D2032 dnews 12 1617

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December 2016 | Region 15 | CNH District

D20/32 TIMES

Please Bee Green! Do not print this newsletter!

Table of Contents 4………………………..……………………… LTG Letter 5…………………December Challenge of the Month 6-7……………….November Challenge of the Month 8-11…….…Club, Officer, Kiwanis, and Member of the Month 12-15…………………………..…………....Club Reports 16-17………………………….......December DCM Info 18-21………………………………….....Key Club Week

22-23…………………………………….……...Calendar 24-25………………………….….Kiwanis Family Month 26-27…………………………….Club MRF Recognition 28-29…………………………….. Spotlight On Service 30-31………………………….Trick or Treat for UNICEF 32-35……………. ...Candidate Training Conference 36-37……………………...Children's Miracle Network 38-39………………………………..District Convention 40-41…………………………..……….Officer Elections 41-42…………………………...Contact the Presidents 43……………….December AAR Recommendations 44……………………..………………………..Thank you!


Happy December Surfing Dinos, As the cool breeze is kicking back in and the warmth of drinking hot chocolate and watching holiday movies is a common thing to do on break, please do remember, it is the time of giving and there’s a lot of help needed within the community. As the holidays are approaching soon, so is our biggest event the 71st Annual Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention (DCON) in Anaheim, California from April 6th to 9th. Registration for District Convention officially opens on December 1st, 2016 and you can find more information on the CyberKey, www.cnhkeyclub.org. We will be going through full details about DCON at the December and January DCM, so I hope to see you there. Our December DCM will be hosted by Petaluma Key Club and we will afterwards volunteer at the “Christmas Cheer” down the street. More information regarding the event can be found in this newsletter. For any more information regarding our upcoming events, make sure to check out our region website. You can find it at: www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com. Please make sure you have some time set aside for yourself after finals, to relax and enjoy your break. I hope you have an amazing month of December and celebrate it with family and friends. <3

With the Love of Service, Fatima Aguilar D2032 Lt. Governor

Challenge of the Month: What is something you are looking forward to in 2017? Email to: d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Include: Your name, school, position, and a picture of yourself

November Challenge

What are you grat My Family and Key Club -Fernando Becerra

I’m thankful to Key Club for allowing me to grow as a leader and as an individual. The friendships I have made through Key Club are ones I will cherish for life. Seeing the impact a group of teenagers can make on the world has changed my perspective on life. The person I am today is a direct reflection of the welcoming community that is Key Club and the incredible support provided from our Kiwanians.

-Azucena Montesinos

My family and friends and everyone in Key Club -Dalia Rico

hallenge of the Month:

e you grateful for? I am extremely thankful for my family because I have recently experienced an eyeopening event. It is interesting that making simple sacrifices can make a huge impact on one’s life. We need to keep in mind that a life can easily be taken away and we should not have to experience an event as the only way to make us realize how much someone really means to us. Yes, there are times when we may forget to demonstrate that we care; but that just means that we should make every effort now to recognize the people in our lives for what they do and what they mean to us.

–Irene Chavez

Family and friends -Javier Aguilar

CONGRATULA The Officer of the Month is Lauren Lau from Piner High School. She is a dedicated officer who spends her time making sure the members she is serving are given the right information for Key Club. She has recently worked with Yuda Bands to help fund the education of people who cannot afford it in their own country. She also organized participation in this year’s Homecoming float contest with Key Club’s Dinosaur theme. She has been leading Piner into getting more people involved with home club and division work.


The Member of the Month goes to Giselle Cuevas from Windsor High School. She is an enthusiastic individual who goes on and beyond of what is asked to be done. She has participated in Windsor’s largest fundraisers and is constantly asking to be involved in more things. She is a dedicated member who clearly loves to serve others.

CONGRATULAT The Club of the Month is Cloverdale High School. This past month they participated in their Kiwanis Oktoberfest, operating booths and serving food. Eleven members went to the division’s Awake-A-Thon. They went to Fall Rally, taking $1300 for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause and 17 members . The very next day, they showed up to help their Kiwanis with their annual marathon race. The money the Kiwanis fundraises goes to buy books for children. They also made Halloween masks with their campus Special Day Class, bonding with them in the process. Of course, they also fundraised for UNICEF. They put boxes in businesses, and held a campus-wide Halloween Party on October 31st, making $147 for the Eliminate cause.


The Advisor of the Month goes to ALL KIWANIS ADVISORS who chaperoned Key Clubbers to both the Awake-A-Thon and Fall Rally North. Without your help, we would have never been able to participate in all the events we hold. I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love you have given Key Club and the community; and you are the reason why we admire the K Family in every way. You lead by example and I hope one day to be a hero like you and join the Kiwanis Club. <3

- Fatima Aguilar

Club Repo Thanksgiving! Kate West | Cardinal Newman On November 19-20, the Cardinal Newman Key Club did a Thanksgiving service event. They made breakfast at the Family Support Center on that Sunday morning. The Family Support Center provides shelter to homeless families all over the surrounding areas of Sonoma and Napa counties. The next day, they hosted a beach clean up at Goat Rock Beach near Jenner. They collected lots of trash, and made our beaches prettier and safer.

b Reports! Key Club Week! Annaleigh Nguyen| Montgomery November was another productive month for Montgomery High School’s Key Club! We went to the Kiwanis and Key Club DCM and celebrated Key Club Week. For “Show your K In Every Way” Day, we all wore our club t-shirts and on the second day for “Kudos to the Key Players”, we handed out staff appreciation gifts. We also held a Key Club rally to introduce some of the service projects we are doing along with a pie-in-the-face fundraiser. This was done at lunch to raise money for UNICEF. On the third day of Key Club Week, we did a service project where we answered questions on ‘freerice.com’ to donate rice to people in third world countries. For the fourth day, we stuck sticky notes with compliments all over the lockers. Lastly, for Friday of Key Club Week, we volunteered at our Kiwanis’ Veteran’s Day parade and even got to be in it! We went to the food bank with members from our Kiwanis Club and sold gratitude grams during lunch to raise money for UNICEF. We also had members attend Key Leader in Camp Jones Gulch where we learned how to become better servant leaders.

Club Repo Casa Has Christmas Cheer! Tia Bentivegna | Casa Grande The last week of November we worked and prepped for the December Christmas Cheer celebration and volunteer event. Dues have been submitted. Club members have been attending meetings an CGHS Key Club is active and continuing to thrive!

Bell Ringing for Salvation Army Fatima Aguilar | Piner Piner High School Key Club spent three days of Thanksgiving break to volunteer at Coddingtown Mall. We were caroling inside the mall and ringing the bells provided, to get people to donate money to the Salvation Army. We were also part of the “Angel Tree� where people can sponsor low-income kids who wants a certain toy for Christmas.

b Reports! Going for Diamond Distinguished! Giselle Silva| Windsor This November we took a step towards our Diamond Distinguished by attending Cloverdale Key Club’s Member Orientation. It was an incredible opportunity, and our members that attended had a great time. Windsor’s Key Club is extremely excited to hopefully be receiving the Diamond Distinguished Club Award this year. The club has never really been noticed or recognized, and we are working hard to make it happen for the 2016 -17 Key Club year! With many members wanting to attend DCON, we have been doing a lot of fundraising as a club to ensure that a lot of our members can go. Thanks to our amazing Kiwanis sponsors, we have been able to put on “regular” Hot Dog Stands and town events. Our LTG, Fatima Aguilar, joined us on November 5th for our Dia De Los Muertos hot dog stand, and we are very grateful to her for that. It’s great when your LTG wants to be involved in the things your club does.

Busy Times Atziry Rodriguez| Cloverdale In the month of November Cloverdale Key Club did several things. A few of our members attended the Kiwanis/Key Club DCM early in November, which was really fun! Then we did something from every day of the week for Key Club Week, sometimes we did 2-3 activities on a day! On the 14th, we hosted a bake sale for the March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month cause and we raised $295 to take to the March for Babies next April. We are so grateful our members cooperated and brought really yummy baked goods.

One activity Cloverdale did was sponsor a campus-wide drive to raise funds for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. They brought in $337.50.

Feature your club in next month’s issue. Email a report and picture to Fatima by December 12th!


mber DCM!

Key Club We We LOVE our Kiwanis!

Connect the Ks! Annaleigh Nguyen| Montgomery On the last day of Key Club Week for “Connect the Ks”, Montgomery High School’s Key Club attended an annual Veteran’s Day Parade, hosted by the Oakmont Kiwanis Club. During this event, members came bright and early

to set up and to help the veterans decorate their cars and golf carts. Members also passed out water to everyone before the parade officially started. As the parade began, we were invited to jump in and join the forty-minute procession around Oakmont. It was exciting to see so many people standing out on their curbs waiting for the parade to pass to give their thanks to the veterans. Through this event, members were able to spend time with their Kiwanians and meet veterans with life-changing stories to share.

Vice Presidents go was joined by mem lots of ice breake Clubbers and curr questions; we also about the March

March for Babies. we all had learned Key Club Week, w wrote to some of o all, it was a pretty g

ey Club Week Connect the Ks at Our Member Orientation! Jessica Aguirre | Cloverdale Cloverdale Key Club recently held a Member Orientation event. It was a blast! The club Vice Presidents got together and planned the evening which lasted for four hours! Cloverdale was joined by members from Healdsburg and Windsor clubs. It was a fun, planned meeting with lots of ice breakers and games, and some delicious nachos! We invited some former Key Clubbers and current Kiwanis for a panel discussion. Current Key Clubbers got to ask them questions; we also got them to do the CNH spirit cheer! We had a speaker come in and talk about the March of Dimes project, and of course they shared details about the upcoming

March for Babies. It’s happening in April in Santa Rosa, on the 23rd. At the end of the evening, we all had learned something new and, because that was “Random Acts of Kindness Day” for Key Club Week, we all wrote a letter to someone who needed a little happiness. Many of us wrote to some of our soldiers over-seas! There were also new friendships that were made. All-inall, it was a pretty great event!

Key Club Week Show Your K in Every Way! Tia Bentivegna | Casa Grande For the past month, the Casa Grande Key Club has been working on creating club T-shirts for our high school's club. One of our members — Quinn Bohrer — is in the computer graphic design course here at Casa, and we proposed the idea to her. Within a few weeks, she was able to create an incredible design. The computer graphic design course also prints T-shirts; and so, they will be printing the Key Club T-shirts for us!

So Many of Our Clubs Showed Off Their Spirit on Monday of Key Club Week!

Spirit to Spare and Kudos to Those Who Care! Lauren Lau | Piner On Monday, members wore their division t-shirts and wore other purple and yellow items like tutus, socks, and face paint. Some members walked around with spirit sticks or cardboard signs from Fall Rally. On Tuesday, members signed posters for our Kiwanis advisor (Ed), our faculty advisor (Mr. Mantoani), a Kiwanis member who attends some of our events (Lydia), and our Kiwanis sponsor (Redwood Empire). Members signed the posters during break and lunch. On Wednesday, we didn't have anything planned. On Thursday, some members tagged people with post-it notes on their backs or gave people rolled up messages saying have a good day, or giving them a compliment. We also had a party, because it was Fatima's birthday.











MRFs Due

Club articles and pictures due

Division Leadership Team Meeting 5-7 p.m.









Fri 1

Sat 2

Club dues must be turned into Key Club International



3 Potential LTG CTC online registration due


10 LTG Candidate Training Conference




17 10:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. DCM Petaluma

Division Leadership Team Meeting

Christmas Cheer, 389 S. McDowell Blvd.

7 p.m.







UNICEF/Eliminate funds should be sent to Kiwanis International




How is your club connecting wi Cloverdale Key Club Takes Over! Sue Cummins| Cloverdale The Key Club Board members went to the Kiwanis meeting during Key Club Week and did a "take-over". They ran the meeting for the Kiwanis. For the program, they honored their Kiwanis with personalized thank you "framed certificates" and Hershey "kisses". It was very heart-warming and the Kiwanis were really appreciative of the bond forged. During the meeting Key Clubbers did everything from honoring the "birthday guy", to giving the Key Club report, to leading the song, to taking around the Happy/Sad bucket! It was really fun.


With Our Kiwanis at THEIR Division Council Meeting


connecting with your Kiwanis? Windsor and Kiwanis Spread Christmas Joy Giselle Silva| Windsor Some of our Key Clubbers participated in a soup kitchen held by Kiwanis, to feed many people in need. It was a very rewarding experience for them and they fed about 500 people. Azucena Montesinos, our Vice President, said “It was nice to see all of these people from the community come together. All of these people that maybe see each other around town came together to talk and share a meal. It was a very rewarding experience”. We also attended a couple of Kiwanis meetings this month, especially the one to kick off Windsor’s Toy Giveaway in December. The Toy Giveaway is an event put on by Windsor’s Kiwanis and other small partnering groups. It is definitely one of the most rewarding events our Key Club participates in, as we get to see the joy on children’s faces when they get a present. We work wrapping presents, setting up and cleaning up for the event, as well as giving toys away. These presents go to children in the community who otherwise probably would not have a gift during Christmas time. We are always grateful to be able to participate in these events.


Thank you to all the home clubs that turn


Cardinal Newman

Healdsburg Sonoma Valley

Maria Carrillo




clubs that turned in their MRF’s on time!

Santa Rosa Windsor Sonoma Valley


Casa Grande

Spotlight on S December is a time of giving However you look at it, whatever holiday you celebrate, December tends to be a crazy month. It’s also a great time to think about giving, and not just giving Christmas presents! You are able to give back to your home, schools, and communities in many different ways.


Say a simple thank you or smile to show your friends and family that you care

Help a teacher clean the classroom to give him/her an easier time

Volunteer around your local community

Join your Kiwanis club in whatever they are doing


December is also the time to reflect back on the year as a whole

Think about what you have given to others and how you have impacted their lives! Remember, it is better to give than to receive!

otlight on Service Service Project Ideas: `

-School Supply Drive Not everybody has the luxury to receive all the basic school supplies they need, but you can help. Organize a school supply drive by spreading the word to the community!

-Homeless Care Packages Pack some boxes filled with basic sanitary supplies and canned foods! Don't forget to add some warm clothing for the chilly holiday season. Ask for donations from the community to collect these supplies!

-Ice Skating Social Team up with a local ice skating rink to host a fundraiser with your club. Let members know about it at your meetings, promote the event on social media, make fliers and post them around town. It’s the holiday season; people will be looking forward to a festive time at the rink

TRICK-OR-TREAT FOR U Every nine minutes, a baby and mother die from tetanus. But nonetheless, this disease is preventable! Just US$1.80 provides a series of three vaccine doses to protect a woman and her future newborns. Together, we can end this needless disease so remember to send in funds! Try to send them off before you leave for Winter Break.

Send a check or money order (payable to the Kiwanis International Foundation) and your completed gift form to Kiwanis International Foundation, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

If you submit at least $250 in Trick Indianapolis before December 31st, your your goal to a $1,000 donation and receiv Club year. (You’ll also be saving or protect


er die from tetanus. But ust US$1.80 provides a woman and her future needless disease so m off before you leave

order (payable to the undation) and your Kiwanis International Trace, Indianapolis, IN

mit at least $250 in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF donations, received in fore December 31st, your club will earn a banner patch. Or stretch $1,000 donation and receive a special “1K patch” for the 2016–17 Key ’ll also be saving or protecting more than 555 lives!)

Candidate Training

CTC will be held in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara on December 10, 2016!

At the 2015 Candidate Training Conference

te Training Conference

If you are interested in running for LTG, please contact Lt. Governor Fatima ASAP. You need to sign up on the CNH District registration link

Applying To Be a Candidate for LTG Serving as Lt. Governor has brought many bitter-sweet experiences in my life. Having to balance school, extra-curricular and many other things with my personal life has been quite difficult. And yes, there have been numerous nights where I have completely gotten no sleep because of school work and Key Club work. But, nevertheless, I would never change the experience I was given. Because of serving as Lt. Governor, I was able to develop or enhance skills that I will need in the future. I was able to make new friends and constantly be asked, “How do you feel?!” It feels amazing being able to host an event you’ve been planning for a couple of months and coming home to take a nap, knowing the day came out just as planned. I highly encourage you to attend the Candidate Training Conference, (CTC), in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara. Even if you’re just curious about the responsibilities of Lt. Governors, or even if you want more information, you should still go. The conference is an opportunity for you to learn more about what it takes to become an LTG. Attending it doesn’t obligate you to run for the position. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions :)

Love of Service, Fatima Aguilar D2032 Lt. Governor

ndidate for LTG for 2017-18 Year

The 2016-17 Cali-Nev-Ha District Board

The 2016-17 CNH Service Projects Committee

Children’s Miracle Every minute, 62 children enter a Children's Miracle Network Hospital. These hospitals need donations to continue providing the best care available to the tiniest of patients. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, (CMN), is a non-profit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids, while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN contributions directly benefit those in need, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. More than 170 children's hospitals are affiliated with the Children’s Miracle Network. The closest CMN hospital to us is in Oakland.

Project Ideas

Key Club m projects at following way

 Hold a pag

• Raise mon

’s Miracle Network Project Ideas for Key Clubs: Key Club members can participate in service projects at their local children's hospital in the following ways:  Hold a pageant for Miracle Kids

• Raise money by:  Sponsor a cook off/eating contest  Making and selling trinkets like bracelets

and earrings  Hold a sports tournament – soccer, dodge-

ball, tennis, etc.  Sponsor a 5K fun run  Put together a Miracle Day at a local

business – restaurant, store, etc. Donate a percentage of sales during a period of time to the closest CMN hospital  Organize a Miracle Concert using local

bands and/or student performers

District Conven What: Attend training, gather ideas for service and fundraising, learn about Key Club, meet enthusiastic Key Clubbers from CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii, celebrate individual, club and division awards, visit Mickey and friends, enjoy Key Club! When: Thursday, April 6, 2017, 7 a.m. to Sunday, April 9, 2017, 8 p.m. Where: Marriott Anaheim Convention Center How: Charter bus, Santa Rosa to hotel Cost: $600 per student, includes on-time convention registration, transportation, hotel (4 per room), most meals, 1 day Disney park pass; $770 per adult chaperone/advisor (2 per room)

First payment of $156 is due February 15, 2017 so fundraise early and often!! Plan one fundraiser every week to reach your goal. Remember to find out whether and how much your Kiwanis sponsor will pay for your trip, then do some fundraisers to pay the rest owed!

ct Convention 5 steps to signing up for DCON: 1. Pay Key Club dues, so you are an official member of your club 2. Show your intent to go by completing the online google form when posted in December 3. Pay on time: (each of these 3 installments) $154 before February 15, 2017 $196 before February 22, 2017 $225 before March 10, 2017 4. Complete registration, transportation, medical, and code of conduct forms 5. Make sure your school has given approval to attend Fundraiser Ideas: 1. Hold a baked goods auction for Kiwanis or teachers 2. Hold a bake sale at a grocery store, outside your church, or before school...be sure to get permission first 3. Plan a Dine and Donate and advertise it among the Kiwanis club, your friends, your family, and your community

Officer Electio

Annaleigh Nguyen |Mon

What’s poppin’ Region 15? Is everyone having a great term so year’s officers? New officers should be elected by the end of January many members are attending DCON. Please keep in mind that th February 15, 2017. It is recommended for newly elected officers to att during the convention, overviews of each position will be demonst positions are Editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and Presiden up to 5 Vice Presidents; and they can each have a different focus, News Editor and a Website Editor and a Scrapbook Editor! The great comes with authority and heavy responsibilities. As you announce a elections, it is great to have each current officer explain what they exactly what will be expected of them, if elected.

After your club has elected the next term’s officers, make sure th first payment on February 15, 2017.

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership i

icer Elections

naleigh Nguyen |Montgomery

15? Is everyone having a great term so far? Are you ready to elect next hould be elected by the end of January so your club can figure out how g DCON. Please keep in mind that the first payment for DCON is due mended for newly elected officers to attend District Convention, because views of each position will be demonstrated in a workshop. The officer , Secretary, Vice President, and President. Don’t forget that you can have they can each have a different focus, if you wish. You can also have a ditor and a Scrapbook Editor! The great honor of being an elected officer avy responsibilities. As you announce about the upcoming term’s officer each current officer explain what they do, so everyone running knows d of them, if elected.

ted the next term’s officers, make sure they sign up for DCON and pay the

or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes” -Peter Drucker

Cardinal Newman Casa Grande

Kate West

Tia Bentivegna



Contact the Presde Follow us on: Facebook: Division 20/32



Giselle Silva and Azucena Montesinos

Website: http://keyclubregion15.weeb

whs.giselle.silva@gmail.com montesinosazucena@gmail.com

Sonoma Valley

Santa Rosa

Sarah Skaggs

Sophie Haugen



Cloverdale Rose French and Atziry Rodriguez rosefrench155@gmail.com

Healdsburg Javier Aguilar javieraguilar1@yahoo.com


Contact the Presdents Follow us on: Facebook: Division 20/32 Instagram: @CNHKEYCLUBREGION15 Website: http://keyclubregion15.weebly.com/

Maria Carrillo Hannah Cecena hannahcecena@gmail.com



Lauren Lau

Annaleigh Nguyen





Send Eliminate/ UNICEF Funds to Kiwanis International before Winter break

Encourage members to run for LTG and go to CTC on December 10th Attend DCM in Petaluma on December 17th

Start fundraising for DCON

Encourage members to run for office Have members look at possible CNH recognition contests Do a service project with Kiwanis Create a club newsletter

Thanks for Reading!

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