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November 2016 | Region 15 | CNH District

Please Bee Green! Do not print this newsletter!

Table of C 04 | Message from the Lt. Governor 05 | Challenge of the Month

06—07| November Calendar 08—11| Club Reports 12—13 | Recognition 18—19| Upcoming Events

14—17 | Past Events 20—29| Kiwanis Family

At the October Division Leadership Team meeting

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Contents 30—31 | Key Club Week 32—33 | Prematurity Awareness Month

34—35| Paying Dues 36—37 | LTG Election Coming 38—45 | District Convention 46—47 | Contact the Presidents

48 | Thanks for Reading

With the Kiwanis Governor at the LTG Installation Dinner

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What’s Surfing Dinos? Can you believe it’s already November? As the year is coming close to an end, that means so does our term. I want to take the time to quickly reflect back on some of our most successful events. In early October, Region 15 participated in an Awake-A-Thon to fundraise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. We were able to fundraise over $1,400 that night. Recently, Region 15 showed their Surfing Dino spirit at Fall Rally and Division 32 made it into the top three for the spirit competition. Now, what to expect after Fall Rally North? District Convention is only 5 months away! We will be celebrating our year of service and fundraising that we’ve done for different causes. Overall, I want to say that I am honored to serve as your Lt. Governor and let’s continue to serve our community. Please be sure to take care of yourself, because it is the time for college apps, so make sure to manage all of your responsibilities.

With the Love of Service, Fatima Aguilar D2032 Lt. Governor “If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.” - Buddha

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Challenge of the Month:

For what are you grateful? Email to: d2032.newsletter@gmail.com Include: Your name, school, position, and a picture of yourself

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Early Bird Deadline for Dues

Joint Division Council Meeting with Kiwanis

Where: 251 Windsor River Rd, Windsor, CA 95492 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Key Club Week


March of Dimes



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PTP Atziry Rodriguez | Cloverdale Cloverdale Key Club has been keeping busy and has done many things this past month; but something that we've been focusing on is raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. We have had members every other day in front of our local store asking for donations. We are grateful for all the money our club has raised to help the hospitalized children in need. It feels good knowing that what we are doing is making a difference in this world.

Yuda Bands Emily Lau | Piner This month, the Piner Key Club completed many activities. Our club ordered and began selling Yuda Bands. We also started to sell homemade para cord bracelets in our school colors. On a Saturday in late October, we decorated a float for our school's Homecoming parade. We also took a lot of members to Fall Rally and showed our D32 spirit.

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Service Kate West | Cardinal Newman This past month, Cardinal Newman Key Club has been organizing our Thanksgiving service project. We are deciding between cooking a breakfast at the Family Support Center or the Redwood Empire Food Bank. We have also been donating supplies to various CBSLs. Some of our members worked the Alzheimer's Walk on Saturday, October 15th.

Membership Javier Aguilar | Healdsburg Hi, my name is Javier Aguilar and I am the Healdsburg Key Cub Co-President. For the month of October we've had two meetings so far; the new members are starting to settle in and are looking like they are really enjoying themselves. We are also making plans to go to the Food Bank

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Luggage Drive Annaleigh Nguyen | Montgomery This month, Montgomery’s Key Club has been busier than ever! We have planned numerous service projects for the next few upcoming months. We held a Luggage Drive for the Valley of the Moon’s Children’s home with Cardinal Newman’s Key Club, at the Cardinal Newman vs. Montgomery football game. Also, we have been collecting money for UNICEF by putting out jars during football games.

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Wheely Fun Day Francesca Smith | Casa Grande Our Key Clubbers had a wonderful time at the "Wheely Fun Day" with United Cerebral Palsy's Cypress School in Petaluma. This event was sponsored by Petaluma Kiwanis and we had about 100 attendees. Most were families with children and young adults with cerebral palsy. Key Club helped with crafts and lunch. Participants cycled or walked around a course to demonstrate skills using specially adapted bicycles, trikes and tandems.

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RECOGNITION The member of the month goes to Andrea Romero from Piner High School. She is an enthusiastic member who goes beyond what is asked. She makes sure to help out whenever help is needed. She enjoys participating in community service projects and finds projects for Piner to do.

Officer of the Month is Azucena Montesinos from Windsor High School. She is a dedicated officer who spends her time making sure the members she is serving are given the right information for Key Club. She is active in both division and Windsor work. This year, she served as the Spirit Coordinator for Fall Rally, and we made it into the last round of the rally.

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The home club of the month is Montgomery High School. This past month was a rough one as both the President and Secretary resigned suddenly, but the club came through with great plans and enthusiasm for the future. The club elected a new president and are excited for new members who continue to show interest and return for weekly meetings throughout the month. The new president immediately held a Board meeting, and the Board has planned many future service and fundraising events through the fall term. The Board set a goal of $600 for PTP to take to Fall Rally and $1000 for UNICEF. All officers have worked hard to plan interactive service projects for everyone to attend.

The Kiwanian of the month is Lydia Franklin from the Redwood Empire Kiwanis Club. This month, she was present at both RTC and Fall Rally North and she took some Key Clubbers to the Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner. This is a big step to bringing our Kiwanis Family OHANA closer. I am beyond proud of this Kiwanis club’s relationship with its Key Clubs, especially because they are the “parent” club of my Key Club,

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There were about 70 people in attendance Page 14| D2032 Official Newsletter



We brought in close over $1400 for the Pediatric Trauma Program D2032 Official Newsletter | Page 15

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For the first time in CNH Kiwanis Family Month history, CNH Key Club, CNH KIWIN'S, and CNH Circle K will be working together on daily hashtags for the entire month.

Much like the days of the week for Key Club Week, the CNH Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chairs collaboratively came up with social media hashtags for each weekday and the weekends for every full week of the month. A selection of tagged posts will be compiled into a collage, which will then be posted onto CNH Key Club Social Media accounts at the end of each week.

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What i

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is YOUR Key Club doing to celebrate this very special month? D2032 Official Newsletter | Page 29

Participate this year in Key Club Week on November 7th—11th

Monday—Show Your K in Every Way Be sure to show everyone what Key Club is and what we're all about! Great ways of doing this are to go all out in Key Club attire, reaching out to other people in the community, and doing your best to help publicize the organization through school PA announcements, newspapers, and as simple as talking friend to friend.

Tuesday—Kudos to the Key Players Give thanks to all of the people who have helped support your Key Club journey. These people can range from chaperones who have given you a ride to a Key Club event to advisors who helped your club grow every step of the way. Be sure to give them a shout-out, or a token of appreciation through small acts of genuine thanks.

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Wednesday—Dare to Care Go above and beyond to promote the preferred charities of Key Club International - UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children's Miracle Network. Take the opportunity to educate the members on what these are about and encourage service projects to support these causes.

Thursday—Random Acts of Kindness Sometimes, it's the little things that count. For Thursday, spread happiness and positivity in your home, school, and community by displaying small acts of kindness for fellow students, favorite teachers, and or a complete stranger.

Friday—Connect the K's The most important thing about the Kiwanis Family is to incorporate the Kiwanis Family in your life. Reach out to the local Kiwanis Family in your community to perform anything from a service project to a social event, and everything in between. Do your best to have K-Kids Clubs, Builder's Clubs, Circle K Clubs, Aktion Clubs, and Kiwanis Clubs be a part of your week.

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Fighting premature birth After decades of increases, the rate of premature birth in the United States has now been on a steady decline for the last several years. This decline – to 9.6 percent today – has saved thousands of babies from being born too soon. It also has saved our nation billions of dollars in excess health care costs. Despite this progress, about

Prematurity Awareness Month® November is Prematurity Awareness Month® and when the March of Dimes focuses the nation’s attention on premature birth. November 17 marks World Prematurity Day, and the March of Dimes and their partner organizations worldwide are asking everyone to help spread the word on the serious problem of premature birth.

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Your club could do a fundraiser—and save the money to take to the March for Babies being held at Howarth Park next April! Hold a “Dime Wars” contest between the seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen. Set up a table in your cafeteria with jars labeled for each class. If a class wants to win, they need to put as many dimes in THEIR jar as possible, and as many different coins or bills in the other class jars. Dimes count for positive points, and anything else counts negative points according their value. So, the scoring is not according to how much money each jar has.

For example: the seniors have $10 in bills and non-dime coins and $2 in dimes. Their SCORE would be “–800”. The juniors have $3 in bills and non-dime coins and $4 in dimes. Their SCORE would be “+100”. In reality, the seniors have $12 and the juniors have “$7. BUT, the seniors got those bills and non-dime coins because freshmen, sophomores and juniors were putting them into their jar in order to make sure that the seniors LOST! It’s a fun way to raise money for a cause.

Give a presentation Information booth outside the cafeteria Speak before, during or after an assembly

Go Purple Decorate your halls in purple Encourage everyone to wear purple Light your halls in purple Put it on the school marquee

Spread the word online

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Final deadline is “received by� December 1st

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Paying Dues:  Do pay for a minimum of 8 members.  Do pay before Thanksgiving break , because there are often problems that arise and that gives your club time to resolve them before the December 1st deadline.

 Do consider having someone pay for the dues using a credit card and then apply for reimbursement afterwards. It is so much more convenient and eliminates the concern about getting a check produced in time to mail it off by the deadline.

 Do print out your roster before closing the Membership Update Center. You’ll need the Membership ID numbers to register for District Convention. Plus, this is a convenient tool for communication.

 Don’t wait until after Thanksgiving to pay dues

 Don’t worry about getting EVERYONE listed on your roster. You can always pay dues more than once. You should not let late dues paying members keep you from paying your club dues on time.

 Don’t panic if your Faculty Advisor cannot remember the MUC password. You can contact Kiwanis International to get a new one issued. The contact must be made using your Faculty Advisor’s email address. Contact address is: memberservices@kiwanis.org

 Don’t think it’s okay to pay your club dues LATE!

 Do watch the video provided by CNH if this is your first time to pay dues, or if you need to be reminded of the process.

 Do have your Treasurer pay the dues. You will need the cooperation of your Faculty Advisor, who should have the Membership Update Center password for your club.

 Do make things easier on yourself by using a club information sheet for each member that lists all the pertinent details requested when you pay dues.

You can find this video on the Region 15 website at: www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com/ how-to-pay-club-dues.html

UNDER THE “RESOURCES” TAB If you don’t have such a form, ask Tricia Shindledecker to email you one. She can be reached at: cnhkc.r15.advisor@gmail.com

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LTG Election Page 36| D2032 Official Newsletter

No one has all of these traits in place when elected. Many of these characteristics are developed over the year of service as Lt. Governor. Being LTG will: 

Help you develop as a person, as a leader, as a caring individual

Help you be better prepared for future challenges

Help you develop skills that will enhance the rest of your life

Provide you with life-long friendships

Challenge you to be a better person

Make you want to tear your hair out at times, because you to get less sleep; but it will ALWAYS be worth the time and effort you spend

Interested in finding out more about being an LTG candidate for the 2017-18 year?

Contact LTG Fatima and RA Tricia before December 1st

n Coming Soon D2032 Official Newsletter | Page 37

It’s the time of year when plans to attend the 201

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n you should start making 17 District Convention

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To find out more about District Convention go to the CNH website at: www.cnhkeyclub.org Scroll down through “Events” Page 44| D2032 Official Newsletter

Besides the wonderful experiences of the actual convention, this year’s attendees get to enjoy an evening at Downtown Disney and a day with Mickey and Minnie!

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Cardinal Newman

Casa Grande

Kate West

Tia Bentivegna



Rose F


Contact the

Follow u

Facebook: Div Windsor Giselle Silva

Instagram: @CNHKEY

Website: http://keyclubr


Sonoma Valley

Santa Rosa

Sarah Skaggs

Sophie Haugen



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French and Atziry Rodriguez


Healdsburg Javier Aguilar javieraguilar1@yahoo.com



us on:

vision 20/32


Maria Carrillo


Hannah Cecena hannahcecena@gmail.com



Lauren Lau

Annaleigh Nguyen



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Key Club




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