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Region 15 | Monthly Newsletter |March 2016 | Issue 11

Table of Contents Harlin’s page……………..2 Club Reports………………3 Best of the Month……...4-5 LTG-Elect Message…....6-7 Thank You……...……...8-13 February DCM…….....14-15 District Convention…16-22 New Officer Registration....23 Raising the AAR Score…….24

Kiwanis DCM…………….25 Division Banquet…….26-27 Kiwanis Family House…28-29

Key Leader ………...…..30-31 IHOP Day…………………32 March for Babies………..33 Contacts…………….…….34

Harlin’s Page Happy March Tsunamis and Purple Dinos!

We are only one month away from the 2015-16 term officially ending; which can be bittersweet. Push through and end strong Key Clubbers! You have done an incredible job throughout the year and I thank you for all your hard work and dedication to Key Club. Furthermore, March includes two important events that I hope you consider attending! On March 8th, it is the 11th annual National Pancake Day Celebration at IHOP restaurants. Enjoy a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes, and in exchange for the free pancakes, consider leaving a donation for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals or another designated local charity. Donations—including all of those made on IHOP National Pancake Day—stay local to fund critical treatments and healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care. Our Disney themed Division Banquet is coming up on March 12th; all Key Clubbers and Kiwanis are invited! Of course a Division Council Meeting (DCM) will be included as well. I hope to see you there dressed as your favorite Disney character! Copy the following link for all the information: http://keyclubregion15.weebly.com/upcoming-events.html Please mark both of these dates on your calendar! For all the seniors: I truly hope you get into your college of choice. Just breathe and relax, everything will be okay. I believe in you. For non-seniors: I hope this semester is going well for you and you keep working hard! I truly appreciate every single one of you and your passion for service. I hope to see you soon. With the love for service,

Harlin Advincula

Healdsburg Club Report By Javier Aguilar Currently, as a club, we are really working on getting more people to not only show up to more division-based events, but we’re also working on attending the Kiwanis meetings here at our local Kiwanis club. Our goal is to at least have one to four people to show up to a Kiwanis meeting, once a month. In one of our club meetings I brought it up as a possible thing we can do on a regular basis, and we got some really good feedback from some of the Kiwanis members who were there, and from our own members. With this possibly being a regular activity for our club, the Key Club President, Diego, and I are going to look at maybe a possible Key Club take-over meeting at our home Kiwanis Club. I went up myself about two weeks ago for a bake sale to fund raise for DCON and it went well. Some of the Kiwanians were really happy to see me and I was happy just seeing them smile, too. For next year we are really planning on being more involved at the division level; we have young officers coming in who are really putting themselves to the test but I'm very excited for the coming Key Club year. Montgomery Club Report By Daniela Alvarez Montgomery Key Clubbers have been very busy this past month preparing for a Valentine’s Day fundraiser. Most of our activities this past month were spent on organizing the fundraiser. We sold bouquets of flowers and decorated tins of candy. Throughout the past couple of weeks, many members have participated in gathering supplies, attending a pre order session, putting together and personally delivering the bouquets and candy to the residents of the Oakmont community. We also held our elections for the upcoming term at the end of January. Apart from that, we had a member induction ceremony where we presented the dues paid members with a certificate signed by the President and Secretary and the Key Club pin.

Officer of the Month: The officer of the month goes to‌Selena Tapia Virelas who attends Piner High School. Selena has been nominated because of her dedication to her home club as well as to the division. She has been really helpful with ideas that assist her home club; and she takes part in pretty much all activities that are offered to her. Selena has been working hard to always support Piner in any way possible. She participates whenever she can. Congratulations, Selena and your hard work is truly appreciated. Keep on serving!

Selena, at a Division Redwood Empire Food Bank Day

Member of the Month: The member of the month goes to‌Noel Clark who attends Cardinal Newman High School. Noel has been nominated because she introduced the B-Rad Foundation to her home club; which is a beach clean-up project at Goat Rock. She has been active and offering ideas to further develop the club. 12 members attended the beach clean-up. Congratulations Noel, and thank you for serving! Keep it up!

Club of the Month: The club of the month goes to‌Sonoma Valley High School. Sonoma Valley has been working hard the last couple of months to be more involved with the division. They do not give up on attempting to take advantage of offered opportunities, despite challenges they face. During the month of January, four of their members attended Conclave, which is awesome! I am so proud of them for having immense dedication to serve, not only their home club, but the division as well. I also want to thank them for hosting the February Division Council Meeting. Congratulations Sonoma Valley! Keep up the awesome work!

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: The advisor of the month goes to‌Stephen Bearden who is a hard working Kiwanis Advisor from Cloverdale High School. He is such a supportive advisor who drives members to events when needed, no matter the distance. He cheers members on; always motivating them. He truly cares for each Key Clubber and wants them to be able to participate in every club/division event. Without him, members would not be able to grow as leaders. Thank you Mr. Bearden for always being a wonderful and caring man. Your service is always appreciated. Congratulations and keep being amazing!

Stephen is shown here with students he helped take to the January Division Council Meeting.

Hello everyone, My name is Fatima Aguilar and I am the Lt. Governor-Elect for Divisions 20/32. I am currently a junior at Piner High School. I want to thank the division for electing me to serve as 2016-17 Lt. Governor. Reflecting back on when I joined Key Club, the most memorable moments were being able to connect and grow close with members from other schools within the division and other regions. My love for Key Club began to grow substantially after realizing how passionate people were for helping others. Since I have served on the Division Leadership Team, I have developed ideas to expand our OHANA family. Since my position is about to begin, I would like to introduce my goals for the upcoming term. First, I plan to educate others about the true meaning of Key Club. Key Club is not just a community service club, it has more variables to it. It’s important to have recruitment year round, because people eventually leave the club by the end of the year which leave the club with only a few members. It’s frustrating, because that's when the new term begins for officers and not enough members are present; so it’s important for all members to really understand the value of Key Club. And the best way to do that is to become involved beyond your local school. That’s when you really begin to understand how awesome Key Club can be! This can be done by placing flyers around the school, with the school’s permission, and invite them to a meeting about the meeting of Key Club and how it can impact their life positively. Second, I will encourage Kiwanis and Key Clubbers to have more bonding experiences. This allows both Kiwanis and Key Clubbers to build a stronger connection. In order to do this, I will contact the President of each home club as well as Kiwanis Presidents to ensure that strong connections between the sponsor club and Key Club develops. This will hopefully assist the Key Club Presidents in their communication with Kiwanis about issues such as financial problems their club may be facing. Also, it should encourage the Kiwanis to become more active in the Key Club division; hopefully they’ll begin to understand how important even being a chauffeur can be! The bond between Kiwanis and Key Clubbers is so very important. I will encourage Key Clubbers to attend Kiwanis meetings; and I would like to see EVERY Key Club do a Kiwanis take-over meeting.

Third, it’s my hope to increase attendance at DCMs. I plan on contacting each home club through emails or phone calls. This strategy of communication is the most convenient since this generation is evolved around technology. I will also attend at least one home club meeting within my term to insure a strong connection with all of you. I have this plan to arrange a variety of activities throughout DCM’s to allow different home clubs to interact with other new people. Fourth, I will work to have at least one member from each club be a part of the Division Leadership Team. The benefit to this is that they will transfer vital information shared at these meetings to their home clubs. This allows us to keep in better touch with each other and each club will be more aware of their duties that they should complete each month in order to keep members enthusiastic and involved. Last, after insuring the stability of the clubs in the two divisions that I serve, the next step would be to open clubs in different schools. I am working on a plan to possibly bring Key Club to one or more new schools in the region next year. This will allow students at a variety of new schools to experience the true meaning of service and of being part of our OHANA family. Thank you for your time, I hope to be seeing you soon. “’OHANA’ means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” Fatima Aguilar D20/32 Lieutenant Governor-Elect Region 15 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International Phone: (707) 236-5121 Email: fatima.aguilar10@yahoo.com Fatima is shown here speaking at the Region Training Conference

“Love Letters” to Harlin….. First, I want to thank you for not only serving the division so well, but for caring about each individual. Because of your guidance so many home clubs have grown substantially. I cannot describe how proud I am of you. When I first met you at Key Leader, I felt timid to talk to you. Now that a few months have passed, I am glad to call you my friend. Thank you for encouraging me to run for Lt. Governor. I wasn’t confident enough to do so, but with yours and Mrs. Cummins’ assistance, I will be able to achieve major goal to fulfilling my future plans. I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished. I know it’s difficult to balance school, friends, family, Lt. Governor assignments, etc.; but look at how far you’ve gotten! You received acceptance letters to top universities all because you never gave up! I cannot wait to continue the legacy you’ve set for Divisions 20/32! I will try my best to not let you and the region down, I wouldn’t want to upset the dinosaur/tsunami queen. Once again, thank you so much, Harlin, for everything you’ve done! P.S. I still don’t want you to graduate. You can always become a super senior. (just kidding) ~Fatima Aguilar

As I entered my first year into becoming a member of Key Club and the Division Leadership Team, Harlin was just entering in to becoming the Lt Governorelect. In the beginning, from the time I didn’t know her, up until now, my view towards her hasn’t changed. I’ve always seen Harlin as a person who was willing to give her all for this division. I saw her dedication, and most importantly, I saw the love she possessed for her community. Balancing school with extracurricular activities can sometimes be difficult, but after watching Harlin, everything seems possible. At the end of the day, I didn’t only see her as a Lt. Governor for Division 20/32, but as friend. ~Sean Luong

Harlin Advincula has been one of the most phenomenal LTGs I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She’s encouraging and leads with confidence. I’ve witnessed firsthand just how much Harlin loves Key Club. She is an embodiment of the four Key Club Core Values, and she proves this on a daily basis. Whether it’s reaching out to the individual members, planning service projects, or performing her monthly tasks, Harlin has gone above and beyond to serve her home club, division, and district. I’ve been thankful for her service, and I know Division 32 has grown to new heights because of her dedication. Working alongside Harlin on the Division Leadership Team has been both fulfilling and rewarding; I wouldn’t be me without some of those experiences. I’m glad that we have been able to grow together through leadership, service, and in friendship. Thank you Harlin, for all that you do! <3 ~ Maggie Duran

Harlin is one of the most hardworking people I have ever met. She has been so supportive of every single member of this division. Her passion for Key Club is so inspiring to others, and encourages everyone to do their best. Being friends with her both in and out of Key Club is so much fun. There is never a dull moment when we are together. Our friendship has been fortified because of all the work we do in Keg Club and I am so grateful for that. Even though this is our last year in Key Club, I know that we will always remember and cherish these memories. Thank you, Harlin, for being so amazing and always encouraging me and everyone else to be the best that we can be. ~ Daniela Alvarez

Working with Harlin has helped me to understand Key Club more. Her passion, intelligence, and motivation, is beautiful and overflowing. I am happy to have Harlin as my LTG, especially as it is my last year in Key Club. As a senior, she has made this Key Club year incredible. Harlin expresses all of the core values of Key Club and has strived for more. She makes everyone feel right at home. Without Harlin, this division would be completely different; with Harlin, she has made this division feel more like a family. Harlin, thank you for looking at me as a friend, a coworker and most importantly, as a family member. ~ Jessie Marshall

Thank You, Sue…. When one sees Mrs. Cummins, he or she will immediately notice that she really cares about the community that she lives in. Always being at different community services, such as the Redwood Empire Food Bank and March for Babies, she would have the wonderful look of joy and excitement on her face as she sees young kids and young adults, in and out of Key Club, attend and assist within the community services. She seems to believe that making a difference and improving communities always starts with young kids and young adults. From the beginning, Mrs. Cummins would always believe that we all have the potential within to do greatness both in the local community, and internationall; and it’s a special honor to have Mrs. Cummins be our leader. ~ Sean Luong

Sue has so much energy and her happiness is contagious. She is an amazing and hardworking advisor and she does so much for all the clubs in the division. Sue is able to individually meet with all the different clubs in the division and help them with any problem or to check up on them. I am glad to have met Sue because she helps me with my position in my club and she is an awesome role model. ~ Lauren Lau

Sue Cummins is one of the most incredible people I have ever met. I’ve worked with Sue for six years now, and I can definitely say that she has had a significant impact on my life. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her guidance these past few years. I’ve always possessed a drive and desire to help others, but didn’t know how to implement it. Sue helped me find the path of service and discover what leadership opportunities awaited me in my journey. She encouraged me to take on roles and positions in the club and division that I normally wouldn’t have even considered. While I could go on for pages about how Sue has helped me discover myself, it also must be accounted for that she is one of the best Key Club Advisors out there. She cares deeply about the students she works with, and touches our lives in various ways. She’s always there to provide rides, treat us in various ways, set up our meetings; really the list goes on and on and on. Sue Cummins is constantly making sacrifices for the well-being of others; her passion and care for us truly shines through. Thank you Sue, for all that you do! <3 ~ Maggie Duran

Sue is always so open and willing to help all members. I am very grateful for all the hard work she puts into this division. Her ability to manage so many things at once as Region Advisor is very admirable. I acknowledge and thank Sue for her passion to help us succeed. I know that if I ask Sue for help on any task she will without a doubt, go out of her way to personally help me. Got examples, she has agreed to meet with me in different occasions to help me prepare for presentations and applications. Thank you Sue for all your hard work and encouragement! ~ Daniela Alvarez

I would have never pictured myself standing in this position I will be upholding for Key Club. When I joined Key Club, I wasn’t sure what to expect from it besides community service activities, but it wasn’t all just about service. I’m proud that I’ve pushed myself into becoming more active in Key Club, because if I never made the initiative to do so, I don’t know where I would be standing. I was really unconfident about running for Lieutenant Governor because there’s a lot of elements to it. You’ve taught me that this position can be a handful, but it is something I can do to benefit myself and others. Throughout the years, I’ve seen myself grow because of Key Club. Thank you for always being in contact with each home club and personally assisting them. You are truly amazing and aspirational! I cannot wait to begin working with you and continuing the growth of Key Club within the division. I know I have a long journey ahead of me, but with your guidance, I hope to achieve all of my personal goals for the division. ~ Fatima Aguilar

I have had the great privilege of having Sue not only as my Region Advisor, but as my Faculty Advisor. During the 4 years of my Key Club experience she is the “mom”. Sue is caring, thoughtful, and always supportive. She has always been very helpful and caring. Sue is passionate about Key Club and loves to go beyond all of our expectations. She is involved in EVERYTHING the division and her home club is doing. Sue helps us grow into fine adults. With her I know that as a member of society, I will be organized, prompt, and encouraging. These traits she passed down to me. Sue is like my third mom. She sends me texts that includes hearts and is always supportive even when it has nothing to do with Key Club. Thank you for all the work you do, Sue! ~ Jessie Marshall

Thank You, Tricia…. As I sit through every Division Leadership Team meeting, Mrs. Shindledecker would always provide the team with great ideas and plans, such as fundraising ideas or plans that would bring out the best of every event. Being present at many community services, she contributes so much to her community. She seems to always provide support and great advice for those who are in need, and has a great sense of humor. It is impossible to not look up to her, seeing that she has many responsibilities within her life, but she can always find the time to smile and enjoy the beauty of life and service. Montgomery High School’s home Key Club is very fortunate to have Mrs. Shindledecker as an advisor. ~ Sean Luong

Tricia is one of the most creative people I ever met. She has amazing ideas that are new and really cool. She is always very supportive and, we really appreciate her letting the DLT members use her room for our meetings. She is at every DLT meeting, and almost every event held by the division. During ICON, she was always smiling and having a blast. She even made cute pom poms for each member. It was nice getting to know Tricia and a shame that I couldn’t spend more time with her. Thank you, Tricia, for doing so many things for our division. It was a blast working with you. ~ Jessie Marshall

Tricia is hardworking, focused, and creative. She has amazing ideas for Key Club and events. Her idea for a dance routine for a Kiwanis Banquet was magnificent and ingenious. “It’s all about that service, about that service, no trouble,” is all hear when I listen to Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass.” I am grateful that Tricia helped us come up with fundraising ideas for our club and I love her ideas of decorations for Key Club events like the decorations for the Region Training Conference. ~ Lauren Lau

Tricia Shindledecker is a woman of many talents. She somehow seems to do it all! From providing a place for the Division Leadership Team to meet monthly, to taking care of the needs of the Montgomery Club, to working long hours at her office, and still managing to cook homemade meals, Tricia does everything with enthusiasm and grace. She is one of the most encouraging and positive people I know, and I have been so thankful to work with her. Tricia brings life into any room; whenever we’re dragging or feeling a little unmotivated, she picks up the mood, lickety split. Not only are her motivation skills absolutely amazing, but she’s very crafty and cares about detail work. Whenever we need help with making decorations, or coming up with cute ideas for some of our larger, themed events, Tricia is always willing to lend a helping hand. Thank you Tricia, for all that you do! <3 ~ Maggie Duran

Thank you for all the support you’ve given towards the Division Leadership Team. Without all of your hard work and persistence, it would be difficult to hold our meetings for the Team. You’re always there to give out suggestions for any upcoming event and support us by attending the event early, to help set up. Although I didn’t have a close relationship with you this year, I hope to get closer to all the Kiwanis clubs, next year. I know I have a long journey ahead of me and I hope to be working with you. Thank you for everything Tricia; you are truly inspiring! ~ Fatima Aguilar

Tricia is an amazing person who never fails to bring happiness to others. She is always very positive and sees things in different ways. When something doesn't go as planned, she always works hard to come up with a solution. Her kindness makes people want to be with her and she always looks out for others. Anyone can clearly see her desire to help others. She is a very unique and happy person. Whenever we are together I can see the many colors she brings out. She is very interesting and our conversations are never boring. She does so much for others, yet she never brings attention to herself. I don't think she knows that I look up to her for all the things she does, whether they're big or small. ~ Daniela Alvarez

We had a really nice time at Sonoma Valley High School, as we met jointly with Division 8. The agenda was packed, and wellplanned. The highlight was probably the guest presenter who talked about organ donation.

Other highlights included the get acquainted activities and a fun service project. We made sock caterpillars for hospitalized children.

District Convention 2016 Region 15 Schools Attending DCON 2016 •






Santa Rosa

Sonoma Valley


Don’t forget……..final payments for housing and other extras on the trip should be made payable to Cloverdale Key Club and sent to Sue Cummins, 35010 Hwy. 128, Cloverdale, CA 95425. Checks should be sent by April 3rd. Club “bills” will shortly be sent to the current Presidents and Advisors.

We’re booked…… we’re getting a TOUR of the Kiwanis Family House on Friday morning of the DCON trip!

Applicants are: Maggie Duran and Jessie Marshall From the Perspective of one of the applicants: (by Maggie Duran) Working on the CNH Scholarship was definitely an…interesting process. Starting with the positive, it was cool to see just how much I’ve really done, and how meaningful the last four years have been. Even though I’ve put over 900 hours into Key Club, I can’t say that I’ve ever felt an hour of that has been wasted. I didn’t do it all for personal gain, but that’s one of the consequences of community service. Each moment has contributed to my personal development as well as the growth and expansion of the club; I’ve loved every second of it. There have been moments of laughter and joy, times of stress and near mental breakdowns, but it’s been worth it. While completing the application was rewarding to a degree, it was also quite frustrating. The document itself was a fillable PDF, and due to the formatting, it wasn’t possible to save any progress made. So, it was basically something that had to be done all at once, because it had to be printed and sent off. Although it was aggravating, I’m hoping it will pay off in the end. Even if I don’t receive any monetary benefits, I have the satisfaction of knowing I completed something so huge and a little bit daunting.

Required Meeting for all DCON Attendees  Friday, March 18th  6:00 p.m.  9451 Brooks Rd., South (in Windsor)  Expect about 1 ½ - 2 hours of shared information and discussion  Bring o Code of Conduct forms for all attendees o Medical Release forms for Key Clubbers o Photo Release forms for Key Clubbers

 Food will be provided If, for some reason, you cannot make this meeting, please e-mail Sue Cummins at cummins@sonic.net before March 15th.

Please help us put together a complete Region Directory for the 2016-17 year. EVERY officer in your club should have already gone to this site and registered with the LTG-elect, Fatima. If not, then please make sure that any officer who has not done so, take care of this task TODAY! The url address is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PXpfsDXLUJThSq zCeUsHkU4Y58JGXssn2_0m8VTZ3ww/viewform?usp= send_form

• Hold a joint Board meeting (old and new club officers)– could be a training session for the newly elected officers – maybe an evening or weekend time slot for at least 1 1/2 – 2 hours • Newly elected officers should be taken to a Kiwanis meeting and introduced • Continue fundraising for DCON • DCON attendees be at DCON meeting – Friday, March 18th at 6 p.m. • Talk to Kiwanis club about Kiwanis One Day plans – make sure that Key Club is included in the plans • Attend Division Banquet/DCM – Saturday, March 12th from 2-5 p.m. at 93 Stony Circle • Do at least 3 service projects • Finalize the list of students going to Key Leader • Schedule a meeting with Mrs. Cummins to go over Monthly Report Forms to insure accuracy before final report is sent off to the district

Division Council Meeting (DCM) March 5th – Saturday 9 a.m. - noon 

Updates on the Division and from the CNH Mid-Winter Conference Club check-in for presidents and club representatives Key Club update from the LTG-Elect

How Important is the Division Banquet? o This is a final farewell for the year. o A lot of time and effort is put into recognition for members, clubs and advisors. o All outgoing club officers will be receiving awards. o All incoming club officers will be honored. o The Division Banquet is a final time to recognize our outgoing Lt. Governor, Harlin, and our outgoing Division Leadership team. o EVERY effort should be made to see that club officers, club advisors and other interested Kiwanis members show up.

The Division 32 Banquet is VERY IMPORTANT! Please join us in celebrating a year of successful service@!

Here’s just a little background information about the Kiwanis Family House, since we are planning to visit the facility on April 8th,

When we go to the House for our visit in April, we are taking $10 per person as a Key Club Division 32 donation. But, there is nothing that says our Key Clubs couldn’t also do some “drives” to collect other items needed.

Key Leader is an unforgettable experience that helps students to focus in on what really matters to them in life, And, it gives them the tools to make positive changes that actually impact how they think and act! It’s a not-to-be missed event!

If you have not yet signed up for Key Leader, you should do so as soon as possible. Slots are going fast. Visit the Key Leader section on the Region 15 website to find everything you need in order to sign up, (including the link to the Key Leader registration site.)

Start Fundraising In March so your club can bring at least $100 to donate. Bring at least 2-4 volunteers on the day of the event. Help is needed from 6 a.m. to noon.

Saturday, April 23, 2016 Howarth Park, Santa Rosa

As the Key Club year draws to a close, it’s time to say “thank you” to this incredible group of teens who have so ably led the region to new heights in 2015-16.

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