D2032 dnews [october] 10

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THE RAWR FROM SHORE TO SHORE Official CNH Division 20/32 Newsletter


TABLE OF CONTENTS: LTG’s Announcements


Macy’s Shop for a Cause Day


The Eliminate Project


D32 Awake-A-Thon




Fall Rally Info


Fall Rally – T-Shirts


Trick or Treat for UNICEF


Club Corner


“A Wish for Leaders”


Region Training Conference


Hello Divisions 20/32! It has been almost one entire month since I have started serving you all as Lieutenant Governor. Thank you so much over the past month for the support you’ve given me and the rest of the Leadership Team. I hope you all will continue to support us throughout the rest of the year. I have been able to meet many of you over the past month, and hope to see a lot of you again. I also hope to see some new faces, as well, throughout the rest of the year. During this month, I was able to attend the Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Installation Dinner, along with a number of Key Club officers from our division. At the Installation, I had the privilege of meeting many of the Kiwanians who sponsor our Key Clubs; and was asked to talk to all the incoming Kiwanis Club Presidents, sharing information with them about Key Club. I presented materials on how they can become more involved with our Key Clubs, and how they can help their own Key Clubbers become more involved, too. I also updated them on our upcoming events, such as the Regional Training Conference, the Awake-A-Thon, Fall Rally, District Convention, and others to come. I informed them about how transportation is one of the biggest obstacles for our clubs, since many of us cannot drive. I hope that during this upcoming month we will grow as a division. I hope that our Kiwanians will be able to help us with our transportation issues; and I hope to see many Key Clubbers at division events and projects. Other than that, I would also hope to see each and every club start to fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program, participate in the Awake-A-Thon on October 11th, (which will be our division fundraiser for the Pediatric Trauma Program). Of course, I encourage you all to register for Fall Rally, which is on October 18th; (early registration is on September 26th). Again, thank you all so much for your support this past month. I am excited about what’s happening and what is to come! Rawring with Service, Thu Dang Lt. Governor

Club of the Month: Cloverdale In the past month Cloverdale has been incredibly active despite the start of the new school year. They have helped fundraise money at Macy’s for March of Dimes “Shop for a Cause”. They have also teamed up with the Soroptimist Club to collect food for their local food pantry. Cloverdale’s cemetery recently collapsed and the Cloverdale Key Club helped fundraise up to $1,000 to help repair it. They also started fundraising for the Pediatric Trauma Program by sitting outside of their local grocery store and collecting donations. Thank you Cloverdale for your great service this month!

Member of the Month: Raven Quesenberry In the past month Raven Quesenberry, also known as our Division Newsletter Editor and Santa Rosa High’s Key Club President, has been chosen to be our Member of the Month. She has been very active and has attended many of our division events, and helped her club grow, as well. She attended our latest Division Council Meeting and division event at Howarth Park. Finally, she helped her club during Club Rush and has done a wonderful job of recruiting new members. Thank you so much for your service!

Macy’s Shop for a Cause Day It was a really special privilege to be part of a larger scale project being sponsored in areas outside of just Santa Rosa. When the March of Dimes first contacted us, they only asked for students to be at the downtown mall Macy’s in Santa Rosa. But, because we had such a great response from our members, even though it was the middle of summer, we were able to have students working at BOTH Macy’s locations in Santa Rosa. We handed out flyers that directed people to donate $5 to the March of Dimes when they went to the registers to purchase items. They were then able to receive a 20% discount on what they bought. It was a win-win situation for everyone! Our members were probably responsible for thousands of dollars being donated to the March of Dimes that day! We’re pretty proud of what we did, impacting the lives of premature infants, many that we may have contributed to saving.

Hello Region 15! With the school year underway, and everyone settling into their busy lives, the Eliminate Project is at its optimal point for getting under way! We have come up with a ton of awesome plans for Region 15! One in particular that I’d like to address in this dazzling issue of the newsletter is the One Dollar for Life (ODFL) Project. We have the founder of ODFL, Robert Freeman, coming all the way from Palo Alto to train the members of our region, sharing all about the stellar way the ODFL campaign can help us to raise money. The date for this training will be November 15th, so mark your calendars NOW!!! For those of you who don’t know, the Eliminate Project is one of the most phenomenal fundraisers that Kiwanis has ever had the privilege of acting upon. There is a disease on this Earth known by the name of Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). This form of tetanus effects newborn babies in third world countries. The disease attacks the children’s nervous systems. The babies are sensitive to light, touch, and sound. Any of these things send the children into painful convulsions that cause them even more suffering. These babies are then put into dark rooms and left to die. The insane part about this disease is that it’s 100% preventable. $1.80 saves the life of a child! How amazing is that!? This is why it’s so important we Key Clubbers fight this disease with every penny we can raise! Thank you for all your service and everything you do, don’t forget to join us on November 15th to get the full training experience to become a “Region 15 Eliminator”!

Maggie Duran Division 32 Eliminate Co-Chair

Dinos to the rescue! Come join us in our first-ever

PTP Awake-A-Thon

Saturday, October 11th

Doors open at 8 p.m.

o Kenwood Elementary School in Kenwood o Need $25 per person as a donation to the PTP cause in order to enter. (Bring cash or a check made out to Key Club.) o We’ve got fun activities & great food planned for all night long o Go out and get those pledges! Ask family, friends, businesses‌ Clubs must bring at least one chaperone & one signed Key Club Event Request Form. ERFs will soon be e-mailed to all club advisors.

Fundraising Ideas: • bake sale or ice cream and popsicle social • community fair • auction night • dine and donate or skate and donate • bike-a-thon • sell homemade accessories or school supplies around campus • put fundraising jars in classrooms • sell school spirited items at football games

Fall Rally  Our rally starts at 10:00 a.m.  We need to be at the stadium by 9:30 a.m. to get our seats  Clubs should arrive at the park NO LATER than 8:30 a.m.  Up until 9:10 a.m., Mrs. Cummins will be at the Key Club ticket booth to help clubs in need, and to distribute tshirts that aren’t handed out at the Awake-A-Thon  Every club should have an adult chaperone on site  Your check for the PTP cause should be delivered on stage before the start of the rally

Division Cheer

Without further ado, here's D32! Where it's arms we lack, but our spirit ain't wack. D32 is on the attack, so keep back (step back). Keep back (step back). Keep back (step back). 1) EveryonePass go, pass go. Now you’re stopped. You just entered the dinosaur’s spot! 2) Leader- I say purple, you say yellow! Leader- Purple! Everyone- Yellow! Leader- Purple! Everyone- Yellow! Leader- I say D, you say 32 Leader- D Everyone- 32 Leader- D Everyone- 32 3) EveryoneHola, que’ pasa The dinos are in the casa!

District Cheer

From the East to the West You know we are the best! We’re the district with the sting And that’s why we sing! We’re the Bees, buzz, buzz. We’re the Bees, buzz, buzz. It’s all about the party-hardy CNH Bees!

4) EveryoneStomp, stomp, clap (4 times) We are, we are… dinos We are, we are… dinos We are, we are… dinos A gentle giant who isn’t tame, We wear purple and yellow, That’s our fame!


Club T-shirt Order Form School: President: Phone #: Name

 Please send this form & one check from your club  Make check payable to Sue Cummins and send it to 35010 Hwy. 128, Cloverdale, CA 95425  Check should cover the cost of all t-shirts ordered at a price of $9 each/ ($11 each for late orders)  Please mail form & check by 10/1

T-shirt size

Payment $9/shirt


Trick or Treat for UNICEF Come on Key Clubbers! Get creative with your fundraising this year! When it comes to Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Montgomery High School likes to think outside the “box.” In addition to collecting change in the classic UNICEF boxes, Montgomery decided in 2013 to raise funds with a unique canine costume contest. Businesses and individuals sponsored specific costumes, all modeled by our Kiwanis advisor’s dog, Millie. All the costumes were shown online with links to the sponsor’s websites for added publicity, and anyone could vote for their favorite costume. Last year’s winner was the “biker babe” costume photographed on a real Harley Davidson. Votes came in from as far away as Paris, France! This year, the contest will expand to any costumed pet being sponsored, and again this contest can be found at Millie4Good.org. Two sponsors are already committed, and Montgomery looks to shatter last year’s fundraising record. -Lisset Miranda (Montgomery)

A WISH FOR LEADERS “I sincerely wish you will have the experience of thinking up a new idea, planning it, organizing it, and following it to completion and having it be magnificently successful. I also hope you'll go through the same process and have something "bomb out." I wish you could know how it feels "to run" with all your heart and lose - horribly. I wish that you could achieve some great good for mankind, but have nobody know about it except you. I wish you could find something so worthwhile that you deem it worthy of investing your life. I hope you become frustrated and challenged enough to begin to push back the very barriers of your own personal limitations. I hope you make a stupid, unethical mistake and get caught red-handed and are big enough to say those magic words "I was wrong." I hope you give so much of yourself that some days you wonder if it is worth it all. I wish for you a magnificent obsession that will give you a reason for living and purpose and direction in life. I wish for you the worst kind of criticism for everything you do, because that makes you fight to achieve beyond what you normally would. I wish for you the experience of leadership.� -Earl Reum



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