CNH|KEYCLUB Division 20/32 Division Council Meeting l Minutes
Call to Order at 6:07 by Division Secretary, Sophie Haugen.
Division Secretary, Sophie Haugen, took roll call by school.
Lt. Governor
Harlin Advincula
Region Advisor Secretary
Mrs. Sue Cummins
Sophie Haugen
Santa Rosa
Cardinal Newman Casa Grande
Members 0
Date: November 13, 2015 Time: 6:07 p.m. November DCM
Oakmont Kiwanis Club Cloverdale Kiwanis Club Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club
Advisors 0
Redwood Empire Kiwanis Club
Members 0
Advisors 0
Members 9
Advisors 3
Members 0
Advisors 0
Lower Lake
Members 0
Advisors 0
Members 3
Advisors 0
Maria Carrillo
Members 0
Advisors 0
Petaluma Kiwanis Club Cloverdale Kiwanis Club Healdsburg Kiwanis Club Clear Lake Kiwanis Club Oakmont Kiwanis Club Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club
Members 10
Advisors 0
Redwood Empire Kiwanis Club
Santa Rosa
Members 2
Advisors 0
Sonoma Valley Windsor
Members 0
Advisors 0
Members 2
Advisors 0
Members 0
Advisors 0
Members 0
Advisors 0
Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club Sonoma Plaza Kiwanis Club Windsor Kiwanis Club Humboldt Bay Kiwanis Club Guests 0
Members 0
Advisors 0
Guests 0
Club Reports Cardinal Newman- Absent Casa Grande- Absent
Cloverdale- They have been delivering phone books. They did Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and a Kiwanis take-over meeting. They also celebrated every day of Key Club Week with an appropriate activity. Healdsburg-Absent Humboldt- Absent Lower Lake-Absent Maria Carrillo- Absent McKinleyville- Absent Montgomery- $325 was raised for the women’s shelter. They participated in the Veteran’s Day Parade. They sold food with the “Green Teen” program. They will be decorating a Kiwanian’s shop for Christmas. They worked at the Food Bank. Piner- They did a freaky food fair on Saturday, 15 people planted trees in the park. They sold lollypops for a fundraiser. They will do a bake sale. Santa Rosa- On October 17th they went to the Wwalk for Alzheimer’s”; they had a bake sale at their Kiwanis meeting. They did Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Sonoma Valley- Absent Windsor- For two weeks they made pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness. They sold brownies for PTP. They will be making sack lunches and blankets. 7 members attended a Kiwanis meeting.
Unfinished Business Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF- Mrs. Cummins showed off the Region 15 website and explained how to submit funds to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF so that the funds actually get to the Eliminate cause. Reports on Key Club Weeki. Cloverdale: Monday their members wore Key Club shirts and posted it on social media. On Tuesday they recognized their club advisors and gifted them with posters and candles; also gave snacks to the faculty and delivered cards to businesses. On Wednesday they made sock snowmen for CMN. On Thursday they gifted their Kiwanians with glasses, and went around school spreading kindness through clothespins. On Friday the entire Cloverdale Kiwanis Family got together to celebrate togetherness at a pizza party. ii. Montgomery- Recognized teachers with a sweet candy gift. March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month- Wear purple, support premies! i. The month of November is dedicated to raising awareness for the March of Dimes and doing something to make a difference in the lives of those who have children born prematurely. Kiwanis Family Monthi. Ideas? Hold a park cleanup event with a group celebration. Ice skating or bowling night. Personalized cards. Hold a Board to Board meeting. Group signed poster. Keep it simple but meaningful.
New Business: District Convention presentation- Theme is the “Guardians of Service”. i. Purpose of DCON is to educate members on the ins and outs of Key Club. It builds on basic leadership skills and trains the incoming officers.
ii. DCON is super spirity!! You show up and everyone’s decked out in spirit gear, division t-shirts, face paint, etc. iii. In Sacramento this year! The overall cost is about $340. iv. We’re leaving on Friday morning. We will be traveling to the Kiwanis Family House and Old Town Sacramento that day, before the start of the convention. v. Kiwanians should help out the club members in terms of finances. Chaperone cost is about $420; start planning now so that all club members who want to go can attend! vi. Hotel we’ll be staying at is cost effective, but about 5 miles from the convention center. vii. Saturday involves lots of presentations and workshops, including the election of CNH District officers. That evening there will be a dance. viii. On Sunday we’ll wrap up the convention and head home. ix. Don’t forget to bring extra spending money. x. Even though DCON isn’t until this spring, it’s important to start fundraising now- get organized and check out the website for help if you don’t know where to start. 1. Take advantage of the upcoming holidays, be creative, look into sporting events and setting up booths there, or at school plays. 2. “Make Your Own Sundae” 3. Finals Survival Kits 4. Bake Off 5. Host a Dance (“Senior Dance” for senior citizens) 6. Spirit gear!! (for your school) Sell them to the student body and parents Local Service Winter Projects- Went over handout that Harlin created; it’s all on the website! AAA Recommendations for Decemberi. Sophie presented her monthly slideshow with information about raising your club’s AAR score Division Conclave/LTG Election- Harlin’s term is almost over. Elections are on January 16th; anyone interested in being an LTG candidate should try to an event on December 12th, (in Sacramento), that will give a really clear sense about what it takes to be an LTG. Sophomores and juniors should be checking it out!! i. It’s a truly rewarding experience that is absolutely invaluable; it is highly encouraged. ii. Contact Mrs. Cummins and Harlin Advincula if you’re interested. Next Division Council Meetingi. Flyer is on the website. ii. December 19th at 10 a.m. to noon. iii. Casa Grande is our host for this holiday-themed meeting. iv. We’ll be working on a service project after the DCM.
Adjournment: 7:29 p.m.