May 2018 newsletter

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Cloverdale Key Club | Issue 1 | May 2018 |; \

Soaring with Service



Key Leader DCON Review and Pictures Member Recognition And More!

Table of Contents Messages Recognition District Convention Division Activities Supporting Our Kiwanis April Kiwanis Events Save the Rain May Local Service Key Leader Teacher Appreciation Eliminate Week Kiwanis Mother’s Day June Calendar Awards Night Social Media & Contacts Thank You


Pages 4-5 Pages 6-7 Pages 8-13 Pages 12-13 Pages 14-15 Pages 16-17 Pages 18-19 Pages 20-21 Pages 22-23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Pages 28-29 Pages 30-31 Page 32


A message from the

President By Neidi Calvillo Hey there Key Clubbers! I would like to take some time to thank all of you guys for your hard work. For this upcoming year I would like to set several goals. One main goal I have for my term is for at least every Board member to complete 5 hours of service a month. I would like for every member to do so as well. My main concern, though, is for the Board to be able to do this task. That would be eleven very active members who will set a strong example of what we want from everyone! I think my next goals could be summed up with one word, “More�! I would like to have a more active club this year. As Co-President I would like to do more fundraisers; and I hope to get everyone more motivated. I would like for the members to interact more with one another and make time to attend more events. Division events is something where I want to improve Cloverdale’s attendance record. This is because we had very few members who attended division events this past year. I would like to make many more Key Club moments become possible! This summer I need members to step up and be the leaders I know they are. Over the summer we all have many things going on. We all go on vacation and most of us get summer jobs. I would like for the whole club to step up and make some time for events. This summer, I would like to plan a big fundraiser for Save The Rain, one that will make our club known for the entire year. In order to make this happen, the club needs everyone to participate and get INVOLVED! Thank you for your time. I hope to make this year better than ever!



A message from the


By Rowan Addison and Katelyn Wilson Hello Key Clubbers! As a new Key Club season starts, we have to stay connected, especially over the summer. The newsletter is a great way to do that and to learn new information about our club. We hope you can take five minutes out of your day to read through some upcoming events and club updates. This edition features Save the Rain, District Convention, our Kiwanis connections, our Division Leadership Team, and more. This newsletter is the start of our new Key Club year, and a wrap-up of the last. As summer comes closer, we should stay connected and active with the Key Club family. Hope you all had a great year! Happy almost summer!!


Member of the Month 6

Our Member of the Month is Sebastian Ley, who volunteered 15 hours in April in an effort to raise money for the Save the Rain project. He sat at a table in front of Ray’s for many of those hours, as well as attended a Chamber of Commerce Mixer to fundraise. He helped to bring in $326 for the cause! He also delivered Kiwanis One Day flyers and has brought in a newly active member to the club! We are so proud of you, Sebastian.

Officer of the Month

The April Officer of the Month is Miguel Gonzalez who has put in a dozen hours creating a video about our DCON experiences. He managed to get the video ready for our Kiwanis meeting presentation, which was only a couple days after we returned home. It can now be found on our website, which Miguel is also hard at work helping to maintain! In addition, Miguel helped at the Kiwanis Governor’s Visit, helped at our Shine Day with the Special Day Class, attended the April Division Council Meeting and Officers Training Conference. He applied for, and was chosen, to be on the 2018-19 Division Leadership Team. Thank you, Miguel, for all your hard work!


DCON 2018! “Beeing Motivated” By Gonzalo Perez “Beeing Motivated” was an educational session at DCON where they talked to us about how there are hard times in everyone’s day; you just need to figure out what it is that makes you happy and keep that “thing” in your life! This helped me realize that happiness isn’t always reached through being with a person; it can just be had from one simple thing that maybe you are proud that you did. This also helped me realize that when I have a hard time, I am not the only one to be suffering. There are other people feeling low, too; and seeing that they are all able to keep going, and be happy, makes me feel like I can also be just as happy as everyone else is. I actually really liked this session because it made me think hard about how I feel about my own life!

Watch the DCON Video! By Miguel Gonzalez Hello fellow Key Clubbers! I hope all of you who went to the District convention had a wonderful time, and that you made many friends and great memories. The DCON video highlighting some of these moments of all the fun we had is already on the website. So, if you want to take a look, and be reminded of some of the great times either you or other Key Clubbers had at DCON, be sure to check out the website to watch the video. Both I, and our webmaster Alex, would really appreciate it. The url for the website is: https://www.cloverdalekeyclub. com. Thank you to all of those who attended DCON 2018; hope to see everyone at DCON 2019 next year in Ontario, CA!


“We Are Kiwanis” Session By Alexis Sanchez The “We Are Kiwanis” session described the rapid growth of Key Clubbers and the not-so-rapid growth of Kiwanians. There are 39,000+ Key Clubbers and there are 13,000 Kiwanis members in CNH. The session suggested that we Key Clubbers recruit more people to join the Kiwanis family. We have to worry about the future of Key Club if there aren’t enough Kiwanis members to support it! The Kiwanis need the help and support from Key Clubbers since they take the time out of their lives and schedules to help us, we should help them in return. I really enjoyed this session and learned a lot about our Kiwanis family connections.



Kiwanis Family House By Sophia Witt During the District Convention I learned about the Kiwanis Family House. I was very interested to hear about the House and the amazing and wonderful things that they do for sick people and their families who are struggling. I think it is very important that families have a safe place to stay when they have a loved one in the hospital in a critical condition. I would like to visit the House and learn more about what happens there. It’s located in Sacramento. A trip is being organized for us to go there in June, so that we can help with various projects they need to have done. Put Saturday, June 16th on your calendar and SAVE THE DATE!


General Sessions By Grace Gloeckner


During DCON 2018 we had General Sessions to pump everyone up and to hand out awards and for District Board members to make speeches. General Sessions were so much fun, because everyone was cheering twenty-four-seven; and it was an amazing environment to be in. Clubs were constantly challenging other clubs to cheer battles; and it was so intense to witness. One of my favorite parts about the General Sessions was everyone's attitude. Every person had such positive, uplifting and motivational attitudes towards all, and it was so inspiring to see. During the General Sessions there were many motivational speakers, but the Key Club District Governor, Angelica, was the best speaker. She was so well spoken and inspirational. As a woman, she is really someone to whom everyone should look up and be inspired by. I think we need more women leaders in this world, and to see that Angelica was doing just that; it really changed my mind to help me realize that as a woman I can do anything I want. I just need to follow my dreams. Overall, I really enjoyed the General Sessions, whether it was from having cheer battles with other clubs to listening and being inspired by motivational speakers, it was all a great experience that I will treasure forever.

Yuda Bands By Alex Visconti DCON 2018 was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it for all of you next year! My favorite part was a presentation about Yuda Bands. Brothers in Guatemala make bands out of coconut shells and clubs and people sell them here, in the United States for $7. All money raised goes to support children in Guatemala going to school; and you get an awesome bracelet! We talked to the presenter about it, and we’re planning to do it in our club!

Club Communication By Neidi Calvillo Going to the District Convention helped me to find new ways to advertise and communicate in our club. A couple of new ideas I brought back were to do things like use a message app; have electronic agendas; use Google Classroom and more! Remind 101 is a group message app where someone is in charge, and sends reminders to people to attend events, as well as advertises those events! Having electronic agendas helps people advertise what we plan to discuss at a meeting, giving them a visual idea of what will be covered. Having Google Classroom could help us post upcoming activities and reminders, so that more of our members will remember to attend events. Last but not least, at DCON I learned about “using our community”. By this, I mean, hand out flyers when we have school and community events. Don’t hesitate to put up posters everywhere to help keep people informed! I really feel that using these ideas will help our club a lot this coming year, and I can hardly wait to put them into effect!


Officers Training Conference

By Sophia Witt During the Officers Training Conference, we learned a lot about our new positions. For those of us who went early, (the Presidents and Secretaries), they showed us a slideshow about how to do MRF’s. There was a lot to learn, but thankfully, Grace and I had done some training with Sue, the week before! After the Monthly Report Training, we had lunch. It was then that we were joined by all the other officers. In all, there were eight of us from Cloverdale. During lunch, Emily, the new Lt. Governor, held a Division Council Meeting. After lunch, we split up into groups with our positions. We learned how to do our specific jobs. All in all, I thought that OTC was worth attending.


Division Leadership Team

Our club is lucky enough to have two members on the 201819 DLT. Anahi Ruiz is the new “Events Coordinator:” She will be in charge of events like the Region Training Conference, Fall Rally and our division’s participation in next year’s District Convention, to name a few of her responsibilities. Miguel Gonzalez is the “Communications Coordinator”. He takes care of the division website, the division Facebook site, messages to members and Kiwanis, and more! We are expecting great things from them on the division level this coming year. Congratulations to both!


Kiwanis Governor’s Visit

Two members helped serve food and sell the “First Dude’s” pins as part of a division-wide service project to help our Kiwanis celebrate the Governor’s visit to Division 32!


Kiwanis One Day for Kids We had members delivering flyers door-to-door on the Wednesday beforehand and we set up a table to share information about the Save the Rain project with those who came to the Plaza for this fabulous Kiwanis event.


What’s Happening With Our

Our efforts since last August have allowed us to authorize a $6,000 check! The chart shows how much of the money came from each of the three clubs in our Cloverdale Kiwanis Family


Save the Rain Project?

Members put in long hours, even since the new Key Club year started on April 15th. In one month, this is what we raised. We were in front of Ray’s with a table. We went to a Chamber Mixer and we attended the Geyserville Kiwanis meeting to tell them about the cause. We also set up the table at Kiwanis One Day and had another table at the Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast.


We sold tickets at a table in front of Ray’s and we helped on the night of the event. sold tickets at a We sold tickets at a table in front of Ray’s and we helped on the night of the event. table in front of Ray’s and we helped on the night of the event.


May Shine Day with the Special Day Class

We decorated Cinco de Mayo masks together


Key Leader Key Leader


By Gonzalo Perez

Key Leader is an event that everyone should experience. There, you get to learn more about yourself and the things that you are capable of doing. There are a variety of different activities where you need to communicate with others, and you learn about what it takes to be a strong member of a team. You are really helped to discover so much more about yourself; and you learn to better use the different types of skills that you have. You get to see all the things that you can do in your life; and you learn that you can change the world, (for real)! Key Leader is an experience that you will never forget if you are lucky enough to attend.


For Teacher Appreciation Week we gave each teacher a personalized thank you note with a candle and piece of candy. Later, that same day, we brought them some lemon meringue pie!


We took the “Elemonate Challenge�, donating $2 each, sucking on lemons and telling the world that we had saved lives with the Eliminate Project!


Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast Members worked hard to bus tables!


























DLT meeting at 6















• Hawaiian theme – Wear Hawaiian ... • Pot Luck – Key Club will provide …. • CHS East Gym • 6:30 p.m. • Bring the whole family –


Recognition …

Awards Night

If you want a beverage

for active members


Social Media



Cloverdale High School Key Club

CHS Key Club QzODMxMDA3NTZa Cloverdale Key Club

Division CNH Division 2032 Key Club

https://www.keyclubregion15.weebly .com

District CyberKey


Co-Presidents Neidi Calvillo Gonzalo Perez

Anahi Ruiz

Co-Secretaries Grace Gloeckner Sophia Witt sophiawitt2@gmailcom

Treasurer Paula Toledo

Co- News Editors Rowan Addison Katelyn Wilson


Vice President

Scrapbook Editor Alexis Sanchez

Co-Webmasters Miguel Gonzalez Alex Visconti


Soaring with Service

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