D2032 dnews 10 1617

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October 2016 Edition| Region 15 | CNH District

—The Tsunami/Dino Times—

Enjoying a Successful Region Training Conference

Please Bee Green! Do not print this newsletter!


Pages 4 - 5……………………………………….……………...… A Letter from You

Pages 6 - 7………………………………………………….………………………………

Pages 8 - 9…………………………………………………………………………………

Pages 10 -15……………………...…………………. …………………..………………

Pages 16 - 17……………………………………………………..………………………

Pages 18 - 19…………………………………..…………………………………………

Pages 20 - 23………………………………………………………………………………

Pages 24 - 25………………... ………………………………………..……………...…

Pages 26 - 29 ………………………………………………………………….…………

Pages 30 - 33………………………………………………….. ……………..……...……

Pages 34 - 35………………..………………….…….……………………………………

Pages 36 - 37…………………………………………………………..……Trick-or-Tre

Pages 38 - 39………………………………………………………………………………

Pages 40 - 41……...........…………………………………..……………………………

Pages 42 - 43…………………………………………………………………………Loo

Pages 44 - 45………………………………………………………………………………

Pages 46- 47………………………………….…………………………………….... Fo

ur LTG & Message from the Editor

….…………… October Calendar

……………...Monthly Recognition

…………………....Past Club Events

……..Region Training Conference

……….………..…..Region Website

………....….....PTP Awake-a-Thon

….Youth Opportunity Fund Grants

……………………………...Fall Rally

……...Pediatric Trauma Program

……...Member Orientation Event

eat for UNICEF/Eliminate Project

……………….Pay Your Club Dues

…....International Key Club Week

oking to be a Distinguished Club

…….……. Contact the Presidents

ollow Us On../Thanks for Reading

A LETTER FROM YOUR LTG BOO! Did I scare you?!? Hello everyone! Can you be(e)lieve it’s already October? I was astonished by the number of faces that I saw at the Region 15 Training Conference. I hope you all enjoyed the day and the amazing workshops presented by the Division Leadership Team. This event truly sparked some members’ interest, and helped everyone to begin to understand the entire structure of Key Club. Now that we are approaching the end of first quarter of this school year, things can get chaotic for our members. For seniors there are college applications; and for everyone exams, etc. But just remember to breathe, you got this! Time-management is vital, especially at this time of year. If you ever feel stressed out or need to talk to someone, just know, I am here for you! I am not only serving as your Lt. Governor, but as your friend. This month is quite a busy one for Key Club. The Awake-AThon is just around the corner/this weekend! It will be an overnight event to fundraise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). It’s on October 7th to 8th, and all of the money will be spent to prevent or ease trauma for children in emergency situations. Two weeks after the Awake-A-Thon, we will be going to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for Fall Rally North. This year, Fall Rally North is on October 22nd. We are spreading awareness of the Pediatric Trauma Program, meanwhile, we show our TSUNAMI/RAWRING spirit as we cheer in the rally. However, in order to attend Fall Rally, you must keep in mind you have to be a dues paid member. I hope to see you at Fall Rally North rocking your division colors. Contact info: d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Message from the Editor Hello everyone, Atziry AKA Division Newsletter Editor here...I hope that everyone had a nice first month back at school and have adjusted back to a normal routine. Yay it’s fall time; this is my favorite time of year even though I was born in the summer...hot weather is not my cup of tea, but the cold weather is! Time for cuddling with your pet, watching movies on Netflix on rainy days and drinking hot chocolate. For Key Clubbers, October will bring lots of fun, and memorable experiences...we have a lot planned from Awake-A-Thon, to Fall Rally. I hope that everyone will be part of this month’s adventures! If you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t be shy, contact me. I'm always here to hear you out. Hope to see you sometime in October. I hope you enjoy the newsletter!

Contact info: ziriod7@gmail.com

Upcoming October 4 

Club MRFs due

October 5 

Awake-A—Thon advance registration deadline

October 7 & 8 


October 12 

Club articles and visuals due to Atziry: at zirirod7@gmail.com

T-shirts for Fall Rally order due

October 15 

YOF Grant application due

October 17 

Division Leadership Team mtg.

October 19 

Fall Rally online registration due

October 21 

Kiwanis LTG Installation

October 22 

Fall Rally North

October 31  

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Dues paid online before this date

Member of the Month: Fernando Becerra - Piner High

The Member of the Month goes to Fernando Becerra. Fernando h working countless hours for preparation for the Awake-A-Thon. He co reaches out to officers, members, and Kiwanis to inform them ab event. He has also shown a huge passion for and continues to gr leader with each service project that Piner does. He is energetic and shows his “rawring dino” spirit. I am proud of Fernando because he ha so much as a leader and individual ever since he joined Key Club.

Officer of the Month: Azucena Carlos Montesinos – Windsor

The Officer of the Month is Azucena Carlos Montesinos because she up the idea for having a movie night at her house and invited poten Clubbers to the social event. She provided many of the materials nee the activity and it was a highly successful event. Azucena is also ser the Spirit Coordinator for the Region, and she’s been working hard t sure the divisions are spirited and well aware of the cheers. She ha doing an amazing job and I am so proud of her!

has been onstantly bout this row as a d always as grown


brought ntial Key eded for rving as to make as been

These outstanding members and clubs are chosen by the LTG. They are to be congratulated for their hard work and dedication Club of the Month: Sonoma Valley High The Club of the Month goes to Sonoma Valley High School. I cannot believe how much the club has grown since the beginning of the term. Each individual shows how passionate they are for service. At Region Training Conference, they brought 20 members and an advisor from their home club and everyone was enthusiastic about the day. I am so very proud of Sonoma Valley <3

Past Events Club Day at Cardinal Newman Written by: Kate West At the beginning of every school year, Cardinal Newman puts on a club day. Key Club participates in this every year. We collect sign-ups for the upcoming year. This year we received over 50 sign-ups for Key Club. It's a great way to get people exposed to what Key Club is all about. I cannot wait for what this year has in store for us.

Senior Center Breakfast in Cloverdale Written by: Jacob Menlove

The Senior Center breakfast was a fun event. We served eggs, pancakes, sausage, strawberries and grapes to those from the community who showed up. The Boy Scouts also helped out by bringing the food and drinks to the tables. All in all, the Senior Center Breakfast was a worthwhile event that I would go to time and again!

Past Events Casa Grande Waves to Wine Cycling Event Written by: Francesca Smith, Advisor

Casa Grande Key Club volunteered with Petaluma Kiwanis members to set up and staff a rest stop for the annual “Waves to Wine” cycling event. The event raises funds for Multiple Sclerosis research and programs. Over 300 cyclists visited the rest stop at Lincoln School just west of Petaluma. Key Clubbers decorated the rest stop with an “Aloha” theme.

Sonoma Valley Fundraises for PTP Written by: Sarah Skaggs

Our Key Club has been working hard to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause. Here we are asking for donations.

Past Events Piner Held a Successful Club Rush Day Written by: Lauren Lau

Piner High held their club rush, so Piner Key Club had a table and we had spirit. We screamed cheer after cheer in the quad, and the President, Lauren Lau, was creamed in the face because she made a goal for the Key Clubbers to raise $25 that day for PTP. They raised $26.

Would you like to have your club featured in the next Region 15 newsletter? By October 12th, email a picture and paragraph about a club project to Atziry Rodriguez at: zirirod7@gmail.com

Region Trainin

After months of planning this year’s Region We had over 100 people attend and together everyone really learned a lot. The informative w aspects of becoming better people. We also audience and created a better sense of com worthwhile activity. It was a great event to expe

Steven Bucher, RTC Chair Cardinal Newman Key Club

ng Conference

n Training Conference, it finally came to be on Saturday, September 24 th. r we all had a huge amount of fun. Along with all the fun that was had, workshops helped people learn more about Key Club and various other o had a great guest speaker from the Thirst Project. He captivated our mmunity within all of us. Overall, the Region Training Conference was a erience the amazing spirit and community of Division 32 Key Clubs.


The “Resources” tab is especially helpful


The Awake-A-Thon will include:

Our October DCM

Practicing cheers for Fall Rally

Lots of food, including a chocolate fountain

Craft projects, games and videos


And much more!

Come join us! Have fun and, at the same time, do a good deed for those in need! You can wear your pjs if you want! Bring a sleeping bag and pillow, if you want. ALL attending clubs should email, (by October 5th) a completed EVENT REQUEST FORM signed by Faculty and Kiwanis advisors to the following addresses: 2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com , cnhkc.r15.advisor@gmail.com , cummins@sonic.net , and bzfernando101@gmail.com.

All attending clubs MUST provide gender appropriate chaperones. (Can share with other clubs, if arranged in advance.)

You can RSVP for the Awake -A-Thon by visiting the Region 15 website. Scroll down from the “Upcoming Events� tab on the top bar. Or, you can register using the information provided in a recent email sent by Fatima to presidents & advisors.


Have you ever wanted to do a project with your club, but it cost too much money?

Your club can apply for a YOF Grant from Kiwanis International

Deadline is October 15th

Visit www.keyclub.org and type “YOF” in the search box.  Grant proposals must include a project budget  Grants which include participation of the Kiwanis Club and other outside organizations are encouraged

 Projects which seek funding help from outside sources are given priority

Grants are given for amounts from $100—$2000 Any club wishing help in writing a grant proposal, contact Region Advisor Assistant Sue Cummins at cummins@sonic.net. She has, in the past, helped students write three successful YOF grants.

Fall Rally

Further details:

If you need to purchase division t-shirts for Fall Rally, contact Tricia Shindledecker at: cnhkc.r15.advisor@gmail.com Order must be placed by October 12th

Your club must provide its own transportation | drivers must be 21 or older

You should arrive at the park no later than 9:30 a.m.

Clubs are responsible for paying their chaperone’s expenses for the day

Our region is scheduled for the 11 a.m. rally and we should be at Chabot Stadium, ready to go in as a group, by no 10:15 a.m.

Each club should bring their own face paint and some other spirit items

Each member and chaperone MUST wear a 2016 division t-shirt

Meet people from all over northern California, and Nevada

Help out the Pediatric Trauma Program

Be part of the Division Spirit Rally

Memorable moments

Be inspired

Have lots of fun

Show off your spirit (go all out!)

What is PTP? Why do we ask clubs to bring money for PTP to Fall Rally? What activities can a club do to support PTP?

All clubs should sponsor a Member Orientation

Call to Order: General welcome: Activity/ Ice-Breaker:

Suggested agenda

Relationship to Kiwanis: Events unique to Key Club: Using our club communication system: Spirit Cheers: Adjournment:

Clubs wishing to earn Distinguished status by the end of the year SHOULD hold a Member Orientation event!

n Event in either October or early November Member Orientation could take the place of a regular meeting, or be a separate evening or weekend event

Member Orientation— by Fatima Aguilar This is just like the beginning of our freshman year in high school when the school holds an orientation for us. It’s always really helpful in giving us useful information for steering our course in school. And for that reason, to help us steer our way in Key Club, we are asking each home club to hold a MEMBER ORIENTATION. Personally, I didn’t understand the entire structure of Key Club until last year. So, possibly the members you serve are curious of how Key Club works. If your home club holds an orientation, it is important to give an overview of the organization. Make sure to include our Kiwanis sponsor connection and help members to understand who they are; maybe give them some kind of recognition? Afterwards, present our unique events like Division Council Meetings, Region Training Conference, Awake-A-Thon, Fall Rally, District Convention, Key Leader, and International Convention. Throughout the orientation, make sure to include ice breakers and spirit cheers so everyone feels comfortable around each other and they get better acquainted. Be sure to balance the event between information and fun activities.

Scare up some funds and fun this Halloween by participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF $100



Protect 100 kids from malaria

Give a child 40 days of clean safe water

Feed a malnourished

What is Trick-Or-Treat for Unicef? Trick or Treat for UNICEF started in 1950 when children in Philadelphia went door-to-door at Halloween collecting money in decorated milk partners. The kids were able to fundraise $17, which later on started the campaign. Each year, millions of dollars is collected and given to UNICEF to provide medicine, better nutrition, safe water, emergency relief, safe water, and other support to children in over 150 countries.

What does this program support? Kiwanis International and UNICEF joined forces to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) worldwide. This historic initiative, called The Eliminate Project, aims to put an end to this cruel, centuries-old disease. It will also help pave the way for the delivery of other lifesaving services, such as clean water, nutrition and other vaccines. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Kiwanis International have been working to raise $110 million to provide more than 100 million women with lifesaving vaccines to protect them and their future newborns. For more information, please visit TheEliminateProject.org.

Where do we get the boxes? To order the boxes, you may go on the following url:


Where do you send the fundraised money? Once you’ve collected all of your donations, send a check or money order (made payable to the Kiwanis International Foundation) and your completed gift form to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation P.O. Box 6457 – Dept. #286 Indianapolis, IN 46206

ATTN: Trick-or-Treat

Write your club name or club number on the memo line of the check

What are some other ways to get involved through Trick-or Treat for UNICEF? If you want to find out if there are any other ways to get involved through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF visit the UNICEF website, and click on who you will want to trick or treat with! https://www.unicefusa.org/form/trick-or-treat/



High-protein peanut paste to protect children

A pump to provide clean water to a village

Pay Your Club’s Du

You can view a tutorial with instructions on Region 15 website at: www.keyclubr “Resourc


n how to pay club dues. It’s found on the region15.weebly.com. It’s under the ces” tab.

Use the month of October to begin planning for this IMPORTANT week!

Looking to be a Di

Here’s a short list of what you 

Hold a Board meeting

Turn in your Monthly Report Form on time (

Turn in a picture and news article by midni

Participate in the Awake-A-Thon

Fundraise for PTP, (hopefully at least $250

Attend Fall Rally & bring your PTP money w

Fundraise for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Plan for a Kiwanis Take-Over meeting & eit

Plan to hold a Member Orientation event ei

Pay your first installment of club dues befo

Make plans for Key Club Week (first full we

You could also apply for a Youth Opportuni the 15th)

istinguished Club?

u should try to do this month:

(by the 4th at midnight)

ight on the 12th


with you in a check

ther do it this month, or next one

ither this month or next one

ore the November 1st deadline

eek of November)

ities Fund (YOF) Grant (due by midnight on

Cardinal Newman

Casa Grande

Kate West

Tia Bentivegna

kwest17@cardinalnewman.org tbentivegna17@petk12.org


Rose Fre

rose french155@g

Atziry Rod


Contact The Windsor Giselle Silva whs.giselle.silve@gmail.com

Sonoma Valley Sarah Skaggs sarahskaggs1128@gmail.com

Santa Rosa Sophie Haugen rvmsearthlife@gmail.com






Lower Lake

Diego Garcia

Information Coming Soon

diegoangel100@live.com Javier Aguilar javieraguilar1@yahoo.com


e Presidents Maria Carrillo Hannah Cecena hannahcecena@gmail.com



Annaleigh Nguyen

Lauren Lau



LTG’s email: d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Region Advisor’s email: cnhkc.r15.advisor@gmail.com

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