D2032 dnews 02

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“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” -Robert Louis Stevenson

The RAWRring Wave

“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” -Albert Einstein


Table of Contents

Cloverdale We have had a very busy month this January. We held four regular meetings and worked on Key Leader sign-ups. I feel we had many people interested in going to Key Leader and our club is very excited to go. We have also finished our Doctor Dolls project that we have been working on for over a year-and-a-half. It’s very nice to be able to see all our hard work become something actual, that we can take next month to the Oakland Children’s Hospital. We like to think that we might give the children there some hope during their hard times. Besides the Doctor Dolls, we have also set up a Children’s Miracle Network committee. This committee has been working extremely hard to start raising money for us to take to the Oakland Children’s Hospital. We’re raising money in the following ways: standing outside our local grocery store and asking for donations; holding a Read-A-Thon; sponsoring a Super Bowl bake sale; and doing a “Kidnap a Key Clubber” auction with our local Kiwanis. Other projects we’re doing that are not fundraisers are: making sock caterpillars for the children; and making bracelets and beaded animals. We’re working with our local elementary school to put on a Pajama/Reading Night, late in February, for the children. This will also be a fundraiser. We have also set up another committee for a Philippines Relief Project. This committee has been busy as well, doing many projects like: holding a school wide campaign by having each grade compete to see who can raise the most money; and having people donate a dollar to guess how many sweets are in a jar competition. We’re also hoping to design and sell t-shirts at our local elementary school. We’re selling “Snack Zone Packs” and students can donate the proceeds to the cause. And finally, we’re planning on partnering with the Builders Club to raise money, together. For both of these committees we have regular scheduled meetings and they are going well. If that didn’t seem like a lot, we also have more going on this month. Our local Knights of Columbus held a Cioppino Crab Feed, and we had 21 members more than happy to help out. Our club is also holding our monthly “Shine Day. This is where we plan a fun activity to do during lunchtime, with our campus Special Day Class. This month we formed clay coffee mugs. Our club president, vice president, and treasurer have been working diligently on their distinguished officer applications for DCON. Speaking of DCON, we also held a meeting to discuss the requirements needed to go. To end our very busy month, we are holding our officer elections. This month has been very busy, but we managed to work hard and get through it! Cloverdale Key Club Vice President, Alayna Lorence

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Maria Carillo

On January 18th the Maria Carrillo High School Key Club volunteered at a community bingo night. We had 5 girls from our school volunteering and some kids from other schools. They volunteered four hours at the event and they loved it. They started the night by setting up the tables for the guests to eat at and play bingo. After this they began to cook dinner for the bingo players. They made hot dogs for the guests. After they cooked dinner, the guests began to arrive and our volunteers served food to them. Throughout the night our volunteers helped call out numbers, helped winners with theirs cards, and played with the guests’ children. The guests would win a bag of healthy food, and we helped pass them out and make them. All of the volunteers said they had a great time and loved spending time with the guests and, especially, the children. Maria Carillo Vice President, Drew Nicklas

This past month Rancho Cotate Key Club has been planning some events to raise money to buy gifts for kids in the Oakland Children's Hospital. We're hoping to also raise some money to make super hero capes for them, too. We are planning to have a bake sale the weekend before Valentine's Day. This month we also had one member attend Conclave which was really fun! We just went to an ice skating social that Piner Key Club put on, and we had 4 members go. That was a lot of fun and a great atmosphere. We can't wait until the next division social!

Rancho Cotate

Rancho Cotate Club President, Kenzie Martin

Cardinal Newman

Cardinal Newman has been busy at work with senior service projects and has been keeping in touch with their local sponsoring group. In addition to all this they have been aiding the Food Bank and have been doing beach clean ups to help the environment.

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Casa Grande has been working on setting up committees lately. They have one that’s coordinating the senior prom and another that is in charge of all their fantastic bake sales. They also held a turkey drive and collected around 200 turkeys! Keep up the good work Casa!


Montgomery has come up with some new and exciting projects lately. They recently found a way to get t-shirts for $1 apiece. They’re going to take the shirts and tie-dye them in order to get some awesome new club shirts! They’ll be beautifully customized and a great fashion statement while supporting their local club. Montgomery has also come up with a new little gimmick called “Send ‘Em Packing”. The goal of this project is to get various types of luggage and take them to the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home. They collect the luggage at basketball games, encouraging a little healthy competition between teams.

Piner hosted the skate night fundraiser on January 24th that the entire division was invited to. It was a blast! The members who attended have been raving about what a good time they had that afternoon. Over winter break, Piner distributed flyers about safe driving. They have also been doing a lot of bell ringing outside their local grocery stores.

Santa Rosa

Casa Grande


The Santa Rosa club has been working hard in their community. They had several members volunteer at the Vintage Bush Creek Senior Home. Their efforts brought comfort to many people living there. The members of the Santa Rosa club helped out at the Food Bank recently, and are working on setting up a beach clean-up with Rotary.

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January’s DCM

Last month’s DCM, preceding the Conclave, was quite a success. Tricia gave us lots of useful reminders and we discussed some potential upcoming events.  Don’t forget to sign up for Key Leader!  DCON is just around the corner!  Get those Club Elections taken care of!

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Division Conclave On January 18, 2014, the next chapter of D20/32’s legacy was opened. Dallas Phillips gave an incredible speech regarding her future plans for the upcoming Key Club year. With our quorum present (yes, some were present through telephone calls), we elected Dallas into the position of leadership. She has some great ideas and the Dinos are rumbling with excitement!

Congrats to Dallas, our incoming LTG! Check out the next two pages to see what she is all about!

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One Spectacular Joint DCM!!!

After having our own DCM and Conclave, we joined the Kiwanis clubs of our division to have some joint session fun! In order to all get ourselves more acquainted, we teamed up with our local Kiwanis Clubs and discussed what made our clubs unique. Then, we went around the room and reported out information regarding our discussion. It was fabulous! After a presentation conducted by our current LTG and LTG-elect, we did a service project. The Key Club and Kiwanis Clubs teamed up in order to pack bags of food for the Salvation Army. After that, we headed back into the conference room and ate lunch. It was an extremely productive afternoon and gave everyone in the room positive vibes.

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Saving children since 1983!

During the month of January, D32 focused on giving aid to CMN Hospitals. The CMN hospitals are a series of hospitals that focus on treating only children. Children anywhere from the ages of infancy to 18 are permitted in these facilities. Every minute, 62 children are admitted into CMN treatment facilities; their problems range anywhere from broken bones or asthma attacks to birth defects and cancer. As you know, children cannot be treated for medical conditions in the same way that adults are handled, and these hospitals are a godsend for children who are facing serious problems. This is why it is so important that we do our part in order to make sure these children know just how much we support them. They need to know that there are people out there who want them to make their mark in the world.

The closest CMN hospital to us is in Oakland. You may know kids who have been sent there! During our January DCM we made sock caterpillars that will be donated to the children this upcoming March! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Making plans for District Convention? Start here!!!!

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Don’t miss out on District Convention because of cost! There are many ways to get financial aid and raise money in order to attend. Planning ahead is the key to success when planning to go to an event on a scale such as this one. Traveling with the Division 32 group will be cost effective and a lot of fun, plus someone else will be handling convention details for you!

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Contact our Region 15 advisor, Mrs. Cummins for more information! She can answer any questions you have regarding DCON. If you have never attended DCON, you don’t want to miss this year’s opportunity! It is particularly affordable compared to years past, and is worth every cent. You will grow as a person, as a leader and discover aspects of yourself that you never knew you had.

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Our Division had a great time ice skating at the fundraiser for Piner! I’m sure some of us ended up with bruises, but by the end of the afternoon we were skating masters!

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Here we are‌..BAGGING PRODUCE!!! The members of D32 worked hard bagging oranges for a couple hours. The people at the Redwood Empire Food Bank are so grateful for all that we do; it’s fantastic that we can go there monthly and help them feed the hungry of Sonoma County. Keep up the hard work Dinos!

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New Member Ceremony Instructions: It is recommended that the New Member Ceremony be performed after receiving the club pins, membership cards, certificates and member booklets received from Internationals, once the club has paid dues. Options:     

Invite members of your sponsoring Kiwanis Club, the school principal, parents and family, and all the members of the Key Club. Have new members stand on a stage/room front or stand in audience. Have one officer read the ceremony, while another shakes hands and distributes member pins, etc. Read a poem or story before or after the ceremony, or include a traditional activity your club participates in to welcome new members. Provide a small gift for all new members.

Ceremony: “Welcome Key Club members, Kiwanians, distinguished guests, and families. Today we celebrate and induct our newest members of Key Club. WE are pleased to welcome them to our club and are looking forward to a wonderful year of service and fellowship with them. I would like to invite our New Members to come forward at this time. <Pause until all members come forward> <Introduce new members and hand out pins/certificates/membership cards/booklets/gifts> Because of our shared interest in serving your homes, school and community, it is a great privilege to install you into our club. Joining Key Club provides the opportunity to serve. Active participation in projects will further develop your leadership skills and provide personal development, while providing great fellowship opportunities. Our goal is to be a vital force in the organization, to make membership more meaningful to our members, and to provide more valuable service. As each of you give your best, remember the vision of Key Club International: we are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. At this time I would like each of you to make your membership pledge by repeating after me: I pledge, on my honor - <new members repeat in unison> to uphold the Objects of Key Club International - <new members repeat in unison> to build my home, school and community - <new members repeat in unison> to serve my nation and God - <new members repeat in unison> and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions - <new members repeat in unison> Then it is with great pride that I induct you as members of the (insert club name or school) Key Club. Key Club expects great things from your continued membership in the Kiwanis family, just as we know that membership will bring many rewarding experiences into your life. Congratulations. Please join me in welcoming our newest Key Club members.”

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Officer Elections

Have you held them yet? If not, please do so in the next week! Here is the procedure you should be following –  Your club needs an application which should require contact information, a commitment statement and both officer and parent signatures.  Officer candidates must give a short speech at a club meeting.  Either before being elected, or once elected, officers, a parent, and the advisor should sign a Cali-Nev-Ha “Agreement to Serve” form, after having carefully read it to make sure that all tasks are understood, and that the officer is willing to perform them, to the best of his/her ability.  Officers should make every effort to attend the District Convention to be trained in the duties of their position. Final deadline to register for the convention is February 20th. If you want to register with our Division 32 group, you should contact Mrs. Cummins by February 7th, or as soon thereafter as possible. District Convention dates are April 11-13, 2014.  Newly elected officers should begin performing their duties in April, after the District Convention, and with the assistance and training of the previous officers.  Newly elected Presidents and Secretaries should attend the Presidents and Secretaries Training Day on April 27th.  ALL newly elected officers should attend the Officers Training Conference on June 28th.  Newly elected officers should plan and conduct an officer retreat before the year gets too far along; for some clubs it works best to do a retreat in the summer. The purpose of the retreat is to make plans for the upcoming school year.

Want an example of an application form you could use?…. Check out the next page! The Official Division 20/32 Newsletter | January 2014

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Division Contest Entry Club Attire – Tee Shirt Bailey Creager, a member at the Cloverdale High School Key Club, created a tee shirt design which she entered in the club attire contest. She had to draw the design and then have it printed up on actual shirts. Then, the club had to show proof that the tee shirts were being worn by a variety of members. The rules of the contest had them completing a one-page entry form and e-mailing ten pictures of the shirt, (one each of the front and back), and eight of members wearing the shirt at events. This entry is judged by at least five Division 32 club, via an on-line process, and then will be sent on to the district to be entered in the district contests, against tee shirts from other divisions.

Cloverdale members wearing the shirt at a January event

Here’s Bailey wearing the shirt at the Kiwanis Crab Feed in December

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The shirt back - the members voted on the saying to put on the back of the shirt. In case it isn’t obvious, the school mascot is an eagle.

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It’s not too late! Take a RISK and sign up for Key Leader today! Key Leader is a fantastic opportunity to build on your leadership skills. Don’t miss out on this incredible program! If cost is an issue, don’t worry! Contact your local Kiwanis Club; they’re supposed to fund part of your way to Key Leader. There are also scholarship opportunities for students that can cut costs significantly. Contact Rich Fuller for more information @ cnhregion15@gmail.com.

Click on Register! Then follow the simple instructions that come up! Don’t worry, it’s easy!

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Tricia Tran D20/32 Lt. Governor d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 322-2188 Sue Cummins Region 15 Advisor cummins@sonic.net

Dallas Phillips Executive Assistant/College EXPO Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 338-4953

Maggie Duran Division Newsletter Editor d2032.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Tommy Nguyen Division Tech Editor d2032.cnhkc.dtech@gmail.com

Thu Dang Division Secretary d2032.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com

Raven Quesenberry Spirit Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.spiritcoordinator@gmail.com

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“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” -Robert H. Schuller

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to submit articles and tell me what YOU want to see in the next edition!

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