D2032 dnews 01

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“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” -Buddha

The RAWRring Wave splashes into a new year! “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi


Table of Contents LTG’s Message……………………………………………..1 Member of the Month………………………………………2 December’s REFB Day……………………………………..3 December’s DCM…………………………………………...4 Division Conclave Responsibilities………………………...5 Sample Caucus Questions…………………………………..6 Conclave/DCM Flyer…………………………………….7 January’s DCM Agenda…………………………………….8 CMN and Oakland Children’s Hospital……………………9 Snoopy’s Ice Skating Social………………………………..10 January’s REFB Day……………………………………….11 Division Contests……………………………………….12-13 Officer Elections……………………………………………14 New Member Induction…………………………………….15 Key Leader………………………………………………….16 DCON……………………………………………………17-22 Philippines Project………………………………………….23 Meet the New DNE/Contact Information………………….24

I welcome you to the new year of 2014. I hope that your resolutions will be successful for the most part. Are you ready to accomplish your new ones if you have made any? A fresh new year means a new start. Although the new year has begun, my term is almost coming to an end. With this calendar beginning, and the motivating experience that I had at the recent training conference that I attended, I am back and prepared to leave you all with something to remember. After Fall Rally North, I noticed that many of us, including myself, began to enter a phase of diminished participation in Key Club. It was not something I intended to do, but of course, school does come first. With the first semester ending, and the second semester just beginning, I am gradually developing new ideas for our divisions to become more active and alive! Starting strong and finishing strong is something that we all should try to accomplish. In April, my term of serving you all will come to an end and so it will be for the officers who are currently running your clubs. Do remember to start planning and organizing elections to vote for your next leaders of your club. I hope that the current officers will join with me to leave their club with something to remember. I hope that they will be able to finish strong, and leave a strong foundation for the future Key Club leaders at your school. I am truly excited to start the new year off by finishing my last three months serving Divisions 20/32 with pride. Please stay tuned for future updates on what experiences Key Club can offer you. Thank you.

The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Tyler Tipler –Cloverdale Tyler has been making a great effort participating in many events. In my first year of high school, I was unwilling to do anything because of how shy I was. For Tyler, as a freshman, to be willing to do so much in Key Club is great. Seeing him take initiative with everything is very admirable. He is always attentive and willing to help. Thank you so much for your contribution for the division. I hope that others can be inspired by your actions and do the same as well! Tricia Tran, LTG

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Last time you saw us…….

Last month’s Redwood Empire Food Bank day was a blast! We had 29 members and 7 advisors working hard to get the job done. We packed several pallets of boxes in no time. When our division members come together, we can do anything!

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December’s DCM was a jam packed one, filled with lots of valuable information. Tricia guided us through a lengthy agenda, discussing various topics such as fundraisers, upcoming division events and the importance of the Conclave.  We had guest speaker, Richard Fuller, tell us about the benefits of attending Key Leader.  We discussed the breakdown in price of District Convention and why it’s important you attend.  Tricia reminded clubs that they can continue fundraising for Project ELIMINATE as well as PTP.  We were reminded of the division contests that are still open for entry.  Tricia informed us of the new CNH initiative to aid the Philippines.  We also discussed the emphasis that has been placed on fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals throughout the division.

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Upcoming Division Conclave- BE THERE!!!

If you read nothing else in this newsletter, PLEASE look over this one page! It’s incredibly important!

The Leadership Team cannot stress enough how

IMPORTANT your attendance at the Division Conclave is! This is the event in which we vote for the next Lieutenant Governor. We cannot elect the next LTG into office without a quorum of clubs there; meaning you NEED to have members present at this event. It only takes two! Each club gets two votes (unless only one member is present for the Caucus Session from your club; then you get one vote). Presidents, please try to get at least two members from your club to the Division Conclave!

Remember to dress in Business Casual; we have to keep D20/32’s professionalism intact! Let’s maintain that Dino class!

Note: More information about the Conclave can be found on page 7!

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Saving children since 1983!

This month D32’s focus is on fundraising for CMN Hospitals. The CMN hospitals are a series of hospitals that focus on treating only children. Children anywhere from the ages of infancy to 18 are permitted in these facilities. Every minute, 62 children are admitted into CMN treatment facilities; their problems range anywhere from broken bones or asthma attacks to birth defects and cancer. As you know, children cannot be treated for medical conditions in the same way that adults are handled, and these hospitals are a godsend for children who are facing serious problems. We fundraise for these children, to give them the opportunity to live happy, healthy lives. All across North America children are battling illness; let’s do our part in helping the kids near and dear to our hearts.

The closest CMN hospital to us is in Oakland. You may know kids who have been sent there! The Cloverdale Club plans to travel there in March to deliver the Doctor Dolls that they’ve recently finished (you may remember working on them at a past DCM!).

Fundraising ideas to help raise money for CMN and the Oakland Hospital!  Local grocery stores are usually happy to let Key Clubbers stand out front in order to collect money to save children’s lives  Hold a Read-A-Thon, or any kind of “A-Thon), getting donations through pledges  Dine and Donate  Work with a local business to get discount cards and sell them to consumers  It will take a lot of planning and hard work…but you can hold a dinner or karaoke night  Then there’s always selling candy, bracelets, you-name it….  Google “fundraising ideas” and you’ll find TONS of fun things to do that you may have never have considered The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Don’t forget about Division Contests! There’s still time to enter! If you’re thinking, division contests… what are they? Then this is definitely the page to check out!

Club of the Year- show us how active your club has been! -Has your club provided many opportunities to serve your community? -Has your club collected many hours of service this year?

Most Improved Club- show us how your club has improved! -Has your club skyrocketed in membership, hours, and service? -Has your club found its stride this year?

Club Attire- show us how rockin’ your club members look! -Does your club have awesome attire? -Does your club's spirit shine?

Member of the Year- show us what you’ve accomplished this year! -Do you think YOU have been a GOLDEN member this year? -Have you performed countless hours of service? -Do you think that you are BEEing a great role model for our division?

Kiwanis Advisor of the Year- show us how awesome your advisor is! -Has your Kiwanis Advisor been a great help to your club? -Do you think he/she has helped your club BEE great? -Does your advisor attend weekly meetings? -Do you want to show your appreciation for your Kiwanis Advisor?

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Faculty Advisor of the Year- show us the participation of your faculty advisor!

-Has your Faculty Advisor been motivated to help Key Club? -Does your advisor have ideas, suggestions, and input for the club? -Does your advisor attend weekly meetings?

Here’s an example of what the contest forms look like. You can find all of them on the “Cyberkey”… the CaliNev-Ha website at www.cnh keyclub.org. Scroll down under “Recognition” to the “Contests” tab. Look for the title of the contest you want to enter!

Applications are due, e-mailed to Tricia by midnight JANUARY 28th, 2014 for division judging! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Club Elections- make sure you get them done soon! You want to have the new officers picked out ASAP so that you can properly train them before their term. Officer positions need to be figured out by the time of District Convention so that they can attend the appropriate workshops to benefit your home club!

Use the CNH Cyberkey to learn about the different officer positions!

Officer agreement forms are highly encouraged. They create documented proof of an officer’s duties. This way there are no ifs ands or buts; everything is clearly laid out. Contact our Region Advisor, Sue Cummins, if you’d like copies of them for your club.

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Exhibiting Key Club Core Values- Inclusiveness! New Member Induction Do you have members in your club who joined for the first this year? Of course you do! It’s important to make them feel special by holding a New Member Induction!!! Such an event helps your new members to feel properly integrated and know that their home club supports their efforts. When you receive the membership cards, certificates and pamphlets from international headquarters, set aside a special time to honor these new members. Did you know there is even a “New Member Induction Ceremony” that you can get off the International website? Just go to www.keyclub.org.

A “New Member Induction” is another one of those events for the Vice Presidents to handle. There are many different types of activities that you could plan in order to get the job done. Here are a few ideas and tips to get you started!     

People respond well to food! Hold an ice cream social! Hold a pizza social! Recognize them with the certificates that are sent from KCI! After the “official” business, host a movie night or game night, Hold a type of “Key Club Jeopardy” game or “Key Club Trivia” contest, and offer prizes!  Make them feel special and appreciated! o You want to keep your members informed, but excited about the work that they do; don’t forget to have FUN!  And don’t forget to make sure that ALL members are present at your event, not just the new ones.

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Take a risk!

Register for Key Leader! Don’t wait!

Find yourself! Key Leader is a Kiwanis sponsored leadership training course, found in a number of locations throughout the US. We’re fortunate that one is held at the Alliance Redwoods in Occidental, (close-by). The camp is from March 28th-30th this year. It is an incredible opportunity that welcomes you to different ways of thinking. Key Leader is an excellent program to enroll in; you learn so much about yourself and how to strengthen your leadership skills. You test your abilities emotionally, mentally and physically, all while discovering yourself and how to interact with people. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!!! Plus, Kiwanis has funds set aside for Key Clubbers who’d like to attend, so start asking your Kiwanis Club about Key Leader, now! Once the camp is filled, the opportunity is gone. Register now at key-leader.org! (You can back out at a later date if you really want to, but it’s smarter to register and be on the list to go, than to be sorry that you waited too long because the slots all got filled!) Any questions? Contact Richard Fuller at cnhregion15@gmail.com. The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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District Convention is fast approaching, start planning now! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Our very own, Dallas Phillips has stepped up to serve as College EXPO Coordinator at DCON this year! Read the message above to see what the College EXPO is all about and to find out why it benefits YOU. It’s just one of the many reasons to attend District Convention!

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Way to go Dallas! Keep that Dino pride alive!

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Now, you may know Key Club’s District Governor, Victoria Lai, but do you know about the Kiwanis District Governor? Rae Whitby-Brummer is her

name! She is quite the lady! Ms. Whitby-Brummer has served as an important role-model for many young men and women over the years. She has served us with a heart full of compassion and grace over the years, and we

have her to thank for so much! Read this short question and answer session with her to find out more about the benefits of DCON! She’s truly a GOLDEN influence! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Bee informed!

Bee classy!

Bee spirited!

DCON recap from last year! We rode the waves of service all the way to Anaheim!

Bee inspired!

Bee recognized!

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They need our help! Bring relief to the Philippines!

Act NOW!

In November of 2013, Typhoon Haiyan tore through the Philippines. It is estimated that over 10,000 people were injured or killed due to the massive storm. This natural disaster left colossal amounts of destruction in its path. YOU can do something to help! The CNH Key Club District Service Projects Committee has made it a goal to bring relief and support to these people who so desperately need our help. Don’t waste another moment, start fundraising now! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Hello Division 32 Dinos! I’m Maggie Duran, president of the Cloverdale Key Club! It is my pleasure to serve you as the new division newsletter editor. As a Key Clubber, I find it essential that I live my life according to the Key Club Core Values. The core values being: caring, leadership, character building and inclusiveness. I do my best to exhibit those qualities to ensure that I am the best person I can be. You’ll never see me shutting down someone for their ideas. I welcome people with open arms and am happy to be in service to you this term! Key Club has helped me grow so much already as an individual, and I hope that serving on our division board as newsletter editor will help me continue that journey.

You can e-mail me at poonchka98@yahoo.com or call/text me at (707) 327-7607

Tricia Tran D20/32 Lt. Governor d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 322-2188 Thu Dang Division Secretary d2032.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com

Maggie Duran Division 20/32-Region 15 President of Cloverdale Key Club 2013-2014 District: Cali-Nev-Ha

Dallas Phillips Executive Assistant/College EXPO Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 338-4953 Raven Quesenberry Spirit Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.spiritcoordinator@gmail.com

The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

Sue Cummins Region 15 Advisor cummins@sonic.net

Tommy Nguyen Division Tech Editor d2032.cnhkc.dtech@gmail.com

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“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform to love and to be greater than our suffering.” -Ben Okri

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to submit articles and tell me what YOU want to see in the next edition!

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