Dcon 2018 for parents

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What to expect at District Convention 2018 The Division 32 Group from 2017 We travel as a group, and stay in the hotel together‌so we really get to know each other well!

 We will not have an option for late registration  Our members are traveling with the DIVISION, so travel and hotel costs have been determined to be $126 per person  This includes charter bus spot; hotel room (4 to a room); dinner on Friday night; a donation to the PTP cause; and a tip for the maid

Other Expenses Connected to the Trip • Lunch on Friday as we travel there • Lunch on Sunday as we travel home • Sometimes students wish to purchase snacks at a Starbucks located within the hotel, pizza late at night from the hotel, etc. • Souvenirs • Incidentals that may arise – small things they may think they need to get in the hotel shop • They could spend as little as $10 or as much as $25 Being teenagers, you can COUNT on them being hungry late at night. It’s smart to have them bring lots of snacks with them!

For our Cloverdale students it can prove to be an eye-opener to the world beyond Cloverdale. They find out that there are a lot of other teens out there who also value doing service. It usually engenders a stronger commitment in the future to doing something special with their lives.

Some parents have mentioned an interest in coming with us We welcome anyone who wishes to be involved, as long as we can figure out how to afford their attendance. Below are factors we need to think about: • All adult attendees MUST undergo the online background check • Adult attendees are housed two to a room, which makes their cost even higher than the student cost. Adult attendee cost is $350, instead of $300. • Since we expect our adult chaperones to PERFORM as chaperones, and we plan to “work” them while on the trip, the Kiwanis and Key Club will cover $150 of the adult attendees cost to attend. • Unfortunately, this means that adult attendees still need to come up with $200 out-ofpocket. • Their Key Clubber can reduce that cost by raising Key Club Bucks towards their parent’s attendance. • Parents can also raise Key Club Bucks towards their attendance by helping out at upcoming events. • For example, we will need drivers to the Redwood Empire Food Bank and Division Council Meeting on February 24th, etc. • Keep in mind the fact that the final deadline for all payments is April 10th, so there is quite a bit of time left to raise the money needed.

Concerns Regarding Casino Location

Adults who travel with us as chaperones are expected to refrain from gambling!

Friday • We’ll meet at CHS at 6:30 a.m. • We’ll meet with the other D32 members at Coddingtown and take a charter bus on what will be about a 5-hour trip to Reno

The bus will take us straight to the Grand Sierra Resort Hotel where we will be, for the most part, 4 to a room.

The division members will be mixed up in the rooms‌but every Cloverdale member will be with at least one of their friends. We will make every effort to ensure that friends room together.

After checking into the hotel, we’ll get into spirit gear, which includes the division t-shirt. If they don’t have one, then they will have to purchase it for $10. •

At this time, there is a room where members meet candidates for the district elections, do a service project, etc. Meanwhile, adults are taking care of getting registration packets

Friday is “Spirit Day� and we can wear face paint, tutus, anything that shows our division dino spirit. We even make and bring spirit sticks, etc.

So what happens at the convention on Friday? • First is the session already mentioned… • Then, there are three small workshop sessions members and chaperones will attend, starting at around 5 p.m. These will include training for so many aspects of Key Club, and a special region meeting with members from all over CNH. • Most sessions have a couple hundred attendees and are led by other Key Club members or advisors. • At 8:30, there will be a GENERAL SESSION, with close to 3,000 members and advisors there. You meet the Governor, and will hear a motivational performance that is usually VERY inspiring! • At 10:30, there will be one more training session, including officers training!

This year’s motivational presenter is actually a former Key Clubber who will be performing a concert, as well as sharing about his goal to benefit Autism research

There are so many people there, that we often actually watch what’s happening on stage via a huge set of video screens.

Members are kept active until late at night!

• My experience, after taking students to conventions for the last 35 years is that keeping them busy until they collapse is a VERY SMART move! • It keeps them out of trouble, hopefully! This is the reason that their final workshop session on Friday night doesn’t end until 11:30 p.m. and curfew is midnight!

Saturday It’s “Business Attire” Day. Our entire division dresses in black tops with purple ties and black bottoms. We provide the ties, but you’ll need to get the tops and bottoms. (They can be purchased at Goodwill, if money is tight.)

On Saturday night, everyone gets dressed up for the dinner, Awards Session and dance.

There are VERY STRICT dress code guidelines • Pay close attention to the shoes! • Usually, for the early part of Saturday, we don’t have problems, as everyone is careful to follow the division guidelines.

Saturday evening, however, can be problematic • Girls try to wear shoes that have back-straps • Girls try to wear dresses that are too short • Girls try to wear dresses with spaghetti straps • Girls try to wear dresses that show too much cleavage • Guys try to wear shirts that don’t support a tie • Guys try to wear nondress shoes

So, what actually happens on Saturday? • In the morning

• Breakfast • Caucus Session – listen to District Officer candidate speeches • Several Workshop Sessions • House of Delegates – elect the new District Officers

• In the afternoon

• Lunch • Second General Session • A couple more workshops • Time to change clothes & get ready for the evening • We often have our club’s name come up on the screen. • Sometimes, member names are up there, too!

The following members may see their names on the screen for the Member Recognition Program (recognizing their service record): • • • • • • • • • • •

Rowan Jessica Neidi Cristina Gaby Miguel Andreina Tucker Anahi Yatziri Alex

Member Recognition Program The last day to earn eligibility for this award was January 31st application is sent from the club to honor members with • One 50 or more hours of service. levels are 50+ hours; 100+ hours; 150+ hours and • Recognition 200+ hours.

• All the members on the previous slide have met the criteria. will receive certificates they can put into their school • They portfolios.

• Saturday dinner is usually a special, served-by-waiters meal. • Then we head into the Awards Session. • Members in our club who may be eligible for recognition at this session include: • • •

• • •

Rowan – Distinguished Newsletters Cristina – Distinguished Poster Gabriela – Distinguished Single Service Project with the “Love is in the Air” project Gabriela - $1000 scholarship Anahi – Distinguished President Alex – Distinguished Website

Other Applications Still Available to Do: • Video contest – a 60 second recruitment video • Due February 10th

• Talent contest – upload a video of your talent onto YouTube • Due February 10th

• Year-in-Review, (known as club scrapbook), contest • Due April 10th

Here are some last year’s Cloverdale winners on stage receiving their awards

Last year’s winners include: • • • • • •

Stephen Bearden Kiwanis Advisor of the Year Anahi Ruiz – Major Emphasis Program project Alyssa Gaylor – Year-inReview Lillian Bearden – Member of the Year Carmen Garcia – Distinguished Vice President Atziry Rodriguez – Distinguished Vice President & $1000 scholarship

The evening finishes with a dress-up dance and alternative activities!


We wear a new convention t-shirt and go to the Closing Session where the current LTGs are retired and the new ones installed

The final session is fairly short, and then we head home on the charter bus.

Is DCON worth going to? Ask those who’ve gone in the past… It’s pretty great to find out that there are other teens out there, keeping busy, making a difference in the world, just like us!

While there is a lot of educational activity at DCON, and some of the sessions can be long……….. Almost everyone comes back from DCON saying that it’s……………..

Deadlines • Tuesday, February 6th – paperwork & $150 in Key Club Bucks • Tuesday, February 20th - $200 in the Key Club Bucks account • Tuesday, March 27th - $300 in the Key Club Bucks account • Tuesday, April 10th - $350 in the Key Club Bucks account

(The last $50 will be used for service, rather than personal need)

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