Key Club News

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REGION LETTER Hello D20 Tsunamis and D32 Dinosaurs! We're almost to the closing of the curtain on this Key Club year, but this doesn't mean it's time to stop! It's time to do even more service and to prepare ourselves for a brand new year of growth and activity. I'm encouraging everyone to complete their local club elections. Once you get the results, I ask that the present officer team please start working with your elects to train them as incoming officers. Don't leave them alone and lost. Many of you were very confused about your position at the beginning of this past year. Think of how the previous officers maybe didn't help you; don't keep that bad tradition going. This is one time you need to break with tradition! Help them all you can! Also the division/region torch has been lit and is ready to pass on to Tricia Tran from Piner High School as the new Lt. Governor for 2013-2014! Finally, since February 8th is coming up very soon, please register some of your members for DCON. You guys are an awesome division. Don't change that. -Surfing the MILLION Waves of Service,

Jacob Torres D20/32 Lieutenant Governor, 2012-2013 Region 15 l Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International cell: (707) 479-7580


During this month’s DCM/Division Conclave, we elected next year’s LTG, Tricia Tran from Piner High School. Tricia talked about her future plans for the division such as increasing membership, communication links, and service! Also pictured above are our members doing a service activity for the Salvation Army. We put together over 300 bags of food for families in need.

CONTINUED‌ After having lunch, our division started on our service project. The group was divided into two groups. We bagged canned goods and pasta for families in need. My group was trying to find a strategy to bag in an organized manner, and we ended by partnering up. My partner was my sassy buddy, Jacob, and we had a blast. After our service project, we took pictures sitting on the little kid bikes and everyone had a great time... Now that I am "semi-officially" LTG, I am excited to see what is yet to come. I have already met many new faces at this DCM, and will continue meeting more in the next months, I’m sure. I am predicting that the next few weeks are going to be my last weeks for me to be "free", so I will enjoy it while it lasts! I'm very eager to live the Key Club occupied life, filled with responsibilities. I look forward to making a difference in Key Club for division 20 & 32. -Tricia Tran

TRICIA TRAN Attributes: Once I am relied upon to complete tasks, I follow through and complete them as soon as possible. I will never procrastinate. My priority for this organization is very high. I have come to really care about Key Club this past year, and I my commitment will continue to grow. I am an experienced person in a leadership role, and been an active member in clubs aside from Key Club. My peers can always rely on me to successfully create events inside and outside of school, and bring “bliss” to the process!  Led HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) nutrition club  Vice President of Asian Club, planned Asian Culture Night  Redwood Empire Food Bank  Boys and Girls Club  Vietnamese New Year Celebration  Light The Night  Harvest Fair

Words of Recommendation: I, Karissa Mills, hereby endorse Tricia Tran as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of the California-NevadaHawaii Key Clubs. Tricia's bright personality and innovative ideas made her an exemplary Key Club member the past two years. Her willingness to work with others and push herself to go beyond what is expected of her, makes her an ideal leader. She has used her leadership abilities both in and out of Key Club to ensure that those around her prosper. Tricia is always the first to offer help and support where it is needed. She was the first to volunteer for Light the Night two years in a row and has participated in countless volunteer and fundraising events. I feel honored to have known Tricia these past three years. Tricia is sure to flourish, given the opportunity; and her service to Key Club and her community has been exceptional. -Karissa Mills (Vice President of Piner High Key Club)

“Tricia Tran is the one of the only people I can think of who would be perfect for the position of Lieutenant Governor. She has repeatedly proven to me and the rest of her home club, Piner High School's Key Club, that she is passionate about giving service. As a social, yet focused member, I have observed some of her best moments where she has perfectly filled leadership roles. A division needs a Lieutenant Governor who likes to throw herself into her work; and Tricia provides just that. She likes to busy herself, is great with communication and social networking, (necessary traits for a Lieutenant Governor), and really wants to inspire more enthusiasm within the division. She is excited to take on this new and challenging role, and I couldn't be more proud to have her as she attempts to represent the division and Key Club in such a positive way.” -Holly Maassen (President of Piner High Key Club)

Past Experiences Communication is Key Communication = strong foundation. I want to build a better bond in the division. Key Clubbers should not be strangers to each other. Do not leave club members and officers struggling. Always remember to report volunteer hours to the secretary. Participate Attending school club meetings are nice, but really getting active by volunteering, conventions and Fall Rally is what people should really go for. Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs) are opportunities to meet other clubs from our division. Kiwanis One Day Key Club Week Educate Just like knowing the pledge of allegiance; Key Club’s pledge should be something ALL Key Clubbers should know. If going to Fall Rally, everyone should know the cheer. PTP awareness is one of the most important causes we should all know about. Understand what Key Club is, our goals and events beyond the local level that the club offers. Fundraise Fall Rally: Everyone who is eligible should go to this wonderful event. District Convention: Key Clubbers who plan to run as an officer, or just want to get a feel of what it is like, should have an opportunity to go without having money be the issue. Home club use: T-shirts would be something very fun and nice to have. It could help advertise the club at other levels.

Contact Information: Cell: (707) 322- 2188 E-mail: Facebook: Skype: triciaaatran Oovoo: triciaaatran

My sophomore year was the first year I attended Key Club activities. The highlight of the year in club activities, I would say, had to be Light The Night. My first year volunteering at this event was amazing. My group set up balloons, and tables in preparation for the event. When it started, I worked with my friends, (whom I invited from Elsie Allen), to join in distributing food. After the people finished walking, the event was wrapped up by songs playing and people dancing. Once it was over, we took down tables, tents and picked up trash. From afternoon ‘till night, Piner Key Club stayed and helped with such great enthusiasm, that everyone was having a great time. My Junior year of Light The Night, my school decided to go in the evening. This time, there was not much that needed to be done, because of the many volunteers they had this year. Most of us were motivators, and we cheered so loudly and hard for the walkers. My throat began to hurt, but it was really fun. We stayed ‘till the event was over and helped with clean up. This was my first year attending Key Club Fall Rally. I loved meeting other Key Clubbers. It was really fun and everyone was enthusiastic when we were bidding on the LTG’s. My friend and I started screaming when we won the Korean LTG whose last name was Kim. We tried to cheer on to get the treasurer/secretary whose last name was Chen. We thought he was so adorable and were hoping our division would buy him, but we ended up not doing so. We were told that we would spend time with the people we bought for an hour of the day, but because we were on a tight schedule, we were not able to stay long enough to get to know them more. Despite that, we had a lot of fun, and knew that the money our division donated went to the PTP cause!

I am an American Born Chinese. I speak Cantonese and English. I am a Junior at Piner High School. I have been an active member in Key Club since my sophomore year (Division 32). I am a semihealth freak who loves learning about health. In my free time, I watch Korean and Taiwanese dramas. I love Korean, Chinese and some Japanese songs.

Division Project

Members of the Cloverdale High School Key Club recently celebrated the fact that they just heard from Key Club International that their grant proposal was accepted for the !  YOF grant applications are due on October 15th of every year  It’s a 2-page application  Any club in the world can apply for funds to assist them in any service project where they might need some financial help

Maggie Duran, a member of the Cloverdale High School Key Club wrote the grant proposal. Part of the process was to prove that the club had found other sources of funding, in addition to applying for the grant. Maggie is shown here with a corporate donor who helped with the project. She’s also holding up one of the dolls the club made to prove their determination to follow through with the project, regardless of whether or not they received grant funding.

Casa Grande Healdsburg

Whether it’s been through a personal appearance or via SKYPE, Jacob has been making the rounds this past month… making sure to finish his club visitations to all 15 of the clubs in Divisions 20 & 32! He’s been sharing details about District Convention, officer elections, and more!

Registering Your Officers There are TWO places that either your current club secretary or president needs to go online to register your newly elected officers. Both registrations should occur THIS week!  The first on-line location is to help our newly elected LTG, Tricia Tran, put together the D20/32 Club Directory for 2013-14.  The second on-line location is to register your officers with the district.

LTG-Elect, Tricia Tran, needs each club to register their newly elected officers at…… rm?formkey=dEZRRWFGUDVLM29sN0l5OFE4c lVzdlE6MQ

All newly-elected Cali-Nev-Ha officers are supposed to be registered with the district. Remember, only one person can be registered for each office, with the exception of Vice President. If you have Co-Presidents, one will have to be

registered with the district as a Vice President. When you begin the registration process, have your club # handy. Go to……

Click here

Division Contests Each year, our clubs are invited to participate in the following division contests:    

Member of the Year Advisor of the Year Club of the Year Most Improved Club

There is an application process that has to be followed and then a set of division judges look over the applications. The best entries in each contest are sent on to the district for judging in a district-wide competition. We had one entry this year, in the “Member of the Year” category. Congratulations to Maggie Duran for putting forth the effort to prepare an entry. The deadline has passed for this year’s entries, but it’s never too early for some of our clubs to start thinking right now about doing something for next year!

Visit the Division website to see pictures that have been uploaded from division events and to check out the calendar of upcoming activities, plus MORE!

DATES TO REMEMBER February 23 March 9 March 21-24

Redwood Empire Food Bank

DCM/Division Banquet/Dance

District Convention

April 6

Kiwanis One Day

April 7

Kiwanis Governor’s Brunch

April 20

March for Babies

April 21

Multiple Sclerosis Walk

April 26-28 May 4

Key Leader

Presidents and Secretaries Training Day

Visit the division website to find out more details about each of these events!

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