Secretary Training Manual

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Officer Training Secretary Basic knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure from the perspective of a person taking minutes General expectations of all officers of Key Club o Attendance at meetings o Participation in events/DCMs o Role model for other members o Knowledge of, and participation in, Key Club activities beyond CHS Agreement to Serve Forms Secretary Manuals Minutes o Taking minutes o Making the minutes available to the members Member database o Most efficient way to do it o Sharing with members Monthly Report Forms o Deadline by 4th of month o Completing the form Club Directory/Roster o File officers with Key Club International and with CNH and with LTG o Regular updating on the MRF o Prepare for website o Distribute to members Club Correspondence Kiwanis connection o Local meetings o Local service projects o Division meetings and activities Region Training Conference Distinguished Secretary o Application o Time needed to create application

CNH I K E Y C L U B Cloverdale High School

Officer Training Manual Secretary 2019-20

Parliamentary Procedure Over-view

When action is required: ▪ Someone other than the presiding officer must make a motion by saying, “I move that…..”. The motion should include specifics. The secretary must record the motion exactly as stated and include the name of the person who made the motion. ▪ The presiding officer must ask for a “second”. The secretary does not have to record who seconded the motion, but MUST record that is was seconded. ▪ If discussion occurred before the motion was made, as often happens, the presiding officer is still required to ask, “Is there any further discussion?” ▪ There may or may not be discussion at this point. When discussion is finished, the presiding officer must say, “Then we will proceed to vote.” ▪ Most times you can use a “voice” vote. But, if the issue is important or discussion seems to indicate mixed feelings in the group, then take a hand count. If a hand count is taken, the secretary MUST record the number of votes in favor and/or against. ▪ When taking a vote say, “All those in favor please signify by saying ‘yes’. Those opposed say, ‘no’”. The presiding officer should ALWAYS clearly repeat the motion before taking the vote, to make sure that everyone understands the issue on which they are voting. ▪ The presiding officer MUST say, “Motion is passed.” Or “Motion denied.”, if it doesn’t pass. The secretary MUST record one or the other in the minutes. ▪ Things get complicated when making an amendment. The best thing to do is….. before making your original motion, make sure that the motion includes the details you consider important, ones that you have more or less already agreed upon.

General Expectations: • Meeting Attendance – at least 80%/ both lunchtime and Board • Participation at events – Do as many as possible / the members notice when a Board member sets a poor example/ but there is no hard and fast rule…this is important, though • Role model for other members – good example in character / includes social media / also goes back to the previous…be at events and activities • Knowledge of & participation in Key Club beyond CHS – attend Division Council Meetings – supposed to go to 6 out of 10.


General Officer Guidelines CNH District Club Meetings: • Attend 80% of all club general meetings. Board Meetings: • Attend 80% of all club executive board meetings. Should hold one Board meeting each month. Division Council Meetings: • Attend a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings. Kiwanis Meetings: • Attend a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meeting and/or attend a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings. Training Conference: • Attend the Officers Training Conference and/or the Region Training Conference. Officer Workshop: • Attend the appropriate officer workshop at District Convention, Officer Training Conference and/or Region Training Conference.

Contact with Other D32 Clubs LTG: • Miguel Gonzalez

Region Advisor: • Tricia Shindledecker

Clubs: Cardinal Newman

Andy Hall

Casa Grande

Francesca Smith


Dick Bugarske

Lower Lake

Joan Mingori


Maria Carrillo

Katie Ruppe


Tricia Shindledecker


Ed Christensen

Santa Rosa

Stan Borges

Sonoma Valley

Kathy Richards


Allan Kuba


Minutes C Typical NH | Template KEY CLUB

Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International March 20, 2018 1. Call to Order:

12:57 p.m.

Adjournment: 1:16 p.m.

a. Meeting led by

Anahi Ruiz

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Gonzalo Perez

c. Key Club Pledge

Neidi Calvillo

d. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Minutes – The minutes were dispensed with. 4. Treasurer’s Report- The Treasurer’s Report was dispensed with. 5. Unfinished Business a. Save the Rain i. Go to Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce meeting on Thursday, March 22nd – Gaby ii. Sell tickets in Front of Ray’s when? - Sign up sheet is going around and we highly suggest that people who still need Key Club Bucks to sign up. b. Mandatory DCON meeting- Members who missed it must contact Annaleigh and set up a meeting with her. c. DCON information- sign-up/permission sheet must be signed by ALL your teachers and its due next Thursday 6. New Business a. Special Kiwanis One Day committee meeting- Meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at Papa’s Pizza b. Kiwanis meetings left in March- Two meetings left in March c. Shine Day- Match 21st and we will be doing an Easter Egg Hunt d. Division Banquet- This Saturday, March 24th and members and officers will be getting recognition. e. Cloverdale Food Pantry- April 6th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. f. Board Meeting- Wednesday at 6 p.m. @ Starbucks g. Next week’s meeting- Only DCON attendees 7. Adjournment: 1:16 p.m.

Minutes Approved by Club President

Anahi Ruiz

Minutes Approved by Club Secretary

Gabriela Gaona

Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins

Attendance Attendance for this Club meeting was completed by______Gabriela Gaona (Attached sign in sheet of members’ attendance.)

Typical Template for taking minutes: • Items in red will need to be typed in by you • It’s important to get ALL details, including names of volunteers, times and locations of events, etc. • Write in complete sentences, if possible • If the Minutes are published, “The minutes stand approved as read.” • If the Treasurer’s Report is published, “The balance on hand was $????”.

CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club Board Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International June 5, 2017 1. Call to Order:

Don’t forget to fill this in at the end of the meeting!

8:31 p.m.

a. Meeting led by


Adjournment: Anahi Ruiz__

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Dispensed With

c. Key Club Pledge

Dispensed With

d. Introduction of Guests e. Quorum Present

10:00 p.m.


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet


Remember to change these names, if needed IF WE HAVE ANY GUESTS… their names go here

Leave this as “Yes” & it will be changed if a quorum is not present!

3. The minutes from the previous Board meeting were approved as read.

Can also say, “were dispensed with” or “were approved as corrected”

4. The Treasurer’s Report had a balance on hand of $1,095.34. You must get the paperwork from 5. Unfinished Business

Cristina and change this every time! Can also say, “was dispensed with”.

a. ICON reimbursementi. Rory moved that we reimburse Sue Cummins $870 for money she “fronted” for the ICON trip. It was seconded and passed.

Wording HAS to be EXACTLY as said

b. Club yearbook- We should start fundraising for it earlier on in the year. We should also have specific fundraisers that are labeled for use on purchasing the yearbook.

Names of “volunteers” are IMPORTANT

c. OTC- Non-attendees must train with Sue. Those include are Neidi, Alyssa, and Cristina. Neidi and Alyssa must be trained together. 3-4 hours for club training and another 1+ hours for OTC training. d. 8th Grade Promotion fundraiser for the Eliminate Project -Good idea and we definitely should continue doing it in future years. e. Grocery Outlet project on June 10th- Need to notify members and ask if they can come help. Need to know ASAP, just in case we can’t fulfill our duty; therefore we’d have enough time to notify Grocery Outlet. 6. New Business

Details of discussions are important to include

Include details, and write in complete sentences/thoughts

a. Kiwanis meeting on June 29th- Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Whole Board is asked to go to this meeting in order to introduce themselves.

Minutes will be distributed right after a meeting to remind members of decisions… things like deadlines should be included

b. Division t-shirt contest- Cristina has an idea in mind. The deadline is Friday, June 23rd. c. DCM on June 24th- Fundraising in advance for the Eliminate Project – we might try donation jars in front of Rays and CVS on the 19th & 20th. We’ll be taking whatever money we raise to the DCM. Each member is also asked to bring $5 for the Color Run being held to raise money for the Eliminate Project. d. Board over-night- June 27th & starts @ 3 p.m. People who need training must get trained before they Again, the more details, the better!

can attend. Executive Assistants are asked to also be there. Bring a swim suit and towel and overnight items. Dinner will be served. We’ll meet, then eat and swim, then meet again and then have fun. e. July DCM on July 15th – we’re hosting it. i. Rory moved and it was seconded to reimburse Sue Cummins $50 for the picnic site. The

“Bulleting” is a good way to clarify important decisions

motion was passed. ii. Service project- We need to contact Rangers and ask them about doing a clean-up. iii. Food- We decided on sandwiches and picnic food. We’ll ask members to bring something.

Don’t hesitate to stop discussion to clarify names and other details

f. Speaker- might call Gail Chadwin who is with the Seeds of Learning organization. g. Club newsletter- Vice Presidents are responsible. Each member signed up to write articles Division newsletter- Articles need to be done by June 7th. Some of the articles due for the club newsletter will be used for the division newsletter. h. June calendari. Rory moved and it was seconded and passed to approve the June calendar as presented. i. Club Websitei. We will no longer reimburse Rory $25 for the software, as we decided not to purchase it. But, everything else stands as was decided at our last Board meeting. Website looks dope. ii. Who’s going to help Rory?- Andreina and Gaby can help. Actual signatures are requited. You are

iii. Rory will download the website onto a flash drive just inresponsible case someone messes for getting themit up. 7. Adjournment at: 10:00 p.m. 8. Minutes Approved by Club President 9. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 10.

Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by Gabriela Gaona *This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only.

Officers President

Anahi Ruiz


This portion of the document is only required for Board meetings. It will change at each meeting,

Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer Webmaster Assistants

Neidi Calvillo Gaby Gaona Cristina Cardenas Rory Kluesener Rowan Addison Andreina Inda Sebastian Ley

Advisors Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

Sue Cummins Stephen Bearden


Jessica Aguirre

Google Classroom for Distributing Minutes

Any suggestions for changes to make to the current system?

1. 2.

Member Databases


Buzz Beehive




CUSD ReClassification

Kiwanis One Day


Copy/Paste from Roster Ex

MOD Dime Wars

April Shine Day


March for Babies

Membership Service Record


Total Service


Addision, Rowan




Aguirre, Jessica




Alcantar, Anahi




Calvillo, Neidi




Cardenas, Cristina




Gaona, Gabriela




Gaylor, Alyssa




Gehres, Evan




Gonzales, Marlen




5 1 1




Gonzales, Miguel




Inda, Andreina





Johnson, Emma




Kluesener, Rory




Ley, Sebastian




Pena, Deysi




Rodriguez, Stefania





Ruiz, Anahi





Ruiz, Liz




Ruiz, Uziel




Ruiz, Yatziri




Sanchez, Alexis




Smith, Caden




Vargas, Erika










• In April, record all members’ names on the Club/Roster file of the MRF. • The names will automatically transfer to the Service Record file. • Then record all service projects that are on the advisor database given to you • No service done to benefit the members is recordable on this service record

• Below is an example of the advisor database which is created each month • There are several columns on the left that are nontransferable to the MRF Service Record. They are “service to the members”, which we count for the school service record, but it’s not allowed as countable for the Key Club Service Record • The only things transferable are those with a “colored” heading

Name Addison, Rowan Aguirre, Jessica Bishop, Amber Calvillo, Neidi Cardenas, Cristina Driver, Catherine Eufrarier, Cristian Gaona, Gaby Gaylor, Alyssa Gloeckner, Grace Gonzalez, Miguel Gonzalez, Yanahi Guerrro, Sebastian Inda, Andreina Klusener, Rory Ley, Sebastian Lindelof, Ruby Morgan, Tucker Pena, Deysi Perez, Gonzalo Piazza, Matthew Rodriguez, Stefania Rosas, Serafin Ruiz, Anahi Ruiz, Liz Ruiz, Uziel Ruiz, Yatziri Sanchez, Alexis Sullivan, Lilli Toledo, Paula Visconti, Alex Wilson, Katelyn Witt, Sophia


Div Wk









DCON mtg











1 1





2 2

2 2

24 24




1 1 1 1


1 1




1 1








2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

24 24 24 24

1 1 1 1 1 1





2 2




Total 29 0 0 29 0 0 1 31 0 29 33 5 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 29 3 0 0 35 0 0 0 36 1 31 31 29 29

For the Website

A “screenshot� is taken of the Monthly Report Form Service Record data and put into a template

A cumulative record is also shared, Both records are posted once-a-month on the club website.

Ideas for sharing the database more effectively and frequently?

1. 2. 3.

Monthly Report Forms: • Must be completed by midnight of the fourth of each month and sent to an advisor for editing. Then they are sent on to the LTG, the Region Advisor, the Kiwanis Secretary, the club President(s) and all club Advisors…plus a carbon copy is sent to yourself. • Included should be: o The two pages that summarize the month’s activities o Changes to the Club Roster/Directory o The Service Record for that month • The very first MFR of the year must include: o Task 1 o The Club Roster/Directory o The first Service Record report o The Club Elections report o And April’s report

• This chart is completed the first month of the new year, which is April – in time to be turned in by May 4th • When members graduate, they are still listed for the rest of the Key Club year, until the next March • Graduates are actually considered “official” members until 2 weeks AFTER ICON • Members joining after April are added at the end of the roster; and should be continued to be added, each month, as they join

An officer directory MUST be filed with the CNH organization by using the link on the CyberKey

Visit: Go to “Members” Tab Go to “Officers/Secretary” and look for the bar shown above. Be prepared with information about each officer to share – email addresses, phone numbers, etc.

An officer directory MUST be filed with the Lt. Governor. Sometimes, this is an online process. Sometimes, you’ll need to send a list. Again, phone numbers and email addresses will usually be needed.

Miguel Gonzalez •

Club Correspondence All official correspondence should be done on club letterhead. The following are a couple of examples of letterhead that you could create. You can make your own letterhead by going to the CyberKey at • Click on the “Resources” tab at the top of the page. Scroll down to “The Hive”. Click on that and find “Graphics”. All elements of the Key Club graphics are at that location. • This allows you to create your own documents to YOUR preference. What kinds of correspondence would require official letterhead? • Anything sent to a business • Any requests for financial help • Possibly something sent to your Kiwanis Club • Something given to your Faculty or Principal

The Secretary should write “Thank You” notes on a regular basis!

Who Should Receive a Thank You note:

• Anyone or any organization that donates money to the club • Anyone or any organization that requests our services – thank them for the opportunity to serve them • Anyone of any organization that provides a service for us • Anyone who comes to speak at a meeting • Anyone who volunteers to assist us in any way

Kiwanis Connections It is important to maintain a positive Kiwanis connection: • You MUST attend a minimum of 3 Kiwanis meetings over the course of the year. o That’s a guideline from CNH Key Club. o Actually, we prefer MUCH more than that! o We want you to begin to know the Kiwanis members as mentors and friends • You MUST make as much effort as possible to help at as MANY Kiwanis events & activities as possible. Typical ones include: o Kiwanis One Day – Saturday, April 18, 2020; help can also be with distributing flyers to homes in the week before the event o Mother’s Day Breakfast –Sunday, May 10th. Set-up the night before. o Food Pantry – (When school is out – on Fridays between 1 and 3 p.m.) – August, December and April o Oktoberfest –Saturday, October 5th o Kiwanis Marathon – Sunday, October 20th o Kiwanis Crab Feed –Saturday, December 7th o Kiwanis Division Meetings – On Saturdays, usually in June, September, November, January and March

Region Training Conference • Plan to attend • It’s usually either the third of fourth Saturday of September • It’s an important event planned by the division and provides general training for all members, as well as officers September 21, 2019

Distinguished Secretary • Only one member from a club can apply for a Distinguished Secretary application • If there are two people sharing the job, the second should apply for a Distinguished Vice President position, with an emphasis on assisting the club Secretary • The criteria for Distinguished VP are very different, and should be carefully examined before making a decision • If one person wishes to apply, the following criteria should be studied; and that Secretary should take charge of the tasks outlined. • Regardless of who chooses to be the “Lead Secretary”, ALL club officers are asked to meet the international minimum of 50 service hours per year/5 per month, minimum. (This record does NOT include service to members).

CNH | KEY CLUB Secretary Contest

SUBMISSION OVERVIEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE E-mail by Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS TO: Subject: Secretary Contest Body Text: State your full name (First, Last), Region (R##), Division (D##), Club full name and number (H#####) CC: Copy yourself

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Secretary Contest is a district contest. Eligible applicants must complete the application, as explained in the guidelines, and submit it to the CNH Contest Archive for judging. At District Convention 2017, Distinguished contest winners will be announced. Read the Secretary Contest guidelines. Fill out the “Officer Checklist” if you plan to apply for this award. If you plan on applying for Outstanding or Distinguished Secretary, you must develop an EPortfolio that consists of a cover page, Officer Checklist, Nomination Form, & supporting documentation. E-mail the “Officer Checklist” OR E-Portfolio to the CNH Contest Archive ( Submissions must be received by Wednesday, February 22nd, 201

SECRETARY CONTEST GUIDELINES RULES GOVERNING THE CNH KEY CLUB SECRETARYAWARD The CNH Key Club Secretary Award shall provide recognition to Secretaries who have provided commendable service to others.

(1) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures (E-Signatures) by the applicant and the Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for

(2) (3)

(4) (5) (6) (7)

this application are defined as names and contact information provided on the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. (Programs to use: Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: • Include only the best samples of documentation • Compress all photos and files before use • Compress the final file Suitable awards will be presented. The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or rE-judging will take places after the judges and the Member Recognition Chair have certified the results. LEVEL 1: APPRECIATION requires the completion and submission of the Secretary Checklist. At this level, the applicant may not have completed all of the required tasks all of the required tasks listed on the checklist for Outstanding recognition. • Save as a PDF. Label the file Appreciation Secretary_LastNameFirstName LEVEL 2: OUTSTANDING and LEVEL 3. Distinguished: requires the completion and submission of the E-Portfolio, which must include the completed Checklist. At this level, the applicant has to have completed all of the required tasks listed on the checklist for outstanding recognition. Level of recognition will be determined by judging. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below. • The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. o It may not exceed 10MB. o It may not exceed 54 pages total. • Save as a PDF. Label the file: Secretary_ LastNameFirstName • All required items for the E-Portfolio are listed on Page 2.

CNH District Member Recognition Committee

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Michelle Ng | Member Recognition Chair |

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest

SECRETARY CONTEST GUIDELINES 1. Cover Page Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No


Form Provided a. Name of Nominee b. Position and Term c. Home Club, Division, and Region d. Picture of Applicant Nomination Form Page Limit: 2 a. Name of Nominee b. Home Club, Club Number, Division, and Region c. Name of Nominator d. Table of Contents e. Statement of Nomination | Word Limit: 1,000

7. Monthly Report Forms Page Limit: 10 a.


A DIVIDER (Page Limit: 1) is required for the sections listed below (3-10). It should include the following information: a. b.

Section Title Personal Reflection: includes assessment of personal growth, accomplishments, explanation of section, list of evidence not included within the section, or other details that may assist judges in determining scoring.

3. Letter(s) of Recommendation Page Limit: 3 a.

4. 5.


These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club Secretary, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Secretary Checklist Page Limit: 1 a. The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary E-Signatures and contact information. Proof of Attendance Page Limit: 3 a. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. b. Make sure that this form is certified by the President, Secretary, or Advisor. Club Directory Page Limit: 5 a. Secretaries are responsible for the creation of the club’s overall directory, as well as supplemental directories. b. Please be sure to include the full directory and any other directories that were used for special events or committees.



Secretaries compile an Excel Report Form and submit it to their respective Lt. Governors on a monthly basis. b. Please be sure to include at least one sample report from each quarter. Quarter 1: April-May-June Quarter 2: July-August-September Quarter 3: October-November-December Quarter 4: January-February-March Minutes Page Limit: 10 a. The Secretary’s duty is to record minutes at all executive board and general meetings. b. Please include at least one sample of each type of meeting minutes from each quarter. Quarter 1: April-May-June Quarter 2: July-August-September Quarter 3: October-November-December Quarter 4: January-February-March Communication Page Limit: 5 a. This section must focus on your communication with the members, club, division, district, and Advisors. Sample E-mails, letters, and so forth may be utilized. Miscellaneous Page Limit: 5 a. This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club Secretary.

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 10. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Graphic Standards.

CNH District Member Recognition Committee

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Michelle Ng | Member Recognition Chair |


District Contest


How do I receive E-Signatures? Send an email to prospective people from whom you would like to receive signatures, asking permission whether you may include their names as proof of your efforts. After their approval, you may input their names. There is no physical signature. It is the typed name and contact information of the necessary individual.


What does “CC:” mean? CC stands for “carbon copy.” To carbon copy is to send an identical E-mail to the given recipient without the other recipients knowing. By clicking the button with the letters “CC” on it while sending an email out, you will be able to type in the address to which you would like to send a carbon copy—in this case, your own.


On what application do I make the E-Portfolio and how do I convert it to a PDF file? Microsoft Word is a good application to use; you can also use Publisher and PowerPoint. When saving a file in Microsoft Word 2007, go to “Save As,” and you will see the PDF option.

4. 5.

If your version does not have this function, your E-Portfolio is all complete on a Word DOC. Use a PDF file converter online to convert your Word Doc E-Portfolio to a PDF E-Portfolio. You can use this website to do so: How do I merge two or more separate PDF files into one? Use online applications, such as How do I compress PDFs and photos? PDF’s: Photos: (Keep in mind that a “JPEG” photo is already small enough and would not need any compressions).

CNH District Member Recognition Committee

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Michelle Ng | Member Recognition Chair |


District Contest


What is the difference between APPRECIATION, OUTSTANDING, and DISTINGUISHED Recognition? The only requirement necessary for the submission of Appreciation is the check list. For Appreciation, not all tasks are required to be checked off. For Outstanding and Distinguished, you must complete the E-Portfolio, which includes the checklist.


What do I write in the DIVIDERS? Focus on your growth, problems, achievements, and learning moments in each of the categories. It is a page dedicated to personal reflection, so there is no strict format.


From whom do I receive letters of recommendation? Anyone who has seen your growth and efforts in your Key Club term will be an adequate person to write the recommendation. It may be a Faculty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, another club officer, your Lieutenant Governor, or any other person who can vouch for your efforts in Key Club.


How do I showcase E-mails in COMMUNICATION? Use the screenshot functions on your computer. A keyboard should have a key with the words, "PrtScr" or some variation of it, which you can use to screenshot. Go to the email, screenshot it, crop out any unnecessary parts of the picture, and paste it onto your document. You can scan letters and paste them to your document as well. If you are on a Mac, press the keys “command,” “shift,” and “4” simultaneously to select which area of the screen you wish to screenshot. The image should appear on your desktop.

or 10. How do I transfer the forms provided on this file, such as the Nomination Form or the Proof of Attendance, to my E-Portfolio? You can download a PDF converter at that allows you to “print” pages into PDF format. With this tool, you can select specific pages in a document, such as the page of the Nomination Form, to individually transfer to PDF format. 11. Do all the sections of the portfolio need to utilize graphic standards? All of the pages that you make on your own need to utilize graphic standards. These include the Cover Page, the Dividers, the Minutes (for both executive board and general meetings), the Letters of Recommendation, and any documents you may include in the “Miscellaneous” section. This means that the appropriate fonts, colors, and graphics must be utilized throughout your E-Portfolio. A guide to Key Club graphic standards can be found at 12. For the Certification of Originality where I need to get E-Signatures, what if my Kiwanis Advisor is also the Kiwanis Lt. Governor? Do I put his/her name twice? No, only put that person’s name once if he/she happens to fill both those positions. You will need to find another individual (either the Faculty Advisor or Key Club Lt. Governor) to provide his/her E-Signature.

CNH District Member Recognition Committee

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Michelle Ng | Member Recognition Chair |

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 13. For the Club Directory, can I use the document I refer to whenever I update member hours, or is a club directory specifically the contact information and graduation year, etc.? As a Secretary, there is a tab on your club MRF specifically for the official club directory. Directories should list the names, general information (graduation year, best method of contact, Key Club member number, paid dues, etc.), and contact information (phone number, E-mail address, home address, etc.) for each member of the club. 14. In that last answer, Key Club member number was mentioned. What is that, and how do I find it? A Key Club member number is the ID number for each member of Key Club International. These can be found on the Membership Update Center, or MUC, as well as on Key Club membership ID cards if members have one. The club Treasurer and Advisor should have access to the MUC, so you must work with them to learn the member numbers and put them on your Club Directory.

CNH District Member Recognition Committee

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Michelle Ng | Member Recognition Chair |

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest


This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Appreciation, Outstanding, or Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.


Nominee Name: Helen Hernandez Key Club: Cloverdale Club #: H91896 District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division: 32

Region: 15



Club Standards HH HH HH

Membership: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues


Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster Club Monthly Reports: Completed a minimum of eight (8) Monthly Report Forms and submitted forms on time by the 5th of the month to the Key Club Lieutenant Governor, sponsoring Kiwanis Club, and home club Records: Recorded and filed minutes of club general meetings Records: Recorded and filed minutes of club board meetings Election Results: Completed the Annual Club Elections Form and submitted the form to the Key Club Lieutenant Governor and sponsoring Kiwanis club Club Officer Information: Completed the online club information form for club officers, Advisors, and meeting information, made available on the CNH CyberKey

Work Accomplishments


Attendance HH HH HH HH HH HH

Club Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or Region Training Conference Secretary Workshop: Attended the Secretary Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, Officer Training Conference, or Region Training Conference

CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Member Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person. *You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items.* INITIALS



Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor Key Club Lt. Governor Kiwanis Lt. Governor



Sue Cummins Stephen Bearden


707-591-3235 7-7-480-7545

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest


Nominee Name: Nominated By: Key Club: Club #: District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division:


TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10



1 2 Letter(s) of Recommendation Secretary Checklist Proof of Attendance Club Directory Monthly Report Forms Minutes Communication Miscellaneous


Why should this Secretary be recognized? Word Limit: 1,000


District Contest


District Contest

It takes about 30 hours to put together a Distinguished Secretary application. Applications are usually due around February 10th. It’s a good idea to start working on an application during the summer, and then again during Christmas break. Time needs to be set aside in January and early February to complete an application.


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