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Divisions 20/32 Monthly Newsletter

Table of Contents

Issue 2 | June 2016 | Editor Sophie Haugen

“The Happiest Divisions on Earth!”

Page 1: Title Page Page 2: Leadership Message Page 3: DLT Update Page 4: Recognition Page 5: Division Website Pages 6 - 7: Club News Page 8: Key Leader Page 9: Officer Training Events Page 10: Eliminate Week Page 11: Kiwanis Governor’s Visit Page 12: T-shirt Contest Page 13: Food Bank Update Pages 14 -15: Division Council Mtg. Pages 16 -17: Officer & Club Awards Page 18: Summer Calendar Pages 19 - 21: Spotlight on Service Pages 22-25: DLT


To say “ I love Key Club” in Spanish is: “Me encanta club de clave” To say “ I love Key Club” in French is: “J'adore le club clé”

To submit articles e-mail Sophie Haugen at:


Lt. Governor's Message– LTG Fátima Aguilar

2016Hello Dinos and Tsunamis, Guess what! We have officially completed our first month of our term. I am super proud of the hard work and dedication each and every one of you has demonstrated for this amazing organization. Although it was a fast transition, a lot has been done in the divisions!! In the month of May, we had moments that we will always cherish, but we have also had moments from which we can learn and grow. After District Convention was officially over, the term then began for the elected officers. We held our Annual Officers Training Conference for the 2016-17 club leaders, so that each officer experienced small-group training on their position duties. Afterwards, Key Club had the opportunity to attend the Kiwanis Governor’s visitations in both Divisions 20 and 32. We were able to meet the Kiwanis Governor, and to get to know other Key Clubbers and Kiwanis within our divisions. After our first month in the new term, the region has served over 680 hours in service, and fundraised $2,971 for different causes! I couldn’t be more proud! Thank you to all for the hard work each member has contributed in the past month! This is just the beginning for us, and I cannot wait to see what our divisions have in store for us in the coming months.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Editor’s Message Hello fellow Key Clubbers! This past month has been a whirlwind! With the end of school and multiple service projects, it can get a bit wild. Now we are starting into summer, how nice! I am very excited for a summer of service and community building. I love Key Club and I am excited to be around such awesome people all summer. While this newsletter is coming out late, I hope you all enjoy the new design. I thank all of you for your forgiveness and kindness. Here we are, jumping into summer! Sophie Haugen Division Newsletter Editor

Sophie Haugen at work



The Division Leadership Team meets once a month to plan division and region activities Hello everyone! Meet your 2016-17 Division Leadership Team! This year we have 26 members on the DLT, representing 8 schools. A lot will be accomplished with their support. Looking forward to a GREAT year!

DLT Meeting May 17th The team went over all the OTC evaluations and discovered that almost everyone felt the event was valuable training. The team also planned the June DCM details. It is looking like it will be very fun. A big thing we talked about was the problem of communication throughout the division. We want to try use “Remind 101” as a reliable method of reaching all our clubs. The summer activities were decided upon and many events were planned in detail. Best regards and lots of love from your 2016-17 DLT


There is a new DLT in place and the members are: Danayeat Abraha, Fátima Aguilar, Jasmin Aguilar, Jasmin Aguilar, Javier Aguilar, Brandon Alvarado, Fernando Becerra, Jaxen Brazell, Steven Bucher, Irene Chavez, Dalia Rico-Diaz, Nicol Fajardo, Rose French, Carmen Garcia, Debbie Gonzalez, Sophie Haugen, Helen Hernandez, Mora Holmgren-Ly, Azucena Montesinos, Annaleigh Nguyen, Joanne Quinto, Dalia Rico, Atziry Rodriguez, Paola Ramirez, Cameron Taggesell, and Katherine West.

Insert photo here

APRIL RECOGNITION: Honoring The Division Advisor of the Month: Tricia Shindledecker Montgomery Key Club

“It hit me today that Key Club is actually over. No more Wednesday meetings, no more DCMs, no more fundraising, no more service events, because we are moving on... starting a new chapter. This organization helped me become a better person, helped me meet people who are probably going to be in my life for a good while, but most importantly, gave me an inspiration, Tricia and the Oakmont Kiwanis members. I cannot explain how much Daniela, Lissette, and I have grown fond of Tricia and Oakmont these past 2-3 years. Tricia is always cracking jokes in the car on the way to an event, and we always laugh, even if we don't get them. She is always trying to make up new ideas to help us, and always supporting and loving us. There was never a moment she failed us.“ - Harlin Advincula

Club of the Month: Santa Rosa Key Club

Santa Rosa Key Club had a phenomenal month. They participated in five different projects which were Walk for ALS, March of Dimes, Kiwanis One Day, March of Dimes Box Collection, and the Kiwanis All-Star Soccer game. They completed close to 60 hours of community service in April; and are continuing to do amazing things.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Officer of the Month: Tia Bentivegna Casa Grande Key Club

She participated in “Rebuilding Petaluma” with their Kiwanis sponsor club, the Petaluma Youth Commission Annual park clean-up, the MS Walk in Santa Rosa, and the Walnut Park Clean-up. Afterwards, a bake sale was arranged at a Kiwanis meeting and they fundraised $850.00!

Member of the Month: Carmen Garcia Cloverdale Key Club

Carmen Garcia is currently a Divisions 20/32 Photographer/Videographer. She worked hard the entire month to create a video for the entire division to forever cherish the amazing memories we had at District Convention. It’s close to 15 minutes in length and shares everything on the DCON trip, from our visit to the Kiwanis Family House on Friday to the LTG Installation on Sunday. The video is now available on our division website.


Click on the “Updates” tab and you’ll find the following videos:

Right now, the Divisions 20/32 website is a work in progress. The Division Webmaster is restructuring it this month. So, keep checking back regularly!

Resources on the Site


Rose French Division Webmaster

Have you “joined” the division Facebook group? If not, go to the Division 20/32 site and join TODAY!

Club News Santa Rosa



What we did:  We worked with the past officers and made sure that we knew what duties we had to attend to.

What we did:  We attended March for Babies & donated $500 to the cause  We went to Key Leader  We helped clean the cemetery on Kiwanis One Day.  We also did a bake sale.

What we did:  We worked on food sales for donating to a school in Pakistan.  We attended the March for Babies.

What we are planning:  Events for next year and our goals.  We want to put out weekly videos.

What we are planning:  We are planning a summer full of events.

What we are planning:  We are planning a variety of summer activities. We don’t plan to close down over the summer!@


Sonoma Valley


What we did:  We did a “Pie in the Face” fundraiser.  We also did a fundraiser at an event held by our school’s Latino club.

What we did:  We participated in a Cinco de Mayo festival.  We helped at the March for Babies.

What we did:  We were at the March for Babies.  We helped at the Windsor parade; we sold hot dogs.

What we are planning:  We are doing a beach clean-up.  We plan to attend Kiwanis meetings.

What we are planning:  The group is planning our next activities and the things our club will work on.  We will be helping with the Redwood Empire Food Bank Day

What we are planning:  We are planning to set up some bake sales.  We hope to go to some of our summer Kiwanis meetings.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Club News Humboldt


Cardinal Newman

What we did:  We held a GREAT endof-the-year awards night, attended by Kiwanis and families

What we did:  We attended the March for Babies and helped with the general work there.  We did a fundraiser for a community-wide FFA event.

What we did:  We sold root beer floats at a Day on the Green event.

What we are planning:  We are working on re-structuring the club, since a lot of our active members graduated. We are working on figuring out the 2016-17 officer team.

What we are planning:  We are hoping to be involved in some of the division planned activities this summer.

What we are planning:  We are helping with an upcoming bike race event.  We are planning a Board meeting to get some summer activities going.

Maria Carrillo What we did:  We volunteered for the Food For Thought Organization, a food bank that helps provide for people living with HIV,AIDS and other serious illnesses. What we are planning:  We had so much fun, we plan on doing more work with Food For Thought in the future.

REMEMBER Always send in a club report by the 12th of each month! KEEP IT SHORT :) Send to: d2032newseditor@gmail.com

D32 was there… and learning a lot

March for Babies

Key Leader By Jaxen Brazell, Montgomery Key Club Going into my first Key Leader in Occidental, I did not know what to expect. I had heard about past experiences from other members in the club, but I did not know what I was getting myself into. On the first day of Key Leader, I tended to stick around the other members that were there from Montgomery. That night, when I went to the cabin to see who else I would be staying with, I met a new group of girls whom little did I know I would become so close with. While at Key Leader, I was able to make a lot of new friends, gain knowledge about becoming a key leader, and improve my team building skills. One of the greatest things about Key Leader is the friendships that you make, and the bonds that are built just over three days. When you first meet Insert photo here your cabin mates, you talk a little bit to each other and learn basic facts about one another. You soon start doing everything together, eating breakfast, going on hikes during free time, and staying up all night talking and learning about each other. Going into Key Leader, I did not expect to become so close with the different people I met. On the last day, my cabin group and I were practically crying because we didn’t want to leave. It had felt like we had known each other for years, and that we did not meet only 2 days prior. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to meet such genuine and sweet people and to make friendships that are going to last a lifetime. Another aspect of Key Leader which I really enjoyed was the team building and character building. While learning about the different components of being a key leader, the activities are hands on, and fun. We get to go with our groups and do creative thinking and draw and color; I think this is very beneficial because it's enjoyable. During the group sessions, continues here on yourself and the key leader in you. The team building activities that you also get to reflect are led by the ropes course guides are the same way. They are fun activities that force you to communicate with your peers and use teamwork to get an assigned task done. Overall, I had a very memorable experience at Key Leader and gained the skills needed to be e key leader in the community. I cannot wait to return during the term of 2017-18.

Official Newsletter of Division 20/ 32 | June 2016

 Premature birth is the #1 killer of babies.  But it doesn't have to be.  By raising money for and assisting with a local March for Babies, Key Club is supporting programs that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies, and  We are also funding research to find causes and preventions for prematurity.

Hello Key Club Division 32, I just want to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to you for all your hard work at this year’s North Bay March for Babies. It was truly great to work with you. Please pass on my personal thanks to all of the Division 32 Key Clubbers. You all helped to make the event wonderful! I hope we will get to work with you again next year! Erin Shum Bay Area MOD Campaign Manager

Officers Training Conference

On May 1st, Key Clubbers attended a long day of Training. The day was a success with high evaluation ratings. New officers were able to enjoy the D32 community. We had almost 70 attendees! There were multiple and simultaneous, small-group presentations, followed by a DCM. If an officer in your club missed OTC, make sure to contact your club’s Kiwanis Advisor. All training materials are on the division website at: www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com. It is the Kiwanis Advisor’s responsibility to ensure that officers understand their position materials that were shared on that day.

President/Secretaries Training The Presidents and Secretaries training was truly critical, and it was a separate session, also held on May 1st. The reason that this training was so important was that the Monthly Report Form (MRF) was explained. This training was taught by Maggie Duran and Fatima Aguilar. Much of the information that was taught was absolutely imperative for the presidents and secretaries to know. If this training was missed, the PowerPoint used that day can also be found on the division website. Scroll down under, “Member Resources”.

Eliminate Week Project – By Atziry Rodriguez Cloverdale Key Club On Friday, May 6, 2016 some of our members, including me, were in front of our local grocery store for 3 hours raising money for Eliminate Week. We made a total of $239! Members brought items after school that included brownies, cookies, muffins, etc. We also had a large Eliminate banner on display explaining what the Eliminate Project was about. Some people asked us about the cause and we explained to them what Eliminate was all about. Our explanations made them feel more comfortable about donating money and they were convinced with what we told them that it wasn't a scam or anything like that! The Eliminate Project is the Kiwanis world focus right now, where we raise money to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth! For the bake sale, I made some oatmeal peanut butter cookies and they were pretty good, if you ask me. That week, was a very busy week with testing, schoolwork, etc., so I had to make the cookies last minute, but I knew that I was making something that would help raise money to save babies lives! Having been there selling was such a great experience! This was actually my first time being part of a Key Club bake sale and I am glad that I was involved. I actually wanted to stay out longer selling, but we only planned to be there for a few hours. Many people were very generous and donated big bucks. When we explained what cause we were raising money for it was nice seeing the smiles on their faces; and it was nice hearing them say that they were proud of us for doing what we were doing, saying that there should be more kids like us in this world who care for others in third world countries.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Right now, 13 countries have scheduled immunization campaigns in 2016. But that can’t happen unless we can continue to fulfill pledges quickly and release the funds UNICEF needs to reach those nations. Mothers and babies are depending on us. They’re waiting for us to fulfill our pledges—so we can turn promises into funding; funding into vaccines; and vaccines into lives saved and futures protected. Key Club International has determined that each club’s “fair share” of the responsibility is $250 per year for the next 3 years. Our D20/32 clubs have until December, (through the Trick -or-Treat for UNICEF campaign), to fundraise this year’s donation.

Can we do it?

Kiwanis Governor’s Visit

On May 15th, Key Clubbers from 7 different schools attended the Kiwanis Governor’s Visit. They helped with serving the food, and setting up games, as well as selling donation drawing tickets and assisting with the entertainment. The D32 Key Clubbers had fun and bonded with the Kiwanians in attendance. At one point, they led everyone in a rousing, spirited song!

Entries for the Division 32 T-Shirt Contest There are 7 entries in this year’s contest. Voting will take place at the June 25th DCM. Here are the rules the entries follow and examples of past D32 shirts.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Outdoor Activities Planned for the

June DCM

Come Join Us! There will be a number of fun contests with prizes

You already are AMAZING, Why not go for OUTSTANDING?

Outstanding Officers receive recognition at District Convention; and it benefits your club to complete all these duties, regardless! Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

Annual Achievement Report Score Suggestions for the Month of June Hold an officer retreat lasting several hours and make plans for the coming year  Set club goals. Plan your club’s yearly budget. Plan a tentative service project calendar for the year  Don’t forget the International, District and Division projects, events and activities Sponsor a JOINT Kiwanis/Key Club Board meeting and discuss with them  Projects to do together  Mutual goals  Your Key Club goals  Key Club budgetary needs for next year Create a club newsletter –  You are supposed to do at least 6 each year. One or two over the summer lessens the burden of creating so many during the school year  Create a club website – the summer time is the perfect time to set up a club website

Attend the June Division Council Meeting – held on June 25th 

These are our clubs’ AAR scores for the month of April. 5 clubs are well on their way to “Distinguished” status, with 2 others not far behind; and 3 that can easily catch up!

Meet at the Redwood Empire Food Bank at 3990 Brickway Blvd., Windsor at 9 a.m. We’ll do service until 11:30 a.m.. Then, we’ll head over to 9451 Brooks Rd. South in Windsor for the actual DCM. We’re eating lunch, holding a short meeting and then doing an outdoor event, with some fun and games. Ask a Kiwanis member to attend with you.

Division 32 Summer Activities

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

CNH District Spotlight on Service – June Focus

Each month a new theme is chosen as a district focus

CNH District Spotlight on Service – June Focus

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016

More Ideas for Health and Safety


Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016



Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/30 | June 2016


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