Key Club CNH Division 32 July Newsletter

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Cali-Nev-Ha Key Clubs - Division 20/32

NEWSLETTER “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Maria Robinson

KEY CLUB July 2012 Edition

Division 20/32

A message from your Lieutenant Governor Hello D20 Tsunamis and D32 Dinosaurs, I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer. Well it’s been a real busy summer for me, jumping from visitation to visitation, conference call to committee meeting, but I’m not complaining. I love every single minute of helping this division to reach new heights! Remember we have another DCM on July 28th, and it is imperative that at least 7 clubs go! You need 4 representatives from each club --- at least! I know I ask a lot sometimes, but think about how much it would mean for the Fort Bragg Club to come to them when they always travel the distance to Santa Rosa! Santa Rosa! I Google mapped that, and that is 4 hours round trip! Point is -- the way we can grow stronger as a division is if we care about each of the other clubs. May sound like a cliché, but it is truth if you think about it. I would also like to thank you all for coming to the Officer’s Training Conference, even though I wasn’t as well prepared as I wanted to be, due to my accident. I am so happy you made the best of it. I am excited for the Awake-A-Thon we will be holding on September 15th to raise funds for PTP, (Pediatric Trauma Program). Information will be sent out soon with details, including a location. Lastly, remember not to shut down just because it’s summer. Help at your local food pantry [LTG service initiative]. Remember, July 21st is the third Saturday of the month. And, we decided at OTC that every month, on the third Saturday, we would claim Key Club Day at the Redwood Empire Food Bank! So…. any club wanting to help on that day, show up at 8 a.m. You might also want to clean a park, or help out at your town’s weekly summer festival, Relay for Life event, or join in on whatever is going on. I’m going to be gone the 1st week of July for International Convention in Florida, so please turn the MRF’s in to Jose and me [ and] Don’t forget to also send them to Mrs. Cummins. Thank you all for being such a wonderful division. 12 out of 15 MRF’s were turned in this past month. Let’s make it 15 out of 15 for this month. In Service & Friendship, Jacob Torres D20/32 Lieutenant Governor, 2012-2013 Region 15 l Key Club International

Jacob at the Officer’s Training Conference on June 10, 2012.

Club of the Month goes to Humbolt… Congratulations to the Humboldt Home Schoolers for being Club of the Month for May. Some of you may not be familiar with this club since they live like 6 hours away from you guys, but this club is from Division 20 -- the other division I serve. This club has done wonderful things and they deserve to be recognized. They raised $1,325 from a dinner that went to help the Salvation Army after-school program. For a club that is far away and not able to connect geographically with the rest of us, they do amazing things. -Jacob Torres

Officer’s Training Conference The Officers’ Training Conference was held on Sunday, June 10th, 2012. The training began with a DCM, where we discussed future plans for this new Key Club year. We talked about the upcoming Awake-a-Thon that will benefit PTP, the (Pediatric Trauma Program). Also, the guest speaker, Billy Bartz, from the Redwood Empire Food Bank taught us about how our Key Clubs can help their local community by simply donating either their time or food to the REFB. With that being said, we decided that every third Saturday of each moth will be a Key Club Day at the food bank. We hope that Key Clubs from our division will donate their time from eight in the morning until noon, volunteering to do whatever they ask of us. In addition, at the DCM we also talked about future events such as RTC, (Regional Training Conference), Fall Rally, Key Leader, and DCON, (District Convention). After the DCM, the members were divided into different workshops. The presidents all gathered in one room, the vice presidents in another, and so on. In the President’s Workshop I learned the different ways I could improve my club, such as organization by making agendas ahead of time. I was also encouraged to plan ahead of time by holding a Board meeting; this also helps a club function more efficiently. This way several “heads” are in on the planning and the Board knows what to expect ahead of time, so they can help the rest of the members to understand why they might want be involved in the planned projects! Overall, the training was helpful to not only me as a president, but to my entire Board. Learning about what is expected of us, about what a distinguished/officer is, and about upcoming service projects and events makes the Board excited for this new Key Club year. -Frances Fontanilla Fort Bragg

Member of the Month goes to…

Eli Gomez From Fort Bragg Eli is the Member of the Month for May, because even though she is just a freshman, she gets involved with her club Board, and she is always willing to participate in projects. This past year was only her first year in Key Club, but she is always more than happy to donate her time to volunteer in the community. -Jacob Torres

Club News Rancho Cotate

Santa Rosa

We are helping out at the Relay For Life at the end of June. In May, we continued to help out at Project Grad, which involved making decorations for the event. It turned out very successful. We had about five people help with twenty hours of community service total. We also had our end of the year party, and some of our Kiwanis members joined us. We are currently planning a lot of events with Kiwanis. -McKenzie Martin

Santa Rosa High School’s Key Club is excited for this coming year, and is hoping to get more members active and excited as well. This past month, we have volunteered at the Human Race, and we helped build a float for the Rose Parade. We are looking forward to the Fall, and our club has taken interest in attending the Dance Marathon for Life. -Naomi Tesfuzigta

Piner Piner High School Key Club is looking forward to a great year of service and fun. We have set some big priorities for the summer, the top two primarily being fundraising for all upcoming events for the year (Key Leader, DCON, Fall Rally, etc.) and attending/taking over Kiwanis meetings. Piner’s Key Club has gotten caught up in some great spirit and inspiration from OTC and we hope to become a Distinguished Club this year. -Holley Maassen

Cloverdale Cloverdale Key Club just had a Car Wash on June 9th from 9-2. We made $685 to help our members get “Key Club Bucks”. That’s what we call money in the Key Club account that is ear-marked for members to use for Key Club trips. For example, this money is helping eight of our members go to ICON, (that’s International Convention). We also started a booth at our town’s summertime event called Friday Night Live selling See’s candy bars. We’re gearing up Relay for Life which will be held in our town in July, and making plans for fundraising money for PTP, the ELIMINATE Project and more! -Crysta Jojola

Fort Bragg Our Key Club year has gotten off to a great start. We have attended many community events and are working with other groups such as AmeriCorp in events such as the Trail Building at Hare Creek Beach and an invasive plant removal at Russian Gulch State Park. We also volunteered in several community events such as the Fort Bragg Quilt Show, Hospice Spaghetti Dinner, and the Hoity Toity Fashion Show. Jacob Torres, our LTG, came by for a visitation where we discussed future events and ways to improve our club. Our Key Club is also hoping to create a strong bond with our Kiwanis Club. Therefore, we held a takeover meeting where we ran the Kiwanis meeting, sold treats, auctioned off our members for chores, and enjoyed the company of our generous Kiwanis members. Currently, we are focusing on publicizing the July DCM, which will be held here, at the coast. -Eric Medina



On June 10th, I, along with other Board members of my club, attended the Officers Training Conference at the Salvation Army in Santa Rosa. We had the June DCM, where a spokesperson from the Redwood Empire Food Bank (REFB) came and informed us about many ways that Key Club members can help them. The Vice Presidents Workshop was very helpful; I learned the many requirements to become a distinguished officer and my different responsibilities. Also, Windsor created the poster for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) to teach the other clubs about ways to help minimize accidental deaths among children. Overall, I gained a lot of knowledge on how to run a successful club, and it was a fun experience. -Daniela Garcia

On Saturday, June 9th, Oakmont Kiwanis held its annual Pancake Breakfast. This is one of their largest fundraisers of the year. There was a live band playing folk music and amazing weather to accompany the well-attended breakfast merriment. Our Key Club volunteered; we served orange and tomato juice--the latter being quite unpopular. Many people were dismayed to find that there was no alcohol to accompany their juice! The Kiwanians and their guests were friendly and appreciative to have us there. Overall, it was a fun, successful event. -Acacia Keith

Contact Information

Jacob Torres Lieutenant Governor

Frances Fontanilla Newsletter Editor

Jose Gaona Assistant Lieutenant Governor

Claire Carter Assistant Lieutenant Governor

Sue Cummins Regional Advisor

THIS IS TENTATIVE... to be discussed at the July DCM, (at the Beach Clean-Up). It was felt that, since we’re encouraging members to do the Redwood Empire Food Bank on the third Saturday of each month, we should combine that event with our DCMs, as often as posible… to keep traveing to a mínimum.

Project Jump Start –

By Mckenzie Martin from Rancho Cotate

“Project Jump Start” has to do with helping children in need, ages 0-5! Helping children isn’t just donating money; it’s doing anything you can to help them grow as an individual. An individual person or group, like Key Club, can do a variety of things to help kids. Some things are: Book, toy or clothing drive Helping out at a day care facility, YMCA or pre-school Put on an activity night Picnic day with a day care facility Rummage sale and proceeds go to a charity that helps this age children Food drive for families with young children in need Kids night out Dress up day Storytelling at a library or day care facility Make and sell jewelry and give the proceeds to a young children’s cause Help out at a children’s hospital or collect toys or books to give to the hospital Fundraise and then use the money for helping an organization that benefits children this age Help teach social skills, math, vocabulary and colors to children this age Sponsor a trip to the petting zoo or to a regular zoo Hold a game day Sponsor a movie day Take children from a pre-school or day care facility to the park!

Basically, do anything that will help children ages 0-5! OBESITY IN CHILDREN Obesity in children has become a serious concern over the past decade. Kids are less active now and the food that’s around plays a big role in the “tummy explosion”! Everyone needs at least one hour of moderate to strenuous physical activity a day. Studies have shown that a large number of children who are obese at a young age have a greater risk of being obese as an adult. Being obese can lead to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, joint problems, fatty liver, high colesterol, or even a stroke. Abilities and interests to encourage that will allow them to get in the exercise that they need each day include: 0-1 yr old – crawling, standing somewhat, cruising, banging, dropping things, shaking things, throwing things, biting, and holding. They imitate things/people, love peek-a-boo, understand their name, want attention and babble. 1 yr old – very curious, can match things, push, pull, open, close, knock things down, copy you, and are very active. Don’t put them in a playpen for any great length of time. 2 yrs old – love jumping, climbing, rolling around, muscle skill activities, copy what they see, say some words and should be encouraged to do activities that strengthen their hand coordination. 3-5 yrs old – are in to climbing, jumping, taking risks, building, figuring out shapes, recognizing colors, the alphabet, holding pencils, cutting paper, running around and a very energetic. They speak in complete sentences, don’t like to share and copy you a lot! Things they like: 0-1 yr old – love musical things, stuffed animals that they can hold, mirrors, plastic dolls, cloth books, teething toys, disks, rings, keys and squeaking toys. 1 yr old – are in to dolls, blankets, stuffed animals, mirrors, instruments, puppets, toy phones, costumes, nursery rhymes, CDs, books and magnets. 2 yrs old – play with wagons, dolls, push toys, balls, small bikes, tunnels, swings, slides, puzzles, blocks, sprinklers, pounding toys, noise makers, large crayons, chalk, clay, dress-up costumes and pop-up books. 3-5 yrs old – like balls, bikes, swings, jump ropes, kites, play structures, musical instruments, markers, toy phones, picture bingo, cars, trucks, magnets, books, dolls, paint and stuffed animals.

Can you use this information to créate a project that tackles the childhood obesity issue in your community?

Our First D32 Redwood Empire Food Bank Day – Saturday, June 23rd

We packed up 420 boxes of food for needy senior citizens! NEXT REFB Day:

Saturday, July 21st

July 2012 DCM  July 28, 2012 Pudding Creek Beach, Fort Bragg, CA  11:00a.m. -3:00p.m.  Beach Clean-Up and Barbecue; bring $5 for the BBQ  “So if I get more than 7 clubs at the Beach Clean-Up in July, I will do the cinnamon challenge” –Jacob Torres!  RSVP: or

CNH l KEY CLUB D20/32 July Divisional Council Meeting July 28, 2012 Pudding Creek Beach: 100 Pudding Creek Rd, Fort Bragg, CA 95437

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S WELCOME Hello D20 Tsunamis & D32 Dinosaurs,

Welcome to the first ever Fort Bragg Divisional Council Meeting [DCM]. Thank you all for coming this far to show support for the Fort Bragg Key Club. While we help this town by cleaning up their beach, remember you can do projects like this to help your own community. Sponsor a river clean up, clean up a park, or help at your town’s summer festival. So then, we now begin the DCM, which we hope contains much information that will prove useful to your club.


1. Introductions  Call to Order  Roll Call  Pledge of Allegiance  Key Club Pledge  Club Updates/ Reports  Kiwanis Reports  Lt. Governor’s Report  Inspirational Quote 2. New Business  Regional Training Conference  Food Banks – LTG Service Initiative  Division Directory  Division Mascot & T-shirt  Fundraisers and FUN-raisers  International Convention Report  Children’s Miracle Network  PTP Fundraising for Fall Rally  D32 Awake-A-Thon for PTP  August DCM Adjournment

Contact Information Jacob Torres

Frances Fontanilla

Jose Gaona

Claire Carter

Sue Cummins

Whoa…you mean to say that I’ve only got one more month before registration is due for the Regional Training Conference! Gotta’ talk to my Kiwanis Club NOW!

A typical day in D32 paradise!

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