D2032 dnews 04

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“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” -Norman Vincent Peale

The final issue of the

RAWRring Wave!!! “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” -Ray Goforth


Table of Contents

Hello fellow Key Club members, This will article will mark the last one of my term. Time has certainly passed by fast, hasn't it? It seems just like yesterday when I began to serve the our two divisions. Our Key Club year is ending in about one more month, so let us do the best that we can to make the last month, the best of it! I hope that you, the clubs, and I, will finish strong in order to leave something behind worth remembering! You have all been wonderful members! As the years go by, I hope to see our divisions grow closer and communicate better through the future LTG's who will assist our clubs and members. To officially finish off our year, I highly encourage EVERYONE to attend the Banquet that will be held on April 27th. On the same day, I would definitely encourage newcomers, especially the Presidents and Secretaries, to attend their training event to understand the utilization of the Monthly Report Form known as the MRF, and to begin planning for their year of service. I know that the months only get harder as we near the end of the school year, but I hope that our Key Club attendance will not be hindered for these events. Dallas, Mrs. Cummins and I have tried our very best to accommodate everyone with dates that make it easier for those who are taking AP tests to be able to have time to study. Therefore I really truly hope that you all will be able to come to these final events of our Key Club year! Thank you so much,

Tricia Tran 1

Diana Yun! Diana is a freshman at Montgomery High School, so this is her first year as a Key Club member. Diana attended Fall Rally, and she has attended DCMs in October and November, in addition to the Food Bank packing in February. Diana is ALL ABOUT SERVICE. She has packed food at the Food Bank with Key Club three times, and she has also twice attended other events at the Redwood Empire Food Bank with me (to which Key Clubbers are invited), in order to give more service to those in need.


Humboldt is being recognized as club of the month for their outstanding hours and dedication to service! Keep up the awesome work you guys!

Here’s what a few of the Division Leadership Team Officers had to say about their term this year! This term has been an absolutely amazing experience. I've grown so much beside my fellow Leadership Team members, and together we've learned what it means to be a part of something bigger than most teenagers ever experience. It's been such an honor to serve this Key Club community. Service gives to each of us both of these things—a chance to learn and grow--but most importantly service is giving. And this term I've been so happy to give all that I can to this organization and to people in need. I know that with Key Club, I can continue to give, learn, and grow, and one day, make a real difference. Raven Quesenberry Spirit Coordinator This term was extremely special to me, as I got to meet so many new Key Clubbers from my division as well as grasped the ropes of the technicalities of Key Club. Being executive assistant helped me firsthand learn the responsibilities of Lt. Governor and improved my professional etiquette. Also, the division leadership team as a whole consists of such great people that I have developed close bonds with and I will truly remember our friendships for life; on that point alone, I recommend this position to anyone and everyone. Key Club has given me the ability to be proud of what I believe in and to break through the boundaries often placed around teenagers, such as "You're too young, what do you know?" and "You can't do that, you're only a teenager!" With Key Club, we have accomplished so much, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for great causes, eliminated fatal diseases from countries around the world, and so much more. Being a part of an organization that does so much and accomplishes goals never thought possible, I've learned that I CAN create change. I CAN inspire others. I CAN start a movement that will affect generations for years to come. And with all of us believing these "I" statements, it becomes a "WE", and together our forces are so strong, nothing can hold us back. Dallas Phillips Division Assistant Well, I only had a “baby term” that began in December, but I have had an amazing experience thus far. I was scared about becoming the new DNE, but once I began the task I discovered that it was an incredibly wonderful opportunity. Key Club is such an amazing organization that has impacted the lives of so many people on local and global scales. It is a club dedicated to making a difference in the world and I think that it’s possible. Maggie Duran Division Newsletter Editor



March DCM

Some very important topics were covered at the March DCM such as:  The Division Banquet  Key Leader  Kiwanis One Day  DCON  Eliminate Week  ICON  Upcoming May events  2014-15 LTG goals


Trip to the Oakland Children’s Hospital

On March 21st, the Cloverdale Key Club and Washington School Builders Club, (from Cloverdale), traveled to Oakland in order to visit the Children’s Hospital. They delivered almost 300 Doctor Dolls, several hundred brand new books, sock caterpillars, beaded gifts, stuffed animals and monetary donations. A few of these items would NEVER have been donated without the hard work, in addition to the help, of several clubs in Division 32. Way to go Dinos!


Don’t forget! It’s never too late to contribute what you can to the CMN Hospitals! You can always fundraise or work on various projects to donate to the Oakland Children’s Hospital. Take all the time you need! The Doctor Dolls that the members of D32 recently donated took over 1 year to complete! Pace yourselves; there’s no rush! The fruits of your labor are the most rewarding aspect of it. The satisfaction of knowing that your hard work goes to helping these children is incredible. These kids deserve a shot at happy, healthy lives, so why not be their heroes?


If you haven’t shared the results of your club elections for 2014-15, you must do so

NOW! Your current president, or the newly elected president, or one of your advisors must take care of this responsibility immediately. The following information should be typed and sent to: dallasphillips16@yahoo.com AND cummins@sonic.net     


Position Name(s) of students elected to that position E-mail contact information for those students Phone numbers (home & cell) for the students Home addresses of the students Please DO NOT delay. The new region team needs this information to begin preparing for the start of the upcoming Key Club year which begins on April 13th.

Officer Election Follow-Up!

After you’ve held your officer elections, it is SUPER important that you register your new board with CNH. It’s super simple too! Go onto the CNH CyberKey, scroll down and click the “Fill out the New Officer Information form!” button. Then follow the steps, and bingo! Done!

Did your officers fill out Officer Agreement Forms!? If not, it’s really important you complete them. They can also be found on the CyberKey! There is tons of information on the CyberKey! Use the hundreds of resources available to you at www.cnhkeyclub.org!



Dallas’ goals for this year:  500 paid Key Club members in D20/32  Fundraise $2,500 for PTP as a division  $2,000 for Trick or Treat for UNICEF  ALL dues paid by December 1st, 1/3 or more paid by the Early Bird deadline  $2,000 for Project Eliminate as a division (May 5th-9th, 2014)  150 members attend Fall Rally  50 members attend DCON!


Each year, Kiwanis clubs around the world join in a day of service. In 2014, Kiwanis One Day is April 5. It’s a global effort, but it’s made of personal commitments. After all, Kiwanis One Day consists of the involvement of Kiwanis club members around the world. It begins with your club’s participation. It extends to the impact you have on your community. And it results in an international spirit of service that inspires people worldwide. There will be no limit to what you can do—and no boundaries on your spirit of fellowship. In fact, your efforts will be echoed by clubs in communities all over the globe.


Here’s a rough outline of our future DCMs. If you turn to the next page you’ll find tips and tricks on hosting a DCM so that when it comes time for your club to host one, you won’t be left in the dark. Take the opportunity to look it over now, even if you aren’t hosting for a few months!



Don’t miss out on all the awesome upcoming division events! Stay up to date with this nifty list of things still to come!


DCON As you all know (or should know by now!) District Convention is fast approaching! For those of you who are going, make sure you pack accordingly and read the Code of Conduct VERY carefully! It’s going to be a jam packed event filled with enriching workshops, informative evenings and lots of fun! This year, the District’s service project at DCON is going to benefit the Kiwanis Family House!


….just wait ‘til you hear the best part…. *drum roll* Those who are a part of the D32 group are actually stopping by the Kiwanis Family House on the way to DCON! How cool is that!?! We’re going to actually, physically go and serve at the facility that provides so much to those in need. It is a fabulous opportunity that our members will surely report on once they return. A bit of background…. The Kiwanis Family House is a non-profit organization that’s mission is to provide the families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treating at UC Davis Medical Center with support and temporary housing. They offer their guests the utmost kindness and work in accordance to the Kiwanis motto “Serving the Children of the World”.

Here’s Kenzie Martin holding some of the items that we plan on donating the Kiwanis Family House.




March for Babies Since goals are a very important aspect to key Club life, here are some that Dallas has proposed for March for Babies this year:  $50 raised from each club  If raise $100, clubs are allowed to have members walk the route  5 volunteers from each club o 10 from larger clubs  75 volunteers minimum


May 3 ! Save the date! These next pages are forms that your club’s president should have received. If they have not shared this information with you, and you’d like to know more,


contact the Region 15 Advisor, Sue Cummins, for more




All the money we fundraise goes to premature babies. Our funds are spent on research, treatments, and other medicinal aspects that aid these children. March of Dimes has created the March for Babies walk in hopes of significantly decreasing the amount of deaths due to prematurity; there are many different ways to aid the mothers and children. Their hard work and dedication has saved the lives of many and impacted the world in such a significant way. Do your part and sign up to help at the walk; they need us. Do it for the babies!!!


Eliminate Week Eliminate Week is May 5th-9th (the week before Mother’s Day!!!) this year. What is the Eliminate Project you may ask? Well, we’ve got an answer for you! UNICEF and Kiwanis International have partnered in order to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the world. It’s a horrible disease that thousands of newborns and mothers suffer from on a daily basis. This form of tetanus is usually contracted when the mother gives birth in unsanitary conditions. The disease resides within the soil or surrounding area and then infects both the mother and child upon birthing. Some effects of the illness are sensitivity to light, sound and touch. Imagine not being able to hold your child as it suffers though such an ordeal. The children often times die within a few days of birth. The mother never gets to hold her son or daughter. However, this can easily be prevented through a series of three shots that cost only $0.60 apiece. The total donation of $1.80 goes to save the life of a child and its mother. The vaccines work for a period of 5 years, meaning that any children the mother births within that time frame are safe from MNT as well. Our incoming LTG, Dallas Phillips, has big plans for us this year. She hopes that all clubs in D32 will fundraise DAILY during Eliminate Week. She has also set a goal of at least $250 donated from each club in the division. Dallas has also proposed that the clubs approach their sponsoring Kiwanians in order to set up a joint project. Together we can ELIMINATE this disease from the entire world!





Did you know? That $49 million of the $110 million goal has been fundraised through the combined efforts of UNICEF and Kiwanis International.


Did you know? None of the money you fundraise goes to administrative causes- ALL the money goes towards the cause.


Did you know? That the California-Nevada-Hawaii District’s goal is 8 million dollars.


Did you know? That over 2 million of that 8 million dollar goal has already been achieved.


Did you know? MNT has been eliminated in 28 countries!


In addition to all these fantastic fundraising ideas, there is another, and very unique, program that your club might consider trying. It’s called “One Dollar for Life”. This program has recently teamed up with the Eliminate Project in order to reach that $110 million goal ASAP! This program is glorious for those who aren’t exactly good at planning fundraisers because absolutely EVERYTHING is planned out for you, crystal clear. So those clubs that aren’t the best at pulling it together, this project could be your best bet at fundraising! Essentially, this project entails setting up a campaign, advertising and collecting money until you reach the goal of $1 donated per student on your campus. This type of campaign has been used in order to fundraise for other worthy causes, but this is the first time its being implemented for ridding the world of MNT. If you visit their website, it goes into much better detail and there’s even a special section specifically for the Eliminate Project!

Click here and follow instructions


‌.this will show up!!!


There are hundreds and hundreds of fundraising ideas! Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinking about fundraisers for The Eliminate Project; plan now!



Attention all incoming officers! We have a very important event coming up during the summer!

OTC (Officer’s Training Conference)     

June 28th Noon At 9451 Brooks Road South, Windsor CA 95492 MANDATORY FOR ALL OFFICERS Cost: TBA We will be volunteering at the Food Bank beforehand. It is incredibly important that you have at least one of your advisors attend the event; they need to be in the loop!



This year, D32/20 had great representation at Key Leader! This event was filled with teambuilding, skill developing, and many opportunities to shine! Everyone who went has nothing but amazing things to say about the event. It impacted the lives of those who attended; nobody walked out the same way as when they walked in. Ask anyone who went, they’ll tell you what a truly amazing experience it was! Anyone even remotely considering attending should go next year; just do it! You won’t regret it! Guaranteed!


‌.and more Key Leader pictures!


Tricia Tran D20/32 Lt. Governor d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 322-2188 Sue Cummins Region 15 Advisor cummins@sonic.net Maggie Duran Division Newsletter Editor d2032.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Thu Dang Division Secretary d2032.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com

Dallas Phillips Executive Assistant/College EXPO Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com Call/Text: (707) 338-4953 Tommy Nguyen Division Tech Editor d2032.cnhkc.dtech@gmail.com Raven Quesenberry Spirit Coordinator d2032.cnhkc.spiritcoordinator@gmail.com


“Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Thanks for reading! That’s it for this year!

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