Key Club Divisions 20/32 September 2012 Newsletter

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CNH l KEY CLUB September 2012 Edition

The RAWRing

Wave MEMBER RECRUITMENT, FALL RALLY, RTC, AND MORE! LOOK INSIDE! Two Divisions. One Region. One Team. One LTG. One Saying:

Our MILLION Waves of RAWRing Service Can’t Be Stopped

The Official Divisions 20/32 Newsletter l Region 15

The RAWRing Wave: The D20/32 Newsletter

In THIS Issue…. September 2012 Edition

A Rawring message from your LTG. Jacob.............................................. 3 Honorees…………………………...


Member Recruitment Advice….



LTG Message

Kiwanis DCON................................ 6 Kiwanis PTP Cause………………..




Awake-A-Thon Fundraising……..


August DCM/REFB………………... 10 September DCM…………………. 11 Save the Date: Fall Rally & RTC... 12 Regional Training Conference… 13

Visitations…………………………... 14 Contacts/ Planning Guide……... 15 Inspiration……................................ 16

August DCM


THE DNE RAWRS Hello D20 Tsunamis and D32 Dinosaurs, Hello everyone! I hope all is well, and that everyone had a rawring, fun-filled summer. The new school year has begun, and that means new members for the Key Club year! Take the beginning of the year as an opportunity to start strong. Fundraise, bond, and serve early-on and often; and you will grow steadily as the year goes on. And speaking of fundraising, I am looking forward to seeing your faces at the Awake-A-Thon and Fall Rally to raise money for PTP. Also, don't forget about RTC! Best wishes to you and your club. Surf the million waves of service, and make a difference. Surfing the MILLION Waves of Service,

Frances Fontanilla Division 32 Newsletter Editor

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KEY CLUB The RAWRing Wave: D20/32 Division Newsletter September Edition Hello Division 20 Tsunamis and D32 Dinosaurs, I'm excited to introduce the new Region 15 phrase for 2012-2013 Key Club year, "Our MLLION Waves of Rawring Service Can't Be Stopped", and I also hope you like the logo. I am so glad it's really convenient with the 2013 District Convention Theme, "A MILLION Waves of Service"! Please remember to at least send 4 representatives to the Region Training Conference which is on the September 29-30. It's vital to me to have each club represented, due to the fact that I'm the chair. I would really appreciate your help! I hope you all are excited about the Division 32 Awake-A-Thon where we hope to raise enough money to help us reach our goal of $3,900 raised by Fall Rally from Divisions 20 & 32 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Remember, each club should at least raise $300! I know WE can do it! Sponsor a dine-and-donate where one day a restaurant donates a portion of their proceeds of the day to you (if you ask them). Or do a school-wide fundraiser where you place canisters in each classroom and hold a competition to see who has the most, and then reward them. Or don’t forget the time-honored good ol' bake sale. Let's help those children who have unintentional injuries and get doctors trained so they can help them. Together, we can lower the probability of unintentional injuries for children. Go to the Awake-A-Thon to bond with the division, meet new people, help the Pediatric Trauma Program, and just have a fun time! I SERIOUSLY WANT EVERY CLUB THERE... I MEAN, A LOT OF YOU HAVE BIG KEY CLUBS. IT'S ONLY $15 (: -- $10 of the registration cost goes directly to support the PTP cause. The final $5 helps pay for food and other costs of the night. I hope all of you are having a wonderful time at school, but remember timemanagement is important. If you ever need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact me or the division leadership team. We're here for you! (:

Jacob Torres D20/32 Lieutenant Governor, 2012-2013 Region 15 l Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International Cell: (707) 479-7580 E-mail:

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Let’s Welcome the New School Year

Summer has dwindled down, and the new school year has already begun. As sad as we might be saying goodbye to the summer sun, or as excited as we are to go see our friends, let’s not forget member recruitment. School Registration is a perfect place to attract new members. Here is a page from the Calif-Nev-Ha CyberKey to help you and your club get new students excited to join Key Club. It’s a new year, and what better way to start the year than with brand new, excited members. There are a million reasons why your classmates should join Key Club and there are a million ways to show them, what a great club it is……so go out there and don’t be afraid to invite someone to your next meeting. Good luck!

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KIWANIS DISTRICT CONVENTION Kiwanis members from several clubs in Division 32 recently attended their District Convention, held in Santa Clara. There were opportunities for attending informational workshops, participating in large general sessions, being entertained a special luncheons and dinners, and viewing displays in an exhibit hall. One of the highlights of the convention, for me, was the chance that my husband and I had to participate in the “Kids Against Hunger” service project. We signed up to replace a workshop with time spent packing nutritious meals to help feed hungry children and adults. The Kiwanis members at the convention packed 40,000 meals! My job for a solid hour was to use a “hot seal” gadget on packets of rice mixtures. It was actually fun, because I spent the time talking with other Kiwanis members who were working alongside me! I attended a really great workshop called, “The Best Ideas are Worth Sharing”. The workshop organizer had arranged so that different people would come in every 8 minutes to present a new service project idea. My favorite idea was one where Key Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs worked together in the Sacramento area to make cloth dolls that were then given to the local children’s hospital for the doctors to use to help children learn about their upcoming surgeries, and other procedures that might be frightening to them. I got the doll pattern, and instructions, and I’m hoping that we can do something like this project in Division 32…. And then give the dolls to the Oakland Children’s Hospital as part of a division-wide push for a Children’s Miracle Network activity. One of the more exciting moments for our Kiwanis members from Division 32 was when our 2012-13 Lt. Governor was installed into position. We are lucky to have Mr. Doug Braik, from the Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club coming on-board to lead us for this next year. Sue Cummins Region Advisor

Dan Hauser Division 20 newly installed Lt. Governor

Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Governor-Elect, Rae Whitby Brummer

Newly installed Kiwanis Governor, Gary Jander

Outgoing LTGs and outgoing Governor

D32 Dinner

Doug Braik Division 32 newly installed Lt. Governor

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Speaking of our Kiwanis…. Let’s learn more about the Cal-Nev-Ha #1 service focus

This is the cause that we fondly call, “PTP”. Our upcoming Awake-AThon is an effort for all of us to honor our Kiwanis by helping them fundraise for this project. Check out the next pages to find out more about the Awake-A-Thon, and how you might be able to raise the money to come up with the entry fee to participate! (Of the $15 cost to enter, the fun and games that night, $5 goes to pay for the food + other expenses and $10 is donated to the PTP cause.)

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 When:

Saturday, September 15, 2012 o Starts at 9 p.m. – ends at 8 a.m. the next morning

 Where: Salvation Army Center – 93 Stony Circle #D  Why: To raise money for Kiwanis PTP (Pediatric Trauma Program) o To take to Fall Rally in support of our division

 Who: All Division 32 members are welcome  What: Participate in a variety of activities all night long.

Bring a sleeping bag and pillow for times you want to relax and just talk with friends. There will be table games, board games, social games, video games, competitions, music, a chance to earn service hours with a service project, and more…. Including good food and fun times getting to know other Key Clubbers from Division 32 Cost: $15 to get in the door o To find out more about this event, contact Jacob Torres at

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Thinking it might be hard to get members to come up with $15 to go to the Awake-A-Thon?

Get a jar and label it with the cause

Talk to the management of a local grocery store Set up 2 hour shifts of students asking for donations outside the store on the weeknights before 9/15 Pay $10 per student of the Awake-A-Thon entry fee from the money raised (you can’t pay the full $15 because $5 of the entry fee for each student is being used to pay for the food and other costs for the night. You need to pay for that out-of-pocket!)

Extra money collected can be part of your club’s PTP donation that you take to Fall Rally

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August DCM On August 25th, Division 32 held its monthly Divisional Council Meeting at Howarth Park in Santa Rosa. Members from Fort Bragg, Cloverdale, Rancho Cotate, Maria Carrillo, Montgomery, and and Windsor attended. Thank you D32 for an awesome attendance! During the meeting, Jacob Torres, our Lieutenant Governor, discussed upcoming events such as Fall Rally, RTC, and the AwakeA-Thon. This year’s Aweke-A-Thon will be held on the night of September 15th, through the next morning. Jacob also went into depth on the importance of the Pediatric Trauma Program. During the DCM, the Member and Club of the Month were recognized. Congratulations to Cloverdale and Dennise Manalo of the Montgomery Key Club! -Jose Gaona Assistant LTG.

Redwood Empire Food Bank Last Saturday, August 25th, a group of Key Clubbers attended our regular visit to the Redwood Empire Food Bank. We started off by packing boxes with staples, non-perishable foods, pasta, canned fruit, oats, etc. These were going to be given to elderly families in Sonoma County. Then, we moved on to labeling boxes of food, and finally, bagging fresh fruit. We all had a great time, and helped a great cause! Claire Carter Division Secretary

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The September Divisional Council Meeting will be held on Sunday morning at the Regional Training Conference

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SAVE THE DATES Regional Training Conference What?

Learn more about membership development, service projects, fundraising, member recognition, running for office, all officer workshops, and District Projects!

When? September 29th-30th Where? Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda Cost? $60

Due: On-time registration has a received by date of September 13th. Late registration is September 20th, with $10 added to the fee

Fall Rally What? A spirit rally where Key Clubbers all over Northern California come together to celebrate having fundraised for the Pediatric Trauma Program. All participating clubs turn in the money they’ve raised at the rally.

When? October 27th Where? Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo Cost? $40 ($33 sent to Rancho Cucamonga/ $7 sent to Mrs. Cummins for required division t-shirt)

Due: On-time registration has a received by date of October 5th; late registration on-site is $37

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Looking for help to pay the cost of attending RTC? Ask your Kiwanis Club to cover some or all of this cost….but hurry…. You’ve got 10 days before you have to mail off the registration forms and fees! LTG Jacob e-mailed all the materials to the club presidents…. So you’ve got everything you need to register. Don’t forget…. Contact Jacob if you have any questions of concerns. He’s our RTC expert!

WHAT IS THE REGIONAL TRAINING CONFERENCE? Every year at Camp Jones Gulch in La Honda, the Lieutenant Governors and Region Advisors that hail from regions 9, 15, and 17 gather to host a conference. This year’s conference theme is "Surfing for Service!" We'll be having plenty of informational workshops, a dance, skits and even a campfire! It is overnight, so remember to pack a sleeping bag, pillow, over-night attire and toiletry items!

WHEN? Saturday, September 29 noon until Sunday, September 30 noon

WHERE? Camp Jones Gulch 11000 Pescadero Rd La Honda, CA 94020

WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND? Not only is it plenty of fun, but it's a great opportunity to learn about Key Club. You grow closer to your division and your region (and the other two regions!) and you learn more about the district and International levels of Key Club. If you're an officer, there's a workshop for that! If you're a procrastinator, there's a workshop for that! There's a workshop for just about everything. We'll be having a campfire and dance (and homework time & alternate activities, if you're not in a dancing mood). You'll meet Key Clubbers from D2, D8, D12 East, West, and South, D20, D32, D26 North and South, D34 North and South, and D43--that's from Eureka down to Monterey!

REGISTERING? You've decided to attend this legendary event? One registration form is submitted by the club, and it must be received in San Leandro by September 13th! The cost is $60 per attending member.

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Lt. Governor Visitations

Lt. Governor Jacob is still continuing with club visitations. The most recent visitation was a traditional one, with Jacob traveling to Santa Rosa to meet up in a pastry shop with the Montgomery students and advisor. However, another option is a non-traditional visitation. In the last week of the month, Jacob “Skyped” with the Fort Bragg Club, and actually “sat in” on one of their club meetings! This gave him the opportunity to see how they ran their meetings, and for the regular members to get to interact with him. Any club wishing to set up a “Skype”-type visitation should contact Jacob, ASAP.

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Sue Cummins

Claire Carter

Lt. Governor

Region Advisor

Assistant Lt. Governor

Frances Fontanilla

Jose Gaona

Newsletter Editor

Assistant Lt. Governor

DIVISION 20/32 K E Y C L U BS September Planning Guide

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20122013 “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.�

A Kiwanis family member Developing competent, capable, and caring leaders since 1925

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