December newsletter

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Cloverdale CloverdaleKey KeyClub ClubMonthly MonthlyNewsletter newsletter

Issue 3 | December 2016 | Editor Gabriela Gaona |

Check us out at: Cloverdale High School 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425

Cali-Nev-Ha District

Table of Contents Page 1:

Title Page

Page 2:

Contents/Key Club Facts

Pages 3-4:

Presidents’ Messages

Page 5:

Member Orientation

Page 6:

March of Dimes

Pages 7-11: Key Club Week Page12:

Connecting with Kiwanis

Page 13:

Kiwanis Crab Feed

Pages 14-15: Recognition Page 16:

December Calendar

Page 17:


Page 18:

Kiwanis Secret Santa Pals

Page 19:

Kiwanis Bake Auction

Page 20:

Shine Day

Page 21:

Phonebook Deliveries

Page 22:

Caroling with Kiwanis

Page 23:

Food Pantry with Kiwanis

Page 24:

December DCM

Page 25:

Contact Information

“Every time you smile at someone, it’s a beautiful thing.” - Mother Theresa

Key Club Motto Caring–Our Way of Life

Core values The core values of Key Club International are:

 Leadership  Character Building  Caring  Inclusiveness

A Review of Our Very Busy November By Atziry Rodriguez In the month of November Cloverdale Key Club was incredibly busy. A few of In the month of November Cloverdale Key Club did several things. A few of our our members attended the Kiwanis/Key Club early DCMinearly in November, which was members attended the Kiwanis/Key Club DCM November which was really fun! The really fun! The day before Key Club Week started, we went to a member’s house to day before Key Club week we went to a member’s house to make preparations for the first prepare theweek first day of as thetutus, Weeklays, such as On make tutus, spirit sticks, Onmembers “Show and day of keyfor club such etc. Show Your K in Everyetc. Way officers all out with their spirit attire toofficers spreadwent the word of with key club On Tuesday, Your K went in Every Way” Day, members and all out their week. spirit attire to Kudos to the Key Players we gave our school staff donuts to show our appreciation towards spread the word of Key Club Week. On Tuesday, for “Kudos to the Key Players” Day, everything they havestaff done for to We our alsoappreciation started writing thoughtful; messages on we gave our school donuts towards everything they clothespins which we pinned that Thursday. We made thank you cards for the businesses have done for us. We also started writing thoughtful messages on clothespins which that are always supporting us and for the staff at our school. On Wednesday, Dare to Care we we planned to during pin onlunch people On products Wednesday, “Dare to Care” Day, Day met up to that put together for the dinner we were hosting we evening met up called duringDiverse-A-Dish lunch to put intogether final products dinner we that which the profits would for go the to club funds aswere well as the hosting that evening. We called it, “Diverse-A-Dish” we took $250 of Acts the profits Eliminate Project; the dinner was really successful! Onand Thursday, Random of Kindness Day we pinned people with Project. our thoughtful clothespins throughout the On school day; it was to donate to the Eliminate The dinner was really successful! Thursday, awesome seeing them smile after reading our messages. Before going to school our board “Random Acts of Kindness” Day, we pinned people with our thoughtful clothespins had our annual Kiwanis day; Takeit Over Meeting inseeing whichthem we ran 7 reading AM meeting throughout the school was awesome smilethat after our and honored each individual Kiwanis member with a spoken tribute, picture frame and a messages. Before going to school our Board held our annual Kiwanis Take-Over chocolate kiss! That evening we held our Member Orientation in which we meeting. We raninstalling that 7a.m. and honored eachthem individual Kiwanis member honoring/officially ourmeeting new members, educating on key club events that are with a spoken tribute, a picture frame and a box of chocolate kisses! At lunchtime coming our way. Healdsburg and Windsor Key Club also joined us on this special evening and we itheld wasaacake blast and as well ice as cream old key party clubbers, for the Kiwanis classroom members, winters etc. of the Thank campus you all for coming! One of the most educational and exciting presentation that happened that night Eliminate drive. That evening we held our Member Orientation. We educated was the March of Key Dimes speaker cameour from theOn areas of SF to talk tothe us about members about Club eventsbecause that are he coming way. Friday, “Connect what the cause is about and what we can do to help. On Friday, Connect the K's Day, our K's” Day, our Kiwanis, Builders Club and Key Club went bowling together and had a Kiwanis, builders club and key club went bowling together and had a great time! On the great Onathe 14th, we a bake sale for the inMarch in 14th, wetime! hosted bake sale forhosted the march of dimes cause whichof weDimes raisedcause over $200+. A which we raised $295. We are so grateful that so many of our members cooperated few key clubbers were out in front of our local food market asking for donations for this and brought really yummythey baked goods. After this, we a Thanksgiving cause and if they donated could get any dessert theytook wanted. We are so break grateful our members and brought reallyofyummy baked goods. On the 29th we have a and thencooperated were back on task for the end the month. board meeting to discuss our December plans! Atziry Rodriguez Cloverdale Key Club Co-President

President’s Message By Rose French Hey fellow Key Clubbers! I hope all of you have enjoyed your year in Key Club so far! As this will be my fourth and final year in Key Club, I hope to make many more unforgettable memories within this organization. I hope that in the remainder of my term our club can break more fundraising records, continue to show just how spirited Key Club can be, and in the process save the lives of mothers and babies around the world. For example, just this month, we’re sending off $1000 to Kiwanis International for the Eliminate Cause. That amount saves 556 lives! I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have towards the club and what they have accomplished this year alone. I am constantly astounded by what the Board can achieve. Many of my goals for the year could not have been completed so flawlessly without the help of my fellow Board members. Lastly, I hope to complete the rest of my president’s goals for the year and continue to serve the local community. I hope you take advantage of the December opportunities to do just that. Join me in caroling with the Kiwanis at the convalescent hospital at 1 p.m. on December 11th. And, help out at the local Food Pantry from 1-3 p.m. on both the 23rd and 30th.



March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month By Rose French March of Dimes is a cause that saves lives. It not only provides funding for doctor research on premature babies, but also allows for doctors to have the best available equipment and supplies for operating on premature babies. The month of November was a big month for March of Dimes, as it was Worldwide Prematurity Awareness Month. In November our club participated in multiple ways to spread awareness and raise funds for the cause. We conducted a bake sale in front of Ray’s Food Place and fundraised $295. Our club also invited a guest speaker from San Francisco who came and talked to us at the Member Orientation. It was fun, because he mentioned that he learned his love of service and dedicated his life to working for the March of Dimes because he was Key Clubber in high school! As a last hurrah, we invited our entire school to wear purple in honor of World Prematurity Awareness Day, which was Thursday, November 17th.

Key Club Week Spirit

We had a good time on “Show Your K in Every Way Day”

“Kudos To The We thanked the staff with lots of goodies for them to eat during their Snack Break

Key Players Day”

We celebrated at our Key Club Meeting that day

More on Key Club Week

Key Club Week

“Dare to Care Day�

Diverse-A-Dish Dinner By Carmen Garcia The Diverse-A-Dish Dinner was held on Thursday, November 10th. Many types of dishes were made, from Mexican, Italian, to Asian. About 70 people came to enjoy a great plate of food from the buffet that was created. Key Clubbers were in charge of bringing a dish to share with everyone. The money that was raised was used to pay for the food, plus some to help pay for the upcoming DCON, but a lot was given to the Eliminate project fundraising efforts. During the dinner we held a donation drawing and had many prizes such as: a huge shopping bag of candy; Christmas mug and plate set; a $100 photography certificate, and more. At the end of the dinner, most of the food was gone and everyone went home satisfied.

We donated $250 of the proceeds from this event to the Eliminate cause

“Random Acts of Kindness Day” was our busiest day of Key Club Week

We had such a GREAT time taking over the Kiwanis meeting that morning and giving …and giving them thank you gifts! htem thank you gifts!

We handed out a couple hundred positive message clothespins at school that day

M E At lunchtime we offered a cake & ice cream party for the classes that brought in the most money in our campus Eliminate Project fundraising drive




“Connect the Ks Day” of Key Club Week

Builders Clubbers, Kiwanis and Key Clubbers were all having fun together!

More Connecting with our Kiwanis

These members attended the Kiwanis Division Council Meeting on Saturday, November 5th.

Thanks to Jessica and Carmen for representing us at the November Kiwanis Board meeting

Kiwanis Crab Feed

Kiwanis Crab Feed By Yatziri Ruiz The Crab Feed is a wonderful experience where you get to serve food to the people who paid to be there. It's a very simple job, even though your feet may start to hurt after a while. But, we get pizza as our food, which is delicious. You help out by preparing the food, maybe helping make the salad, or cutting the bread. Once the guests start arriving you can offer them water as they eat their salads. Then, you bring them the pasta and bring them anything else they ask for. When it's finally time, you bring out the crab. You just keep working; you are constantly moving. They are going to ask for seconds of course, because the paid $50 to be there, it’s an all-you-can-eat event. The last thing you serve them is dessert, which consists of cupcakes. Overall, it's a really fun experience, even if it seems like a lot of work; it’s not… it is very easy and fun. Plus we also get a cupcake to eat. You have your friends there and it’s a great way to rack up some community service house, plus we get $50 in Key Club Bucks. Our tips this year averaged out to $50 for each of us who worked!

October Our Member of the Month for October is Cristina Cardenas. She participated in fundraising for PTP, selling See’s candy, the Kiwanis Oktoberfest, the division Awake-A-Thon, helped with UNICEF fundraising projects, attended a club Board meeting, went to Fall Rally and was at every club meeting this month! She logged in 12 hours of service with the club!

Jessica Aguirre is the Officer of the Month. Jessica raised money for PTP, sold See’s, helped at the Kiwanis Oktoberfest, attended our “Shine Day” with the Special Day Class, was at the Awake-A-Thon, raised money for UNICEF, went to the Kiwanis Board meeting, and was at Fall Rally! She spent 24 hours in service this month.

November Our Member of the Month is Alexis Sanchez. She spent almost 17 hours in service doing everything from going around to classrooms to introduce our Eliminate drive, to baking pumpkin bread and being at the table for the March of Dimes bake sale.

The Officer of the Month goes to Jacob Menlove who was involved in 7 service projects and logged in 19 hours of service. He even created a special piece of artwork that brought in quite a bit of money for our donation drawing at the Diverse-A-Dish Dinner.

See’s Candy Sales By Cristina Cardenas

• Tuesday, December 6th – 3:30 – 5:30 • Wednesday, December 7th – 2:30 – 6:30 • Monday, December 12th – 3:30 – 5:30 • Thursday, December 15th – 3:30 – 5:30 • Friday, December 30th – 2-hour shifts from noon to 6:00

See’s candy sales this year have gone formidably well. With our hard work, we have raked in a good amount of money to put into our Key Club Bucks accounts! Many Key Clubbers earned a profit anywhere from $25 to $70 within a 2 hour shift at Ray’s; that’s a pretty great day. Many purchasers either bought grand amounts of candy or gave us a big donation. We are very glad for those kind people who simply donate a dollar or two, because even the littlest amount can do a lot. Selling See’s Candy at school, Rays, or even CVS is a great way to make money and helps us learn new things like leadership and socializing skills. We took a break during the month of November, but we’re back at it for December. We’ve got suckers to sell on campus and candy bars, peanut brittle and suckers to sell in front of Ray’s. Take advantage of both opportunities to raise funds you will need for going to the District Convention, or Key Leader. Close to $350 is needed for DCON registration as early as February 15th. Selling See’s is one way to bring in the funds you need to be able to meet that deadline.

Kiwanis Secret Santa Pals By Uziel Ruiz The Secret Santa Pal project is something that I think everyone should try to do. It’s a fun event; and for some Key Clubbers, it’s their favorite! You have to write down three things that you would want to be given to you, and their value has to be about $10. The Kiwanis members do the same. Even though you have to wake up around six that morning to go to the Kiwanis meeting for the gift exchange, it’s worth going because you will have a lot of fun when you all arrive. While there, they will go through their normal meeting and then we get up one by one and say the name of the person we are giving the gift to, and the Kiwanis will do the same thing. It’s really fun and you will also be late to class but it will be excused and look at the bright side you will get to miss some of your first period class! This year’s gift exchange is happening on Thursday, December 8th.

Members needing rides to the Kiwanis meeting should contact Sue Cummins with a text message. Please do so no later than Tuesday, December 6th.

Bring items to the Kiwanis meeting for the Kiwanis Bake Auction. You can make from , depending upon its taste and visual appeal.

December 8th 7 a.m. Zini’s Diner

 Friday, December 9th  Room 7  Lunchtime  We’ll be decorating X-mas tree ornaments

Phonebook Deliveries By Atziry Rodriguez Hey Key Clubbers, we need YOUR help to distribute phone books in Healdsburg and Geyserville; the business that has hired us is counting on us to follow through with our commitment to them! We are planning on going out on Saturday, December 10th starting at 8 a.m. and going to about 2 p.m. Just in case it rains, or in case we don’t finish delivering all the books, we are planning on also going out on Sunday, December 18th from 12:30-4:30 p.m. This a great way to earn Key Club Bucks especially if you are trying to fundraise money for DCON( District Convention), Key Leader, etc. You get $10 each hour you spend delivering phone books. If you bring a non-Key Clubber to help you...that means you will get double, so if you earn $50 for 5 will get $100! Isn't that something?! Also, if a parent helps with driving, you get the extra money as well. So, I definitely recommend helping with this project. What you need to be prepared for is that you will do a good amount of walking, so wear walking shoes. And bring a water bottle to help if you get thirsty. We will most likely stop somewhere to eat about noon, so bring money to buy some food. The reason that the quitting time is not set for an exact hour is because each group in a car may end up finishing their assigned section of town at a different time than other groups. Sections need to be completed before heading home to Cloverdale. REMEMBER – we can’t do this without parent drivers, so we’re depending upon our members to come up with those people!

 Saturday 12/10 o Meet at CHS at 8 a.m.

 Sunday 12/18 o Meet at CHS at 12:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 11th 2 p.m. Cloverdale HealthCare Center

 Friday, December 23rd  Friday, December 30th From 1-3 p.m. It’s on the corner of 2nd & Commercial St.

Kiwanis Food Pantry By Carmen Garcia Kiwanis helps operate the Cloverdale Food Pantry three times a year. The Food Pantry distributes food supplies to families in need in our local community. When they are in charge, we get to help out the Cloverdale community by helping the Kiwanis give out food. A job is assigned to each member who helps out, to keep things flowing smoothly throughout the distribution process. During the holiday season, there are even hams for Christmas along with other items. The food that is given out helps many families be able to celebrate the season. On December 23rd and 30th Key Clubbers will be able to help from 1-3 p.m., and earn $15 in Key Club Bucks.

 

We’ll meet at CHS at 9:15 a.m. There will be a one-hour DCM followed by an hour and a half to two hours of service

Lunch is included

Lillian Bearden

President President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Webmaster News Editor Scrapbook Ed. Scrapbook Ed. Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

Rose French Atziry Rodriguez Carmen Garcia Jessica Aguirre Helen Hernandez Uziel Ruiz Lopez Jacob Menlove Gaby Gaona Alyssa Gaylor Yatziri Ruiz Sue Cummins Stephen Bearden

Rose French

As we approach this holiday season let us remember that, “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ― John Holmes

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