Region 15| Monthly Newsletter | October 2015 |Issue 6
Table of Contents Page 3
Page 4-6
Harlin’s Section
Page 7 –8
Redwood Empire Food Bank
Page 9
Kiwanis DCM
Page 10-12
Page 13
Page 14-15
How to do Archive & Club Reports
Page 16-17
Club Reports
Page 18-19
Page 20-23
Fall Rally
Page 24
Kiwanis Take Over Meeting
Page 25
YOF Grant
Page 26-27
Key Club Week
Page 28-29
Major Emphasis
Page 30-31
Pediatric Trauma Program
Page 32-37
Page 38
Saudi Arabia
Page 39
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Page 40
District Website Home Page Features Us
Page 41
Division T-Shirt
Page 42-45
Children’s Miracle Network
Page 46-47
Valley Fire
Page 48
Holding a Member Orientation
October 4th
Monthly Report Form due
9th –10th
Archive Report due
Club Report due
Youth Opportunity Fund Grants due
Ask members for club dues
Fall Rally North
Take care of on-line process for club dues paments/ send off a check
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
November 2nd—6th
Key Club Week
HAPPY OCTOBER, Tsunamis and Purple Dinos! I was beyond happy seeing many of your wonderful faces at the Region 15 Training Conference (RTC) and I am so lucky to be serving such astonishing leaders. I hope you enjoyed the awesome presentations which were filled with very useful information! With school in session, I hope you are balancing your time wisely. I know how stressful it can be, especially for seniors worrying about college applications. When things start to pile up and get super hectic, just remember to breathe. You are going to be okay. I believe in you. Please do not think you are alone, if you ever need help with anything and I mean ANYTHING, I would be more than willing to be there for you. As for Key Club, we are going to be very busy with all the events approaching this month. We have our Awake-a-Thon on October 9th, not only to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program, (PTP), but also to get ready for Fall Rally, which is on October 24 th. Fall Rally is a time to get spirited and raise awareness for PTP. It is important to note however, that in order to attend these events, members must pay their dues!!! Also remember that our division goal is to have at least 120 members attend so I hope you join us! (: These last couple months of the Key Club year will go by fast, so cherish each and every moment, even the stressful ones. Thank you so much for the dedication you give to this life-changing organization. I hope you are enjoying your Key Club journey so far. I hope to see you soon! “All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” –Walt Disney
THE MEMBER OF THE MONTH GOES TO… LAURA CHERRINGTON. Laura goes to Casa Grande and is part of the Division Leadership Team. This past month she has been planning Region Training Conference and has done an incredible job. She’s been attending division events and is the most active member from her home club. She attended the Kiwanis Installation Dinner and has brought many great ideas to the table for our division. Congrats Laura, honored to be working with you! THE OFFICER OF THE MONTH GOES TO…..SEAN LUONG.
Sean goes to Piner and he is a huge component in the strengthening of his home club. He continually shows improvement and has attended most of the division events, despite his very busy schedule. He also did an amazing job playing the villain during our skit at the Region Training Conference. He is always so supportive and comes up with great ideas! Congratulations Sean and thank you for dedicating so much of your time into making not only your home club better, but our division as well.
"Service with a lot of positive energy and attitude." – Piner President Mary Nguyen
Sue Cummins with her husband, Rick and students from Cloverdale at the Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner
Mrs. Cummins is very well known as our Region Advisor but she is more than that. She has continually shown her dedication to help all of us in any way she can. She will help any of us to get our tasks completed. Part of the success of Division 20/32 is because of her. I can go on forever explaining in detail every good deed she has done, but we don’t want this newsletter to be too long. So thank you Mrs. Cummins for being a great mentor and for always being there for us.
THE CLUB OF THE MONTH GOES TO… WINDSOR Windsor has been planning ahead for the upcoming months. They plan to host a welcome party for new members and hopefully to motivate others to join Key Club. Their members also attended Macy’s Shop for Cause Day, and we really appreciated them helping out. President Angela also has been stepping up and improving Windsor Key Club. Congratulations Windsor. Keep up the good work!
Windsor at the Macy’s Shop for a Cause Day
Writer: Fatima Aguilar The recent service project at the Redwood Empire Food Bank created a bonding experience with the volunteers at the Food Bank and the Key Clubbers. We were in a mixed group with other volunteers, and got to speak to many of them. It was fun to see that people besides us also enjoy doing things to help others. Some of them explained to us that they would volunteer numerous days to help the Food Bank, because it gave them a good feeling. I really liked connecting with these total strangers, finding out that we had the same values. I was in charge of taping the boxes down, joined by a Key Clubber from another club. It really felt good to know that what we were doing was part of an effort we to feed families. It was an honor to spend my morning knowing that my actions were responsible for the fact that a family would have something to eat. With the help of Key Clubbers and other volunteers who were there, we were providing a blessing to families in our county.
28 Kiwanis and Key Club members were at the Food Bank that day!
Our next REFB Day will be on Saturday October 10th | 9 a.m. to noon
Writer: Sophie Haugen Two Key Clubbers from Santa Rosa High had the pleasure of going to a Kiwanis Division Council Meeting on September 5th. President Casey Petersen and I, (Vice President Sophie Haugen), attended this event. We were lucky enough to get a ride with Diane Rappold and Tony Holland, two of the sweetest ladies in the world, (and current President and President-Elect for Santa Rosa Kiwanis). While we drove to the event we had some delightful and inspiring conversations. At the DCM we were greeted with coffee and orange juice and a delicious selection of breakfast pastries that I was more than excited to see. We were also greeted by some extremely welcoming Kiwanians and we got our name tags and such. The meeting was interesting and it was a real eye-opener for how similar is the structure of Key Club and Kiwanis. Our LTG,Harlin, and our Region Advisor Sue, gave excellent presentations. On the way back Casey and I were able to talk about the structure of our club and some more goals that we want to set. This was an awesome experience that was very, very, fun!
Each president got a flash drive that contained all the slideshows and other papers that were presented during RTC
The division is planning a training day for learning more about the Key Club recognition contests and awards….competitions like Distinguish/Outstanding Officer, Club Attire, Member of the Year, Talent, etc..
Our District Treasurer, Mary Kim Delemos, presented on the topic “Club Fundraising”.
There were 78 pre-registered attendees at the Region Training Conference. The night started with a skit presented by the Leadership Team. It included workshop presentations on service projects, fundraising, recognition opportunities and much more!
Are you ready to be a “Superhero of Service�?
At RTC, we held a really quick DCM. We talked about Fall Rally as well as the Awake-a-Thon. We discussed the the Division Newsletter, and showed a Fall Rally video.
Archive Report Due every 13th of the month Needs to include one event that your club has done in the past month and some pictures of your club doing service. NO POSED SHOTS. The paragraph needs to be at least 3 sentences. Anyone can write this article as long as the person was there. When sending the paragraph, please use Word document and also include the writer’s name, as well as the club name.
Please send to Jessie at Make sure to “cc “ to LTG Harlin at and to Sue Cummins at
A summary of what your club has done for the past month 4 pictures (can be posed)
Member of the Month Advisor of the Month Officer of the Month
Please send to Jessie! Make sure to “cc� LTG Harlin and Sue Cummins.
Presidents or Vice Presidents should be writing the report
Due every 15th of the month
Writer: Mary Nguyen In this past month, Piner Key Club mainly focused on member recruitment; but we also found time for several community service opportunities. The club had their first meeting and it was successful. There were over 50 students who showed up. We celebrated the first meeting with ice cream. A week later we had club rush in which there were over 70 new members who signed up for Key Club. Now we have been trying to get more members to pay their dues and get involved with community service. I have been sending out emails about the volunteer opportunities such as The Heart Walk and Park-A-Month. We worked hard to get new members to go to the Region Training Conference. We decided to finish our fundraising for PTP before Fall Rally by hosting an activity at Piner where we may sell donation drawing tickets to other Piner students. We only have $50 left to fundraise.
At Club Rush and Heart Walk
In the past month, Cloverdale High School has been focusing on several project, one of which is the Pediatric Trauma Program. We’ve been outside our local supermarket asking for donations. Although, this past week instead of raising money for PTP, we decided to aske for donations for the Valley Fire victims. We even help an emergency committee meeting about the fire victims. We set a goal to raise $4,000; $2000 on campus and $2000 in the community. In just one week of being outside the market, we’ve raised $1057! We recently also helped with a booth at the town’s annual Car Show and raised about $500 selling bratwurst. We teamed up with the Chamber of Commence to make bratwurst that were really tasty. On the same day we helped at the Senior Center Pancake Breakfast where the members were serving and helping the ol’ folks out. We also have been having countless committee meetings due to the fact there are so many events that are going on, and we need to stay organized.
Members working at the bratwurst booth, the Senior Center Pancake Breakfast and fundraising for the Valley Fire victims.
Awake-A-Thon Friday, October 9th
Doors open at 9:00 & close at 10 p.m. Pick-up time is 7–8 a.m. the next morning 9451 Brooks Rd., South in Windsor
$25 donation to PTP Bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, enthusiasm
Expect: A Division Council Meeting; a chance to learn the division cheers for Fall Rally; craft projects and the making of spirit items for Fall Rally; games and get acquainted activities; movies; great food including pizza, a chocolate fountain, an omelet breakfast and MORE! The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program raises funds to assist FIVE children’s hospitals in our tri-state district. One of those hospitals is in nearby Oakland!
Division 32 Awake-A-Thon Friday, October 9, 2015 9451 Brooks Rd., South in Windsor Doors open at 9:30 p.m./Event over at 7 a.m. Bring: $25 donation for the PTP cause Sleeping bag & pillow – for watching movies/sleeping! Jammies – if you want to enter the Wacky Jammies contest Games you might want to play Movies you might want to watch (no “R” rated ones) Your enthusiasm for having fun! Baby picture naming contest
Activities planned: Games like Apples to Apples; Yahtzee; Twister; Cards; Scrabble; puzzles, etc. A “Wacky Jammies” contest Music Movies Holding a Division Council Meeting Learning cheers for Fall Rally/Leis making for Fall Rally MORE!
Food: Pizza in the evening Snacks all night long – chips, popcorn, salsa, candy….. Chocolate fountain Coffee/sodas/water/juice Omelet breakfast at 6 a.m. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN RE-USABLE WATER BOTTLE
What is Fall Rally really like? We wear costumes, tutus, dino hats, leis, face paints, and the division t-shirts
Registration form can be found at: Find “Events� across the top bar and scroll down to Fall Rally.
Postmark deadline for pre-registration is October 2nd
Order your t-shirts by October 15th from Region Advisor Sue Cummins at Cost is $15 per shirt. Check must accompany the order. Order forms will be e-mailed to all club presidents and advisors.
Extras you can order in advance, directly from Six Flags
Fall Rally is a day to celebrate our success in fundraising for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause. We cheer and show our enthusiasm and our pride in our division’s efforts! Our LTG Harlin has set a goal of us bringing at least $3000 to Fall Rally. Can we do it?
This is the time of year when you should plan a Kiwanis Take-Over meeting!
Work through your Kiwanis Advisor & Kiwanis President Have your officers meet with the Kiwanis President to find out appropriate protocol for the Kiwanis meeting
Plan the program Tell them something about your goals Do a fundraiser to help raise money for either PTP or Trick-orTreat for UNICEF
Fundraising ideas include: Bake auction Pie in the face auction Buy a Key Clubber for a project auction—like washing windows, doing yard work, etc.
Decorate pumpkins and auction them off!
Connect with your Kiwanis this month….and don’t forget to ask them how you can help them!
Apply for a YOF grant
The basics you need to know: YOF grants are given only to Key Clubs and/or club members. There is only one funding cycle for the Youth Opportunities Fund. The application must be received by October 15 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Clubs may request funding assistance ranging anywhere from US$100 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. Notification of the Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1, 2015. Applicants must download the YOF grant application from the Key Club International website at Guidelines for filing the application are also listed in the Key Club Guidebook under Board Policies. Need project ideas? You can see what kinds of projects have been funded in the past. Think this is impossible to receive? Think again….. both the Santa Rosa and Cloverdale clubs have written successful applications in the past! Applications can be mailed to: Kiwanis International Attn: YOF Application/Nicole Harris 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA
Show your K in Every Way Kudos to the Key Players Dare to Care
Random Acts of Kindness Connect the K’s
Show your K in every way—Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers—even on the radio. Officially announce Key Club Week in your community with a proclamation and refer to the Key Club public relations manual to get great tips on how to publicize Key Club in your community.
Kudos to the Key players—Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know—teachers, advisors and other Key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people.
Dare to Care—Key Club has three preferred charities—UNICEF, March of Dimes and Children's Miracle Network. Take time to focus on service projects that help support these causes such as making non-slip socks or capes for your local CMN hospital.
Random Acts of Kindness—A smile goes a long way. Spread happiness throughout your school by doing little random acts of kindness such as leaving cards with inspirational messages on every students locker or just simply holding the door for someone else. Challenge every member to complete at least one random act of kindness.
Connect the Ks—Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project.
Major Emphasis
Major Emphasis & Preferred Charities Information “…In 1946, the organization [Key Club] was challenged to build a program to bring together all Key Clubs and members to focus energies on making an international impact. This program is still followed today through the Major Emphasis: Children: Their Future, Our Focus. To fulfill the Major Emphasis, Key Club International serves children in many ways. By working with Key Club International's partner organizations, Key Clubs serve children by aiding other organizations committed to serving children. Key Club International celebrates its three partnerships: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children's Miracle Network…” –
Children’s Miracle Network
Preferred Charities
CMN strives to save young lives battling every type of childhood illness and injury
Pediatric Trauma Program The goal is to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma.
3 UNICEF The United Nations General Assembly’s goal is to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities.
Major Emphasis Program: Live 2 Learn Live 2 Learn focuses on helping children ages five to nine overcome learning obstacles. To accomplish this, Key Clubbers are encouraged to work with primary school
March of Dimes The mission is to help moms have full-term pregnancies and to research problems that threaten the health of babies.
Children’s Miracle Network A Preferred Charity of Key Club International
Here’s a project that the Humboldt County Homeschoolers recently did for a Children’s Miracle Network hospital…. made non-skid socks for the patients.
Unintentional injury is the #1 killer of children age 14 and under in the U.S.; Unintentional injury kills more kids every year than any other cause – including disease, homicide and suicide;
Each year in the U.S., 9,000 families lose a child because of a preventable injury; and Studies indicate 90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented.
Don’t forget that October is the primary month that most Key Clubbers fundraise for the PTP cause
Some of our most recent funds raised for the PTP program went to help build a “burn unit” in a children’s hospital in Hawaii. Now, victims like this child can be treated immediately, instead of waiting hours for treatment until they can be flown to California.
Key Clubbers Care
LTG goals is for each club to raise at
least $250 Bring whatever you raise for PTP to
Fall Rally
So…….. KCI gives each club that raises at least $250 a banner patch!
Can we get 70% of the clubs in Region 15 to meet that goal?
And…. here are lots of fundraising ideas to help you figure out how to do just that!
Your Faculty Advisor should already have your UNICEF collection boxes. Get them out in businesses, in classrooms, whatever works for you‌. But do it THIS WEEK!
$250 may not be that hard to raise after all!
Join us in welcoming the district of Saudi Arabia to Key Club International
Saudi Arabia is among several nations to join Key Club in the past two years, including China, Ecuador and Hungary.
The Spirit of Community awards are intended to honor youth for outstanding volunteer service. Applicants might win a cash prize, a trip to Washington, D.C., and a chance to inspire other young people to volunteer. The application deadline is November 3rd. (Open to United Statesbased clubs.) Find out more by visiting :
Check out our District Website to see if the articles you turned in are up on the website!
LTG Harlin Advincula shows off the new Division 32 T-Shirt for the 2015-16 Key Club year Don’t forget that all Fall Rally attendees MUST wear a current Division 32 t-shirt. If you didn’t get yours at RTC, then you need to place an order with Region Advisor Mrs. Cummins, by October 15th. Size orders and a check to cover the $15 per shirt MUST be postmarked by October 13th.
Information straight off the Oakland hospital website
Any questions you might have about the suitability of a donation can be answered by e-mailing Ashley Goliti at this address.
Firefighters continue to push back on existing fire lines and mop up hot spots across the fire area. Rehabilitation is underway to restore the natural landscape that may have been altered during initial firefighting efforts. Damage Inspection teams have completed primary and secondary assessments of the structures destroyed by the Valley Fire. A total of 1958 structures have been destroyed including; 1280 homes, 27 multi-family structures, 66 commercial properties, and 585 other minor structures such as outbuildings and sheds. 93 structures have been damaged including; 41 homes, 7 commercial properties, and 45 other minor structures. All traffic restrictions denying access into the communities and the surrounding areas will be have been lifted. Some utility services have not been restored. A message from the Kiwanis Foundation President: Today, tragedy has struck Northern California with massive wildfires burning throughout the region. After being forcibly evacuated from their residences, many families are now returning home to find ash and debris where their homes once stood. They've lost their homes, possessions and the life they once knew. If your club has not yet sent a contribution to the Foundation to help with this cause, we encourage you to do so today. Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund will be used to support families as they begin the process of rebuilding their lives. Your generous support will go far in helping to:  clear debris from lots in preparation of rebuilding homes and repair fire-damaged homes;  assist at fire evacuation and relief centers throughout Northern California;  replace essential items such as clothing, toiletries, and housewares to families devastated by the fires; and obtain, package, and deliver non-perishable food to families affected by the fires. Contributions may be sent to the address found below. Thank you for your support - it truly allows us to build a better future for our children!
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation P.O. Box 247 Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91729
Check Out:
To help volunteer!
CNH I K E Y C L U B Sample
Member Orientation
Call to Order:
General Welcome: Activity - (Why did you join Key Club?): Ice Breaker: Relationship to Kiwanis:
Key Club as a Division: Ice Breaker: Events unique to Key Club: Fall Rally District Convention Key Leader
Club Communication: Adjournment:
Need Help With Anything? Below is a list of our Division Leadership Team members and their contact information. Also listed are our club presidents. Montgomery
Daniela Alvarez - PTP/Fall Rally
Maggie Duran - Summer Activities
Selena Tapia Virelas - Awake-A-Thon
Laura Cherrington - RTC
Casey Petersen - DCON
Leonette Miksis
Cardinal Newman
Tia Bentivegna
Jessie Marshall
Diego Garcia
Cody Sherman
Tejoni Johnson
Daniela Alvarez
Mary Nguyen
Casey Petersen
Lilyanna Carranza
Sonoma Valley
Angela Chavez
Lt. Governor
Harlin Advincula
Sophie Haugen
News Editor
Jessie Marshall
Fatima Aguilar
Angela Chavez
Sean Luong
Tech Editor
Tejoni Johnson
Lisset Miranda - Photographer
Lauren Lau—Photographer
Santa Rosa Cloverdale Piner Windsor Piner Maria Carrillo Montgomery Piner Montgomery
Casa Grande Santa Rosa
Casa Grande Healdsburg Humboldt Maria Carrillo Montgomery Piner Santa Rosa