CNH|KEYCLUB Division 20/32 Leadership Team Meeting l Minutes Date: January 5, 2016 Time: 5:11 p.m. I.
Call to Order by D20/32 Lieutenant Governor, Harlin Advincula
Division Secretary took Roll Call by Leadership Team, Club Members and Advisors Present Lt. Governor
Harlin Advincula
Region Advisor
Mrs. Sue Cummins
Sophie Haugen
Santa Rosa
Fatimah Aguilar
Angela Chavez
Sean Luong
News Editor
Jessie Marshall
Tech Editor
Tejoni Johnson
Maria Carrillo
Photographer/ Videographer
Lauren Lau
Photographer/ Videographer
Lisset Miranda
Selena Tapia Virelas
DCON Coordinator
Casey Petersen
PTP/Fall Rally Coordinator
Division Assistant Division Assistant Division Assistant
Oakmont Kiwanis Club Cloverdale Kiwanis Club Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club Redwood Empire
Kiwanis Club
Windsor Kiwanis Club
Redwood Empire
Kiwanis Club Cloverdale Kiwanis Club Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club Redwood Empire
Kiwanis Club
Oakmont Kiwanis Club
Redwood Empire
Kiwanis Club
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club
Daniela Alvarez
Oakmont Kiwanis Club
Summer Events Coordinator
Maggie Duran
Cloverdale Kiwanis Club
RTC Coordinator
Laura Cherrington
Casa Grande
Petaluma Kiwanis Club
Tricia Shindledecker Mora Holm-Longren Jaxen Brazell Atziry Rodriguiz Rose French
Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Cloverdale Cloverdale
Carmen Garcia Javier Aguliar Rich Fuller
Cloverdale Healdsburg Windsor
Healdsburg Windsor
There were 14 Key Clubbers & 3 advisors present. III.
Unfinished Business: Division Conclave - Division Assistants need to make phone calls. Clubs must pay dues to vote. - Unpaid clubs, (according to out-dated information from Key Club International): Humboldt, McKinleyville, Cardinal Newman, Lower Lake, Maria Carrillo, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Valley. - Piner was placed in charge of getting Cardinal Newman dues- Fatimah will work on getting Sonoma Valley. (She will also phone them about attending Conclave, even if it means just phoning in for the election.) Harlin will write a letter to the presidents and email it to Sue for an edit check. - For thanking the Kiwanis during our joint session, Sue thought of a candle ceremony, where the old DLT will have unlit candles and they will stand in a line and say how they feel about their Kiwanis, each time lighting their candle as they speak. At the end, we will give every Kiwanis attendee a jar candle, signifying how they “light up our lives”. Each 2015-16 Division Leadership Team member must make every effort to be at this event and prepare a 30 second testimonial about how thankful they are to either Kiwanis in general, or to their own Kiwanis club in specific. Club officer elections - Santa Rosa has not set a date; Piner will have it on the 14th; Windsor is unknown, Montgomery on the 27th; Healdsburg unknown; Cloverdale is on the 26th, Maria Carrillo is on the 26th. - All clubs should be reminded to complete their officer elections during the month of January. - Also, don’t forget that there is a really great section on the Region 15 website that outlines everything a club needs to know about officer elections. - Sue handed out a copy of the CNH Service Agreement Forms, one to each club. Make sure your prospective officers complete these. Division Judging Committee - They need a team of people- more than half need to be non-officers. No more than one per school. Tejoni, Casey, and Javier were added to the list of judges. It could be two to three hours of judging. In the past it was done almost entirely by email, but Harlin wanted to change it up and maybe meet in person with the whole group. They could also get together after judging online. This would help first-time judges. All applications need to be judged by February 5th. Clubs need to be reminded that the following contests have a February 1st deadline, (so they can be judged by the Division Judging Team and then turned in by Harlin by the February 10th deadline: Advisor of the Year, Member of the Year, Most Improved Club, Club of the Year and Club Attire. We anticipate only a couple of entries in these contests. District Convention - Registration- Officer elections must happen soon because the newly elected officers have first priority for attending DCON. It was decided that we would encourage all clubs to show a video for promoting DCON. Jessie is contacting people about that. Lisset is taking care of choosing a videos to show at the January 16th DCM. We will also show last year’s Division 32 DCON video during the joint session with Kiwanis. Casey will
work with Mrs. Cummins and Harlin to figure out other ways to encourage clubs to register, and will, this week, send out an email to our members about it. - Alternate group plans for DCON Some people cannot miss all day of school on the Friday of DCON. We will not ask them for money for lunch on Friday. We will still ask them to pay the ten dollars as a donation for the Kiwanis Family House. - Transportation for early arrival- Sue will check out AMTRAK for all of us. Key Leader - April 23-25; Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. Register now. Go online to and register now. There may be a financial penalty for those who register and cancel any time within the last week. Many of the members of our Division Leadership Team want to go and be facilitators. - Everyone was reminded that there is a section on our Region 15 website that provides the facilitator questions, so you can type up your answers in advance, making it easier to fill out the actual on-line application when it comes time to do so. New Business: Redwood Empire Food Bank Day - January 23rd 9 a.m. -12 p.m. - Even though this is a SAT test day, we hope that club members who are not involved in the SAT will be there February DCM - We are planning a joint DCM in Napa with Division 8. They suggested it be in a parkthe adults at our meeting objected to going outdoors, because of the rain potential- so Tricia will try to get an indoor spot to hold this event. Rich will try to secure some vans fr transporting us there. We’re looking at either the 27th or 28th of February with nearly 75100 people attending between the two divisions. It’s being planned as an afternoon event. Sue will contact the Division 8 Region Advisor. They wanted to include a fundraising called, “Date a Baller”. We decided that this will not work for us- but we would enjoy doing a service project. The two Lt. Governors will need to get together to make plans, now that’s it’s decided that we’ll be doing this joint DCM. Division Banquet - We need to form a special committee and hold a separate meeting to plan this. The Banquet is being held on March 12th 2:30-5:30 p.m. We need a location. Perhaps the Church of The Roses- Lisset will make a contact there. Another fall back plan can be the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Rosa. Also, Rich is willing to get us the Senior Center in Windsor. It was decided to make the event Disney themed. Members who volunteered to be on the subcommittee are: Jessie, Fatimah, Harlin, Maggie, Lisset, Daniela, and Sophie. We decided to meet on the 23rd of January in the afternoon, after the Redwood Food Bank Day. We’ll do 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Tricia suggested using event planning materials. We’ll go to a restaurant for our meeting. Next DLT meeting - 21st of February 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 3554 Round Barn Blvd., Suite 312. Adjournment: 6:56 p.m.