November newsletter

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CNH | Key Club Volume 10, Issue 6 | November 2015

What’s inside??? President’s Message……….2 Calendar………………….…3 The Eliminate Project………4-5 Honoring Members…………6-7

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank

Valley Fire Project…………..8 Kiwanis Oktoberfest………...9 Awake-A-Thon……………...10 Fall Rally………………….…..11 Member Orientation………12 Phonebook Deliveries……..13 Key Club Bucks……………..14 Sees……………………………15 Coats for Kids…....................16-17 Key Club Week……………..18-20 Kiwanis Marathon……….…21 March of Dimes……………..22-23 Website……………………….24-25 November 14th Events……..26-27 Shine Day……………………..28 Kiwanis Crab Feed………….29 Kiwanis Bake Auction………30 Secret Santa Pals……………31 Contacts……………………...32

As the season changes our hearts do not, we keep our passion and express ourselves through service. We are Key Clubbers and we love what we do!

Look inside to check out what we’ve been up to during October and discover our plans for the near future

Hello Key Clubbers!! Your wonderful president here with a message…. ♡ The Halloween horror fest has passed. And we gave it meaning beyond just plain fun. We fundraised for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Last week, Key Club Week, was a breeze of fun. Now, for a relaxing month of just..... food. Food is the soul of this month, as well as the Kiwanis Family. This month is dedicated to the Kiwanis Family and how amazing we are. Remember, the Kiwanis Family consists of Key Club, Kiwanis, Builders Club, Aktion Club and K Kids. We are an incredible family of people who care about the world in which we live! So, what do I mean about a “food month”? Well, take a look at most of our service projects; they involve food…. like the Senior Center Craft Faire with chili and cornbread that’s happening this Saturday at lunchtime. And don’t forget the Knights of Columbus Chicken and Polenta Dinner on Saturday night! There’s the March of Dimes Bake Sale on Wednesday, and even Shine Day involves a food project. Make sure to eat lots of great food for me on Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day my fellow friends! Cloverdale Key Club President Jessie Marshall

After a month like October (flip through the next few pages to get a taste of just how busy we were), we need a little downtime! But, even though our calendar isn’t stuffed to the gills, we have some really awesome events planned. It’s the season of giving and a time to be with family, so we’re focusing on club relations and building our Kiwanis Family. With the holidays fast approaching, it’s important that we maintain our values and not let material items get in the way of what really matters during these months.

Below is a message written by one of our very own Kiwanians, Greg Carter, to Kiwanis International, discussing the success of our local Eliminate fundraising efforts over the past few years! Dear Fellow Kiwanians, I'd like to tell you how my little town of Cloverdale (population: 8,738) has pulled together to support The Eliminate Project. On May 5, 2014, the Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale committed to being a Model Club in The Eliminate Project's drive to eradicate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus from the world. Exactly 18 months later, on November 5, 2015, our Board of Directors authorized the final payment to fulfill that pledge, fully 3-1/2 years early! We used a number of fundraising methods to accomplish these. Some notable ones include:   

 

Our Cloverdale High School Key Club has raised and contributed $3,500 to our Kiwanis club's campaign. Kiwanis member (and my wife) Julie Carter has made and sold hundreds of ribbon leis over the past several years, raising approximately $2,000 for Eliminate. Kiwanis member Laurie Kneeland has sold a number of items at her Cloverdale business Mail Center Etc., including scarves (handmade by other Kiwanians), candy, and peanuts, with all proceeds going to The Eliminate Project. Additional support came from our non-profit Foundation's general fund, which is in turn largely funded by our annual Crab Feed. I solicited pledges to The Eliminate Project for my climb of Mt. Fuji in Japan in July of 2014. None of the money collected went to pay my expenses, so all $6,200 went to the Project.

In addition to the $25,000 Model Club contribution from the Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale, other members of our Kiwanis family have made significant contributions before, during, and after our Model Club campaign: 

The Cloverdale High School Key Club has raised and donated $6,050 in addition to the $3,500 given in

support of the Kiwanis Club (above), bringing their total contribution to date to $9,550. Our Key Club

received First Place at the Key Club International Convention in Indianapolis this summer for their Eliminate Project fundraiser under the leadership of club member Maggie Duran and advisor Sue Cummins. Washington School Builders Club (seventh and eighth grade students) has raised approximately $1,140 for The Eliminate Project with help from their faculty advisor Sean Ballard and Kiwanis advisors Julie Carter, Sue Cummins, and David Ojeda.

This makes for a total of $32,190 from the Cloverdale Kiwanis family. A woman of childbearing age can be vaccinated against MNT for $1.80, protecting both her and her yet-to-be-born children. Therefore, with our donations, we have saved or protected at least 17,883 mothers and their children from death. In addition to sharing our accomplishments, I want to thank all of you for the work that you have done, and continue to do, towards The Eliminate Project's great goal. It is with your support and inspiration that Kiwanis family members all over the world are rising to the occasion and saving precious human lives. All the best, Greg Carter Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale 2014-2017 Trustee, Region 15 California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Kiwanis International

The Eliminate Project is a global initiative brought to us by Kiwanis International. The goal of this project is to rid the world of two inter-related diseases called Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. These awful illnesses plague the lives of those in third world countries. Babies born in these places with poor medical facilities are subject to contracting Neonatal Tetanus. It causes the child to be sensitive to light, sound and touch. Every sensory experience is ripped away from the child in an unbearably painful fashion. The child does not survive this disease; and must be placed in a quiet, dark room until death steals it away. The mothers often also contract Maternal Tetanus. The crazy thing about it all is that these two diseases are 100% preventable. For only $1.80, the life of at least one baby can be saved. That money goes to fund a series of three shots and pays for the doctors to go out to these remote locations and educate the people there on how to keep the diseases away from newborn babies and their mothers. The really awesome part about all of our efforts, though, is that pretty much every single penny donated to the cause goes directly to the people in need; almost none of it goes to administrative costs. It’s truly an amazing and inspiring cause and we have been so glad to be part of it for so long. We’re going to keep working until MNT is truly gone from the world.

One service project that several of our members just completed that goes to support the Eliminate cause is Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. On Halloween night some of our Key Clubbers went out to raise funds to save babies (and also get candy in some cases!). Those who came back with their little orange boxes only had good things to say. Cloverdale Key Club has been a proud supporter of the Eliminate Project for several years now, and we intend to see it out through the end of its course, until the entire world is cured of MNT.

Honoring These Members Officer of the Month for September Officer of the Month is awarded to Rose French. As club secretary she has been very active in the club. She attended the Kiwanis DCM in Ukiah, helped at the Food Pantry, the Senior Center Breakfast and logged in 27 hours of service!

Member of the Month For September This Member of the Month is awarded to Jessica Aguirre. What is exciting is that she is a freshman, who is showing great promise and has attended multiple events in the mere 2 months that school has been in session. Jessica has also joined our Board as an Executive Assistant.

Officer of the Month For October This month’s Officer of the Month is awarded to Maggie Duran. She took charge of the Member Orientation event and helped to make it a success. As Vice President she has logged in 28 service hours for the month of October. She is also a member of the Division Leadership Team and was a huge help in planning the Awake-a-Thon to raise money for the PTP cause.

Member of the Month For October For the month of October many of our members were very active, but one member in particular is being awarded the Member of the Month recognition. That member is Atziry Rodriguez. She is being awarded Member of the Month not only for her outstanding efforts of participation, and earning over 30 hours of service this month, but also because she is very enthusiastic about making changes and improving our Key Club.

Carmen Garcia sent off a letter along with our club’s $2,676 donation to the Valley Fire victims. CNH Kiwanis responded with very positive thoughts and wishes! Here are screenshots of the correspondence!!!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day. Our members helped the Kiwanis with set-up and serving food. We also entertained the children with bubble-making.

Awake- A- Thon

On October 9th, Division 32 held an Awake-A-Thon in order to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. It was extremely successful! The evening was filled with fun; we made leis for Fall Rally, played games, watched movies, and ate lots of delicious food. The turnout of members was awesome; we had so many different clubs represented! It was a fantastic bonding experience for everyone who went. Despite the name of the event, many of us did curl up and sleep for a few hours, which was extremely beneficial for getting back to our regular schedules over the weekend. ~Maggie Duran, Vice President

Fall Rally Well, what can I say? My Fall Rally experience is something I will certainly remember. This was my first year going to Fall Rally and I don't regret it, not one bit. I really enjoyed going and I am so glad that I went. I got to spend time with my friends from my club. I was amazed at how much spirit I saw at the rally. There were thousands of Key Clubbers. It was a nice way to celebrate how much we fundraised for the PTP cause. I honestly thought I would be shy if someone was to ask me "How do you feel?" and I thought I would ignore them, but I did the complete opposite of that. I replied and I was surprised about how I didn't care who was around me and who thought it was silly. Fall Rally was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to go next year. ~Atziry Rodriguez, Executive Assistant

Member Orientation This year we had a successful Member Orientation. On October 7th, a few new members and others who have already been in Key Club for longer gathered to learn. The night was started off with an ice cream social and lots of toppings. Then we played a fun ice breaker and activity together. There were also two slideshows and a plethora of knowledge gained. It was a meaty presentation but worth showing up for. Helen went over information regarding our division. Maggie went over contests and all the ways members can compete in district contests. I did a presentation of the K-Family and the structure of our club, division and district. We also went over our spirit cheers and events unique to Key Club. For those of you who didn’t show up, we hope to see you next year! ~Paige Wasniak, Vice President

Phonebook Deliveries Our club has recently completed an ongoing project that has proved to be a challenge over the past few weeks. It certainly had its ups and downs, but the job got done. We delivered phonebooks to parts of Healdsburg and Geyserville. This project is usually taken on during the summer, so our members have more time on their hands to get the job done; however, this year was different. Instead of the usual 3 or 4 day time commitment, we spent over three weeks working away at getting the books out. We owe a huge thank you to Sue and Rick Cummins, two of the most dedicated Kiwanians , for all of their help and generosity of time. Without them, this project wouldn’t have been completed during the time frame we had, and we are truly grateful for that. It’s not an easy job, but along with everything else, we got it done! Other Kiwanis members who helped us were Stephen Bearden and Gene Lile! A big thank you goes to them, too! ~Maggie Duran, Vice President

5373 books delivered!!!

I’ll arrange for your items to be picked up right from your house. All you have to do is sort through your clothes and then contact me with either a call or e-mail.

Key Club Week is celebrated by almost every Key Club around the world. For Key Club Week in Cloverdale, we tried to do something to fit the theme of each day. On Monday, we took a group picture with all of us in our Key Club shirts. We showed our pride in being members of the club! On Tuesday, we appreciated our teachers by putting sticky notes on their doors and giving them cookies and donuts in the morning. We also gave a poster and a pumpkin candle to our Kiwanis and Faculty Advisors. Wednesday saw us making sock snowmen for the closest Children's Miracle Network hospital, during lunch. Then, after school we put out phone books in Healdsburg. Finally, Wednesday night some Key Clubbers went to the annual Builders Club Dinner. Thursday, at the Kiwanis Meeting, we appreciated them by giving them commemorative drinking glasses that said, “Family – Life’s Greatest Blessing”. We also gave a little speech about why we love Kiwanis. On Friday we threw a HUGE K-Family pizza party. We also made sock snowman at the party as a service project. The greatest thing about the party was that we had 11 Builders Clubbers, 12 Key Clubbers and 13 Kiwanis show up! ~Jessie Marshall, President

Members on “Show Your K in Every Way” Day

For “Kudos to the Key Players” Day we created huge thank you posters for both our advisors, put out snacks for the staff and went around town giving personalized thank you cards to businesses that have supported us.

On “Dare to Care” Day we made sock snowmen and caterpillars for the Children’s Miracle Network hospitalized children.

On “Random Acts of Kindness” Day we gave gifts to our Kiwanis and shared inspirational clothespin messages on campus

On “Connect the Ks” Day We held a pizza party at our Kiwanis Advisor’s home. 11 Builders Clubbers, 12 Key Clubbers and 13 Kiwanis showed up! Besides making our own pizzas, we worked together to create more sock snowmen for hospitalized children and we celebrated Rose’s birthday!

On October 18th Kiwanis held their annual Harvest Marathon, starting in nearby Asti. In the event they had 1a 10K run, a half- marathon, and a full marathon. Everything was carefully set for each of the courses. Kiwanis had it to where throughout the courses there were aide stations which supplied the runners with fruits, water, and electrolytes. This is where Cloverdale Key Club came into play. We were asked to have Key Clubbers at the stations. It was a fun time for us, cheering on the runners with cow bells as well as giving them what they needed to keep on going. After we were done Kiwanis set up an area at the finish line to hang out. Anyone and everyone could be there. There was live music, food, drinks, and the best part, a place to sit down and be social. It was a real enjoyable time. ~Marty Beard, Executive Assistant

Kiwanis Marathon

Wednesday, November 11th  This is an annual event that we’ve done for the past 9 years!  We honor March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month this way  We raise money to give to the March of Dimes to help with research and equipment needed to save the lives of babies

We made $99 at the bake sale

Want to help make a difference? Besides raising money, it’s also our job to raise awareness: 1. Wear a purple ribbon to remind people that November 17th is “World Prematurity Awareness Day�. Ribbons were distributed at the November 10th meeting, but you can also get one at the November 17th meeting

Have you visited the club website lately? New to the site:  Updated Home page with recent events featured  Under “About Us”/”Major Service Projects” – a section on the Valley Fire Victims Project  Under “Members”/”Upcoming Events” – a flyer about the November 13th DCM  Under Calendar – an updated November calendar  Under Multimedia – pictures under EVERY category showing us in action at ALL of last month’s activities

Test Your Knowledge of the CHS Website

Visit the site to figure out the answers. Some answers are acronyms

Cloverdale Senior Center 311 N. Main St.

Volunteers are needed:     

At their Holiday Craft Faire Saturday, November 14th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Serving chili and cornbread Get “free lunch”

Knights of Columbus Chicken & Polenta Dinner     

At St. Peters Saturday, November 14th 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Serving food and bussing tables Key Club Bucks - $15 for every 2 hours

November Shine Day  Monday, November 23rd  Room 5  Lunchtime

In celebration of Thanksgiving we’ll be making mini-turkey pops and sharing pumpkin pie!

Get ready!  Saturday, December 5th  Need students to help with set up from 9 a.m. – noon 

ALL members are needed to help serve from 4:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Annual X-Mas Bake Auction  Bring one or more items, nicely displayed  Kiwanis will bid on them  ALL funds you earn will go into your Key Club Bucks account - so you can use them for trips like DCON or Key Leader…… or for service!

Happening at the December 10th Kiwanis meeting

Some of last year’s bake auction items

Be a Secret Santa Pal  Gift exchange is on Thursday, December 10th at the Kiwanis meeting  Sign-ups will be at the November 24th Key Club meeting  Gifts should be around $10 in value  You’ll get a list of things you can buy for your pal  You’ll also create a list of things that you would like to be given

If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, contact one of our officers! Position




Jessie Marshall

Vice President

Maggie Duran

Vice President

Helen Hernandez

Vice President

Paige Wasniak


Rose French


Alayna Lorence

Scrapbook Editor

Lilian Bearden


Bailey Creager

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for next month’s issue which will be feature upcoming officer elections!

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