Ltg calendar checklist

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Lt. Governor Calendar Checklist Tasks to perform EVERY month, once installed into office:           

Plan, advertise and conduct a Divisional Council Meeting Encourage clubs to turn in their MRFs by the 4th of the month Complete the division MRF and archive it by 6:00 p.m. on the 10th of the month Complete the next month’s DCM agenda by 6:00 p.m. on the 20 th of the month and send it to the archives Remind the Division News Editor to send visuals to the archives by 6:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month Complete the on-line survey for club and member of the previous month by 6:00 p.m. on the 20 th of the month Write an editorial and help in other ways with the production of the division newsletter, including reminders to the editor that will help insure that the newsletter is submitted to the archives by 6:00 p.m. on the 20th Work with the division assistants to insure that they perform their duties Perform district committee tasks and responsibilities as assigned; usually these are assigned as part of District Committee work. They involve once-a-month phone calls and projects to do in-between the calls. Plan the agendas for, and hold monthly Division Leadership Team meetings Remember to cc the Region Advisor with all correspondence, always! (It’s also wise to send correspondence to the Region Advisor for approval, (before sending it out), when first becoming an LTG – until formats and policies are better understood.)

Tasks to perform at time(s) of choice:           

Encourage clubs to do projects that focus on the District Project theme Encourage clubs to do projects focused on the theme of the LTG service initiative Encourage clubs to do projects focused on the Children’s Miracle Network program, (summer is a good time to do this…. there are a couple of CMN events to connect with…) Encourage clubs to do projects that focus on the Kiwanis Eliminate Project, anytime – but especially in October/November with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF; and May with Eliminate Week Encourage clubs to do projects that focus on March of Dimes, anytime – but November & April/May are particular months when March of Dimes have specific events Club visitations…. start as early as possible in the year, (every club needs at least one visitation) Examine the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lt. Governor requirements and begin insuring that you meet them………it’s not difficult; just meet deadlines as much as possible. Examine the Distinguished Lt. Governor requirements and application process and determine whether or not this is a viable option; and if so, begin collecting electronic proof to be used in the documentation process….. not required. Perform at least 50 hours of community service through your local club program Submit expense vouchers as needed Over-see the planning of any specific division events and activities determined by the Division Leadership Team. (Examples are last year’s Beach Clean-Up and Howarth Park events.)

January of the election year: 

Register for District Convention/ your hotel costs are covered by the district, (a savings of about $210).

February of the election year: 

Work on completion of the training packet provided by the district administration; collect data to create newly elected club officer rosters

   

Attend a meeting with the current LTG and Region Advisor to receive training and make plans for the rest of the current school year Jointly schedule with the current LTG a “Presidents and Secretaries Training Day”/ Officers Training Conference to be held before the first MRF is due for the new Key Club year (May 4 th) Schedule and plan, in conjunction with the current LTG, a division fundraiser to help pay for the upcoming division banquet Work on the “Hunter and Gatherer” document, which is an analysis of the division strengths and needs.

March of the election year:  

Attend and assist the 2015-16 LTG with the Division Banquet, date still to be determined. Encourage clubs to sign up their officer roster on the CyberKey.

April of the election year:       

Participate in Kiwanis One Day (recommended) – First Saturday of April. Attend DCON, April 7-10, 2016. You will be required to be there by 5 p.m. on Thursday, for training; and will need to bring your “Hunter and Gatherer” document. LTGs are in training all day Friday, as well. Choose the Division Leadership Team Encourage clubs to participate in the annual March for Babies, to be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016. After DCON, help the previous LTG conduct a Presidents and Secretaries Training Day/Officers Training Conference. The date for this is still to be set. Choose an LTG service initiative for the upcoming term of office. Recommended to attend Key Leader, to be held on April 22-24, 2016, in Occidental.

May:         

Afterwards, complete the Training Conference Report for the training day held in April. It’s part of the MRF. Complete the division budget, a tab on the LTG MRF. Complete the division directory, a tab on the LTG MRF. Complete the division annual plan, a tab on the LTG MRF. Complete the division assistant directory, a tab on the LTG MRF. Attend the May Board Meeting in Rancho Cucamonga on Memorial Day weekend. Plan dates and the host schools for the Divisional Council Meetings for the rest of the year & create a master list to distribute to clubs in the division. Introduce division t-shirt contest rules and encourage clubs to enter designs. Register for International Convention (recommended).

June:       

Begin planning the Region Training Conference with the DLT. Conduct division t-shirt contest in either June or July. Encourage clubs to use the summertime to attend Kiwanis meetings. Encourage clubs to use the summertime to hold an officer retreat. Complete the Quarterly Review, a tab on the LTG MRF. Make final payment to attend International Convention (recommended). Attend International Convention (recommended) – can begin in late June and extend to the beginning of July, or it can be scheduled entirely in early July


Attend International Convention if scheduled in early July (recommended).

Encourage clubs to begin fundraising for the following: the Pediatric Trauma Program and Fall Rally.

August:   

Attend Summer Board Meeting in Rancho Cucamonga – usually first weekend Encourage clubs to begin making recruitment plans. Continue to encourage clubs to begin fundraising for the following: the Pediatric Trauma Program and Fall Rally.

September:      

Prepare for an attend Region Training Conference as scheduled. Remind clubs to look for delivery of their club ID and password letter from the international office… and to make copies to be given to the president, the treasurer and the Kiwanis Advisor. Continue to encourage clubs to fundraise for the following: the Pediatric Trauma Program and Fall Rally. Plan a PTP Awake-A-Thon. Encourage clubs to register for Fall Rally. Complete the Quarterly Review, a tab on the LTG MRF..

October:       

Train clubs in the dues-paying process. Encourage clubs to submit “Early Bird Dues”. Encourage clubs to do Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF projects. Encourage clubs to write Youth Opportunity Fund grants. Prepare for and attend a PTP Awake-A-Thon. Prepare for Fall Rally, making sure that spirit items and spirit cheers are ready. Attend Fall Rally.

November:      

Encourage clubs to do March of Dimes Pre-maturity Awareness Month projects. Contact clubs regarding dues payments. Encourage clubs to do activities for Key Club Week. Encourage clubs to celebrate Kiwanis Family Month. Encourage clubs to enter the website competition. Begin reminding clubs to encourage members to consider running for the next year’s LTG position.

December:        

Encourage clubs to turn in their UNICEF donations by the 31st. Continue encouraging clubs to submit candidates for the LTG election and sign up candidates to attend the Candidate Training Conference. Prepare for and attend the Candidates Training Conference in Sacramento (recommended, not required). Encourage clubs to begin to seriously fundraise for District Convention. Encourage clubs to begin to carefully examine the division, district and international competitions, and continue doing this during January and February. Schedule your Division Conclave, if it’s not already done. Work on the Distinguished Officer application, (optional). Complete the Quarterly Review, a tab on the LTG MRF.

January: 

Attend Winter Board in Santa Maria on the first weekend of the month.

      

Prepare for and conduct the Division Conclave. After Conclave, register the LTG-elect information with the district. After Conclave, help prepare the LTG-elect to understand the process of preparing to take over the position. Continue to encourage clubs to enter the division, district and international award contests. Encourage clubs to begin recruiting officer candidates for their local Board for the upcoming Key Club year. Work on the Distinguished Officer application, (optional). Encourage clubs to hold their officer elections.

February:     

Hold the division award contests. Encourage clubs to sign up for District Convention. Work on the Distinguished Officer application, (optional). Register for District Convention – all expenses except for transportation there are covered. Plan and conduct a Division Banquet

March:          

Submit Distinguished Officer application, (optional). Encourage clubs to develop both division and club spirit materials and attire for DCON. Encourage clubs to sign up to do a Service Expo exhibit at District Convention. Plan and conduct a transition training/planning session for the incoming LTG. Plan, in conjunction with the newly elected LTG, a “Presidents and Secretaries Training Day”/Officers Training Conference for the upcoming club officers. Prepare for any district assignments to be carried out at District Convention. Complete the Quarterly Review, a tab on the LTG MRF. Complete the required documentation needed to register all the individual club’s Annual Achievement Report Form scores with the district. Plan and conduct fundraisers for the Division Banquet, if desired. Attend the District Convention.

April:  

Participate in Kiwanis One Day with the local Kiwanis Club (recommended). Help conduct the newly elected “Presidents and Secretaries Training Day”/Officers Training Conference.

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