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Divisions 20/32 Monthly Newsletter Issue 3 | July 2016 | Editor Sophie Haugen

“The Happiest Divisions on Earth!”

Table of Contents Page 1: Title Page Pages 2-3: Leadership Page 4: Recognition Page 5: Resources/Communication Pages 6-7: Club News Page 8: July & August Activities Page 9: Joint Board Meetings Pages 10-11: Reminders Pages 12-13: PTP Pages 14-15: Beach Clean-Up Page s16-18: “Go Outdoors” Focus Page 19: AAR Scoring Page 20-21: June 25th Activities Page 22: T-Shirt Contest Winner Page 23: Website Page 24: Recruiting Members Page 25: Family Support Center Pages 26-29: DLT


What does the KEY in Key Club stand for? The “Key Boys” were the leaders at Sacramento High School who started the first Key Club to give back to their community.

To Submit Articles E-mail Sophie Haugen at


Lt. Governor's Message– LTG Fátima Aguilar


Editor’s Message Hello Fellow Key Clubbers! It’s been fun getting to meet and hang out with more and more new students this year. I don’t know about your club, but Santa Rosa is getting ready to have an excellent year. I hope all of your clubs are getting prepared to serve for this coming year. Much love and best wishes for your July!

We are entering the month of July and back-toschool commercials are slowly making their way back on T.V. When school starts in August, we won’t have the same liberties as we have now. Whether you are taking Santa Rosa Junior College courses, working, or volunteering, take time in the summer to enjoy yourself. For the month of July, the District’s service focus is “GO OUTDOORS.” We are encouraging participation in a couple of activities that fit this theme. We are sponsoring a division-wide fundraiser for the Pediatric Trauma Program, Sophie Haugen , Newsletter Editor recommending that it be done on either July 9th or 10th, so begin planning for that now. While it’s a division project, you are actually being asked to do your fundraising in your own local community. Clubs are planning everything from yard sales, to food and beverage tables in front of stores. For another outdoor activity, we will be holding a Beach Day on July 23rd, where we will clean the beach, hold a DCM, and battle against each other in Beach Olympics. A couple of years ago, the district theme was “A Million Waves of Service”. I hope you continue your journey with us through “our million waves of rawring service” on our fun beach day. Sophie Haugen at work

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

DLT Meeting June 9th

Have you checked out the video about our 2016-17 Division Leadership Team? If not, take a few minutes to view it and you’ll learn that we’ve got a GREAT group of students serving you. We’re now up to 24 members on the team! You can find the video at the following url address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=It072syBxUE


Your DLT at their June meeting

We planned so many exciting things at our meeting, dinos! We planned the Beach Clean-Up and we also planned many of the fun activities for the June 25th DCM/Food Bank Day. We also worked together to start developing, as well as reinventing, well-known events like RTC! With this awesome group of people, who knows what we’ll have in store for you! Best regards, Your 2016-2017 DLT

MAY RECOGNITION: Honoring The Division Club of the Month: Cardinal Newman Key Club

Club of the Month goes to Cardinal Newman. For the past few years, this home club has been inactive when it comes to our division activities. It was difficult for us to connect with the home club. However, this year we h a ve tw o m e m be rs participating on the Division Leadership Team, and we’re so excited that they are beginning to be active on a division level. During May, despite the fact that it was a busy time for all with the end of the school year, they participated in three service activities and fundraised funds for club and service use. We are thrilled to be working with them, and we know this year, the home club is going to grow substantially.

Member of the Month: Samantha Hays Windsor Key Club

The Member of the Month goes to Samantha Hayman for all the hard work and the amount of dedication she has demonstrated for this amazing organization. Although she was not an officer, and she is soon officially leaving for c ol l ege, s he s pen t countless hours assisting Windsor High School Key Club. She assisted the officers in any way possible and helped with many recent events.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Officer of the Month: Annaleigh Nguyen Montgomery Key Club

At our second Division Leadership Team meeting, Fatima was talking to the Montgomery Key Club Advisor, and she informed her that for the past few years, the principal of the school did not allow Key Club to sell anything at their school’s graduation. But, Annaleigh approached the principal and she did a good job of convincing her that it was okay for the Key Club to sell water this year. They were able to make more than $700 at graduation from selling water bottles on that 100-degree day!


Our Division 20/32 Facebook site is a great source of information about our activities. If you haven’t already done so, go to the site and ask to join it, so you can get messages sent directly to you.

If you are a club officer, sign up on the CyberKey for your “Officer Reflector”. Doing so will allow you ac c es s to s pec ial materials that are regularly uploaded by LTGs, District Committee Chairs and our CNH Executives.


LTG Fatima is in the process of setting up a “Remind 101” texting system. It should be complete by the end of September. When you go to a club meeting at the beginning of the year, be sure to give your President permission to add your name to the database.

Email is our most common form of contacting members. If you are NOT getting email messages from the division, please send a message to LTG Fatima at: fatima.aguilar10@gmail.com

Cc Region Advisor at: cummins@sonic.net

We also communicate by Instagram. If you want message reminders sent to you, contact Atziry Rodriguez, our Social Media Coordinator. Her text number is: 707–458-5596.

Club News Santa Rosa



What we did:  We worked with the past officers and made sure that we knew what duties we had to attend to.  We attended division activities. What we are planning:  We’re planning events for next year and setting our goals.  We want to put out weekly videos.

What we did:  We held an Awards Night where we gave awards to our Board, outstanding members, and more!  We’ve been delivering phone books to our entire town. What we are planning:  We are planning an officer over-night.  We’ve invited our Kiwanis to a Board-2Board picnic and an outdoor movie night.

What we did:  We fundraised for a school in Pakistan.  On June 3rd, we sold water bottles at our school’s graduation. We raised over $700. What we are planning:  We’re sponsoring a “Summer Service Olympics” to honor members who do our service activities.  Our advisor and a member are going to ICON!


Sonoma Valley


What we did:  We sold water and leis at our graduation.  We also did a park clean-up.  We helped at the city’s annual Rose Parade. What we are planning:  We are setting up some bake sales for Kiwanis meetings.  We’re also planning to do sales to raise money for PTP.

What we did:  We’ve spent a lot of time recently creating a club website.  We made a video for the division about the division t-shirt contest.  We went to the Redwood Empire Food Bank Day. What we are planning:  We’re planning our own beach clean-up  We’re hoping to attend more Kiwanis meetings

What we did:  March for babies, The Windsor parade, we sold hot dogs. What we are planning;  The group is planning our next activities and the things our club will work on. We will plan our work and the things we plan to do in our officer meetings.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Club News

Our clubs are staying active over the summer!


Cardinal Newman

What we did:  We volunteered at the Redwood Empire Food Bank. While we were at the Food Bank we packaged food to be distributed in the county.

What we did:  We helped at the D32 Redwood Empire Food Bank Day.

What we are planning:  We are holding a Board meeting to make plans for the start of the school year.

What we are planning:  We are working on plans for the next school year with an upcoming Board meeting to help determine our goals.

Maria Carrillo What we did:  We spent time mentoring the new officers, discussing summer plans, and sharing ideas for member recruitment in the fall.  We also helped with the Rose Parade. What we are planning:  We’re working on plans for doing some food drives.

REMEMBER Always send in a club report by the 12th of each month! KEEP IT SHORT :) Send to: d2032newseditor@gmail.com

Division 32 July and August Activities

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Planning a Joint Board Meeting with Your Kiwanis and Key Club Boards Organize a picnic at a park, or a BBQ at someone's home. You plan the food. You plan the agenda. You send out invitations.  Be sure to go to a Kiwanis meeting and verbally invite them, as well as give them personal written invitations.

What should be on the agenda?   

 

Some fun, get-acquainted activities A discussion about how you can better assist them Making plans for at least one JOINT project— something you plan together, possibly even hold committee meetings to do Sharing some of your club’s goals for the year A list of your needs that the Kiwanis could fulfill  Don’t forget to talk about the need to have more Kiwanis available to help drive you to division and district events!  You’ll need to share your budgetary needs

What are your possible MINIMAL budgetary needs?  

Funds for club use—At least $200 (for the club’s discretionary use) Funds for Division/District /International activities  Region Training Conference—At least $100 (to assist 10 members to attend)  Fall Rally—At least $100 (to assist 10 members to attend)  District Convention—At least $1000 (to assist 4 members + an adult to attend)  Key Leader—At least $200 (to assist 2 members to attend) ** If you are planning on sending fewer students to any of these events, you can adjust the budget accordingly

Some Kiwanis clubs sponsor more than one Key Club, and may find this request to be more than they can afford. This is YOUR cue to suggest a joint fundraising effort. You could plan an event…..who knows what ideas you might come up with, if you work together! Reminder: the burden of financial support to the Key Clubs can be a shared burden. But, first you have to hold an open discussion TOGETHER!

REMINDERS MRF Remember to talk to you secretary this month! Tell him/her about your officer work, and/or your division work and say, “thank you”! The MRF is due on July 4th, so remember to turn it in! If you don’t turn it in your club cannot get the District Tree Patch and it also makes it impossible for your secretary to become Outstanding or Distinguished.

Kiwanis Relations During the coming summer months it is relatively easy to connect with your Kiwanis clubs. When there is no school you can go to their meetings frequently! Make contact with them on a regular basis! They LOVE to hear from you. This also gets you a lot of points on your AAR score!

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

PTP FUNDRAISING DAY We are having a division-wide fundraising day! We like to encourage the best events for our members, so we are hoping that our clubs ALL our clubs will participate. And, all the funds raised will be donated at Fall Rally for the PTP cause. Each club is asked to do something locally, most likely sell food or drinks outside a local store. We hope that all clubs will do something on July 9th or 10th. Funds should be kept in the club account until it’s time to take them to Fall Rally.

Division-Wide PTP Fundraising Day

July 9th or

10th Choose one of these days and make your own local plans to fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause. Some clubs are setting up a table in front of a local store and selling drinks like lemonade, Aguas Frescas, root beer floats, etc. Other clubs are selling food items, or baked goods, or even doing a yard sale. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you honor the cause with a fundraiser on that day. All funds raised should be saved in your local account to be donated to PTP when your club goes to Fall Rally in October. Don’t forget, we’re asking each club to bring a minimum of $250 to Fall Rally for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause.

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

Raising Your Club’s Annual Achievement Report Score Suggestions Hold an officer retreat lasting several hours and making plans for the coming year  Set club goals. Plan your club’s yearly budget. Plan a tentative service project calendar for the year.  Don’t forget the International, District and Division projects, events and activities. Sponsor a JOINT Kiwanis/Key Club Board meeting. Discuss with them:  Projects to do together  Mutual goals  Your Key Club goals  Key Club budgetary needs for next year Create a club newsletter –  You are supposed to do at least 6 each year. One or two over the summer lessens the burden of creating so many during the school year. Fundraise for PTP  On July 9th and/or 10th arrange to be outside a “local” store and sell drink and other food items. Save the money to turn in at Fall Rally. Participate in the district’s “Spotlight on Service” focus  Do a “Go Outdoors” project. Write an article for the division newsletter and  Submit to Sophie at: d2032newseditor@gmail.com. Attend the Division Beach Clean-Up/DCM –  It’s on Saturday, July 23rd from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Goat Rock Beach. Don’t forget your Event Request Form. Attend Kiwanis meetings  Go throughout the month. Be sure that all officers attend at least one Kiwanis meeting.

Redwood Empire Food Bank Service Project

On June 25th the division participated in a service project at the Redwood Empire Food Bank

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

June Division Council Meeting

Also on June 25th we held a meeting and then did some fun activities outside. It was a hot day, so the water play went over really well!

Winning T-Shirt Design Front


Jasmin Aguilar T-Shirt Designer Piner Key Club

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

What’s New on the Website? www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com

The website is still a work-inprogress, and will be for a few more weeks. The Home Page is being revised and will shortly include links to the Facebook site, our division Instagram, and more.

Looking for fundraising ideas? Check out these two documents with pages and pages and pages of ideas. You can find them on the division website under “Resources”.

If you have a desire to connect with members of the DLT or with officers from another club, you can now do so. Check out the Division Directory found on our website

Is Your Board Working on Plans for Recruiting Members? You can find a whole section on club fundraising on the division website. Check it out!

Examples of posters, exhibits and tables set up at a “Club Day”

Official Newsletter of Divisions 20/32 | July 2016

A Special Service Opportunity The Family Support Center By Kate West Cardinal Newman President One opportunity of service for Key Clubs is the Family Support Center. The Family Support Center is a shelter for homeless families. The center has 138 beds. The goal of the shelter is to “move families toward selfsufficiency.� At the Family Support Center, volunteers can help out in many different ways. The center has an






B.R.I.D.G.E.S. Volunteers can help the children with

homework, help with art projects, and play games with them. In addition, volunteers can help cook meals for the residents at the shelter. Smaller groups of 8-10 work the best. Volunteers can also decorate the shelter for upcoming holidays. The Cardinal Newman Key Club decorated the Family Support Center for Thanksgiving, and all the residents and staff loved it. Kim Young is the volunteer coordinator, so she is the person that interested clubs should contact. phone number is 707-528-8712 x160.






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