Cloverdale news 01 1516

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January 2016


Volume 9, Issue 7

Table of Contents

President’s Message

President’s Message……………………….1

Hello Fellow Key Clubbers!

December Activities…………………..….2-5

Winter Break is finally over and it is back to serving the community. We have lots of things in store for January. We will be starting on our awards applications process. I recommend that many of you to try to apply for these awards. You will be recognized by Cali-NevHa for all the work that you have done. I personally enjoy filling out the award applications, because it helps me realize how much work I have put in for the past year. Speaking of Cali-Nev-Ha; District Convention is coming up fast. Make sure you guys raise enough money to be able to go. There are several upcoming events, as well as the sale of Snack Zone Packs that can help you do that! DCON is worth going to. There are amazing workshops that teach you more about Key Club and what it is about, as well as share with you different community service ideas. District Convention also gives you a sense of how big Key Club really is!

Contacts……………………………………...5 January Calendar………………………….6 Division Council Meeting……………..7 Coats for Kids………………………………8-9 Knights of Columbus Dinner…….....10 New Member Induction………………..11 Club Elections……………………………..12-13 Snack Zone Packs…………………………14 Key Club Bucks………………………...…15 Club Recognition…………………………16-17 REFB Day……………………………………18 Club Website……………………………….19 DCON………………………………………..20-21 Nepal Fundraiser………………………....22-23

Don’t forget that we’re doing officer elections this month. We’re also focusing on the “Coats for Kids” project. We need as many of you as possible to go with us to both the Division Conclave/DCM on Saturday, January 16th as well as the Redwood Empire Food Bank Day on January 23rd. Hope you guys had a nice Winter break! ~ Peace, Jessie Marshall

Thank You…………………………………..24

Jessie shares a hug with Kiwanis member Andy Grose at the Secret Santa Pal Gift Exchange

Finals Survival Kits This past December our Cloverdale Key Club started a new project called "Finals Survival Kits". This project consisted of goody bags filled with the essentials to survive your finals! The bag contents were anything from highlighters, to snacks for a boost of energy, to even a stress ball or Star Wars candy canes! Some bags even had a $5 Starbucks gift card. There were a wide range in prices from $1 bags to $15 bags, (those were the ones that contained the Starbucks cards, (and they were the most popular!) But of course the best part of this project was the fact that all the proceeds went to the Kiwanis Eliminate Project. Our club sold these bags in front of the office, right around Finals Week, and it turned out to be a great success. We fundraised $148. We hope that this project made the finals experience a bit less stressful for our students. We certainly had a lot of fun with it. With this great success our club is planning on continuing a similar project for the second semester. The next finals project our Cloverdale Key Club is planning to do is called "Kiss a Senior Goodbye". Students can write a little note to a senior with an attachment of Hershey’s Kisses candy, to "kiss" them goodbye. ~ Rose French

Kiwanis Bake Auction Members sold home baked goodies to our very generous Kiwanis club during one of their December 10th meeting. As always, the Kiwanis members over-paid, and had a fun time laughing at the others who were picked on by the auctioneer. We had so much fun displaying our goodies and petitioning for a higher price. The auctioneer saddled the Kiwanis members with ridiculous bids, but they still love us <3. And we still love them, very much.

Members sold home baked goodies to our wonderful Kiwanis members ď Š

Several Key Clubbers waiting to give out their Secret Santa gifts

Secret Santa Pal Key Club and Kiwanis did a Secret Santa Pal gift exchange during the Kiwanis meeting on December 10th. Even though we had more Kiwanis members than Key Clubbers, we managed to pull it off. With 21 Key Club members and 28 Kiwanis members, we decided to ask some Key Club members to give 2 gifts instead of one so that every Kiwanis member had the chance to receive a gift. Many members enjoyed their gifts and we're pleased with the meeting. There was not a single frown when the meeting was over. This is one of the most loved activities that we hold each year. It really brings us all together in a way that helps us share each other's dreams and passions. We like showing each other how much we care about our K-Family bond! ~ Paige Wasniak

~ Paige Wasniak Rose gives gifts to both Ernie Frandsen and Frances Ramage

DCM and Christmas Cheer Project On December 19th a DCM, (Division Council Meeting), was held in Petaluma and afterwards, we all helped with a service project called "Christmas Cheer." During the DCM we talked about many topics, such as Key Leader, District Convention, officer elections, and more. We encouraged the members who attended the meeting to think about experiencing the two major upcoming events, DCON and Key Leader. In addition, we encouraged them to run for office next year, and be on their club Boards. I can hardly believe it, but club elections should happen in January! After the DCM, we walked a couple of blocks to the location where they were doing the service project, "Christmas Cheer." "Christmas Cheer" is a non-profit event sponsored by several Petaluma community organizations. They collect donations and distribute toys and food to needy families in the community. During the "Christmas Cheer" activity we helped load food and toy gifts into vehicles. Many Key Club members from Cloverdale, Casa Grande, Montgomery, and Piner helped to make this happen. ~ Carmen Garcia

Helping out at the Christmas Cheer project‌a D32 service activity

At the D32 December DCM

Convalescent Hospital Caroling

Kiwanis Food Pantry Project

On a Sunday in December, our club joined in on a Kiwanis project and went to the Cloverdale Healthcare Center and caroled to the residents. We dressed up in funky hats and sweaters and sang our hearts out. With about 20 singers we really made some sound. Accompanied with a piano player, we sang all the Christmas songs known, ranging anywhere from "Frosty the Snow Man" to "Feliz Navidad". After The 45 minutes of nonstop caroling, we were generously offered treats, such as cookies, and brownies. All-in-all, our Cloverdale Key Club had a blast.

On December 18th three Key Clubbers worked at the local Food Pantry with the Kiwanis, who were in charge of the Pantry for the entire month of December. Our members on that day organized the food that would be handed out. They then helped the Kiwanis keep track of people's needs. The project ended with making sure the Food Pantry was all clean for the next opening. This is one of our club’s favorite service projects because we get to work with our Kiwanis club as well as help our community. The members who helped out on that day were Lillian Bearden, Carmen Garcia and Atziry Rodriguez. There were two more times during the month of December when we were out of school, and able to help. Atziry and Carmen came back for both those times. Omar Aguirre joined them for both time, and Helen Hernandez helped once, too. The Kiwanis club was very grateful for our help!

~ Rose French

~ Lillian Bearden

Bailey accompanied us with her ukulele

Kiwanis and Key Club Christmas Carolers at the convalescent hospital

Lions Club Toy Run The Key Club was asked to run the 50/50 donation drawing and the auction at this year’s Lions Club Toy Run. The rain impacted the number of toys being brought in on motorcycles. But lots of toys were still donated. Thank you to Bailey, Rose and Atziry for representing us so well at this event. ~ Bailey Creager

All the students who served at the Kiwanis Crab Feed

X-Max Make-A-Wish X-Mas Make-A-Wish was an amazing experience this year! We had a pretty big group go to Walmart to pick out presents for underprivileged children in our community. The great thing about the X-Mas Make-A-Wish program is that it spreads holiday cheer to children right here at home who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to get items they had recorded on their Santa lists. Yes, the Christmas spirit is about more than just material items, but it's nice to be able to give to those who need a little financial help. We were able to take $200 on our excursion and split it up equally among 3 children. We bought warm winter clothes and fun toys for each of the kids and somehow managed to stay perfectly on budget! Our group had a great time shopping together and we are happy that we took the time to do this project.

Kiwanis Crab Feed The annual Kiwanis Crab Feed was a success just like every year we do it. This year we served Alaskan crabs because of the infected crabs from our local coastal area. Overall the night flew by and afterwards everyone was exhausted from running to the kitchen filling up crab pots. We raised a lot of money from donations and are grateful for all the volunteers. The tip jars pulled in $1296! There were some servers that were not from Key Club who helped us out. We want to thank them for being there for us. Thank you to everyone involved! ~ Paige Wasniak

~ Maggie Duran

Shopping for X-Mas Make-A-Wish

We are proud to announce that in December we sent a $1000 check off to Kiwanis International for the Eliminate cause

Club Christmas Party We had a really good time. A ham dinner was served. We held an Ugly Sweater contest and did a White Elephant gift exchange. It was a nice way to relax, right before Finals.


Jessie Marshall

Maggie Duran

Helen Hernandez

Paige Wasniak


Rose French


Alayna Lorence

Scrapbook Editor

Lillian Bearden


Bailey Creager

Vice President Vice President Vice President

Your Cloverdale Key Club Board of the 2015-2016 Key Club Year!

Highlights of the Month Include:

       

Coats for Kids project Division Conclave Knights of Columbus Crab Cioppino Dinner Election of the 2016-17 club officers Sale of Snack Zone Packs Work on awards applications Nepal A-Thon Sleep-over fundraiser Redwood Empire Food Bank Day

Division Council Meeting January 16, 2016  93 Stony Circle, Santa Rosa  8:30 a.m./leave CHS at 7:30 a.m.  Lunch provided  DCM/Conclave/Joint session with Kiwanis DCM/Service project for the Salvation Army  “Coats for Kids” contest with pizza prize for winning club DCM agenda items include: I. Unfinished Business a. Club Officer Elections b. District Convention Registration c. Key Leader Registration II. New Business a. Conclave b. Division Judging Update c. Fundraising for ELIMINATE d. Fundraising for March of Dimes e. AAR Recommendations for February f. Next Division Council Meeting g. Division Banquet

Coats for Kids Hi, my name is Atziry Rodriguez and I am spearheading a project called "Coats For Kids." I am working on this project with the Ukiah Kiwanis Club. Our goal is to collect any size or style of jacket, coat, sweater, hoodie, etc. It needs to be clean with a functioning closure/zipper. We are planning to give these items to homeless students. The students range in age from 4 to 18 years old. The homeless children are defined as any kid who does not list a home when they register for school. They live in places such as under tents, bridges, in cars, etc......the worst places that you can think of! NO clothing that looks noticeably used should be donated. Underwear, socks, and shoes need to be new if you would like to donate those things as well. I would like to collect anything I've mentioned by January 16th, which is the next Division Council Meeting. We’re asking ALL clubs in the division to bring items to that meeting! If every club can bring in even a few bags, that would be amazing! Mrs. Cummins has agreed to donate food for a pizza party to the club that brings in the MOST items! In addition, we are enlisting the support of our Kiwanis clubs on this project, asking them to also bring items, since they have their own DCM on that day. Let’s see what we can do when we all work together! We hope that our January 16th deadline will be in time before it starts to get super cold and rainy. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me about this project. I am really committed to getting as much as we can. There are HUNDREDS of students who could use our caring help! Please donate what you can spare. Let’s help keep those kids warm! ~ Atziry Rodriguez

Division 32 “Coats for Kids” Contest

 Collect used coats, sweaters and sweatshirts, (hoodies), in good condition  Bring them to the January 12th lunchtime meeting and we will save them to take to the DCM on January 16th  Or bring items to the January 16th Division Council Meeting  The club that brings in the most items on January 16th, at the DCM, will win a pizza party for their club

 There are HUNDREDS of children in our division who are homeless. These warm winter clothes will be distributed to them through their school offices. Children range in age from 4 -18 so just about ANY size will do!

Campus Classroom Competition

 We’ll operate the competition the last two weeks of January  Each class will be given a collection container  The class bringing in the most items will win a pizza party

ATTENTION KEY CLUBBERS! We need your help at an upcoming event! On January 16th, the Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual Crab Cioppino Feed at the Citrus Fair! Time: 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. They need people to help serve, bus tables, and take out trash. Pizza will be provided for members who come to help. This is also an opportunity to earn Key Club Bucks!

Cloverdale Key Club New Member Induction  Tuesday, January 19th  5 p.m.  Room 5 at Cloverdale High School  What: o Honor the new members in the club with a welcoming ceremony, certificates, pins, handbooks, and member cards o Enjoy a “tea party” like spread which includes finger sandwiches, scones & pastries, cookies, fresh fruit and a chocolate fountain. The beverage will be hot apple cider. o There will be special guest presentations from people in the community.

We hope to see ALL members at this special event!

Club Officer Elections

 Applications available starting January 5th  Applications due on January 19th  Elections occur on January 26th


Candidates “run” to be on the officer team, and ALL candidates who turn in an application and give a speech are elected!

ANY active freshman, sophomore or junior can apply

Candidates can pick a preferred position. The positions are finalized after elections. The President must have served on the Board for at least one year in advance of being elected.

Positions Include:  President  Vice President – (5 people can be elected to this position, with each one having a “specialization”.)  Secretary  Treasurer  News Editor  Scrapbook Editor  Webmaster

Duties Include: 

 

Volunteering for at least 50 hours of service over the course of the year  Performing specific office responsibilities  Attending Division Council Meetings & participating in division service projects  Attending club Board meetings at least once a month  Chairing at least one service project Being an enthusiastic role model for other club members

Snack Zone Packs Sales begin on January 12th and continue through the month All items sell for $1 52 items in a pack Each pack brings in $26 in Key Club Bucks

Key Club Bucks 12/31/15

 Need $340 for District Convention  Need $125 for Key Leader

November Member and Officer of the Month During the month of November, our members participated in TWELVE service projects. The Member of the Month was awarded to Omar Aguirre. In the month of November he was very active, participating in the March of Dimes Bake Sale, the Jefferson School Parent Night Child Care program, and the Knights of Columbus Chicken and Polenta Dinner, to name a few of his activities. Plus he had perfect attendance at our meetings. We are lucky to have him in our program!

The Officer of the Month is awarded to Jessie Marshall. Her efforts to make Key Club Week memorable were phenomenal. She spent 40 hours in service this month and has ratcheted the bar to new heights for any future club presidents. Her devotion and love for Key Club is phenomenal. We LOVE you, Jessie!

December Member and Officer of the Month

Carmen Garcia was an exceptional member during December and has been chosen as the Member of the Month. She helped at the Food Pantry twice during Winter Break, attended the Division Council Meeting and helped with the Christmas Cheer service project, and was involved with the presentation we gave for the Ukiah Kiwanis club.

Bailey Creager is being recognized as the December Officer of the Month. She not only helped with the Kiwanis Crab Dinner in the evening, but she helped with set-up that morning. She also worked at the Lions Club Toy Run, over-hauled the website in order to make it meet CNH District standards, and was the ukulele extraordinaire player for the Kiwanis caroling at the local convalescent hospital.

Redwood Empire Food Bank Division Service Project  Saturday, January 23rd  3990 Brickway Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403  Leave CHS at 8 a.m./return home around 12:30 p.m.

The Best Thing About Our Club Website Is EVERYTHING:

The Home Page has links to other pages as well as recent highlights

You can find out about Key Club at ALL levels of the organization. Check out the history section!

This section of the website has officer contact info, member databases, newsletters, minutes of meetings, and more

Here’s where you will find the monthly calendar and flyers about upcoming division and district events

Click here to find pictures and videos of all the fun we have at our activities

Here’s where we recognize all the Members and Officers of the Month

Please visit the website at least once a week. New items will often include pictures from most recent activities. If you haven’t yet viewed the Region 15 District Convention “magazine”, you can find a link to it on our Home Page. Check it out TODAY!

Permission forms and down payment of $200 is due by February 2nd

Why go to District Convention? Last year I attended Key Club’s District Convention 2015. It was my third DCON I have attended since I joined Key Club. As always, I am amazed by the sheer passion all clubs, despite their size, have towards their service projects. It’s inspiring to see the thousands of Key Clubbers come together to celebrate all the countless hours and dollars they spent on so many different service projects. Their dedication towards service will never cease to amaze me. I had an amazing time, learned a lot at the different workshops, laughed and made great memories with my fellow division members. ~ Alayna Lorence

Every year I go to DCON I love the fact that Key Club is such an accepting organization, that I can always make friends with whomever sits next to me in the many activities throughout the event. We are all there with one goal, to learn more about how to serve those who need our help. Those members who have not yet been able to go to DCON, I strongly urge all of you to start raising money now and go this year. Not only do you learn and bring back new ideas that will greatly benefit your club, but you also have lots of fun, make unforgettable memories, and make new friends outside of your local area. ~Jessie Marshall

Cost to Attend  Donation to PTP Service Project = $10  Donation to Kiwanis Family House = $10  Meal on Friday at Joe’s Crab Shack = $20  Tip Maid & Friday’s evening meal = $10  Registration = $210  Hotel = $80

Approximate Total Costs = $340

Learn about SERVICE  

Planning service projects Spotlight on Service event

Learn about LEADERSHIP   

How to inspire others Being an officer Public speaking

Learn about OHANA   

Kiwanis Family relations Incorporating members Teamwork and team building

How Can You Afford To Go? Earn Key Club Bucks  Upcoming Events that will “earn Bucks”: o Attend Kiwanis meetings o Run for club office o Bring in items for Coats for Kids o Go to the DCM on January 16th o Sell Snack Zone Packs o Help at the Knights Dinner o Help the Kiwanis with their Citrus Fair Exhibit

ALL newly elected officers MUST attend DCON to receive training for their positions To learn more about DCON, go to the club website and find the “link” on the Home Page to view a DCON slide show.

Nepal Fundraiser  A-Thon (choice of Read-A-Thon or Movie-A-Thon – both happening simultaneously)

Sunday, January 17th Cummins’ house Meet at CHS at 4:30 p.m. Dinner provided by Mrs. C from 5-5:30 p.m. Bring $10 for the Nepal cause Bring snacks for later Bring a book to read, (if that’s your choice of activity) Bring sleeping bag, pillow, pajamas, swim suit, etc. A-Thon lasts from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Afterwards: o Games o Spa o More movies o Conversation o Fun time!  Go home in the morning around 9 a.m.          

A-Thon We can hope those in desperate need

In April 2015, Nepal had a devastating earthquake that killed over 9,000 people and wounded more than 23,000. Many were left homeless and need help rebuilding their destroyed homes.

The $10 needed to attend the A-Thon will be sent to Nepal through the Maskey Nepal Relief Fund which is run by Dikendra Maskey who presented to our club in September of 2015. We hope you all can attend the AThon for support of this amazing cause.


Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. ~Dorothy Height – American Activist

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