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Region 15 | Monthly Newsletter |April 2016 | Issue 12

Table of Contents Harlin’s page……………...2 Recognition…………….….3 Club Reports…………....4-5 Division Banquet………6-11 Kiwanis One Day…....12-13 DCON……...……….....14-24 Key Leader………......25-29 March for Babies……30-33 Officer Training……...34-37 DLT……………………..38-39

The FINAL newsletter of the 2015-16 Key Club year

Harlin’s Page Happy April Tsunamis and Purple Dinos! This is it, my final article. You’ve made it. You’ve done so much, beyond expectations, in the past year. Now you’re on your way to start something new, whether that is to continue on with Key Club or going out into the “real world” You’ve got a lot of which to be proud. As District Convention is merely a week and-a-half away, you’ll be rewinding your thoughts back over this past year, thinking about the many memories you have made while being in Key Club. You’ll wish that it had all lasted a little longer. Only in memory can you put yourself back in the classroom where you’re attending your first meeting, the bake sale you did, the courage you obtained when you finally decided to run for an officer position, or when you lost your voice at Fall Rally. You’ve shown that there’s a lot more to you; you’ve doubted if what you’re doing was ever enough. You’ve asked yourself if it’d be all worth it in the end; you weren’t ever alone in wondering, but you also weren’t ever alone in growing into the leader you are today. Your accomplishments, and your aspirations—they have inspired others and they have inspired me to strive for more. Now you get to celebrate what you have done in the past year. Continue to serve, continue to lead, and continue to inspire. Thank you for an amazing year, Region 15. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Lt. Governor, and most of all, thank you for your commitment to service, leadership, and family. This is not goodbye; I will see you someday again. With the Love for Service, Harlin Advincula

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” – Aesop

Usually I name a Member, Officer, Advisor, and Club of the Month. This month, the final month of our term, I would like to recognize each and every one of you. Each member has dedicated his or her time to this organization. You all have made a difference with each service project you attended, with each fundraiser you helped with, and with every meeting you attended. Without you, the division would not have been as successful as it is. You are on top of the leadership pyramid; without you nothing would be possible. You are all leaders, and I am so proud of all of you. Thank you for serving. As for those of you who are officers, you have stood in front of members holding meetings, organizing service opportunities, and allowing members themselves to

grow as leaders. You were not someone who told members what to do, but you simply guided them to be wonderful leaders. You have done a fantastic job in serving. I know there were times you felt like no one was listening to you or taking you seriously, but you have made a significant positive difference in your club and to the division. Thank you for being an inspiration. As for our wonderful Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors, thank you to all the Faculty Advisors who open up their rooms during lunch just so we can hold our meetings. Thank you to the Kiwanis Advisors who are always at our meetings and supporting us along the way of our Key Club journey. Kiwanis Advisors have dedicated so much to us and sometimes they are underappreciated. Without you, we Key Clubbers would have not accomplished so much. Thank you for inspiring us to be better people and allowing us to grow. Words cannot express our appreciation ; but just know, we love you and you have impacted our lives for the better. I hope every club is proud of themselves for accomplishing so much this year. Love your club and take pride in what you do within your school. You make a difference, not only in the division, but in Key Club International. Again, thank you for allowing me to serve you and I enjoyed watching each one of you grow as wonderful leaders. With the Love for Service, Harlin Advincula

Cloverdale – By Atziry Rodriguez Since the last DCM, our club has done many things. We did CMN-St. Jude's Radio-A-Thon collecting money in front of Ray’s and donating it to the cause. We have had a DCON meeting during lunch. We went to a Kiwanis DCM in Petaluma. Some members attended a Kiwanis Board Meeting. We did an Easter-egg hunt with the Special Day Class. It was nice to see the smiles on their faces. Many members attended our Division Banquet and many of our members were recognized and it was nice for our Kiwanis club to come and support us. We hosted a campus-wide event to raise money for the American Cancer Society in honor of a well-known and respected teacher who lost her battle against breast cancer last summer. Many of our seniors are filling out the Kiwanis Scholarship applications, which are due at the beginning of April. Finally, our newly elected officers for the 2016-17 year attended a Kiwanis meeting to be introduced. We’re getting ready for DCON, and very excited about going to Sacramento.

Raising money for St. Jude’s Hospital and doing an Easter Egg Hunt with the Special Day Class students

Montgomery – By Jazen Brazell Montgomery High School Key Club participated in a Valentine's Day fundraiser to raise money for our semester volunteer project Kiva. We prepared flower arrangements with white and pink carnations in a decorated vase to sell and cute tins with assorted chocolate. We chose to sell these items at Oakmont Senior Community in Santa Rosa. Our club sent out a mass email to every citizen in Oakmont which told them about our fundraiser and our pre-order sales that were coming up. For one day we went to Oakmont Gardens and set up a booth to sell pre-orders of the flowers and chocolate. Then after we made the arrangements and put together the chocolate mugs, we went out to deliver them on February 13th. We chose the day before Valentine’s Day knowing that many people would be busy and not home on the 14th. We were very successful in raising money for our Kiva project.

Piner – By Fatima Aguilar We recently did a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We fundraised over $125 and the person who fundraised the most money would be able to “pie” someone else in front of the entire school. We are working on having fundraisers at G & G Market, to finish collecting money for District Convention and Key Leader. We will have an informative meeting soon, to begin recruitment for next year!

Division Banquet Awards Division Leadership Team –     

Executive Assistants – Fatima Aguilar, Angela Chavez, & Sean Luong Division Secretary – Sophie Haugen Division Newsletter Editor – Jessie Marshall Division Webmaster – Tejoni Johnson Division Task Coordinators – o Photographers – Lauren Lau & Lisset Miranda o Summer Activities & Division Judging – Maggie Duran o PTP/Fall Rally – Daniela Alvarez o Awake-A-Thon – Selena Tapia Virelas o RTC – Laura Cherrington o DCON – Casey Petersen

This year’s Division Leadership Team led us to new heights. Their dedication and hard work is responsible for so much progress made over the 2015-16 Key Club year. We are so proud of all of you!

2015-16 LTG Harlin and 2016-17 LTG-Elect Fatima led the awards recognition ceremonies at the 2016 Division Banquet

Adults who have played a significant role at the division level – o o o o

Mr. Fuller – (Region Advisor Assistant, attends DLT meetings, helps with events……..) Mrs. Shindledecker – (lets us use her office, attends all DLT meetings, presents at and helps with all events……….) Mr. Braik & Mr. Kuba – (Find us locations for our events…) And so many others who have attended and assisted with events and activities…..

Mr. Fuller

Mr. Braik

Ms. Shindledecker

Mr. Kuba

Division 32 Fun Facts!

 11 clubs  290 members  7,000+ hours of service (with 2 clubs unreported)

 2 Diamond Distinguished Clubs  3 Distinguished Clubs  13 Division Leadership Team members from 7 clubs  LTG with more than 350 hours of service  The Region 15 service record is 2nd in the District out of 18 regions

Applied for CNH Recognition     

   

Member of the Year application – Atziry Rodriguez Advisor of the Year application writers – Daniela Alvarez & Lisset Miranda for Kiwanis Advisor Tricia Shindledecker Major Emphasis Application – Helen Hernandez from Cloverdale Single Service Application – from Montgomery Applicants for Outstanding &/or Distinguished Officers: o Met stringent criteria like attending at least six DCMs; having at least 50 hours in service; attending training conferences doing tasks specific to their officer positions, and more…  Presidents – Daniela Alvarez, Jessie Marshall  Vice Presidents – Maggie Duran, Lisset Miranda  Secretary – Rose French Other criteria in place…. Examples shown instead of documents sent off:  Newsletters – Paige Wasniak from Cloverdale  Scrapbooks – Daniela Alvarez and Lisset Miranda from Montgomery & Lillian Bearden from Cloverdale  Webmasters – Bailey Creager from Cloverdale  Club Video – Carmen Garicia from Cloverdale Division Newsletters – Jessie Marshall Division Website – Tejoni Johnson CNH Scholarships – Maggie Duran and Jessie Marshall CNH Distinguished LTG – Harlin Advincula

Member Recognition Program – o Bronze level with at least 50 hours of service & 5 other criteria met      

Jessie Aguirre Omar Aguirre Helen Hernandez Carmen Gracia Alayna Lorence Paige Wasniak

o Silver level with at least 100 hours of service & 6 other criteria met    

Bailey Creager Jaxen Brazell Mora Holmgren-Ly Grace Swarthout

o Gold level with at least 150 hours of service & 9 other criteria met  

Atziry Rodriguez Lillian Bearden

o Platinum level with at least 200 hours of service & 10 other criteria met      

Maggie Duran Rose French Jessie Marshall Harlin Advincula Daniela Alvarez Lisset Miranda

Has your Key Club made plans to do a project with your local Kiwanis club on Kiwanis One Day? Kiwanis One Day is your club’s chance to make a difference in your community and the world. Remember—Kiwanis One Day is not only an opportunity to conduct meaningful service, it’s a way to draw attention to Kiwanis and your club, which will help you make an impact in your community throughout the year.

The Kiwanis Family House Mission: Our mission is to provide temporary housing and support to families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treated at University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento. Our Vision is to continually provide convenient, restful, secure, and low cost accommodations for the families of patients being treated at the UCD Medical Center or at Shriners Hospital. Our Values are guided by the KIWANIS Service Motto: “Serving the Children of the World”. The KIWANIS FAMILY HOUSE encourages the following core values: 

A sense of community

Dedication to service

Respect for families

Augmentation of services provided by other organizations

Collaboration with community partners

Foster awareness for those in need


The Kiwanis Family House has been able to successfully meet its mission of helping families in need since 1984 only through the financial and volunteer support of Kiwanis clubs and their members, and through the generosity of the community at large. It is with this continued support that the Kiwanis Family House will be able to continue to help these families in need far into the future. Because families often arrive in emergency situations, the Kiwanis Family House also provides a clothes closet and toiletries, a food closet, and all necessary cooking and dining equipment. The Family House provides clean bedding and towels. Kiwanis volunteers and staff assist families 24 hours a day every day of the year. There is a nominal rent fee of $50 per night for families who can afford it. Otherwise, families can stay for “free”!

We are taking $560 with us to donate to the Kiwanis Family House….helping Kiwanis help those in need!

The CNH District covers all of California, Nevada and Hawaii. There are over 40,000 members in the district with approximately 10% of those attending the District Convention each year.

From D32

From Division 20 – Humboldt County Homeschoolers

Voting Delegates should download the Candidates Booklet off the CyberKey at: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/events/dcon/candidate-booklet-2016

Read it before leaving home!

What to Bring to DCON:  Clubs o A $10 gift card for the Advisor’s Social o A folder with Code of Conduct forms for everyone & Medical Release Forms for students + Photo Release Forms for students o Facepaint and spirit items  Individuals o Appropriate attire o Money for souvenirs and lunch on Sunday o A cell phone with all chaperone numbers recorded into its database  If taking pictures with the cell phone for the DCON video…. take them in horizontal format!

o Willingness to learn and have fun

CNH 2015-16 Governor Joshua Nuesca

Registration for the 2016 camp is open NOW! April 22-24, 2016 Alliance Redwoods, Occidental

Register at: www.key-leader.org

Assistance for registering for Key Leader can be found on our Region 15 website at: http://keyclubregion15.weebly.com/key-leader.html

Slots are going fast. Register NOW! Let's Take a Risk Do you have the desire to lead, to help, to give? A Key Leader weekend can show you how. Discover how to be the very best you can be—best friend, best leader, best citizen of the world. Sound like a lot to expect from three days of workshops, campfires and hanging out with new friends? Well, that’s what Key Leader is all about. All events are open to students ages 14 to 18—those who are already student leaders as well as emerging leaders. During three days of workshops, campfires and hanging out with new friends, students learn about themselves and others, develop a sense of selfconfidence and learn what true leadership is all about: helping others succeed.

Scenes from Key Leader 2015

Start planning NOW!

Hold a joint meeting of the 2015-16 and the 2016-17 Boards to do some training for positions

Don’t forget to spend time on the individual officer’s Service Agreement Form and utilize online resources like these found on the CNH CyberKey at: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/officers

Region 15 Officers Training Conference May 1, 2016 Date: Sunday, May 1st Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Presidents and Secretaries for MRF training ONLY Time: 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. ALL club officers for specific position training Location: 9451 Brooks Rd., South, Windsor

Kiwanis support needed:  Talk to newly elected officers NOW. Ask them to put this on their calendars  Provide transportation for Key Clubbers  Attend yourself

 The first hour-and-a-half will be training on how to properly complete a club’s Monthly Report Form. This training should be attended by the Secretary, President and Kiwanis Advisor.  The second two-and-one-half hours will be training for ALL club officers. o Some of the training will be full group work o Some of the training will be according to individual positions All 2016-17 officers should make every effort to attend this event

Goodbye to the BEST Division Leadership Team EVER!!!

A Message from Fatima Aguilar, LTG-Elect Hello everyone, As Harlin’s term is coming to an end, I will be serving as the Lt. Governor for Division 20/32. However, I cannot do it alone. If you are interested in being part of the Division Leadership Team for 2016-17, please fill out the application (link is provided below). Thank you once again and I hope to see at least one member on the DLT from every club. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vyxN7H9t_l7-2VcA4rYTwZFz5TOIklPiRZyCEdBgKwM/viewform

Now taking applications for the 2016-17 Division Leadership Team

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