News Editor Training Manual

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Officer Training News Editors Basic knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure from the perspective of a person in the audience of a meeting General expectations of all officers of Key Club o o o o

Attendance at meetings Participation in events Role model for other members Knowledge of, and participation in, Key Club activities beyond CHS

Key Club Contact outside CHS o o o o

Contact with Division 32 Contact with Lt. Governor Attending DCM’s Getting together with other Key Clubs/Interclubs

Agreement to Serve Forms o What are the guidelines?

Bonds with our Kiwanis Club Newsletter Components o Title Page o Table of Contents o Messages o Photos o Graphics & Page Layouts o Required Content o Expected Content Newsletter Guidelines o Guide from International o Photos/CHN Graphics Standards Guide o International Branding Guide o Graphics Design 101 o Writing Effective Articles o CNH Newsletter Contest Guidelines o Checking out other Distinguished Newsletters


Officer Training Manual News Editors 2019-20

Parliamentary Procedure Over-view

When action is required: ▪ Someone other than the presiding officer must make a motion by saying, “I move that…..”. The motion should include specifics. The secretary must record the motion exactly as stated and include the name of the person who made the motion. ▪ The presiding officer must ask for a “second”. The secretary does not have to record who seconded the motion, but MUST record that is was seconded. ▪ If discussion occurred before the motion was made, as often happens, the presiding officer is still required to ask, “Is there any further discussion?” ▪ There may or may not be discussion at this point. When discussion is finished, the presiding officer must say, “Then we will proceed to vote.” ▪ Most times you can use a “voice” vote. But, if the issue is important or discussion seems to indicate mixed feelings in the group, then take a hand count. If a hand count is taken, the secretary MUST record the number of votes in favor and/or against. ▪ When taking a vote say, “All those in favor please signify by saying ‘yes’. Those opposed say, ‘no’”. The presiding officer should ALWAYS clearly repeat the motion before taking the vote, to make sure that everyone understands the issue on which they are voting. ▪ The presiding officer MUST say, “Motion is passed.” Or “Motion denied.”, if it doesn’t pass. The secretary MUST record one or the other in the minutes. ▪ Things get complicated when making an amendment. The best thing to do is….. before making your original motion, make sure that the motion includes the details you consider important, ones that you have more or less already agreed upon.

General Expectations: • Meeting Attendance – at least 80%/ both lunchtime and Board • Participation at events – Do as many as possible / the members notice when a Board member sets a poor example/ but there is no hard and fast rule…this is important, though • Role model for other members – good example in character / includes social media / also goes back to the previous…be at events and activities • Knowledge of & participation in Key Club beyond CHS – attend Division Council Meetings – supposed to go to 6 out of 10 over the course of the year.


General Officer Guidelines CNH District Club Meetings: • Attend 80% of all club general meetings. Board Meetings: • Attend 80% of all club executive Board meetings. Board meetings should be held at least once a month. Division Council Meetings: • Attend a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings. Kiwanis Meetings: • Attend a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meeting and/or attend a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings. Training Conference: • Attend the Officers Training Conference and/or the Region Training Conference. Officer Workshop: • Attend the appropriate officer workshop at District Convention, Officer Training Conference and/or Region Training Conference.

Contact with Other D32 Clubs LTG: • Miguel Gonzalez

Region Advisor: • Tricia Shindledecker

Clubs: Cardinal Newman

Andy Hall

Casa Grande

Francesca Smith


Dick Bugarske

Lower Lake

Joan Mingori


Maria Carrillo

Katie Ruppe


Tricia Shindledecker


Ed Christensen

Santa Rosa

Stan Borges

Sonoma Valley

Kathy Richards


Allan Kuba

Kiwanis Connections It is important to maintain a positive Kiwanis connection: • You MUST attend a minimum of 3 Kiwanis meetings over the course of the year. o That’s a guideline from CNH Key Club. o Actually, we prefer MUCH more than that! o We want you to begin to know the Kiwanis members as mentors and friends • You MUST make as much effort as possible to help at as MANY Kiwanis events & activities as possible. Typical ones include: o Kiwanis One Day – Saturday, April 18, 2020; help can also be with distributing flyers to homes in the week before the event o Mother’s Day Breakfast –Sunday, May 10th. Set-up the night before. o Food Pantry – (When school is out – on Fridays between 1 and 3 p.m.) – August, December and April o Oktoberfest –Saturday, October 5th o Kiwanis Marathon – Sunday, October 20th o Kiwanis Crab Feed –Saturday, December 7th o Kiwanis Division Meetings – On Saturdays, usually in June, September, November, January and March

Title Page 

Required components are: • Banner/masthead: name and address of the school, issue number/month of publication

Use of picture • It can fill the page up to the top, or stop at a solid masthead • It should be an action shot, if at all possible

Use Key Club Emblem  Use a graphic specific to the school  Use a designated newsletter title for ALL issues  Use a newsletter theme specific to each issue 

Table of Contents 

The information in the box is updated at the very end, because changes are made up until the document if put into pdf format for publication It should be a two-page spread with a picture going across both pages • It is preferred that the picture be an action shot

Use “transparency” for the box, so the picture shows through. Page numbers are necessary

Messages A President’s Message is required for each newsletter  Other messages are recommended. They can be from other officers, or even from a Kiwanis member  Pictures of the people should be taken and a photoshop program should be used to clear them from any background  If possible, the pictures should be a dramatic component of the page(s) 

• If you haven’t learned how to use a photoshop program, we need to do some training on those skills • One such program is “Adobe Photoshop”; but it is expensive to purchase • We need to explore various options for use of this and other programs

Photos 

Photo taking and photo preparation for the newsletters…how are we going to do this without dependence on Sue being at all events?

Having posed shots vs. action shots???

Graphics & Page Layouts

If Soaring with Service is the name of all our newsletters – we need to have eagle images throughout We need to make sure that we use appropriate graphics to depict the theme of each newsletter We also need to use appropriate graphics to depict the particular themes of specific pages

Page layouts need to be varied  There are numerous and exciting backgrounds online 

o Go to “Google Images” o Type in “page backgrounds” o Explore other backgrounds specific to a page theme

Vary two-page spreads with single page ones  Don’t be afraid to use blocks of clear space to create designs that focus the eyes on things that are important. (Look 

through other award-winning newsletters to get ideas on how to block out pages.)

Make sure that titles are as large as they can be  If the pages tell about a past event, make sure there is some kind of “article” describing what happened. (If one hasn’t 

been written, then write one yourself.)(Paragraphs must be right justified.)

Required Content

President’s remarks, “fun” articles, calendar of upcoming/recent events, officer contact info Promotion of Key Club organization, (education, history, facts, information) Promotion of the Kiwanis Family, (education on all branches and programs) Features diversities of members and perspectives in the club without bias

More Guidelines About Content

Appropriate and useful content o Priority to club and division updates, events, special features, meetings, activities, etc. o Timeliness of information is important o Should include division, region, district, international updates o Should be relevant and accurate

Timeliness of information o Recognize past events o Advertise current events o Promote future events

Copyrighted materials may not be used

Expected Content

Both Member and Officer of the Month pages How to connect with Key Club social media, both local and beyond Pictures of officers and an officer contact page A “thank you” page that ends up being a “back page” in the magazine format

Use a photoshop program to remove extraneous views from photos, to alter lighting contrasts, etc. Pictures do not always come to the editor having been correctly taken or framed.

Do NOT “dump� pictures into the newsletter without first having edited or cropped them!

You can find useful templates on the CNH website under “Resources”

Pages are visually interesting. Each one takes considerable time to create. Plan an at least one hour per page!

Clubs that received Distinguished Newsletter status in 2018 and whose newsletters we might want to study: • • • • •

Gretchen Whitney Western High School Glen A Wilson (division news) Piedmont Hills (division news) Kauai (division news)

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