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March 2017 | Region 15 | CNH District

D20/32 TIMES

Please Bee Green! Do not print this newsletter!

Table of Contents 4-5……………...…………..……..………….…………. LTG Letter 6-7…………………………………...…….…….March Calendar 8-9….….Club, Officer, Kiwanis, and Member of the Month 10-13………..………………….…………………….Club Reports 14-15……………….……………Diamond Distinguished Clubs 16-17………………….………….…....AAR Recommendations 18-19……………………Message from the 17-18 D20/32 LTG 20………………………..…….Member Recognition Program 21…………………..………..Fundraising for Eliminate/UNICEF 22-23………………………….……….……..Joint DCM with D8 24-25…………………………….…………………..…..….DCON 26-27…………………………….………………….…Key Leader 28-29…………………………….….……...Spotlight on Service 30-31……………………………………......Presidents Contact 32…………………………………….…...…………...Thank You!

What’s Surfing Dinos? Happy March! We are one month away until the 2016-17 term officially ends! This may be a bittersweet ending, but just remember the amazing job you’ve done! Push through and make this a term to always cherish. In the month of March, we have two important upcoming events! So, make sure to mark them down and hopefully attend. On March 7th, it is the 12th annual National Pancake Day celebration. Enjoy a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes, and in exchange for the free pancakes, you can donate money to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Donations stay local to fund critical treatments and healthcare service, and pediatric medical equipment. Our Grammy’s Banquet is on March 31st. at Piner High School and all Key Clubbers, Kiwanians, Faculty Advisors, Parents, and Siblings are invited! An RSVP form will be released soon, so make sure to RSVP everyone who is attending. This is a formal event, so be sure to wear your Prom dress/suit. I hope to see you there. I hope everything is going well and continue this school year strong. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication toward this organization. With




Fatima G. Aguilar Luna


Ma 5


7 IHOP Pancake Day Eat pancakes for free and donate to the Children’s Miracle Network










Division Leade meeting at 6 p Restau

arch 1



4 MRF Due



ership Team p.m. at BJ’s urant



DCON informational meeting at 6 p.m. at 9451 Brooks Rd., South in Windsor FINAL DCON payment due!












Division Banquet at Piner High School at 6 p.m.

Congratu Club of the Month: The Club of the Month goes to Sonoma Valley for hosting our February Joint DCM with Division 08. In addition, I’ve seen Sonoma Valley grow in so many aspects and I’m so proud of them. They continue to serve their community and I am so proud of the work they’ve done.

Member of the Month: The Member of the Month goes to Alejandra Perez from Windsor High School, because of her on-going involvement in Key Club. She is enthusiastic when learning about Key Club and was elected to serve as the President for the 2017-18 term.

ulations! Officer of the Month Officer of the Month goes to Nathalie Goldstone. She attends Key Club events and division events, as well as attending lot of local service projects for her Montgomery Key Club.

Faculty Advisor of the Month The Faculty Advisor of the Month goes to Craig Tierney for attending the February Joint DCM and assisting Sonoma Valley. Since it is his first year serving as a Faculty Advisor, he’s still new to it, but enjoys how different it is from other clubs.

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month Kiwanis Advisor of the Month goes to Stephen Bearden for his on-going support in Key Club. Not only does he assist Cloverdale, but he helps the division. For our February DCM, he drove members from other clubs to Sonoma Valley who were unable to find rides. He is a wonderful role model within the D32 Kiwanis and Key Clubs.

Club Game Night for Children’s Miracle Network By Carmen Garcia and Rose French | Cloverdale The Cloverdale Key Club has recently been raising money for a Children's Miracle Network Hospital, located in Ohio. The Nationwide Hospital has a reputation for being one of the best children’s hospitals in the world, so it was chosen as the club’s focus. The club decided to raise money by holding an event that allowed Kiwanis, Builders Clubbers, and Key Club members to bond with each other for one night. We called it our “Kiwanis Family Game Night”. It was hosted by Stephen Bearden, a Kiwanis member and one of our Key Club advisors. Our Kiwanis Family Game Night was a successful night; we raised $155 by charging everyone who entered a $5 admission fee. We also passed the collection canister around at the next Kiwanis meeting, and that helped, too! You know how generous our Kiwanis always are! The Kiwanis Family Game Night was a blast! Many of the new members bonded with the other Key and Builders Clubbers over a friendly game of pool or even Battleship. The Kiwanis also had a great time playing “Apples to Apples” for the win. People grew closer the longer the night went on, and by the end we were fighting over the last cookie. With pizza, popcorn and nachos, there wasn't a person who left for home, hungry. This Cloverdale Kiwanis Family Game Night was filled with laughs and smiles from our entire K-Family. The Kiwanis game night was super fun and I hope to win another game of pool at the next one. Overall, we figured out a way to have a lot of fun and the money that was raised will help aid children who are in need of help.


Crab Feed By Natalie Goldstone | Montgomery At the Crab Feed this year, many volunteers from our Key Club helped with setting up the tables, serving food, and cleaning up everything after everyone finished eating. All of the volunteers were working so hard and rushing back and forth to make sure the people attending were satisfied. While people were eating, there was eventually an auction that sold gift baskets, a vacation, and even front row tickets to a Warriors basketball game. I volunteered myself to dress up in a crab costume they had, and all night I went around greeting everybody, taking pictures with them, and showing some spirit for Montgomery through a crab!

Club R Martin Luther King Day of Service By: Lisa Liff | Montgomery On Monday January 16th, Martin Luther King Day, a group of about 8 Key Clubbers went to Martin Luther King Junior Park and helped clean up trash, remove weeds, and place wood chips as the new landscaping. Montgomery Key Club worked with other school Key Clubs, other clubs, and the city of Santa Rosa at the park. It started early in the morning and was a cold day; however, no one complained. Everyone helped and worked together. The first part of the clean-up centered around trash pick-up; groups of kids scoured the park and surrounding areas with trash bags and retrievers. After all the trash was picked up, everyone moved to the front of the park where gardening began. All the grass and weeds were pulled either by hands or with gardening tools. Once there was nothing left but soil, barrels of woodchips were laid down, it looked incredible and a job that could have taken days was done in a matter of hours by helpful Key Clubbers.

Help with Kiwanis Citrus Fair Exhibit By Jessica Aguirre | Cloverdale It was a pleasure working with our Kiwanis on their Citrus Fair exhibit. We had so much fun in doing so. The goal was to make a replica of a Cloverdale historical monument called the “Old Asti Church�, and to make it look incredible! The rules were that the exhibit had to be covered in citrus fruit and other edible products. The project took the Kiwanis weeks to create and we joined them for some of that time. We did everything from iron bunting to making them a full dinner on one of the final nights, when everyone was there working on the project. Plenty of delicious food was provided, which was truly appreciated by the Kiwanians, after having to spend long hours working, with primarily cookies and chips as their only food source!

Reports Safeway Bake Sales Thao Dang | Santa Rosa On February 20th, the Santa Rosa Key Club spent their morning at a bake sale to fundraise for March of Dimes and for club events. The members baked goods the night before to sell them from 9-12 in front of Safeway on Mendocino Avenue. Sadly, the storm had not stopped and it continued to rain all morning, but that did not stop us. We still set up in an area that would block us from the rain and started selling the goods. We made the bake sale based off of donations instead of giving the treats each a fixed price. We believed if the shoppers understood the cause of our bake sale, they would donate a lot and it’s fair to let them have much as they want. Even though we started off slow, we continued to greet the shoppers good morning and ask if they were interested in donating to our club cause. If they were interested, we would explain what March of Dimes was and what club events, such as DCON and Key Leader, that we would help our members attend. After a while, the rain continued to pour; however, we continued to have more people donate. We even met customers who used to be Key Club members. After our three hours, we still had many baked goods left and decided to save them for our club, or donate them to a charity that will give them out to the homeless. In the end we made $237!

March AAR Rec March is the last opportunity in the 2016-17 Key Club year to to raise your AAR score! What’s a Good Score? • Maximum points possible is 200. • If your club’s score is under “100” - then you most likely need to do more service and more projects with the other clubs in the division • If your club’s score is between “100 - 130” - you are a club in good standing • If your club’s score is between “130-154” - you should take pride in your program • If your club’s score is over “155” - you are a Distinguished, and basically outstanding, club! • A few clubs get a score of over “180”. These are in the top 1% of clubs in the world and are Diamond Distinguished!


Recommendations to Raise Your AAR Score: • Plan Service Projects • Attend at Least One Kiwanis Meeting • Make Final Payment for DCON • Continue Fundraising for DCON • Hold a Board Meeting • Raise Money for the March for Babies • Attend Division Banquet • Sign-Up for Key Leader • Begin to Train Newly Elected Officers • Make Sure Newly Elected Officers Give Incoming LTG Contact Information

Message from the 1

Hello D20/32! As it is coming near to the start of my term, I would like to go elected officers can prepare! Goals: • Increase attendance at all division events • Plan monthly division service events • Encourage each club to hold a minimum of 1 fundraiser & 3 service e • Charter at least 1 new club • Bring $6k as a division to Fall Rally North for PTP • Record a total of 8,000 hours of service by DCON 2018 • Increase spirit in D20/32 and have strong bonds form to further grow o • To help clubs who are not as active to become more active Also, please do not forget to spread the word that the Division Leadership sure to take your time to be detailed about why you would like the position best of luck and I cannot wait to read all your applications! 2017-2018 DLT Positions: • Executive Assistant: (Up to three will be selected. EAs assist LTG wh committees to remain involved and even out responsibilities and w • Secretary: (Takes minutes at meetings, (on the computer), Submits closure. Also, prepares AAR recommendations slideshow each mo provides information to Communications and Marketing.) • Communications and Marketing: (Coordinates advertising division • Education Task Coordinator: (Coordinates Officer Training Conferen Committee) • Kiwanis Relations Task Coordinator: (Maintains connection betwee regarding Key Club events and coordinates joint DCMs, Governor's • Division Events Task Coordinator: (Coordinates division activities, se Awake-A-Thon, DCMs, and division judging) • District Events Task Coordinator: (Coordinates district events, such a emphases. Incorporates district initiatives in division events with co • Division Newsletter Editor: (Sends club articles and visuals to distric month) If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns about anything, plea

17-18 D20/32 LTG!

o over all my goals once again so all newly

events each month

our “Ohana�

Team application has been released and is due April 1, 2017. Please make n you are applying for, (especially in the last question). I wish you all the

hile staying connected with clubs. EAs will be assigned to specific workload) s typed minutes to the LTG & Region Advisor within 72 hours of the event onth for DCMs. Secretary will also serve on Education Committee and

n events, updating region website, and social media sites. ) nce and RTC, including education at DCMs, as Chair of Education

en Key Club and Kiwanis. Emails regular updates to Kiwanis members s visit, etc. Provides updates to division about Kiwanis events.) ervice events, fundraisers as Chair of committee. Committee plans

as Fall Rally and DCON. Updates Division about District initiatives and SOSP ommittee) ct every month and produces a Division Newsletter by the 20th of each

ase feel free to contact me anytime!

Member Recognition Program We have a number of members from our clubs who met the criteria for this prestigious Cali-Nev-Ha award! The criteria include: ⇒

Paying dues

Service hours—must have a minimum of 50 hours; can have over 200!

Attending raining events, (OTC & RTC)

Attending events with Kiwanis family—meetings and projects

Attending interclubs

Attending or working for International events/causes

Submitting articles and visuals to club, division & district newsletters

Chairing an event

Attending and helping with the hosting a division event

Being a club committee member

Being a district or division committee member (includes the DLT)

Taking on a leadership position in the club

Saving lives with Eliminate (MNT) fundraising

Levels of the award are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.. It is increasingly hard to achieve each level, with Bronze starting out a 50 hours of service and 5 of the other criteria met. Platinum must have over 200 hours of service and 10 of the criteria met.

Those receiving this recognition will be honored at the 2017 District Convention.

Fundraising for Eliminate/UNICEF Money fundraised for Eliminate/UNICEF: Cloverdale : $1000.00 Montgomery: $378.31 Piner: $65.00 Thank you for the following clubs who have fundraised money for the Eliminate project. Without your help, mothers in third world countries wouldn’t have access to vaccines which eliminates tetanus. Although the money was due to the Kiwanis District on December 31st, your club can still fundraise money and donate it! This fundraiser is done year round and it only costs $1.80 for the vaccine to remove tetanus. If you need help with fundraising ideas, please feel free to contact Fatima.

February J Division 8 Joint DCM Danayeat Abraha | Montgomery

The joint DCM with Division 8 was incredibly fun! Our Division drove 45 minutes to an hour and a half to where it was being held, at Sonoma Valley High School in Napa; and arriving there I got to catch up with people I hadn't seen since Fall Rally! When we got into the gymnasium we first played two icebreakers, Soulmate and Baby Shark. One was a game to find your perfect match and the other was a sing along; and we had two people find their “perfect match�! When the DCM started I got to learn more details about our future trip to DCON. But we soon split into our own division DCMs to learn about more upcoming events, ones tailored to our division. When the DCM was over we did a fun service project and danced along to some music, like the Cupid Shuffle. I had an amazing time and I plan to go to the next one!

Joint DCM!

n t h e y s ! p t M e o

DCON is Fast A

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Fo p se


DCON is fast approaching and right around the corner! From April th - April 10th we will be in Anaheim to experience a weekend that will elp build your Key Club knowledge, help you make new friends and one in on your leadership skills! The total cost to go per person is $600. If ou haven’t started now it is vital that you start fundraising to lower the ost for each person attending from your home club. Doing Dine-andonates with local restaurants or doing bake sales at your school is a reat way to start. Another thing to try, if you haven't already, is to reach ut to your Kiwanis sponsors and ask them to help cover the costs, as well! Members planning to go must also buy the division T-Shirt,($15), in rder to go! On top of that, they must fill out and sign the Permission orm, and the Medical Information/Release and Code of Conduct orms. On Thursday, April 6th ,the division will be meeting at 6:00 a.m. at Coddingtown Mall in front of the Starbucks to board on the travel bus for 10 hour ride to Anaheim. On April 7th we will be going to Disneyland nd for the rest of the weekend we will be attending District Convention!

or more detailed information follow this link: https://www.scribd.com/ resentation/324728869/ppt-dconoverview-rtc-1617? ecret_password=pbwp2tkZEs2jQkxhvgBD#fullscreen&from_embed.

Key Le Key Leader is a life-changing experience that will inspire you to grow as a leader! It is a weekend long that focuses on service leadership, your development of self-confidence, and your growth to become a stronger leader. At the camp there will be large and small group workshops, discussions and team -building activities to help you learn all the principles of service leadership! You can register to go by going to www.key-leader.org and click “Register now� on the right hand side. The student fee is $250 while the student facilitator fee is $175. This year it will be at the Alliance Redwood Center in Occidental California from April 28-April 30th and to attend you must sign the Medical and Community Values forms. Also make sure to inform your parents that at the camp there is no wifi or phone reception! By going you will gain stronger leadership abilities, better listening skills, confidence to better face society, and close friendships; and I hope you all plan to attend!


Spotlight on Service This month's Spotlight on Service is March of Dimes! Prematurity is the #1 killer of babies in the United States. March for Dimes works to change that and help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. From polio to prematurity the March of Dimes has focused on researching the problems that threaten children and finding ways to prevent them. Their main mission is to fight premature births while having a community impact.

e: March for Babies! FUNDRAISING FOR MARCH FOR DIMES Danayeat Abraha | Montgomery Since March is here your home club should start to plan ways to fundraise and raise awareness to the cause! A great way is to have you club volunteer at the March for Babies, which is being held on April 22md in Santa Rosa at Howarth Park (630 Summerfield Rd, This event helps raise money for the March of Dimes. A great way to help before the march day is to spread awareness to your community. Hand out flyers or have a rally at your school where you can help raise the amount of money that you donate on that day! Last year I remember going at the crack of dawn to help set up. Some Key Clubbers helped set up the course and organize T-shirts, while others helped make the balloon arch for the start and finish line. Our hands we so frozen from the cold that it took us all so long to make it, but I remember the event being a success and an amazing experience! I encourage you all to attend! This year. They will need help starting at 6 a.m. and going until about noon. In addition, if your club donates to the cause, you can actually walk in the march!

Cardinal Newman Kate West kwest17@cardinalnewman.org

Casa Grande Tia Bentivegna



Contact th Windsor


Giselle Silva and Azucena Montesinos

Facebook: D

Instagram: @CNHK

whs.giselle.silva@gmail.com montesinosazucena@gmail.com

Sonoma Valley

Santa Rosa

Sarah Skaggs

Sophie Haugen




Rose French and Atziry Rodriguez rosefrench155@gmail.com

Healdsburg Javier Aguilar javieraguilar1@yahoo.com


he Presidents

ow us on:

Division 20/32


Maria Carrillo Hannah Cecena hannahcecena@gmail.com



Lauren Lau

Annaleigh Nguyen



Thanks for Reading!

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