CNH | Key Club Cloverdale Monthly Buzz Volume 9 | Issue 5 | September 2015
Message from the President: Contents Calendar………………….…2 Recent Kiwanis Events….....3 Macy’s Shop for a Cause...4 Senior Center Breakfast…..5 Car Show Booth………...….6 PTP Plans………………….….7 Officer Spotlight………....…8 Member Orientation……....9 Awake-A-Thon…………....10 Fall Rally………………….....11 Trick-or-Treat For UNICEF..12
Hello Lovelies, Your faithful President here… with some tips for balancing your life. As the end of the grading period approaches and Halloween comes up, don’t slack on your homework. Keep an open mind and be aware of what’s around you. Caring is one of the core values of Key Club. Do not procrastinate on things. Your President here always procrastinates, and things once-in-awhile don’t get turned in on time. It’s better to start school projects early, and have a clear understanding of what’s being asked of you. Please keep up on your grades and school work. The Key Club rule is: family first, school is second, then the commitment to Key Club, (we hope)! Don’t forget! Remember to always stay beautiful. ~Jessie Marshall President
Halloween Party……………13 See’s Candy Sales………..14 Outstanding Members…..15 Valley Fire Efforts……..16-17 Coats for Children………..18 Phone Books……………....19 Contacts……………………20
This year our Key Club of Cloverdale has been working significantly hard to help our community and to fundraise for PTP, the Valley Fire victims, etc. Our Key Club has also been helping at local events like the Havana Nights, the Senior Center Pancake Breakfast, the Car Show and more!
We’ve got a busy month planned for October. In this month our Key Club will be working especially hard, because we have the Valley Fire fund raiser, and we have fundraising in front of Ray’s for PTP or Pediatric Trauma Program. We also have our fun-filled meetings on Tuesdays at lunch in Room 5. We have our beautiful Kiwanis family that we are helping both for their Oktoberfest and their Marathon. We also have our fun Shine Day planned with a Halloween theme, pumpkin decorating and more! This is our 5 th year to be doing once-a-month activities with the Special Day Class, who are always fun to be with! Don’t forget that the Board meetings are twice a month, now… during lunchtime. Unfortunately, we had to move them from Fridays for this month, so study the calendar carefully to see when we are holding them. Don’t forget to sign-up for Fall Rally in Vallejo, where there will be thousands of Key Clubbers joining in the fun!
Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner The Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner was an eye-opener. It was a fantastic time meeting the Kiwanis District Governor, as well as the new Kiwanis Division LTG for Division 32. They both were filled with tons of energy. Their focus for the Kiwanis Family is to keep it real and have a good time while serving the world. Meeting them both was an amazing experience. The theme for the event was “Rockstars of Service”. They had a photo opportunity, so all of us from Cloverdale had our picture taken. While there we sold donation drawing tickets to raise funds for the LTG. We also put on a song and dance skit called, “It’s All About That Service”. You can see a video of us on our club website!
Kiwanis DCM
Atziry, Rose and Jessie joined four other Key Clubbers from Division 32 at the Kwianis DCM. It was great to see them conduct their division business. Their outgoing LTG, Marsha Sanchez, conducted the first part of the meeting and then the new LTG, Paul Kelley, introduced his goals for the 2015-16 year.
On Saturday, September 5th, three members went to Ukiah to a Kiwanis Division Council Meeting. It was an eye-opener for them to see the Kiwanis division in action. Atziry even connected with a Ukiah Kiwanis member to offer help with their “Coats for Homeless Children” project.
On August 29th, Lillian, Atziry, Jessica, Omar and I went to Santa Rosa to help with the Macy’s Shop for a Cause event. We handed out flyers to people as they entered the store and briefly explained what the day was about and how they could help. Our little blurb went something like this: “Good morning! Today is Macy’s Shop for a Cause Day and if you choose to purchase a five dollar saving pass, you could be eligible for up to 30% off on items in the store, you’ll also be entered into a $500 gift card drawing, plus your $5 will be donated directly to the March of Dimes cause………saving money and lives all at once!” We were stationed at various entrances for a few hours and passed out a TON of flyers. We even worked with a few members from the Windsor club, which was pretty cool. Overall, the event went over very well and we were happy to be involved in it. ~Maggie Duran Vice President
On September 12th, we had a fun event with our beautiful Senior Citizens of Cloverdale, helping and serving breakfast in the Senior Center. Our Key Clubbers had a great deal of fun plating food, serving breakfast drinks and helping with clean-up. Members who attended were Arianna, Helen, and Rose. This event was memorable with the pleasant smells of sausage, pancakes, and eggs! Yummy!!! Much appreciation goes out to those who attended to help at this event. ~Helen Hernandez Vice President
It was a very hot day, but we still had a really good time, cooking and selling bratwurst at the annual Cloverdale Car & Motorcycle Show. We served bratwurst with peppers and onions!!! At this event Key Clubbers handled the cash box and beverage section. We also helped make the bratwurst sandwiches, with skilled hands like those of Abigail and Gaby who were assembling them to the clients’ specifications. Umm‌.the brats were delicious! Our Key Clubbers were there early in the morning, helping with set-up and cooking the brats, and stayed to the end, taking down tables and making sure the location was left without any trash. At this event we were given $550 from the Chamber of Commerce as a thank you. Bear Republic Brewing Company bought all the supplies for us! ~Helen Hernandez Vice President
The PTP planning committee met on September 10th to figure out the best ways to raise the $1000 that we’ve pledged to give to the cause when we go to the Key Club Fall Rally on October 24th.
Helping children hospitalized due to emergencies!
We’re gearing up for PTP, or Pediatric Trauma Program. The month of October is always the BIG month for us to fundraise for this cause. We need to make a last push before Fall Rally so we can reach our goal. Our goal, by the way, is to raise at least $1000 by the time we go to Fall Rally on October 24 th. We will continue sitting outside of Ray’s to fundraise. Those of you who want to go to Fall Rally must have at least 2 hours fundraising for PTP and 5 hours in other service in order to be eligible to go. On October 23rd we are planning to hold a “Lap-A-Thon” during lunchtime, on the track at our school, to raise funds for this project. We are going to ask participants to pay an entrance fee and compete to win cash prizes. We are going to finish planning for this event at our next PTP Committee meeting, so please attend and contribute. The date for that meeting is WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th at lunchtime in Room 5. ~Paige Wasniak Cash & other prizes Vice President Teams of 2 (guy & girl) Fun ways to get around the track Money is made through the entry fees Sell food to spectators Paige wasniak
Here is one of your hard-working officers. Meet Lillian Bearden who is an amazingly beautiful, talented, inspiring member who tries her best to help others and is at almost EVERY Key Club event. Thanks to Lillian we have fundraised and helped for the Valley Fire victims, and for PTP. Lillian has also led our most recent Shine Day event, making our experience better with her creative notions like making refrigerator magnets with the ceramic tiles and permanent ink! Lillian is our club Scrapbook Editor.
Another officer we honor here is Helen Hernandez. She has attended so many of our events and has helped with projects like the Senior Center Breakfast, the bratwurst booth at the Car Show, helping at the Food Pantry, and collecting donations in front of Ray’s for the Fire Victims. Helen is hard at work as a club Vice President. Helen also attended our fun RTC, (Region Training Conference). She is outgoing, creative and industrious.
Rose has been conscientious in performing her duties as the Key Club Secretary. In addition, you can always see her at our events. Rose has also been working hard on the club minutes, perfecting her mad skills of typing, with great enthusiasm. She also has an awesome new hair cut that looks great!!!! Rose is an out-going, spirited member willing to do anything to help others and make someone’s day better. Rose has also been working on meeting the criteria for Distinguished Secretary. Good luck. We know you can do it!
Hello Key Clubbers!! I just wanted to take a moment to inform you all about an event coming up on October 7th. On that Wednesday, at around 5:30 p.m. we will be hosting our Member Orientation in Room 7 at the high school! We’re planning on making it be an Ice Cream Social, so come prepared to go into a sweet-induced coma! This event is targeted at some of our newer members, as kind of a welcoming ceremony, but all members are encouraged to attend. We want everyone to be there!! We’ll have a few presentations and some ice breakers; it’s going to be great. Now, you may be asking… “Why should I go?” You should go because it will be a rewarding experience in which you’ll learn more about our home club and how we operate, in addition to discovering just how huge and amazing Key Club truly is! ~ Maggie Duran Vice President
Want to find out how to raise the money you need to be able to go to the upcoming "Awake-A-Thon"? Remember, each person must bring $25 to donate to the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program, the (PTP) cause. That’s the entry fee to get into the event! Each person is responsible for finding adults to “sponsor” them for staying up that night. You are supposed to go out and get pledges. Find 5 people to pledge you for $5 each…….. or 2 people for $10 each and one for $5. Any combination of pledges works, as long as you can come up with $25. Remind people that they are helping to save children who are hospitalized due to emergency situations. The most recent PTP funds built a burn unit in a children’s hospital! A lot of the PTP money is used for the Oakland Children’s Hospital emergency ward equipment and supplies! ~Dru Tonkovich Executive Assistant
Friday, October 9th. in Windsor Meet at CHS at 8 p.m./doors open at 9 p.m. Activities include DCM/ making leis for Fall Rally; learning spirit cheers; watching movies/ playing games/ doing puzzles / enjoying each other’s company Bring a sleeping bag & pillow so you can to rest, be comfy for watching movies, etc. Bring a baby picture and “wacky jammies” for contests Enjoy pizza, a chocolate fountain, lots of snacks and an omelet breakfast Bring $25
Fall Rally
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF What’s being planned by our club? Put UNICEF boxes out in the community at various businesses Hold a campus-wide Halloween Party at lunchtime on October 30th Trick or Treat for UNICEF on Halloween night
What happens to the money we fundraise? It’s sent to Kiwanis International and used for The Eliminate Project!
The Eliminate Project is an on-going, non-profit project to eliminate from the world the diseases of maternal and neo-natal tetanus. It’s a Kiwanis project, and Key Club has pledged to help. With Key Club’s help, over 100 million dollars has been either raised, or pledged to the cause, saving the lives of 5 million women and children who are at risk from these diseases. Although there have already been a lot of lives saved, the Key Club International President and Board pledged another 3 million for Key Clubbers to produce THIS YEAR! This project is a favorite of many, and I have a feeling that we are all looking forward to continuing with the Eliminate Project to make the world a happier and healthier place. ~Lillian Bearden Scrapbook Editor
Halloween Party
See’s Candy Sales This past month, our club has been selling See's candy bars to raise money. 18 members have participated in the sales, which is most of our Key Club. We have brought in $540. We are really excited to be so successful! Good job everyone! We will start new sales soon; there will be new candy to be picked up and will be given out at the October 6th meeting. What is also cool about selling candy, members are able to use some money from the sales to help pay their Fall Rally expenses, or start fundraising for District Convention and Key Leader; both events are awesome! The candy is a pretty easy sell, most of the time. It's a win-win situation, selling something people like and getting the money to use for our trips! I wish everyone the best of luck and success in the sale to start next week; hope you all have an awesome year with Key Club! ~Atziry Rodriguez Executive Assistant
Next week’s sales will include lollypops! They’ll be distributed at the Tuesday meeting!
Honoring Outstanding Members
Our Member of the Month is awarded to Atziry Rodriguez. She has stepped up to the bar and has become very active in Key Club these last weeks. She has been involved in several events, including doing the backup singing as well as "dancing" for the LTG skit. She also spearheaded our “Coats for Homeless Children” project. She’s been out in front of Ray’s, raising money for the Fire victims, and MORE! Atziry recently joined our club Board as an Executive Assistant.
Our Officer of the Month is Jessie Marshall, who has done an incredible job organizing the club Board to make this a really exciting Key Club year. She’s “broken new ground” with her Club Communication 101 plans. She has also put countless hours into creating the Region Newsletter. In addition, she is spearheading our Fall Rally Committee; and we especially LOVE those “Good Morning Key Clubbers” messages that she texts us to keep us on our toes!
Over-view of our plans to help As you all may know, the Valley Fire was very damaging. Many have donated money, food, and even their time. We have also contributed to helping the victims. We have determined a goal of raising $4,000 to give to the people in need! We plan on raising $2,000 by asking for donations outside of Ray's and CVS. Many of our members have already signed up for shifts to ask for donations. As of last Friday, we have raised $1,411! We are confident in reaching our goal. In addition, we also placed plastic jars in most of the Cloverdale High School classrooms to encourage students to donate towards this cause. If each student gives just $5, or more, we can definitely reach our goal. We placed a money thermometer on the bulletin board by the main office to let the campus see how much money we have managed to raise so far. The money we raise will be donated to a Kiwanis fund that has been created for this purpose. Donating money will best benefit the people in need, because supplies that are crucial can be bought as needed. We hope the money we raise helps this cause, and hope everything goes back to normal, as quickly as possible for those who have suffered. It's amazing how we are all helping, and doing what we can to assist those who lost their personal belongings and homes in the fire. It's important to unite in caring when tragedies like this happen. ~Carmen Garcia Executive Assistant
Members who came to the emergency committee meeting to figure out what we wanted to do to help the fire victims
Donations from the community
Thank you to these members who showed they care! So far, they’ve collected $1411.
School-wide campaign Our awesome members in action‌ going from class to class to encourage donations Donation drive ends on October 8th
Coats for Homeless Children During last week, our Key Club Executive Assistant, Atziry, worked with the Kiwanis Club of Ukiah to assist them with a project where they collected coats for homeless children. The coats are being distributed to children in Mendocino and Lake Counties. Atziry’s first collection came from people she personally contacted, and from our Kiwanis Club, gathering 13 bags of coats and sweaters and sweatshirts. She’s not done with the project, but just getting started. Stay tuned for more information in the future. This project brings warmth to those in need, and brings warmth to our hearts.
The first donations delivered to Ukiah Kiwanis
Phone Book Deliveries We hope to be able to deliver phone books the week of October 11th through 17th. We are awaiting confirmation from the phone book company for final delivery dates. THEY MAY CHANGE! Meanwhile, talk to parents, or other relatives over the age of 25, and line them up to help drive. Do the math for Key Club Bucks:
Sunday, October 11th –-- 5 ½ hours @ $15 per 2 hours o Provide a driver
= $40 = $40 $80
Monday, October 12th --- 3 ½ hours @ $15 per 2 hours
= $26
Wednesday, October 14th --- 3 hours @ $15 per 2 hours
= $23
Saturday, October 17th –-- 5 ½ hours @ $15 per 2 hours o Provide a driver
= $40 = $40 $80
We deliver to the entire city of Healdsburg and to Geyserville. Wear layers of clothing. It’s cold in the early morning & then gets hot. Wear comfortable walking shoes….. plan to do lots and lots and lots of walking!
If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, contact one of our officers!
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others� ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~Mahatma Ghandi