Committee Chairperson: __Anahi Ruiz/Gaby Gaona______________ Date of meeting: ___7/28/17___
Time: ___9:10 a.m.______
Name of committee: _Save the Rain_________
Place: ___Plank______
Number of committee members present: 3 Key Clubbers and 3 Kiwanis Minutes of the meeting: o
Unfinished Business
Sub-committee reports o After school fundraisers Sell something trendy. Sell an item for a whole week. Have students pick on every Thursday what they want us to sell the next week. Going to announce the items we will sell in the school bulletin on every Friday. One item that is homemade and one or two that are pre-packaged or bought is our goal for each week. Gaby will make a flyer to advertise the first week’s products. We will sell the corn cups for the first 7 days of the school year. Gaby will make them. We need to find a place to store them each day, so they will be ready for sale. August 24th we’ll have more options for students to choose for the next week. We’ll sell something different starting on August 28th. Gaby will have a plan ready for the next meeting. We need to connect with Katie Bogner, the new Culinary teacher to see if we can store things in her room, refrigerator and freezer. o Corporate sponsors Julie contacted Lush and it is said that there’s going to be a follow-up call.l We would like a master list of contacts and offer a template for the Key Clubbers as a guide for reaching out to corporate sponsors – so that Julie doesn’t have to do it all. o Major fundraisers We wanted to do the drive-in but it might be a little too expensive Gaby will contact Katherine Hecht at the theater and talk to her about the drive-in or maybe a dedicated showing at the theater 0 we’re looking to do on November 17th, If possible. The theater owners could guide us through the process of what to do, including what movie to pick Thinking of calling CVS and see if they’ll ask costumers to donate $1 (mention 501C3 code. Sue will connect with Save the Rain to find out their 501C3 number before we approach CVS. Anahi and Alyssa will go talk to the Grocery Outlet manager about doing something similar. We also want to ask Ray’s.
New Business
The Carter’s ideas o Online Fundraiser- GoFundMe (look into we’d have to pay for taxes… maybe nothing if we use the Kiwanis 501C3) o Have webpage of our own for Cloverdale Save The Rain Make it visually appealing Have a link to the web page on EVERYTHING Greg has agreed to research the domain. We will need to look for a Key Clubber to help develop the site. Set a deadline of August 15th to see if we can get it going o Have social media pages promoting Save The Rain along with the link to the website o Have a booth with very interesting visuals We will get some of this ready by next Friday for FNL. We can have a display of clean and dirty water A scale model of a rain catchment system Check Save The Rain website to see if they sell Save the Rain banners; but look into creating our own for use the whole year – Sue will do. Looking at spending up to $200 on the display Have two water dispensers one with clean water and the other one with dirty water Have pictures of the kids in Africa Have a donation box. Sponsor a donation drawing and with every donation the person has a chance of winning a $10 Grocery Outlet gift card. Take this booth to every event that is held this year including any events in Geyserville Sue and Andreina will put this together and will meet on Sunday at 11 a.m. to get started. o Sponsor donation drawings and ticket sales o As for a donation drawing dedicated to Save the Rain at the Crab Feed. Maybe we could get a water service company like Starlett’s to donate a year’s supply of water. o Have “water walkers” in the Citrus Fair Parade, handing out tickets to a free drawing that people would have to visit our Citrus Fair Booth in order to redeem their prizes. Give out tickets and tell people that they’ve been entered into a contest which will hopefully encourage them to come to our booth Julie might be able to help us out with connecting with the Citrus Fair to get our booth at little or no cost to us. o Create a classy presentation and go to different towns and other clubs in Cloverdale Kiwanis DCMs and Key Club DCMs o Order our own bottled water with our own Save the Rain logo on it o We could get any business that sells bottled water to sell our water o We could sell it to businesses in town and at events in town o Anahi and Cristina will work on creating a label for the water o At community events we could raise awareness about the whole situation o Get the city to include a flyer about our cause with every water bill o Have a fancy water tasting event o Have fancy hor’deouvres, fine chocolates, etc. o Charge $50 per person and limit to 50 people o Have a water tasting sommelier… o During the rainy seasons create a miniature rain catchment system and show the community how it works
Next step(s)? . o Sue is going to creating a Banner and she and Andreina will put together a display for FNL o Gaby and Anahi will be asking Kiwanis to help at their next Board meeting o Gaby will be talking to Kathryn Hecht about a theater night vs. indoor theater( November 17th) o Creating labels for Save The Rain water bottles – Anahi & Cristina o Greg and ??? will be working on the website
Next meeting? o August 9th, 6:30 p.m. at Mr. Bearden’s house/ 552 Port Circle.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
(Signed) ________Gabriela Gaona____________ Committee Secretary