Cloverdale key club june 2016 newsletter

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Cloverdale Key Club

Monthly newsletter

Issue 1 | June 2016 | Editor Gabriela Gaona |

The Monthly Buzz Check us out at: Cloverdale High School 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425

Cali-Nev-Ha District

Table of Contents Page 1:

Title Page

Page 2:

Contents/Key Club Facts

Page 3:

Key Club Opens New Doors

Page 4:

Presidents’ Messages

Page 7:

May Recognition

Page 8:

Recent Events

I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another.

Page 9:

Phonebook Deliveries

-Thomas Jefferson

Page 5-6: Division Leadership Team

Page 10: Eliminate Bake Sale Page 11: Teacher Appreciation Week Page 12: Awards Night Page 13: Kiwanis Mother’s Day Page 14: 2016-17 Officer Team Page 15: Key Leader Page 16: June DCM Page 17: Kiwanis Governor’s Visit Page 18: Bowling w/ the Builders Club Page 19: Builders Club Awards Night Page 20: July Calendar Page 21: Division PTP Fundraising Day Page 22: Selling See’s Candy Bars Page 23: Other PTP Fundraising Page 24: Officer Overnight Page 25: Beach Clean-Up/DCM Page 26: Board-2-Board Picnic Page 27: Outdoor Movie Night Page 28: Contact Information

Key Club Motto Caring–Our Way of Life

Core values The core values of Key Club International are:

• Leadership • Character Building • Caring • Inclusiveness

Here’s our challenge to you:




A new school year is starting soon. Do your best to make it a year of good memories. Find out about the Key Club/Kiwanis family and how we can make your life more meaningful. Stay connected with us the whole year long. You won’t regret that decision!

Atziry Rodriguez Hi Everyone, My name is Atziry Rodriguez and I will be serving as President with Rose French for the term 2016-2017. Some goals that I have as an officer include working on member recruitment, more fun activities with our club, and working on bonding with our experienced members and new members. There are many more goals I have that I would like to accomplish as a team, but these are the most important ones. I've been in Key Club for 3 years now and it really has been an amazing experience. I have become more comfortable with my public speaking skills, and have come out of my comfort zone. I have had the opportunity to meet new friends from other Key Clubs. I am proud to say that Key Club has impacted my life in a positive way. Sadly, it's my last year in Key Club, but I will make the best of it! I hope to have another successful year of service in our home club! Some fun facts about me include that my favorite color is purple, I am learning American Sign Language, I enjoy singing at family parties, I play the piano and I am currently learning how to play the guitar! If I can describe myself using one word, I would say that I am a good listener; if you ever need to talk‌.no matter what it may be about, don't be afraid or embarrassed to talk to me, I'll be there to listen. I'll be there to help guide you in the right direction. I care about every single one of you and I want every individual to thrive and be the best they can be ( Atziry Rodriguez Co-President

P R E S i d e n t s


Hello, my name is Rose French and I am your Co-President for the 2016-17 year. In the past I have served on the Key Club Board as a Secretary, and on several club committees. This coming year will be my fourth and final year in Key Club; so let's make it special. As Co-President of the Cloverdale Key Club I have many goals I wish to set in motion. I plan to especially focus on fundraising, along with membership recruitment. I feel like these two go hand-in-hand because, with more members there are more people eager to fundraise for a great cause. Along with that, I hope to make a personal connection with each of our members and really emphasize your importance, not only to the club but to me. I whole-heartedly believe in the phrase; "Key Club is one Ohana." I feel that no member should feel left out or excluded from the group. I think that a strong base of our club Board is a critical part of Key Club, and one I have been thankful for in the past. I hope by the end of the year our Ohana is a spectacular one. Sincerely, Rose French Co-President

May Recognition For our May Member of the Month we wish to honor Jessica Aguirre who worked a total of 28.5 hours of service during the month. She is always available and willing to help with anything. Specifically, she went to the Kiwanis Governor’s event and helped there, as well as spent long hours delivering phonebooks to doorsteps in town.

For the May Officer of the Month we have chosen Rose French. As one of our new club presidents, she is doing a great job of leading her first meetings and has worked hard to make our club better. In addition, she’s participated in 18 hours of service, plus 16 more hours in other Key Club activities during this month.

Division Leadership Team Atziry Rodriguez

Hello everyone! My name is Atziry Rodriguez and I am a Cloverdale Key Club President, along with Rose French. A few of our officers are part of the DLT, (Division Leadership Team). Basically, this team is where a group of people, including our LTG, (Lieutenant Governor), Fåtima Aguilar, meet up once a month for a few hours to discuss our division’s future plans and talk about events that are coming soon to our division. In this group, there are 24 members, from mostly Sonoma County, taking part and sharing their awesome ideas. We've only had 2 meetings so far, and what I've learned is that we are a very positive, hardworking group of people who are really creative. My position is Social Media Editor which means I'm in charge of updating and reminding the division, (everyone), about events and activities that are coming up. I do that by emailing others, posting things on the division Facebook site, and using Instagram. Soon I will be doing Remind 101. I am so lucky to have this position, because I am on social media like almost all the time, just like any other teenager, and I enjoy posting things about what we've been working on. It gets me more excited for what's coming up.

Rose French

Hello, my name is Rose French and I will be serving as your 2016-17 Division Webmaster/Tech Editor. One or my biggest and most important duties is building and maintaining the division website. One of my goals this year for the division website is to make changes and update it on a weekly basis. Along with the maintenance of the website, I want it to be attractive to incoming Key Clubbers, as well as members who have been with the organization for years now. You can view the website at:

Leadership AprilDivison Recognition Team Hi, I’m Helen Hernandez. This is my fourth year in Key Club. In Key Club I’ve done everything from be an Executive Assistant, to fulfilling several club officer positions. This year I’m the club secretary. On the Division Leadership Team I am the District Convention Chairperson. I am in charge of advertising and planning our division’s participation in this year’s DCON. Just so you know, DCON is in April 2017, and is being held in Anaheim! I’m looking forward to a GREAT experience for us all! My name is Carmen Garcia, and I am a club vice president this year. But, my role on the Division Leadership Team is to be a Photographer/Videographer. I have some experience creating videos and I really like to play around taking pictures and creating something from them that gives us all a chance to treasure our Key Club memories. You can view my 2016 District Convention video on the division website. Go to:

Members on the DLT come from 8 different high schools

We were very busy in the past month, despite the fact that our members were also finishing out their academic school year. We logged in 308 hours in our club activities. We did 8 service projects in those final weeks of school. The next pages showcase those activities.

Cali-Nev-Ha Mascot

Phone Book Deliveries Here’s my tale of one day’s experience delivering phone books to people in Cloverdale. At 9 a.m. Sue Cummins picked us up to deliver phonebooks. It was kind of chilly. Once we started walking and passing phone books out, it got warmer. We walked and delivered the phonebooks for about an hour and a half. When we got tired we took a break at Planks. We started up again for another hour. We ran out after that time, and still had houses to deliver. Thankfully, Mrs. Cummins found a way to get us more phonebooks. By the time we were done it was noon, but we were happy we got it all done. Our club went out over a period of three weeks, several times. It was hard work, but it felt good to accomplish such a huge task. In total, we delivered almost 4000 books to Cloverdale residents. -Arianna Carrillo Vice President

Eliminate Bake Sale

The Eliminate Bake Sale was really fun. I originally signed up for a 2-hour shift but ended up staying for two more hours. There were many baked goods like cookies, cupcakes, and Rice Krispie Treats. They all looked and smelled amazing. A few people stopped by just to get a quick glance, but many came over and were delighted to see all the delicious treats. They would ask what we were fundraising for and we'd tell them, knowing that once they left they would know what the Kiwanis Eliminate Project was, and they would know how they could help save lives. I'm happy to say that the Cloverdale Key Club fundraised a total of $240 at that sale.

-Gaby Gaona Newsletter Editor

Teacher Appreciation Week

During National Teacher Appreciation Week we honored our staff with gifts that we put into their boxes in the Faculty Room. We gave each teacher a personalized thank you card, a small candy bar and an apple. Our members wrote the cards during a club meeting.

Awards Night! On May 24th, we held our annual Cloverdale Key Club Awards Night. That night many were recognized. Some awards given out included: members who attended at least 80% of the meetings, members who served at least 25 hours of service, members who fundraised for causes, members who attended DCON, scholarship applicants, etc. We recognized our outgoing officers and installed our incoming officers. That night we had a donation drawing to raise money for our International Convention attendee and premiered our District Convention video. We also said our goodbyes to our most hardworking Key Clubbers who were graduating the following week. They were each given a medal to wear as they crossed the stage. It was a fun evening and the recognition was well-deserved.

Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast During the Kiwanis annual Mothers’ Day Breakfast there were many things happening all at once. From the Kiwanians who made the pancakes on the 10 foot grill that continuously rotated, to the Kiwanians that handed out the food to the guests, it was a very busy time for all! Now, yes, during the actual day of the Mother’s Day Breakfast there was a lot going on, but in order for it to run smoothly there is intense prep work. From several committees meetings, which a few Key Clubbers attended, to making the corsages for the mothers to wear on their special day, to picture frames made by the Key Club to frame the experience for the families, to sales of news ads, it was a lot of work to put on this event. As for the Key Club, we helped in any way possible. We did prep work, as I mentioned before; but on the actual day of the breakfast we assisted by cleaning up tables, and helping with the donation drawing booth. Overall, the best part of the event was bonding with our parent Kiwanis Club. -Rose French President

Officer Team 2016-17

Rose French Co-President

Atziry Rodriguez Co-President

Helen Hernandez Secretary

Carmen Garcia Vice President

Gabriela Gaona News Editor

Jessica Aguirre Vice President

Alyssa Gaylor Scrapbook Editor

Yatziri Ruiz Scrapbook Editor

Arianna Carrillo Vice President

Uziel Ruiz Treasurer

Jacob Menlove Webmaster

Key Leader is a Key Club weekend of leadership experience. Key Leader was held at the Alliance Redwoods, in Occidental. Here at this event many Key Clubbers and non-Key Clubbers got to share a great experience, learning leadership skills, learning the five key principles of being a “Key Leader�, building strong bonds and having fun. My personal experience was amazing. You meet so many great people who want to do so much to help others and you build friendships. There were many fun activities like brain teasers where you had to all work together and build strategies to get through the activity. Everyone had so much fun while doing them; and while doing them you use communication skills and at the end of the day these activities bring you closer together. There is so much that goes on those few days with lots of skills that one can take back home, and continue or prosper in being a servant leader. -Jessica Aguirre Vice President

You can find the video on the Occidental Key Leader Facebook page. Go check it out!

June DCM It was a hot summer Saturday that started at 8 a.m. with us gathering at CHS and then traveling to the Redwood Empire Food Bank to do service with others from Division 32. We worked an assembly line and boxed items for people in need. Then, we were driven to the location for the meeting. We had super nachos for lunch, held a meeting led by our Lt. Governor, Fatima Aguilar, and then the FUN began! We played water sports and games out on the lawn. It was a BLAST!

Kiwanis Governor’s Visit We took four members to this very special event. Once a year, the Kiwanis Governor comes to Division 32 to visit with the clubs, and to connect with all of us. Our Key Clubbers always try to attend this very special event. This year it was held at the Robert Young Estate Winery in Geyserville. Our members were very helpful; they served food and bussed tables. It was fun to be there with our Kiwanis Club.

Our Division 32 group posed for just a moment, in between serving food to the Kiwanis

Bowling Night This was my first bowling night and my third time bowling all together. It was a fun time and I learned a lot from everyone. While I didn’t win one of the games, I would do bowling night every time it comes up. It was also very nice to include the Builders Clubbers in this activity. I particularly liked the fact that we were able to use Key Club Bucks to pay, so basically, it was “free”! -Jacob Menlove Webmaster

Builder’s Club Awards Night Six members showed up for the annual Builders Club End-of-the-Year Dinner. We were served a hot dog meal and got to see the outstanding Builders Club members be recognized for their hard work this past year. Our Co-Presidents even gave a speech. We honored them for all they did and invited the 8th graders to join Key Club for the 2016-17 year.

Fun Facts: -

An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.


No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

PTP Fundraising Day You are invited to help fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause. What’s that, you ask? Basically, it’s funds given to the Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Foundation to be used to support emergency treatment at children’s hospitals. The money we fundraise will be used to train doctors in emergency room procedures for small children, or to buy specialized emergency room equipment, or to buy preventive supplies for needy families…. Things like bicycle helmets, and car seats.

What is our plan to raise money to help children like this?

Join us on Saturday, July 9th - Come to Ray’s Food Place - Be there for at least 2 hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - Help us ask for donations and give away free food ** Aquas Frescas ** Watermelon

** Root Beer Floats ** Cookies ** Corn on the Cob ** Taffy

Please bring some cookies, (if you can)

One way to raise money for upcoming Key Club trips, so that you don’t have to pay out-of-pocket, is to sell See’s candy bars in front of Ray’s Food Place. We have two dates available during the month of July. If you are interested in doing this, contact Advisor Sue Cummins by text or phone call at (707) 591-3235. Dates available are:  Monday, July 11th - any time you wish – 2 or 4 hour shift  Wednesday, July 20th – any time you wish – 2 or 4 hour shift

Pediatric Trauma is the #1 cause of death in children under the age of 12

We’ll be doing more fundraising for PTP during July. This times=, though, we’ll just be asking for donations and giving away small pieces of candy as thank you gifts to those who give us something. The dates for this will be:  Sunday, July 17th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Wednesday, July 27th from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in helping with this project, text or phone Advisor Sue Cummins at (707) 591-3235

Officer Overnight Tuesday July 19th All club officers, including members interested in being appointed as Executive Assistants are asked to attend. There will be intense discussions and decisions made about the upcoming Key Club year. Goals will be set about everything from service focuses to budget plans. *Meet at CHS at 3:30 p.m. *Bring sleeping bag, pillow, towel, swim suit, pjs, snacks... *We’ll hold a meeting for a couple of hours *Then, we’ll have a BBQ, & swim *Then, we’ll spend more time meeting *Then, we’ll swim, hot tub and have an outdoor campfire with S’mores. *After that, we’ll watch movies, play board and card games, etc. *Those who wish to sleep indoors may do so on a carpet. If someone wants to sleep outdoors by the pool, they may.


Beach Clean-Up

July 23rd

Meet at CHS at 9:30 a.m. for a fun day at the beach. We’re going to Goat Rock. We’ll start out with picking up trash. Then, we’ll have a picnic lunch, followed by a Division Council Meeting and then “Beach Olympics” games. We should finish up there between 2 & 3 p.m., arriving home sometime between 3:30 and 4:30.

For the “Olympics”

D32 Beach Olympics

Board-2-Board Picnic We’ve got a great time planned for getting our Key Club Board together with our Kiwanis Board. Here are the details:

• • • • • •

Monday, July 25th 6:30 p.m. City Park Picnic meal Get acquainted activities Discussion of how we can work together this coming year to better serve each other, our community & the world

Outdoor Movie Night

Join us for a fun evening of entertainment, and do a good deed at the same time! We’re raising money for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program, fondly known as “PTP”. Entry fee for the evening is $5.00. For that money, you will get “free” popcorn and soda/water. All funds raised will be donated to the cause. Meanwhile, here is what you need to know about this event:

• • • • • • • •

Monday, July 25th 8:30 p.m. City Park Bring blanket(s), pillows, other snacks as desired Bring $5 to donate to the PTP cause Bring a friend We’ll hold a short club meeting The movie we plan to show will be “Cinderella”

Club Officer Contact Information

President President Vjce President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Webmaster News Editor Scrapbook Ed. Scrapbook Ed. Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

Rose French Atziry Rodriguez Carmen Garcia Arianna Carrillo Jessica Aguirre Helen Hernandez Uziel Ruiz Lopez Jacob Menlove Gaby Gaona Alyssa Gaylor Yatziri Ruiz Sue Cummins Stephen Bearden

Have a question? Need help? Want to connect? We’re here for you!

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