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Rawring With Service The Official Newsletter of CNH Region 15 Monthly Newsletter | May 2016 | Issue 1

District Convention Spirit More DCON on Page 2



ISSUE Lt. Governor’s Message


District Convention


Division Leadership Team


Officers Training Conference


Eliminate Week


Kiwanis Governor’s Visit



Message Hello amazing DINOS AND TSUNAMIS, My name is Fatima Aguilar and I am your Lieutenant Governor for the term of 2016-17. It has been such a long and memorable journey for me in Key Club; and now I am just beginning to realize that this is my last and final year in high school and Key Club. I need to cherish every second of it all, because before I know it, I will be waving goodbye to you at District Convention 2017. Because of my past experience in Key Club, I’ve set numerous of goals for each home club, and for myself. I hope we can all achieve these by the end of our terms. However, in order to be successful at anything, we must choose our pathway. This may include failing a couple of times and learning from our mistakes, or stepping backwards and staying in our comfort zones. Regardless, we must all take our part in order to succeed in our love for service and others. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us. I hope we can all grow and “Plant Our Seeds of Service” together. (By the way, that’s the new CNH theme for this coming year!) I am eager to be working alongside all of you and not only grow as a family, but grow as one team. Together, we can achieve and succeed, but it all begins with you. I hope to see you all soon! ~ Fatima Aguilar, D20/32 LTG

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District Convention 2016 | April 8-10 | Sacramento

AprilFor8-10 | Sacramento anyone who hasn’t attended

DCON, I highly recommend you attend next year. Not only is DCON informative, but it truly feels like a second home. This year, our division sent 54 attendees from 7 different home clubs. Everyone had an amazing time meeting other Key Clubbers, going to informative workshops, receiving leadership training, being motivated by fantastic speakers, sleeping very little, and enjoying all the other fun activities that were provided.

General Session Joe’s Crab Shack

Joe’s Crab Shack

Group Shot


Our amazing group enjoying their time at DCON ALL DCON attendees are asked to take this survey by Sunday, May 1st: please go to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tWXhNqzpdxDXNmC7_n2NtsG6QkXSFubjWtP3NDuPrJM/viewform

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“Hola, que pasa. The Tsumamis & Dinos are in the casa!” As you may all know, being Lieutenant Governor is not an easy job. It has its enjoyable times that will always be cherished, but it also consists of stressful moments. That stress is lessened by dividing up the work to be done. That’s one of the reasons we have a Division Leadership Team. Another, perhaps more important reason for forming a DLT, is that leadership opportunities can be opened up to others. If you want to grow to new heights as a leader, please consider joining the Division Leadership Team. Our meetings will take place in Santa Rosa and each usually lasts 2-3 hours. They are held once-a-month, and we pick a time that is the most convenient for all on the team. Keep in mind the fact that, if team members can’t physically be present, we accommodate them by using electronic connections, when possible. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com or Mrs. Cummins at cummins@sonic.net (One of my goals for this year is to have at least one person from each home club be part of the Division Leadership Team, so it is easier to transfer information back to each home club.) So far, I have 7 out of the 13 home clubs that have applied to the team. If you attend Cardinal Newman, Casa Grande, Humboldt, Lower Lake, Maria Carrillo, or McKinleyville, please determine which member should apply. The deadline to apply is April 30th, 2016 by 6:00 p.m.) Anyone interested - please email me and I will send you the link to the online application.

Division Leadership Team Application For everyone who has already submitted an application for the DLT, you will be receiving an email in early May regarding possible position on the team.

Our first DLT meeting will be on:  May 17th  5:30 to 7:30 p.m.  3554 Round Barn Rd., Suite 312, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

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Our Key Club International organization has pledged $3 million to finish off the campaign to help eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus from the world. Each club is asked to do their part, which amounts to

$250 Visit: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/SLP/EliminateWeek.aspx for more information about Eliminate Week as well as links to helpful fundraising ideas and the form needed to submit the funds that you raise

Your club will receive a banner patch for a $250 donation


If doing something by the first week of May is too soon, don’t forget that you should wait to turn in your money until after June 30th. So‌. plan something between now and then! Page 4

If you are a newly elected officer from your home club, I wish to CONGRATULATE you on your newly elected position. I am thrilled to by working alongside each and everyone one of you. IT IS VITAL THAT ALL OF YOU ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE, so your term will run more easily and smoothly. The trainings are in-depth and in small groups, so all of you will be able to comprehend the duties of your positions. If you, or one of your officers, cannot attend this conference, please contact Sue Cummins at cummins@sonic.net and Fatima at fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com. During the conference, Fatima will be conducting a short Division Council Meeting to give details regarding upcoming D20/32 events that will take place in the month of May.

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Kiwanis Governor Cherise Gilliam Will Visit Divisions

20 and 32

The CNH Kiwanis Governor, Cherice Gilliam, will be in Division 20 on May 14th and Division 32 on May 15th. Plans are unfolding for both visitations. The Division 32 one is being held at the Robert Young Estate Winery. Our Key Clubbers have been asked to organize and handle various activities such as lawn games like bag toss, a balloon dart pop, and more! It is important to have at least two Key Clubbers represent each home club; and we are asking for everyone who is a part of the new Division Leadership Team to be present, as well. If you are interested in attending this event, please connect with your Kiwanis sponsor club, so they can assist you with registration. (Please note, this is a “dress a little more formally� event)

Robert Young Estate Winery

4960 Red Winery Road Geyserville, CA 95441

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