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Region 15 | Monthly Newsletter | February 2016 | Issue 10

Table of Contents Harlin’s page……………..2 New LTG…………………3-5 Best of the Month……...6-7 DCM………….……...…...8-9 Club Reports……...…10-15 REFB Day………………….16 Coats for Kids……………17 New Member Induction....18

Join DLT……………..........19 Raising the AAR Score….20-21

February DCM…………..22 Banquet/Applicants…...23 Next Food Bank Day…...24 Division Banquet……......25 DCON ……………..….26-29 Key Leader ………...…..30-31 Division Website…….32-33 Club Officer Turn-over………34

Contacts…………….…….35 Facebook Page………...36

Hello Tsunamis and Purple Dinos! Happy February! This wonderful month means more chocolate on the shelves of stores, so I hope you enjoy that with a special someone or by yourself, which is okay! Anyway, we are just two months away from a new term. As District Convention, (DCON), approaches, I hope you are able to reflect on your accomplishments this past year and are able to see how much you have made a difference in your community. I would like to remind elected officers for the 2016-17 term who know for a fact they are going to attend DCON, to let Mrs. Cummins know as soon as possible. You do not want to miss out on this wonderful experience to learn how to better serve your members and become an effective leader.

I would like to take this time to congratulate our Lt. Governor-Elect, Fatima Aguilar, from Piner. I know she will do an outstanding job serving you and achieving much in the coming year. I wish all the elected club officers good luck, too. I know you will do an excellent job serving the members and I cannot wait to see how each one of you grows as a leader.

“Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.� - Mother Teresa

Message to the Members Hello fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Fatima Aguilar and I attend Piner High School. I know this year is going to filled with thrilling and exciting moments. I cannot wait to begin serving Division 20/32 for my term 2016-2017. I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you. I hope to visit each home club during my term, and I will strive to have a strong connection with all of you. I am making a commitment to stay in regular contact with all the clubs to keep you informed about upcoming events. I ask that you continue to inspire and motivate others in your home club. I hope to see you soon!

With the love of service,

Fatima Aguilar 2016-17 Lt. Governor-Elect

Member of the Month: The Member of the Month goes to…Carmen Garcia who is attending Cloverdale High School. She has been active in many of Cloverdale’s service events such as the Crab Feed and helping Kiwanis at the Food Pantry on more than one occasion. She has also shown a close bond towards Kiwanis members; even presenting at a Ukiah Kiwanis meeting. She continues to be such a dedicated member and anyone can see it when they see her at Division Council Meetings. Thank you Carmen for your service, and congratulations!

Carmen Garcia

Tejoni Johnson

Officer of the Month: The Officer of the Month goes to…Tejoni Johnson, who goes to Maria Carrillo High School and is currently serving as the President. Despite her busy schedule, she manages to have a huge amount of participation in all her home club's service as well as serving Divisions 20/32 as Webmaster. She is truly dedicated to Key Club. She has done a fantastic job on updating the region website and improving it every month. She is always on top of informing members to attend division events. Tejoni has worked hard to be organized and on top of everything to better not only Carrillo, but Divisions 20/32 as well.. Congratulations Tejoni, keep rawring with service!

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: The Advisor of the Month goes to…Francesca Smith who is a motivated Kiwanis Advisor for Casa Grande High School. She is such a supportive Kiwanis Advisor and I’m glad to be working with her for the 2015-16 term. She organized our December DCM as well as the ‘Christmas Cheer’ service project. She provided everything we needed during that day and we could not have been more grateful to have someone like her leading the way. She truly cares for each Key Clubber. Whenever I see her she is always making conversation and caring about what we do outside of Key Club. Thank you Ms. Smith for always being a helping hand, and congratulations. Club of the Month: The Cub of the Month goes to…. Windsor. Windsor Key Club has achieved over 100 service hours in the month of December. Each month they improve and help their community in many more ways. They worked closely with their sponsoring Kiwanis club and helped with their annual Toy Give-away and participated in wrapping gifts for children as well. They came up with an excellent fundraising idea, which was to “pie a Key Clubber or teacher”; the proceeds will go towards water and food for the homeless. I am so proud of Windsor! Keep rawring with service!

Francesca Smith

Windsor Officers

DCM/Conclave by Selena Tapia Virelas and Tejoni Johnson Conclave was held on January 16 to elect our new Lieutenant Governor. Before we heard from our new LTG, we held a Division Council Meeting to talk about unfinished and new business. We started with each club giving a club report and then had a great presentation by District Convention Coordinator, Casey Petersen, from Santa Rosa, sharing with the members many ideas for ways to fundraise for DCON. Also, she explained what each day was about, and shared a video in order to encourage more of the members to go and start fundraising soon! Our LTG also went on to talk about Key Leader and why members should go to this event. She encouraged members to go and learn more about being a leader, as well as meet new people. Maggie Duran, from Cloverdale, talked about the Division Judging process. Mora Holmgren-Ly and Daniela Alvarez, from Montgomery, put together a slide show about the Eliminate Project and encouraged clubs to continue fundraising for the cause. It was fun to see their holiday-themed Valentine’s Day flowers and baskets that they were selling in their community. Our secretary, Sophie Haugen, from Santa Rosa, also gave us encouragement to raise or keep our Annual Achievement Report scores up. The candidate for LTG position did a fabulous job of telling everyone why she would be the perfect fit as our Lieutenant Governor. She, Fatima Aguilar, seemed inspired to make this division better, more motivated to serve, and participate more as a whole. She captured everyone’s attention with her energy and positive attitude to do whatever is necessary for the division to become more spirited. She not only talked about what led her to Key Club and being on the Division Leadership Team, but she also shared her goals, as an LTG. Fatima did a great job as well with the question period, answering questions like, “What was your Key Club moment that made that click for you?” We can honestly say that most, if not all the division, was inspired by her enthusiasm and dedication. Fatima was our only candidate, so as she stepped out of the room, everyone voted in a unanimous decision to make her the new LTG-elect for Divisions 20/32. Congratulation to the newly elected Lieutenant Governor for 2016-17, Fatima Aguilar! We continued on with our DCM after the elections. Angela Chavez, from Windsor, encouraged us all to fundraise for and be involved in this year’s March for Babies. After that, we all went into the main room and shared a presentation with the Kiwanis. The highlight of the presentation was when the Key Club Leadership Team thanked their Kiwanis in a candle light ceremony. Finally, we finished out the day with lunch and a service project for the Salvation Army.

51 members attended from 11 clubs! There were great presentations and even a session with the Kiwanis in their DCM, plus we filled a car with the “Coats for Kids� donations!

By Mary Nguyen In the last month, we have been gathering all that we have fundraised for UNICEF. Piner had a last minute bake sale at the G & G Grocery Store to fundraise enough for UNICEF. Piner has really been strongly trying to get members to step out of their comfort zone to volunteer at different places, such as working with people who are disabled. We were excited to “run” a January Kiwanis meeting, and in the process, do a bake sale to help raise money for those or our students who are going to District Convention. We also participated in bell ringing at Christmas time, which was a Kiwanis project to raise money for the Salvation Army. At the moment we’re mostly focusing on fundraising to be able to attend DCON. We also held our officer elections, and are excited about next year’s officer team.

Hard at work at the Food Bank

At the Bake Sale for UNICEF

By Natalie Goldstone, Mora Holmgren-Ly and Jaxen Brazell One activity that we all enjoy helping at is the Redwood Empire Food Bank. It is open to volunteers on some Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. In the beginning of this project, we folded and taped boxes, then filled up these boxes with different nonperishables on an assembly line. The rest of the time, we continued packing boxes with food and throwing out the old and unhealthy foods to promote good examples for healthy eating. We’ve also been working on our Valentine’s Day Eliminate fundraiser. Our project consists of cute boxes filled with tea candles and candies, Valentine’s Day-themed mugs with Lindor chocolates and a heart shaped box of chocolates, and Valentine’s Day-themed glasses with roses, carnations and baby’s breath greenery. All of our items will be available for pre-order to be distributed on Valentine’s Day with the help of our Kiwanis Advisor, Tricia Shindledecker. We’re catering primarily to the Oakmont community, although not exclusively. All collected funds are going toward the Eliminate Project

By Tejoni Johnson In December, the Maria Carrillo club held a school fundraiser and bake sale for the Eliminate Project. For the school fundraiser, we sold, “Candy Cane Grams”, with personalized messages to students. We raised $142 from this, and another $325 from our bake sale in front of Oliver’s Market. In addition, we had members attend the bell ringing for the Salvation Army, assisting our Kiwanis club with that project. And, we worked on the division recommended Toys for Tots project, organized by a Kiwanis member from the Petaluma club.

By Diego Garcia The Healdsburg Key Club is planning to hold a Valentine’s Day Bake Sale in February. In January, one of our members attended the Division Leadership Team meeting, and is considering becoming a member of the team for the 2016-17 year. We also went to the DCM/Conclave and to the division planned Redwood Empire Food Bank Day. In December, we helped with the local Kiwanis Christmas Tree lot for three Sundays in a row!

By Casey Petersen In December, we wrapped gifts with the Boys and Girls Club, and did the Salvation Army Bell Ringing. Both activities were a lot of fun for our members! In January, we helped at a Senior Home. We also helped organize a Special Olympics Basketball game on our campus. Finally, we did a bake sale to help fundraise so our members can attend District Convention.

By Rose French The month of December was not only filled with Christmas cheer but also a multitude of Key Club Events for the Cloverdale Key Club, even ones that happened after the Winter Break started! For the Eliminate Project, we sent off a $1000 donation to Kiwanis International! This was the culmination of several projects that we had done in recent months, culminating in the “Finals Survival Kits” that we sold during Finals Week. During the Break our club members attended a Ukiah Kiwanis meeting and two of our members even presented at the meeting. They presented about the "Coats for Kids" project, and they talked to the Ukiah Kiwanis about sponsoring their own Key Club. Our members also helped at the Kiwanis-run Food Pantry three times! We normally can’t help, because the Pantry operates during school time. So, it was exciting to be able to be there for a change. Since we started back to school in January, we’ve been doing more with the Coats for Kids project, we’ve elected our 2016-17 officers and we’ve helped at two division events, the Salvation Army project and the Redwood Empire Food Bank activity.

Cloverdale members present to another Kiwanis club and operate a Coats for Kids drive

By Laura Cherrington

Casa Grande students work at Christmas Cheer event

Christmas Cheer, a non-profit organization, has once again collaborated with Casa Grande Key Club to help the underprivileged in Petaluma. To prepare for give-away events, students helped gather tables, and decoration to decorate a local church and create the “Christmas Spirit” atmosphere desired. The event was a welcoming way to cheer up parents and children who cannot afford to give a lot of presents during the holiday season. Hundreds of gifts were donated by the local community, and our Key Club helped sort and organize, and then distribute them.

By Azucema Carlos Montesinos One of our December activities was helping to gift wrap toys that had been collected for a toy drive for our community. We were also involved in the gift give-away after having wrapped all the gifts. We gave out toys, food bags and turkeys to families in need during the Christmas season. We also did a “Pie-A-Key-Clubber in the Face” activity as a fundraiser. People were able to pay to pie our club members and a few teachers in the face. We held this at a lunchtime on campus. We’ve decided to use the money we raised to provide care packages for homeless people.

By Sadie Cox In the month of December we visited one of our local elderly homes and did crafts with the residents there. This is one of our favorite service projects. We also had our annual Christmas party. We had a blast eating, playing games, and going to our local Holiday Trucker's Parade! We also visited some local Kiwanis groups. January has been a slow month for our small club as many of us have been sick. We're getting ready to do a work day at the church building where we are currently holding our meetings.

Humboldt members volunteer at a local elderly home

Archive Report

Due every 13th of the month

Needs to include one event that your club has done in the past month and some pictures of your club doing service. NO POSED SHOTS The paragraph needs to be at least three sentences. Anyone can write this article of course, as long as the person was there. When sending the paragraph, please use a Word document and also include the name and club of the person who wrote the article Please send to Jessie at jessiejmarshall4824@ gmail.com! Make sure to cc Harlin at harlinmae@ gmail.com and Sue Cummins at cummins@sonic.net




Over 40 members showed up on January 23rd at the Redwood Empire Food Bank to work from 9 a.m. to noon. We sorted canned goods and boxed them. We slit open boxes, added items and then re-boxed. We sorted oranges, and we had a good time with each other!

By Atziry Rodriguez, Cloverdale Key Club Our Cloverdale Key Club sponsored a “Coats for Kids” project this past month. We wrote an article for the town newspaper that asked people to bring items into a local business owned by one of our Kiwanis members. A lot of items were brought in! We handed out flyers at almost every church in town, and people seemed excited to help. These items are being given to homeless children, as defined by the school systems in the towns in which they live. If they can’t put an address on their school records, then they are considered to be homeless. We also spearheaded the division-wide collection of items and I want to thank everyone who brought something to our recent DCM. By Larry Olsen, Ukiah Kiwanis Club The Kiwanis Club of Ukiah is working to provide warm clothes and weekend food for homeless students in Mendocino County. At the September DCM, Atziry Rodriguez, of the Cloverdale Key Club, asked what she, and her club, could do to help. A few short weeks later, she contacted us to please come to Cloverdale and pick up a carload of coats, many brand new. This was during the Lake County fire disaster and they were helping there, as well. During the Christmas break, she and two friends, brought another load to Ukiah. When school resumed, they wrote a piece for the local paper and gave flyers to all the churches in Cloverdale. The response was overwhelming. At the January DCM, they packed another vehicle with coats and jackets. Hats off to Atziry, the Cloverdale club and those from the other Division 32 Key and Kiwanis Clubs who supported this cause! These individuals demonstrated the kind of dedication and concern for others that makes us proud of them and proud to be Kiwanians. This project demonstrated the incredible power that ONE Key Clubber can wield. All it takes a lot of passion and a little organization!

Have you already held your New Member Induction? Those clubs that held a New Member Induction sometime in the past two months, please write an article about it and send the article into the Newsletter Editor! It doesn’t matter how long it is! When doing this you will “kill two birds with one stone” for your AAR report! Please!!! Send in that article and include a picture, if you have one!

For non-seniors, it’s time to start thinking about whether or not you are interested in joining the 2016-17 Division Leadership Team. A few members checked out their interest by attending the January DLT meeting. They are shown here with this year’s team. The next Division Leadership Team meeting will be held on Sunday, February 21st at 3 p.m. at 3554 Round Barn Rd., Suite 312. Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of joining next year’s DLT will be welcome. Agenda items will include end of the year activities like the Division Banquet, District Convention, Key Leader, the March for Babies and the new Key Club year’s Officers Training Conference. The DLT basically makes all the plans for the division activities. It’s an exciting way to make your mark on more than just your own school!

Attend the Division Council Meeting Complete Officer Elections by 2/3 Submit your new officer roster to the LTG-Elect Register for District Convention Hold a Board Meeting Attend a Kiwanis Meeting Hold a Fundraiser for DCON Average 5 hours of service per member Begin preparing for March for Babies Sign-up for Key Leader Hold a New Member Induction, (if not yet done) Turn in an article to the Region Newsletter Do something for FUN!

IMPORTANT TASK!!!! The first assignment for the NEW OFFICERS is for them to report their contact information to Fatima Aguilar, the LTGelect. Use the url address found below and do it BEFORE FEBRUARY 15th. https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1PXpfsDXLUJThSqzCeUsHkU4Y58JGXssn2_0 m8VTZ3ww/viewform

Honoring Clubs/Individuals Entering the Division Contests:

We are so PROUD of these members and clubs. They entered the Division Contests for their 2015-16 work. Left : Atziry Rodriguez from Cloverdale put together a “Member of the Year” application. Middle: Piner has applied to be the “Most Improved Club” in our division. Right: Tricia Shindledecker has been nominated by her club to be the Kiwanis Advisor of the Year”. Congratulations to ALL of you!

The 70th Annual Cali‐Nev‐Ha District Convention will be held in Sacramento, CA April 8‐10, 2016

Cost: $340 if traveling with the Division 32 group

Registration: $209 Deadline: February 10th Checks must be received in Rancho Cucamonga by the 10th. (That means you should put them in the mail by the 7th!)

Hotel: $81 - an approximation 2 full nights Payment is due to Sue Cummins by 4/3 (Check should be made out to Cloverdale Key Club and sent to: 35010 Hwy. 128, Cloverdale, CA 95425)

Extras: $50 Donation to PTP Donation to Kiwanis Family House Meal for Joe’s Crab Shack

(lunch on Friday)

Tip for Maid & Friday night’s meal Payment is due to Sue Cummins by 4/3




There is a TON of information about District Convention on the Region 15 website at www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com There are TWO excellent slide shows that provide an over-view of what to expect. Links to the registration materials can also be found there.


Morning & Afternoon


Casual Wear

Old Key Club Shirt Recommended

Bring layers since we will be leaving early in the morning.

Evening/Convention •

Spirit Attire/Division t-shirt (UNALTERED)


Morning & Afternoon

Business Attire/ Black on Black Attire (black shoes, black shirt that is button up with a collar, black pants, and black socks)

Division 32 purple tie


Evening/Governor’s Ball •


Dresses can only be short as just above the knee, no shorter.

Not too much cleavage showing

No spaghetti straps unless you have a cover over.

Morning & Afternoon


Casual wear with Convention T-Shirt

During three days of workshops, campfires and hanging out with new friends, students learn about themselves and others, develop a sense of self-confidence and learn what true leadership is all about: helping others succeed.

Visit the Region 15 website at:

www.keyclubregion15.weebly.com •

There is a pretty comprehensive section on the region website which will help you prepare to register for Key Leader. You can even click on a button on the website Key Leader page which will take you directly to the official registration page on the Key-Leader.org site. Discuss financial support with your Kiwanis club. Be prepared to fundraise for a portion of the cost. Luckily, no payment is necessary until April 22nd, the day you arrive. This means you’ve got plenty of time to fundraise, still. A limited number of $35 scholarships are available. Use one of the following codes under “Redeem Coupon” to see if there are any left by the time you register: CNHF1516 or CNHKC1516.

Our Region 15 website has been entered into the Cali-Nev-Ha District Website competition. One of the judging criteria is a measure of how often it is visited.


New to the site are the following: • • • • • •

Video about the Awake-A-Thon January DCM minutes All the informational slide shows from the January DCM The 2015-16 Slideshow Overview under “About Us” New sections on DCON & Key Leader A new Recognition section with: • Region Recognition • Club Service Records

According to the bylaws of Key Club International, installing a club’s officers should be done in the Spring following their election, after their district’s convention. May is a good time to hold an officer installation. Depending upon the individual club choices, you may want to hold a formal ceremony in the evening along with the recognition of active members. Invite family members, invite the Kiwanis club. Do a potluck dinner and HAVE FUN!

Meanwhile, use the intervening months between officer elections and installation to train the new officers. The experienced officers should mentor them during that time.

Make sure ALL newly elected officers sign the CNH Service Agreement Forms!


You can find out all the latest division news by going to our Division 20/32 Facebook page

Join it TODAY! E-mail Fatima at fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com to be invited into the group!

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