thinking about growing corn, strawberries, tomatoes, basil, and possibly more. Oh, and flowers, too! We hope we have fun helping our community, and many enjoy this project. Carmen Garcia


Coming up in the month of August we are going to be fundraising for PTP. For those of you that don’t know, PTP stands for Pediatric Trauma Program. Money for PTP is used to buy safety equipment and for teaching children about safety, (like in holding a safety fair). The money is also used to train doctors about pediatric trauma. So, how are we fundraising for this cause? We are going to start our new project at the Kiwanis booth during the Friday Night Live events that are being held in August. Our new project will surely be successful during those popular Friday nights. Our wonderful new president did some mighty research that led us to doing something called an “Airplane Toss�. We are going to form a grid on the pavement by the Kiwanis booth and place prizes in certain parts of the grid. The prizes are going to come from vendors at Friday Night Live; we are planning on asking the vendors to donate, or give discounts off their products. The airplane toss is going to work by having participants donate to be given a piece of paper; and then they fold the airplanes themselves. They will then proceed to toss their airplanes. If the planes land onto the grid in a spot where there is a prize, they will win that prize! They get to donate to a worthy cause, and have fun making their plane and testing its flying skill! Paige Wasniak


Key Clubbers!! On July 18th we celebrate the birthday of Nelson Mandela. “Mandela Day� is a day that commemorates high standards of equality and forgiveness recognized by CNH. He became the first black president of South Africa and successfully abolished the Apartheid, (racially segregated government). In honor of his memory, each of us should do something out of the ordinary. Instead of just going about your day normally, we should all try to do at least five random acts of kindness and try to stay smiling throughout the day, so that the memory of Nelson Mandela can live on. Be sure to tell your friends and the people you meet why you are being so kind, so that they too may spread the kindness. Liam Kluesener

Make sure you spread positivity on July 18th!


Scrapbook Theme

This year’s scrapbook theme will be “Once Upon a Service Project”. Mrs. Cummins and I went shopping on July 9th for supplies and magical inspiration. We found 2 books of paper, stamps and lots of stickers. I will be receiving last year’s scrapbook and a scrapbook that won First place at ICON for reference. I am very excited to work on the scrapbook and will hopefully place at DCON, maybe even going on to ICON! Lillian Bearden


Video Contest Hey Key Clubbers! Are you good with a camera? Well, do we have a task for you! This year we are really hoping to enter the video contest sponsored by Key Club International. The goal of this contest is to find new and intriguing recruitment videos that will convey the Key Club message and get others excited about service, all in 60 seconds or less! If you think this is a task that’s right for you, then don’t hesitate to start recording and become Key Club famous! You’ll receive full support from our Board, and our advisors. You can find the rules for the contest on the CNH CyberKey at Look under the Recognition tab. The Recognition tab has a Contests section, click on that and then click on the section that says Club to see the different kinds of contests that are available. Club Video will be listed there (see the screenshot below if any confusion arises) and then you can select a format you wish to use to read the rules, and go for it! Browse around and look into the other contests to see if there’s something that might tickle your fancy!


Children’s Miracle Network Now, what is CMN you may ask? Well, the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals specialize in medicine for children from birth to adolescence. All different types of diseases and traumas are treated, anywhere from cancer, to burns, to simple surgeries. Since children’s medicine is different, the doctors need specialized training, supplies to be bought and facilities to maintain. With all of these factors comes a hefty price, which is why you may have seen some CMN fundraising going on in the past few months, but there are other ways we can help as Key Clubbers! Not only do these hospitals need financial help, but the children have to be happy too! Sock caterpillars were a big hit for last year, and this year we’ll be focusing on non-slip socks. These socks are really easy and fun to make; all we have to do is paint designs on the bottoms of kids’ socks, wait for them to dry, and then ship them off to the hospital! We like to help out the Oakland Children’s Hospital because it’s the closest to us, geographically. Whatever they need, we try to deliver…..and now that you know all of that, the article below should make sense as to why we’re doing what we’re doing!

Hello Key Clubbers! I wanted to take a minute to inform you all about the CMN (Children’s Miracle Network) work session coming up on July 19th! It’s going to be a really fun event that will encourage bonding among not only our members, but the members of other Key Clubs in our division. We’ll be meeting at the high school around 1 p.m. and should be arriving home around 4:30 p.m. There will be pizza, sock decorating, and good times! As an added bonus, the Key Club from Maria Carrillo will be showing us how to make pillow cases designed just for the children at the Oakland Children’s Hospital. We will be able to take their information and apply it to service projects of our own. (Check out the flyer on the next page for details!) Maggie Duran



Kiwanis Family House Summer just wouldn’t be the same without participation in Key Club! So, I have another service opportunity just for you! On July 25th, our club will be joining efforts with others in our area to head to Sacramento and spend time at the Kiwanis Family House. This place is entirely inspirational and worth visiting. The Kiwanis Family House provides families with a place to stay while their relatives are treated at a nearby hospital. They are provided with a place to sleep, food, bathrooms, and rooms where they can attempt to relax and take their minds off of their current predicament. The Kiwanis Family House is entirely nonprofit, so they need our assistance in providing goods for those who temporality are housed there. I encourage you to join us for this day of inspiration, bonding, and fun! (Take a look at the flyer to the right for details!) Maggie Duran

Now let’s take a moment to go more in depth about the power of the Kiwanis Family House and their history. The Kiwanis Family House in Sacramento opened on July 23, 1984. It was simply born out of necessity; recognizing the needs of families who had emergency situations in which a family member was placed in the nearby UC Davis Medical Center. These were often children with serious problems that needed immediate attention. The families couldn’t just leave their children in Sacramento and head home, so they were oftentimes forced to stay in overpriced facilities, in their cars, or left desperately searching for some available sleeping space. Now, Kiwanis’s motto is serving children of the world, so of course they couldn’t allow this problem to go unsolved. With the creation of the Kiwanis Family House gave people a sense of ease knowing that they’d be fully taken care of for $50 a night, and if they couldn’t afford that amount, that’s okay too. Kiwanis would make it work. Today, the facility has 32 bedrooms and offers their services 24 hours a day.



What’s that? The sound of new members!? The Cloverdale Key Club would like to give an extra special welcome to Alyssa Gaylor, Jessica Aguirre, Christina Cardenas Ayale, and Brisvani Sanchez! We want you to know that we are welcoming you with open arms and are excited to have you be part of our club. If you guys thought Builders Club was awesome, just wait until you get a taste of Key Club! This year is going to be great, especially now that we have you four on board. Get ready for service, spirit, fun, and memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for taking the initiative and stepping up to the plate in order to continue your Kiwanis journey in becoming better leaders. If you allow it to, Key Club will change you in ways that you didn’t know were possible. You’ll gain valuable life skills and learn things that will transform the way you see people, including yourself.

In Key Club, we have 4 core values: Inclusiveness Caring

Leadership Character Building

We invite you to uphold these principles while discovering your inner leader with a steady passion and heart full of service. Welcome to the team!


If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, contact one of our officers!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for next month’s issue which will be full of more great news!


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