Kiwanis of Tigard December 2022 Newsletter

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY NC ND H jk `` ``````````````````````````````````````````````` Inside: - New Meeting Location - Installation Dinner - Bell Ringing - And Much MORE! Serving the Children of the World| Issue 8|December 2022 Kids Need Kiwanis Walk to End Alzheimer’s

As our Kiwanis year progresses, our club continues to be very active. On Mondays and Thursdays each week, we show up to support the Packed with Pride food pantry, sponsored by the Foundation for Tigard-Tualatin Schools. Members of our club spend over 24 hours each week helping provide meals for hundreds of food-insecure families with children in the Tigard-Tualatin School District. Twice each month, we prepare and serve anywhere from 25 to 40 dinners for the residents at the Tigard Good Neighbor Center, which serves homeless families with children. On December 10th , members will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army at the Tigard Fred Meyer. Bell ringing for the Salvation Army at the Christmas season has been a project of our club for over 40 years. We continue to sponsor the Sherwood High School Key Club and its community service activities. Our Key Club Advisor regularly attends their meetings. Our club members work with Key Club members on some of their community service projects.

At our meeting on November 16th, Division Lt. Governor Susie Meyer gave an excellent program regarding Kiwanis Youth Protection Guidelines, training many of our members and several members of other Kiwanis clubs on how we can protect students in our Service Leadership Programs. At our December 7th club meeting, Skye Burnes from the Mt Hood Kiwanis Camp will speak to us regarding what’s going on at the Camp. At our January 4th meeting, Scott Burns will speak to us about Oregon’s dynamic geology. We plan to continue having programs at one meeting each month. We have formed a Finance Committee to endeavor to identify the various projects our club may pursue to serve our community, how much funding our club will need for these projects and how our club can generate funds to accomplish these projects. We have had two very productive meetings discussing projects to fund and what our club may do to generate funds.

Table of Contents Message from the President Page 2 Pay it Forward Page 3 Good Neighbor Center Page 4 Packed with Pride Page 5 Alzheimer’s Walk Page 6 Kiwanis One Day Page 7 Youth Protection Training Page 8 Salvation Army Bell Ringing Page 9 Club News Pages 10 17 Division News Pages 18 19 Key Club Pages 20 23 Just for Laughs Page 24 Contact Us Page 25 A Very Bad Poem Page 26 2 “Spread good

We have formed a Finance Committee to endeavor to identify the various projects our club may pursue to serve our community, how much funding our club will need for these projects and how our club can generate funds to accomplish these projects. We have had two very productive meetings discussing projects to fund and what our club may do to generate funds.

What makes this season so special is that most people are in a “Pay It Forward” mode. 25% of all charity giving each year is done during these few weeks!



energy. Pay it forward.”

– Brittany Maynard 3
The simplest way to define
is that when someone does something for you, instead of paying that person back directly, you pass it on to another person instead. Can one person’s caring act make a difference in the world?
Kiwanians certainly think so!
We are in the middle of the Holiday Season It’s the “most wonderful time of the year.”


Mission is Simple

The Good Neighbor Center serves families experiencing housing insecurity with empathy and equity. The GNC team provides a safe environment and needed resources while assisting in finding permanent housing and stability.

The Kiwanis Mission at GNC

The Kiwanis Club of Tigard serves a full dinner, twice a month to the families in temporary living at the Good Neighbor Center. The cost to the club is approximately $100 per month.

Shown above is George Deibert, completing a sign in sheet describing our project and speaking with a member of the staff regarding the center’s needs. At our last time there, we fed 40 people! With the weather so rainy and cold, the center is serving the needs of more families than ever before! Our donations are needed!

Gift Giving at the Good Neighbor Center These items are needed
the time. We challenge EACH member to bring TWO items on this list to the
th club
 Garbage bags (13 & 30 plus gallon)  Cases of bottled water  Paper plates  Disposable cups (water/coffee)  All-purpose household cleaners  Floor cleaners  Paper towels  Toilet paper  Q-Tips  Tin foil  Masking tape  Duct tape  Black Sharpies
December 7
Our Mission is Simple.
While it may seem small, the ripple effect of small things can be extraordinary! –

Statistics prove that Packed with Pride is our club’s most ambitious project!

 In October we spent 98 hours in service to the project  6 members and 3 Friends of Kiwanis participated  Members showed up a total of 37 times to pick up food, transport it to the collection center at Tigard High School, and sort and re-package the food for distribution

Other Assistance to the Tigard-Tualatin School District

We periodically get calls to help the school district place labels on message cards that they plan to distribute to their employees. In November, four of our members helped them with one of those projects. They were cards, not envelopes; but we are thankful that they were selfadhesive!

Above are Kimmarie Baranco, Volunteer Coordinator & Margie Greene, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Tigard Tualatin Schools

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

While it started out a little cold at the Portland Zoo at 7:30 a.m., the day soon became one of balmy, beautiful weather. I was amazed at how many people were there. Before the walk, we visited dozens of tables with free goodies for the participants. The actual walk was a little less than a mile; and it meandered through many of the animal exhibits. Throughout, there were even people cheering us on. It was truly a special event, and I am so glad that our Kiwanis club sponsored a team, giving me the opportunity to be a part of the “Fight to End Alzheimer’s” movement. Note: Our team raised $230.


A big THANK YOU to Susie Meyer and the Hillsboro Kiwanis club for organizing the division-wide Kiwanis One Day Event. Afterwards, Susie reported that there were 11 Kiwanis members present; 68 Key Clubbers were there, and 3 others joined us. Two sessions, each 2 ½ hours in length were held; we made Magic Yarn Wigs for 30 children at the Doernbecher’s Children’s Hospital. The wigs were meant to represent Captain Jack Sparrow, Moana, Elsa, and Rapunzel. 18 Sherwood High School Key Clubbers were there!


• Globally, 1 in 4 youth will suffer abuse or maltreatment

• 85% of victims never report their abuse.

• More than 90% of abusers are people children know, love and trust.

A super thank you to LTG Susie Meyer for her informative presentation at our November 16th meeting. Susie helped to impress upon us the serious nature of the tasks we need to perform to keep our youth safe. We were reminded of the “Rule of 3”, which covers transporting students, as well as common forms of communication like texting and emails. Basically, we need to include another in all interactions with youth… and try to never do anything “one on one”. In addition, Susie shared the Youth Protection Helpline number and suggested we ALL put it in our phones. That number is: 866-607- SAFE.

19 Kiwanians viewed LTG Susie’s presentation on 11/16


Saturday, December 10th

2-hour shifts from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m./ 2 people per shift

How does bell ringing work?

George has signed us up to work this date, times, and location. A kettle and bell will be at our location when we arrive. If there is already a ringer there, just let them know you are the next scheduled volunteer and take over for them. Then, start ringing with a smile. Wish shoppers a “Merry Christmas” and thank people for their donation.

Where does the money given to my kettle go?

When we volunteer to ring bells, we help improve and even save lives. The money dropped in a red kettle goes right back into our local community. By volunteering even just two hours of our time, we can raise enough money to feed a family of four for an entire week.

Tigard Fred Meyer (one door)/ 11565 SW Pacific Hwy.
10 Murrayhill Taphouse 14550 SW Murray Scholls Dr. Beaverton, OR 97007 We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. Show up around 11:45 a.m. if you wish to order from the restaurant menu.

Kiwanis Camp

speaker In the just completed 2021-22 Kiwanis year, our Kiwanis Club of Tigard assisted with fundraising for the Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp in the following ways:

In addition, members from the club helped at the MHKC Work Day, as well as assisted with the preparations for the MHKC Golf Tournament, and provided a cash-paying team for the event!

❖ Sale of gift cards $1000 ❖ MHKC
Come to our lunchtime meeting
from the Mt. Hood
will be
Walk Roll and Stroll

We are very excited to be having a Christmas bake sale this year! Especially exciting, it will be run by Key Clubbers in order to help raise funds for their District Convention, being held in Seattle on March 31-April 2, 2023. The sale items will be delivered on December 21st at our lunchtime meeting at Murrayhill Taphouse. You will be able to pre-order some, but not all, of the items that will arrive for you on the sale day. Like our other sale fundraisers, you will name your price for the items once you receive them. We are looking forward to seeing what fun, winter, and Christmas themed items the Key Clubbers are going to put together for this event!

Key Clubbers will list what they want to make Kiwanians will choose off the list at the December 7th meeting Kiwanians will pay for… and take items at that time The process for the pre-sale items that are being delivered at the December 21st meeting… Just imagine… what a delicious way for us to help our Key Clubbers reach their goal of attending District Convention! Items will be brought to the December 21st meeting Some “non ordered” items will also be available at the December 21st meeting…

It is important that club meetings have programs. We have been without them for a while, because of Covid, but now we are easing our way back into a program routine. We will be making every effort to set up a program for the 1st meeting of each month. In addition, I would like to focus on the 2nd meeting of the month, (during the 3rd week), with a proposal to have members give short BIOs. Of course, there are times when Kiwanis business will take precedence. It will also be great to have the Key Club as a program when their schedule permits. Programs could be local community speakers, (i.e. leaders in the community). Kiwanis programs are also important, (i.e. SIGN, KDCCP, MHKC). A good resource for finding speakers is to get suggestions from other clubs on recommended programs. At an Interclub with Cedar Hills the speaker was Kevin Barton who is the current Washington County District Attorney. That was a lead sent to me from a club member, and I plan to try and arrange a program with Kevin. I have other leads from programs we have had in the past. Bill Pennell has been assisting with TED programs, so that’s another possibility. This is just a start in my thinking of where we can head, now that we have a better location for inviting others to join us. But, I need members to give me leads and tell us what programs they would like to have.

We are excited to announce that our speaker for the January 4th meeting will be…
Dr. Scott Burns
Dr. Scott Burns is a Professor Emeritus of Engineering Geology at Portland State University. His topic of discussion for our meeting will be: Dynamic Geology of Oregon

We are Planning a Club Fundraiser


Tentative Plans for the Night

Other Entertainment:

During Intermission 1) Conversation topic, “If I could live one day over…” 2) Possible activity planned by Key Clubbers and 3) We’re still thinking about what we want to do…

Food & Beverages:

Appetizers, popcorn in theater style bags, and bottled drinks

Suggested donation: $20… There will be no pre sale tickets. We hope to encourage club members to invite family, friends and co workers

Cause: To support the Sherwood High School Key Club program, (we are pledged to help them attend District Convention this year!)


To Kiwanis – Create a flyer and take to other clubs’ meetings; share at the DCM Christmas party; put in our club newsletter, share with churches affiliated with members, and share with family, friends and co workers

To Key Club – Distribute flyer at a Key Club meeting; put it on their Google Classroom site; extend a personal invitation to members & their parents, especially to families of those Key Clubbers hoping to go to the District Convention

To Others – The Pastor at the church site says that they can distribute the flyer to members of the church and to parents of the children in the pre school that operates on the church grounds

Costs Involved: Rental of the church site, and the printing of flyers… We have volunteers to cover these costs

Actions the Members Would Have to Take: Visit other Kiwanis clubs to distribute flyers, invite friends and family and co workers, and donate the food and beverages

Key Clubbers can: Encourage their families to attend; help plan the intermission break; bring food and beverages


Dec 7 Meeting at noon Murrayhill at Taphouse – Skye Burns program

*Bring items to give to the Good Neighbor Center

*Complete orders for Key Club Bake Sale

Dec 7 “Movie Night” committee meeting after regular meeting

Dec 8 Meal preparation at 5 p.m. at Good Neighbor Center

Dec 10 Bell Ringing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Tigard Fred Meyer

Dec 12 DCM/Division Christmas Party at 6 p.m. @ The Courtyard Village

*Sherwood Key Club Bake Sale at party

Dec 15 Key Club Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at Sherwood H.S.

Dec 17 Key Clubbers do bell ringing from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Walmart in Sherwood/Kiwanis chaperone

Dec 21 Meeting at noon at Murrayhill Taphouse

*Pick up and pay for Key Club bake sale items

Dec 21 CPAH toy distribution at 4 p.m. at 11905 SW 91st Ave, Tigard

Dec 22 Meal preparation at 5 p.m. at Good Neighbor Center

Jan 4 Meeting at noon Murrayhill Taphouse Scott Burns program

Jan 5 Key Club Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at Sherwood H.S.

Jan 9 DCM – Zoom ONLY at 6 p.m. – Tigard is HOST CLUB

Jan 12 Meal preparation at 5 p.m. at Good Neighbor Center

Jan 18 Meeting at noon at Murrayhill Taphouse

Jan 18 Board Meeting after regular meeting at the Morehouse home

Jan 19 Key Club Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at Sherwood H.S.

Jan 21 Key Club Dodgeball Tournament at 2 p.m. at Sherwood H.S.

Jan 26 Meal preparation at 5 p.m. at Good Neighbor Center

Every Monday & Thursday morning we process food donations with the Packed with Pride program at Tigard High School. If you wish to participate contact George Deibert at:


Summarizing This Year’s Budget News:

➢ The Service Fund Budget has been increased to allow for more funds to be used for local youth. This includes the possibility of projects with:

o The Community Partners for Affordable Housing

o Setting up a possible book program with the Twality Middle School

o Helping Key Club members attend District Convention

However, this increase in budget funds will require planning at least one new fundraiser in order to help balance the budget. The upcoming “Movie Night” is one effort to bring in budget balancing funds.

➢ Happy Dollars and Raffle funds have both been placed in the Operating Budget. Since we are only meeting twice a month, members may want to consider being more generous at each meeting, (especially with the Happy Dollars). As Bill Pennell commented… “Now that we are meeting only twice a month, we’re saving money every other week on buying lunch… let’s put some of those funds into our Happy Dollars!”

➢ The Operating Budget has been increased to allow for more delegates to attend conventions/conferences this year. MidWinter Conference will have the International President in attendance Convention is in Portland. We hope to have a number of members attend both events.


At the November DCM we were all reminded, by our very own Frank, that he has KDCCP pins to give us! He described the meaning of each symbol on the pin. LTG Susie Meyer recapped for everyone the fact that the Frank Morehouse KDCCP Medallions are still available for a smalldonation of $500!

Make It Possible 2022

The is a one-time, monthly, or round-up donation to support the youth and families that are served. The donations help with mental health resources, food, education supplies, and much more. Make a donation at: https://bgcportland.harnessapp. com/wv2/donate/?checkout=25 62&campaign_id=8441

Connecting with the Boys and Girls Clubs of

Details shared by Laney Sullivan at the November DCM:

 They served over 1000 children this summer  Available are Covid vaccines, home test kits, etc.

 They are always looking for volunteers  Volunteer projects include club beautifications & more  Holiday campaign includes: o Make It Possible o Give Guide o Text BGCP to 269-89 o Virtual Giving Tree

This is an incentive driven donation program with “big give days” where, if you donate $10 or more on those specific days, you are entered to win a prize Check it out at: girlsclubs/

(Not a link)

One can donate to the Boys and Girls Club of Portland by texting BGCP to 269-89

This is a link where people can see a wish that the youth and families have. People are able to select an individual or wish, purchase that item, and then deliver it unwrapped to the Boys and Girls Club Admin office. To find out more, go to: Virtual+Giving+Tree

Division Christmas Party Monday,
At Courtyard Village Bring a potluck dish Bring a White Elephant gift valued at about $20 Sherwood Key Club Bake Sale will be available
December 12
6 p.m.
P o r t l a n d
Laney Sullivan

Upcoming DCMs

• January through March DCMs will ALL be Zoom

• The Kiwanis Club of Tigard is theHOST for the January meeting

International President, Bert West, will be at the Mid Winter Conference

The Mid-Winter Conference is in-person at the Portland Sheraton Inn at the Airport on February 17-19, 2023.

Registration price from December 1st until February 3rd is $135. After February 3rd until the day of the event, registration is $145.

Register at: winter conference/

Highlights of the conference will include:

A keynote address from KI President Bert West Meeting Michael Mulhaul, Int’l Trustee

An Opening Session on Friday night

A service project on Saturday morning with CKI … “Foster Welcome Baskets”

A shared dinner with the PNW Circle K

An address by District Governor David Crozier

A District Board Meeting on Sunday morning

Clubs that are adopting the “Two for Two” step-by-step membership recruitment campaign are finding success in increasing their club numbers!

The Pacific Northwest District website has just been updated. Check it out at:

Thank you to LTG Susie Meyer for grabbing a KDCCP collection jar for EACH club when she was at DCON! Our Board decided that we should regularly pass the jar at meetings. So, don’t be surprised when you see this jar in the future!

Information about Two for Two can be found at: for two/two for two-workbook

together to spend time doing campus clean-ups! Service
Twice during the month of October
and Tigard Kiwanis joined
21 Each month, on the last Thursday of the month, Key Clubbers continue to support the Kiwanis with dinner prep at the Good Neighbor Center in Tigard K E Y C L U B W E E K Preparation Work Session Kudos to the Key Player Day Staff Appreciation Random Acts of Kindness Day Members took packets of prepared clothespin messages to pin to people around school; and they wrote thank you cards to those who had made a difference in their lives C E L E B R A T E D G L O B A L L Y October 31 November 4

What Happens at a Typical Key Club Meeting?

• Students arrive, and go to a table in the back of the room where they grab a cookie or two and look over the sign-up sheets for service activities

• Then they seat themselves

• The officers stand in front and use a slide show to describe upcoming activities

• Questions are answered and time is given to go back to do more sign-ups



Thank you to the officers for making Club Days recruitment a success


Saturday, January 21st

Join the committee making plans! Come to club meetings to find out more!


ill be distributed after school in Mr. Farrand’s room on Friday, December 9th .

• Members prepare one or two items for pick up at SHS from 3:30 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 11th

• Items will be taken to a Kiwanis DCM, (several clubs meeting), held on the evening of December 12th December 21st sale:

• Some supplies will be distributed at the December 15th Key Club meeting

• Members should prepare one item for pick up at SHS from 3:30 to 4 p.m. on Monday, December 19th

• Items will be taken to a Tigard Kiwanis meeting on December 21st

fundraiser to go to DCON is happening NOW! Join the Bake Sales
At the November DCM (Division Council Meeting)
To find out more about the Kiwanis organization you can check out the following websites or connect with the club officers: • Kiwanis Club of Tigard (There is a “Contact Us” tab on this site which will allow you to connect with the Tigard club) • President Robert Bell • President-Elect Frank Morehouse • Vice President Bill Pennell • Secretary Sue Cummins • Treasurer Mike McClain • Past Pres George Deibert • Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District • Kiwanis International 25

A Very Bad Poem

(About what it means to be a Kiwanian)

For many in the world

This time of year is known as the “SeasonofGiving”. For many Kiwanians, Giving is just part of everydayliving. ‘Tistheseason’when many make an effort To show they care. But, for most Kiwanians, It’s pretty much alwaystime to share. So, it’s wonderful to see so many be extra generous During this specialseason. Here’s a reminder: Kiwanians – we do our giving all year long Because to give, we need no specialreason.


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