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CNH I K E Y C L U B Region 15| Monthly Newsletter | November 2015 | Issue 7

Table of Contents: Harlin’s Page…………………………2 Upcoming LTG Election……………3 Best of Month………………………..4-5 Club Reports…………………………6-10 Recognition Training Day…………11 Awake-A-Thon………………………12-13 Club Reporting Rules………………14-15 Key Club Week……………………..16-17

Kiwanis Family Month……………..18-19 Falll Rally……………………………..20-21 Prematurity Awareness Month…..22-23 Contacts...…………………………..24

Hello Tsunamis and Purple Dinos! Happy November! Autumn is finally here. For the ones who attended Fall Rally, I hope you enjoyed meeting other passionate Key Clubbers from our CNH District and showing off our Divisions 20 & 32/ Region 15 spirit! As for school, hopefully you have been effectively balancing school, Key Club, and other commitments. I know it is tough, but hang in there. I know you can do it! I know some of you are seniors and working on college applications, please remember to breath and don’t stress yourself out. I say this a lot, but it is very important for you to just take five minutes to do some breathing exercises when you are stressed and drink plenty of water. For those taking the SAT on November 7th, I wish you luck and I know you’ll do great. As for Key Club, I hope you join us on November 14th for a Division Council Meeting and to learn more about Member Recognition for the district and international level. Remember, if you ever need help regarding Key Club duties or anything else, the Division Leadership Team is always here to help. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and I will see you soon!

“You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through.” – Marie Osmond

With the Love for Service, Harlin Advincula

The search is on!

Election will take place on Saturday, January 16th

Elections for the Region 15 LTG for 2016-17 are just around the corner

Applications for candidates will be due in December

A Candidate Training Conference will be held in Sacramento on December 12th

Students interested in exploring the possibility of being next year’s LTG—contact Harlin and Mrs. Cummins THIS MONTH!

Officer of the Month: The officer of the month goes to…Jaxen Brazell, who goes to Montgomery High School and is currently serving as the Treasurer. Her participation in all her home club's service and training events, including meeting with potential new members at Club Day shows that she is truly dedicated about Key Club. She attended a Food Bank service project, the Region Training Conference and continues to spend time and effort for the members she serves. She has done an outstanding job on keeping track of new member dues and money for Fall Rally. With so many returning and new members to the club, her hard work is much appreciated. Jaxen has worked hard to be organized and on top of everything to better serve Montgomery. Congratulations Jaxen, keep “rawring” with service!

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: The Advisor of the Month goes to…Richard Fuller who is an incredible Kiwanis Advisor from Windsor High School. He is such a supportive Kiwanis Advisor, and I’m glad to be working with him for the 2015-16 term. Not only are the Windsor Key Clubbers lucky to have him, but so is Division 20/32. He always offers a helping hand. The Region 15 Training Conference and the Awake-a-Thon would not have been successful without him. He is a caring advisor with a positive attitude and has a huge passion to make us better leaders. Thank you for all that you do and for being an awesome advisor!

Member of the Month: The member of the month goes to…Sinoun Phoung who is attending Piner High School. Sinoun not only attends her club’s events but she always makes an effort to attend Division and Region events, despite being busy with school. She has attended Division Council Meetings, Region Training Conference, the Awake-A-Thon, and many more. You can always see her making others laugh at events and you can see her passion and dedication for Key Club. Her club and our division are very proud of her. Congratulations Sinoun, Division 20/32 is very lucky to be serving with someone like you.

Club of the Month: The club of the month goes to…Casa Grande. Casa Grande had many new people attend their club rush and they are rapidly gaining more members. They provided their members with two community service opportunities for the month of September. They did the Petaluma River Clean-up. Also, they helped out at the MS Bike Ride where the members were able to cheer on the bikers as they progressed with their journey, and also give them food and water. Their plan was to finish collecting member dues and turn them in before the early bird deadline! They also plan to provide at least three new service opportunities for the next month. Casa Grande improves each and every month. Congratulations to all the members and the advisors who are always there to guide them. Keep “rawring” with service.

Writer: Daisy Li - Piner Key Club Piner Key Club’s members volunteered at the Day and Night Festival on September 26th. We monitored different stations like the dump tank, selfies, face painting, and the basketball contest. It was a fun experience to get to know our community a little more and to explore different services our community offers. Most of our members enjoyed monitoring the dump tank station. One of our members, Emily, volunteered to get dumped into the water tank. At the end of the event, we helped the organizations clean up their booths and areas. Our members carried their belongings to their cars, packed up the tent and put away all the materials. To end the night, we all gathered together to watch the movie, “Magnificent”, along with the rest of the community.

One exciting aspect of the day was that we able to encourage Key Clubbers from other clubs, besides our own, to help with the festival. Pictured here are members from THREE different Division 32 Key Clubs…….. Casa Grande, Montgomery, and Piner.

Writer: Angela Chavez -Windsor Key Club During an early October Windsor Key Club meeting, we decided to take on an activity of making breast cancer ribbons. We made about 20 per person and each of our Key Club members handed them out throughout the next week to friends, classmates, teachers, or even family members. We were asking those we approach to wear them in support of breast cancer research. We wanted to remind others, for those who forgot, that we were in the month of October, which was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We continued this activity until the end of October, continuing to make ribbons during our meetings and outside of school. Don't forget that support of those with breast cancer is important. Hope you remembered to wear pink in October!

Writer: Atziry Rodriguez-Cloverdale Key Club A few months ago I went to a Kiwanis DCM in nearby Ukiah. A Kiwanis member from that club talked about a project called "Coats For Kids", and I knew from that moment that I wanted to do something awesome for someone else. I felt like it was time for me to step it up and find out more about that project, because it sounded very interesting to me, and I wanted to get as I nvolved as possible. So I got in contact with the Kiwanis member and he told me all about their project. Basically "Coats For Kids" is a project in which their Kiwanis club collects any size or style of coat, jacket, heavy sweatshirt or hoody--clean and with a properly functioning zipper. Then they work with the schools in the county to give the coats to homeless children. The homeless student is defined as any student who doesn't list a permanent address when they register at school. They live in motels, cars, couch-surf, tents, under bridges, etc. They are from pre-school to high school students nearing age 18. I am now spearheading a project with our club and we have already collected about 13-14 bags of coats, jackets and sweat shirts with the cooperation of our community, our own Cloverdale Kiwanis club, family members and friends. And, we are hoping to collect more soon! It’s a good thing what we are doing; and it's nice to give more than to receive.

Redwood Empire Food Bank Writer: Dick Bugarske - Healdsburg Key Club Members of the Healdsburg Key Club helped pack 480 boxes at the Redwood Empire Food Bank on Saturday, October 10th. The picture below includes, Diego Garcia, Grace Vanden Heuval, Sophie Ammerman, and Taylor Vanvranken. On Sunday of that same weekend, another group of Key Club members and advisor, Nina Adams, helped park cars at the "Brass on the Grass" fundraiser at Lake Sonoma. It was a busy weekend for all.

PTP Fundraising Writer: Lisset Miranda - Montgomery Key Club Montgomery High School decided to hold a bake sale outside Safeway on Sunday, October 4th to fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program, (PTP). With the help of six members we were able to sell delicious cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and Rice Krispie treats. We provided information about PTP to the many supporters who came to our table. Many enjoyed the baked goods and some just donated money without taking anything. Within our helpers, we had two brand new Key Club members who also helped by providing some of the baked goods. We were all very excited to let people know about PTP and we thank each and every one who helped this fundraiser be a success.

Club Poster Club Video Year in Review: traditional, non-traditional, and digital scrapbook Major Emphasis Award Single Service Award District Tree Distinguished Club Kiwanis Family Outstanding and Distinguished Officer Club Attire Club of the Year Advisor of the Year Member of the Year Most improved Club Member Recognition Program These Division 32 members won recognition on stage at last year’s District Convention. Their awards ranged from individual to club categories, from Distinguished Officers to Club Service Projects.

Recognition Training Day 

For those members interested in learning more about any of the above Key Club competitions

Saturday, November 14th

9:30 a.m. to noon

Location: (Still to be determined) 

Includes a 45 minute Division Council Meeting

Format will mostly be tables with contest experts available for personal discussion regarding YOUR specific interests and needs!

Advisor attendance is recommended!

Fifty members and six adults attended the recent Division 32 Awake-A-Thon, held to fundraise for the PTP cause. Seven schools were there, with Piner Key Club bringing a record twenty -three members! The amount donated for the Pediatric Trauma Program cause was $1150, which we took with us to Fall Rally to use for bidding in the LTG Auction. We also held a DCM that night. There was so much food, and games, leis-making, movies, and more! Everyone had a really good time!

Archive Report Due every 13th of the month Needs to include one event that your club has done in the past month and some pictures of your club doing service. NO POSE SHOTS.

The paragraph needs to be at least 3 sentences. Anyone can write this article of course as long as the person was there. When sending the paragraph, please use word document and also include the writers name that wrote the article as well as the club.

Please send to Jessie at jessiejmarshall4824@gmail.com. Make sure to “cc “ to LTG Harlin at harlinmae@gmail.com and to Sue Cummins at cummins@sonic.net.


A summary of what your club has done for the past month 4 pictures (can be posed)

Member of the Month Advisor of the Month Officer of the Month Please send to Jessie! Make sure to CC Harlin and Sue Cummins.

Presidents or Vice Presidents should be writing it.

Due every 15th of the month

Show Your K in Every Way—Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers, on campus—even on the radio.

Kudos to the Key Players—Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know—teachers, advisors, Kiwanis and other Key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people.

Dare to Care—Key Club has three preferred charities— UNICEF, March of Dimes and Children's Miracle Network. Take time to focus on service projects that help support these causes such as making non-slip socks or capes for your local CMN hospital.

Random Acts of Kindness—A smile goes a long way. Spread happiness throughout your school by doing little random acts of kindness such as leaving cards with inspirational messages on every students locker or just simply holding the door for someone else. Challenge every member to complete at least one random act of kindness.

Connect the Ks—Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project.


November is Kiwanis Family Month. What will your club do to let everyone know how great it is to be a Key Clubber? There are so many things you can do in November to celebrate the shared values of the entire Kiwanis family. Your club could: ● Plan a joint service project with members of your Kiwanis Family, whether is be your sponsoring Kiwanis club or even a Builders Club, if you have one nearby! ● Promote The Eliminate Project in your club and in your community ● Invite a new member (or members!) to join your club

During Kiwanis Family Month in November, appreciate your Kiwanis family—and all the amazing work you ALL do for your community and the children of the world.

Check with your local Kiwanis President to see if your officers can do a Kiwanis Take-Over meeting. You run the Kiwanis meeting! You’ll need to work with the Kiwanis President to pull it off, and the Kiwanis Advisor to organize rides to and from the meeting, as well as okay it with the school. You plan the program, introduce your officers and share your goals for the year, and maybe even do a fundraiser!

Our clubs took $2756 to spend in the LTG auction at Fall Rally. We bought our own LTG, Harlin Advincula. We also bought the Division 23 LTG and the District Treasurer.

About March of Dimes The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. For more than 75 years, moms and babies have benefited from March of Dimes research, education, vaccines, and breakthroughs.

November is Prematurity Awareness Month

November 17th

November is Prematurity Awareness Month, and Key Club is proud to partner with the March of Dimes to give all babies a fighting chance. On November 17, thousands of people will participate in Prematurity Awareness Day activities in their communities. The month and day are recognized across America and covered by local and national media. To find out how you can help save those babies, go to www.marchofdimes.com, and be sure to wear purple to show your support on November 17.

If you have a t-shirt from helping out at a previous March for Babies event‌ be sure to wear it on November 17th.

The 2015016 Division Leadership Team at the October 9th Awake-A-Thon

Lt. Governor

Harlin Advincula


Sophie Haugen

News Editor

Jessie Marshall


Fatima Aguilar


Angela Chavez


Sean Luong

Tech Editor

Tejoni Johnson


Lisset Miranda - Photographer


Lauren Lau—Photographer


Daniela Alvarez - PTP/Fall Rally Maggie Duran - Summer Activi-

Coordinator Coordinator


Selena Tapia Virelas - Awake-AThon


Laura Cherrington - RTC


Casey Petersen - DCON

Leonette Miksis President

Tia Bentivegna


Jessie Marshall


Diego Garcia


Cody Sherman

harlinmae@yahoo.com rvmsearthlife@gmail.com jessiejmarshall4824@gmail.com fatima.aguilar10@gmail.com angchav7@gmail.com seanvluong@gmail.com tejoni.johnson@gmail.com lissetmiranda74@yahoo.com lilau2017@gmail.com alvarez.daniela22@yahoo.com




Santa Rosa










Maria Carrillo










stapia707@gmail.com domohksuzumiya@yahoo.com csspetersen@gmail.com




Casa Grande


Santa Rosa

lmiksis16@cardinalnewman.org tbentivegna17@petk12.org jessiejmarshall4824@gmail.com


Cardinal Newman


Casa Grande



diegoangel00@live.com codyandcats@gmail.com






Lower Lake


Tejoni Johnson


Daniela Alvarez

tejoni.johnon@gmail.com alvarez.daniela22@yahoo.com


Maria Carrillo






Mary Nguyen


Casey Petersen

marynguyen345@gmail.com csspeterson@gmail.com


Lilyanna Carranza



Sonoma Valley


Angela Chavez







Santa Rosa

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