Key club february 2016 newsletter cloverdale

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CNH | Key Club Cloverdale Monthly Buzz Volume 9 | Issue 8 | February 2016

Contents Calendar……………………2 CMN Radio-A-Thon……….3 Kiwanis Connection….....4-5 Shine Day…………………...6 New Officers………………..7 Valentine Activities……..8-9 Member Recognition..10-11 Scholarships..………....12-13 CNH Awards………….14-15 Club Video & Website...16-17

Fundraisers……………18-19 Division Activities…….20-23 New Member Induction...24 DCON……………..…...25-29 Key Leader…………….30-31 Kiwanis DCM…………… ...32 IHOP Day…………….…. ...33 Marcie Collins…………….34 March Shine Day…………35 Car Wash………………… .36 Bowling………………….. ..37 Officer Training………… ..38 Contacts…………………. .39

Message from the President: Hello Key Clubbers of Cloverdale! I hope you guys enjoyed the Citrus Fair time. The Kiwanis exhibit was amazing. For those who helped, thank you! DCON is just around the corner and we need to raise more money. I hope you are willing to fundraise, fundraise, and FUNDRAISE. It is important for upcoming officers to go as well as freshmen and sophomores. DCON is a marvelous place for Key Clubbers to learn more about Key Club and what we are all about. Key Leader is also coming up. This “camping” trip will let you learn the values of leadership and what an upside down pyramid has to do with being a great leader! Upcoming officers should go to Key Leader, just to learn about leadership and the qualities of being a leader. For those who are not going to Key Leader, make sure to see if you can go to the March for Babies Walk. It’s on the same Saturday! There will be sign-ups coming up. We need people to fundraise as well as attend the event and help. As for March, we need a LOT of members to go to the Division Banquet on March 12th. This month and next month are the two months where you have an opportunity to experience Key Club beyond the local level. I encourage you to take advantage of what’s being offered. You’ll get a whole new perspective on what we’re about. ~Jessie Marshall President

We’ve got a busy month planned for March. A few of the more important activities are highlighted below: *Senior Kiwanis Scholarships *Kiwanis DCM in Petaluma *Helping the Builders Club with fundraiser for Marcie Collins Memorial *Division Banquet *Shine Day Easter Egg Hunt *Kiwanis meeting attendance by newly elected officers *Officer Training Day *St. Jude’s Hospital Radio-A-Thon

Citrus Fair Exhibit Dinner By Maggie Duran On Tuesday the 9th of February, several club members came together to provide a meal for the Kiwanis in honor of celebrating the completion of the Citrus Fair Exhibit. It was nice to share dinner with our Kiwanians and see just how much the exhibit had changed over the previous few days. Their sunken pirate ship was well under way and close to completion. It looked awesome! From details in the skeletons, to the gigantic amazingness of the sail, it was quite a sight to behold. The comradery and fun experienced by the Kiwanians working on the exhibit was felt by the Key Clubbers that evening. We showed up ready to serve some yummy food for all their hard work, and it paid off. Everyone that night ended up with a full tummy and a smile on their face..

Citrus Fair Parade By Gaby Gaona

On February 13, 2016 the community of Cloverdale came together to watch the Citrus Fair Parade. The parade was PIRATE themed!!! Arrgghh matey!! Kiwanis and Key Club came together ready to put on a one-of-akind show. Special thanks goes to Michele Leonard, the Kiwanis member who bought props so we could dress up as pirates. Once the parade began we advanced forward towards downtown. As we walked down the street, the audience greeted us with smiles and we returned the gesture with catchy pirate tunes and an epic sword fight!!! The children enjoyed the sword fight as much as we did, and as we walked by they cheered us on hoping to receive a wave or candy in return. We walked down the street until the cheering of the people, the laughter of the children, and the crowds ceased to be seen. We continued advancing forward until there was no more street left. We finished the parade with a parrot on one hand, and a sword in the other, knowing that it was the start of a great day.

Kiwanis Meetings By Helen Hernandez During the month we also attended several Kiwanis meetings, early on Thursday mornings. Not only was it interesting, but it is fun. The Kiwanis are always welcoming. We also attended their Board meeting, which was interesting, too! Here we have Yatziri and Uziel attending the February 18thKiwanis meeting.

Kiwanis Bake Sale By Bailey Creager

Thank you Kiwanis for your wonderful generosity!

On Thursday, February 25th, Jessie and Bailey went to a Kiwanis meeting to sell some baked items. The items were cookies and brownies, and they sold for $5 - $10 each. We were fundraising for the upcoming March for Babies. We made $130.

Shine Day By Jessica Aguirre For the January Shine Day we all gathered together with the Special Day Class kids to make pizzas!! At least two Key Club members were pared up with two or more of the students from the class, and were assigned the fun task of working together to make their pizza. We had to agree with each other as to which ingredients to add and the final results were delicious!! At this small event we got to know a little bit about each other and we also had a blast.

We are so proud of our newly elected officers, who will be serving us during the 2016-17 Key Club year. Congratulations! (Missing from this picture is Jessica Aguirre.)

For three days, during school lunchtimes, we sold teddy bears, chocolates and wooden roses. Our profit was $70, money to be used for students planning to attend the District Convention.

Then, on the Tuesday before Valentine’s Day, we delivered the items to the students and faculty. One special thing we did was give EVERY staff member a box of Valentine candy!

Valentine’s Day Bake Sale By Rose French This month our club decided to hold bake sale for Valentine's Day. It was a great turnout with treats from chocolate brownie cookies, to homemade cupcakes, to bakery grade biscuits, and even chocolate covered marshmallows from Bailey's mom. All or our members who participated had a blast selling and making the baked goods. We made $219 for our members to be able to go to District Convention.

Member and Officer of the Month For January

Member and Officer of the Month For February

CNH Scholarships Two Seniors Apply for CNH Scholarships By Maggie Duran Working on the CNH Scholarship was definitely an…interesting process. Starting with the positive, it was cool to see just how much I’ve really done, and how meaningful the last four years have been. Even though I’ve put over 900 hours into Key Club, I can’t say that I’ve ever felt an hour of that has been wasted. I didn’t do it all for personal gain, but that’s one of the consequences of community service. Each moment has contributed to my personal development as well as the growth and expansion of the club; I’ve loved every second of it. There have been moments of laughter and joy, times of stress and near mental breakdowns, but it’s been worth it. While completing the application was rewarding to a degree, it was also quite frustrating. The document itself was a fillable PDF, and due to the formatting, it wasn’t possible to save any progress made. So, it was basically something that had to be done all at once, because it had to be printed and sent off. Although it was aggravating, I’m hoping it will pay off in the end. Even if I don’t receive any monetary benefits, I have the satisfaction of knowing I completed something so huge and daunting.

Between Jessie and Maggie, they’ve accumulated almost 2000 hours of service in their four years of being in Key Club!

Cloverdale Kiwanis Scholarships

Club Video

The committee met several times to make plans for the video


Honoring Carmen Garcia for her hard work in editing the video.

A Couple of New Sections on the Home Page of the Club Website

Club Website By Bailey Creager One of the categories for judging the website is whether or not it is interactive. So I recently added a coupon to the site. It was on the Home Page., But it expired on March 1st. If you printed it out and wrote a descriptive sentence on it about something else you found on the site, you earned the chance to win a free movie ticket prize. I did this to help get more viewers for the website. Check the site at least once a week, for more opportunities to do interactive things, some with prizes involved!@

Snack Zone Pack Sales

We spent $986 on the boxes of Snack Zone Packs. To date, we have brought in $958. This means that we haven’t quite paid off our bill. This next month is critical that we sell the rest of the packs and start actually making some profit. The best sellers so far are:      

Lillian Bearden Arianna Carrillo Helen Hernandez Abigail Hodge Sarah Rose Lindell Uziel Ruiz

People in Nepal still need our help!

Seven members showed up for a fun over-night event held at the Cummins’ house. Some work was done, and then everyone had a good time playing games and watching movies. We made $70 to give to the Nepal earthquake victims. Than you to Paige for hooking us up with an organization so we can do this.

Division Council Meeting

On Saturday, February 27th we traveled to Sonoma Valley High School to attend the February DCM. This was a special event, because it was a joint DCM with Division 8. We had a guest presenter talk about being an organ donor. We shared information on club activity recommendations for March, the upcoming DCON, Key Leader and March for Babies, and of course…..the Division Banquet! We also did a Children’s Miracle Network service project, making sock caterpillars for hospitalized children.

Thank you to Rose, Helen, Maggie, Omar, Bailey and Jessie for attending! And a special thanks to “Grandpa” Bearden for helping us get there!

We took eight members to the Division Conclave where we voted unanimously to accept the candidacy of Fatima Aguilar, a Key Clubber from Piner High School. The DCM/Conclave was very exciting, with lots of great information shared about upcoming activities and Key Club projects. Both Maggie and Jessie were presenters!

For one hour of the day, we met with our Kiwanis and spent some time discussing issues with them.

We were involved in two service projects that day; one for the Salvation Army and the “Coats for Kids�.

The division recently held a Redwood Empire food Bank Day. Three members attended and had a really good time with the other Key Clubbers from around our division. We sorted and packed canned goods and fresh produce. Thank you to Nick, Jessie and Rose.

Congratulations to the following who showed up for our New Member Induction: Front row – Uziel Ruiz and Omar Aguirre; Back row – Aylene Perez, Alyssa Gaylor, Yatziri Ruiz and Jessica Aguirre.

A fun time was had by ALL! Thank you to Jessie for putting the plans together for this special event!

Omar and Uziel set up a table in front of Ray’s Food Place to ask for donations for leadership training. They handed out Snack Zone Pack candies as a thank you to anyone who donated. In three hours, they made $53 in profit to help Uziel get to District Convention.

District Convention is Coming By Alayna Lorence Hello, my fellow Key Clubbers! I am here to talk to you all about District Convention, or as many call it, DCON. Key Club is an international organization, as we all know. District Convention is where all the Key Clubbers from our district, which is California, Nevada, and Hawaii, come together in one place. I know crazy, right? Anyways, we all gather and do different workshops and activities. It is such a great experience. We get to meet new Key Clubbers as well as bring back amazing ideas to your home club. We also get to do a fun activity before DCON starts. Since DCON will be in Sacramento this year, we will go to the Kiwanis Family House and then Old Town Sacramento. So much fun!!! I have gone to District Convention for the past three years now, and it is a really amazing experience. You learn so much and have fun doing it. There is also a chance to see our District Board elected into their positions! I hope you will find the DCON experience just as great as I have! - By Alayna Lorence

Who is Going to District Convention?

















Sarah Rose




District Convention is April 810, 2016, held in Sacramento. Our trip will include the following:  









           

A visit to the Kiwanis Family House A fun lunch at Joes’ Crab Shack in Old Town Sacramento A motivational speaker and several general sessions A Career Expo A Service Expo Workshops and leadership training A Recognition Session A Governor’s Ball Elections of the 2016-17 District Executives Retirement of 2016-17 LTGS Installation of 2017-18 LTGS A Division Council Meeting A region recognition session MORE!...and a jam-packed weekend of FUN!

We Are Presenting at District Convention By Maggie Duran Hey there Key Clubbers! Mrs. Cummins, Jessie, and I have some exciting news! If you haven’t heard already, the three of us will be presenting at this year’s District Convention!! How cool is that!? Our presentation will be on planning an effective service project, and how to get recognition for your work. It’s going to be an interactive workshop where participants will actually plan a service project as we go. In addition to that, we’ll be showing off our Single Service and Major Emphasis documents we put together for Eliminate this past couple of years. We’re also going to provide a half sheet of information so that anyone can access the full documents on our website to see what award winning applications look like. The ultimate goal of our presentation is to get members excited about creating service projects that will be effective and successful in their communities while giving them the tools to create an application to enter in district competition. And if that doesn’t seem like enough, we’ll be topping it all off with fun facts about Eliminate! The three of us are really looking forward to this opportunity, and we can’t wait to show people what their clubs are capable of doing, when they have the knowledge to succeed.

For ALL District Convention Attendees

Two meetings are necessary to discuss many of the District Convention issues. The first will be a local one:    

Held in Room 5 On Friday, March 4th At lunchtime We’ll discuss fundraising, forms, travel, attire, & more!



The second meeting is division-wide and is happening:     

On Friday evening, March 18th Meet at CHS at 5:15 p.m. to travel to Windsor Parents are welcome Dinner will be served Plan to get back home around 8 p.m.

The Kiwanis Family House mission is to provide temporary housing and support to families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treated at University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. Because families often arrive in emergency situations, the Kiwanis Family House also provides a clothes closet and toiletries, a food closet, and all necessary cooking and dining equipment. They also provide clean bedding and towels. Kiwanis volunteers and staff assist families 24 hours a day every day of the year . There is a nominal rent fee of $50 per night, (but only for families who can afford it), otherwise Kiwanis/Key Clubs fundraise to pay the bill for those who need it. Below is what a typical room at the Kiwanis Family house looks like…… people stay here to be close to their loved ones who are in the nearby hospital.

$10 from each of us, of the funds we’ve raised for the DCON trip, will be donated to the Kiwanis Family House when we visit them.

Key Leader By Atziry Rodriguez What's Key Leader? Key leader is a place where our division goes to experience how to be a better leader. You have work sessions where you work together with a group of other students who are sometimes Key Clubbers, and sometimes, not. Throughout this educational and fun weekend you don't only get to bring back some great ideas for improving your club, but you also have lots of fun and get the opportunity to meet new people. I would definitely say that Key Leader has helped me to come out of my comfort zone even more than I could ever imagine! Thanks to Key Leader I'm not afraid to express my thoughts, I believe in myself and I see the world from a different perspective. If you have the chance to go to Key Leader, I highly recommend going! I assure you that you will have an experience of a lifetime!

Key Leader is an unforgettable 2 ½ days that can change your life!

There’s still time to sign-up. Come to a Key Club meeting and complete the paperwork.

Student Facilitator Applicants:     

Maggie Duran Carmen Garcia Helen Hernandez Sarah Rose Lindell Atziry Rodriguez

Regular Student Attendees:        

Jessica Aguirre Omar Agguire Rose French Gabriela Gaona Alyssa Gaylor Audrey Risch Yatziri Ruiz Uziel Ruiz

Since April 2005 Key Leader has served more than 26,973 students at 553 events in 40 U.S. states, 7 Canadian provinces, Malaysia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, El Salvador and Singapore.

Adult Chaperones:    

Larry Metzger Sue Cummins Rick Cummins Stephen Bearden

To find out more about Key Leader and see if you might want to go, visit the Region 15 website at:

We’re going to do a class competition. Each teacher will be given a collection container. The one whose classes collect the most money per student in one week’s time, will get a pizza party at lunchtime for all the students in that teacher’s classes.  Competition will be the week of March 7th - 11th  Pizza Party will be in the teacher’s classroom on Wednesday, March 16th at lunchtime  All funds raised will be donated to the America Cancer Society

This is a Washingston School Builders Club project

For the March Shine Day, we’ll be doing an Easter Egg Hunt with the Special Day Class during lunchtime on Monday, March 14th

 Meet on Friday, March 11th after school in Room 5 to decorate real eggs and assemble candyfilled eggs  Meet in Room 5 on Monday, March 14th, during 5th period to “hide” eggs  Meet at lunchtime in Room 5 on Monday, March 14th to do the “hunt” with the Special Day Class students

   

Funds are being raised to help pay for the chaperones. Each DCON attendee is asked to sell $16 minimum in advance ticket sales. Tickets are $8 for a car/ $10 for a truck or van Baked goods will also be on sale at the site/ members are asked to bring them.

The following is tentative…. location and date are still being determined

Date: Saturday, March 19 or Sunday, March 20 Time: 9 a.m. – noon Location: TBA th


If it rains, the Car Wash will be postponed until April

 Monday, March 21st  Meet at CHS at 5:30 p.m.  Cost - $12 (can use Key Club Bucks)  Bowl for 2 hours  Bring money for purchasing snacks

 Monday, March 28th o Fifth period and lunchtime  Start out in Room 5 then move to Room 1  ALL outgoing and incoming officers o Pizza lunch

If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, contact one of our officers!

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